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Jarrell Davis



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The party continues their investigation into the scarecrows in the undercliffs village. They encounter a drow in the tavern and learn about shady moneylenders in Waterdeep. Lady Darkwood shares her story and offers them a snack before they leave. Marcus discovers a book with a healing potion recipe. Lady Darkwood seems hospitable but doesn't want them to look at her bookshelf. She offers them her cart to return to the village. Oh Yeah, I know y'all like anyway, oh, I like his icon though Yeah So, all right everyone logged in and whatnot Yep This way We can see if you logged in or not Hurry, I'm on them. Yeah, we're kissing it It's TJ that's not logged in I don't see He's also on mute If everyone's ready I can start with the recap In our last session majority of the party woke up in the undercliffs village in a tavern and You guys all went downstairs to continue your investigation into these scarecrows Examining the room Marcus immediately noticed a drow among the morning crowd and Finding this unusual compared to his experience and boulders gate He immediately went over and started talking to this drow The drow was not very receptive to any of his questions Nor did it answer any of them? And Sallisa had to drag her party member away reminding him that he can't just annoyed patrons of the tavern After a quick meal the party left the tavern headed to the post office to send a letter to get Sunay While there Marcus talked to the owner and mentioned seeing a drow in the local tavern and the woman expressed that this wasn't an unusual site in Waterdeep Meanwhile Kitsune received the letter and headed to the undercliffs village as she commuted to the village the rest of our adventurers returned to the tavern Marcus spoke with a patron in the tavern who revealed that most of the Properties and undercliffs is leased. He also learned about two of the biggest shady moneylenders in Waterdeep The woman only recalling the more prominent noble family and the Castellanters The second family may be involved with more the more shadier side of Waterdeep's guilt Sallisa was able to talk to Lady Amber and tried to get her point of view of events including asking about Lady Darkwood Sallisa revealed to Lady Amber that there were suspicious rumors around her involvement in the scarecrow After talking with Lady Amber the group found a wagon and paid extra to be taken as close as the driver was comfortable with three-fourths of the way to Darkwood's cabin Arriving Lady Darkwood kindly allowed them in and served tea to everyone while preparing the tea. She shared her story with the party The villagers distressed distrust of her and how they stole one of her scarecrows Marcus noticed there were piles of books in the cabinet and inquired about them Lady Darkwood Refused to share any of the knowledge there with him Katsune and Cesperian, they actually drunk the tea and immediately felt refreshed and warm And after that Lady Darkwood offered her horse and carriage to return them back to the village Before they could leave Sallisa accidentally spilled tea and Lady Darkwood went to get something to clean it up Marcus decided to take advantage of the distraction and use Hadwick to peek into one of the books on the ground and that is where we start I am busy still trying to waive my My robe a bit trying to look like I'm trying to dry it like how clumsy of me. I'm so sorry I'm gonna recall Hadwick onto the little perch that she was on. I Think I for the last time I I saw like a recipe for like a healing potion I don't know what it is, but I think it's like a Yes, you opened the first page of a herbology book and on it was the recipe For the potion of healing And I will share that I Don't know what it is, but I think it's like a Herbology book and on it was the recipe for the potion of healing I will share that I'm continuing to sit at the table doing really refreshing the tea. Um, you can actually hear me slurping on it a little bit This tea tastes Delicious it reminds me a little bit of the tea back home although this one is um a little bit darker than the Than the green tea that i'm used to Oh the tea back home, uh, where is home for you? Well, uh my I come from the faraway land um My my my family And my tribe are further back east Uh lady darkwood is uh in a corner shuffling things around and um It looks like she's pulling out some cloths. Um And she uh, she smiles at you Can't say as she's around and wants back towards where the the spill is Oh, you must have traveled very far to be here I did, uh, but I knew I needed to set out on the path to Make sure that I could avenge my father. That's why I've been here Huh to avenge your father Well sounds pretty tragic dearie Yes, I actually rather not Oh, of course Y'all are talking at the same time Sorry I worked on my team's job a little bit Oh, well, maybe I can offer you a snack while you're here maybe that will be a little Uh She she pauses in front of the fireplace Where there's a kettle right above it there seems to be a little tray as well and uh She uses the cloths to help her pull it out of the There are a tray of biscuits That she's approaching with Hmm A snack sounds fine Teens those are a perfect combination Especially for a cold winter day Oh, yes, yes it is but Please have a snack and and then I shall get you back to the village. Okay? Great, uh, I grabbed one of the I grabbed one of the uh, the snacks off the tray, um I sort of break it in half and uh, A little bit of it crumbles into the tea Um, and I take a I take a small bite Um into the into the biscuit Yes, I did it yes As you bite into the biscuit, uh, you do notice that it is still very hot. Uh as it came off the fire I guess I was uh I forgot to blow on it Careful dearie Lady darkwood is uh using a cloth to clean up the field tea Oh Could have done that for you. I say as I uh want to look at the cloth and see if it's um If it's similar to the cloth that we had Oh that was on the scarecrow Okay Um Rural perception Really So you you glance over and um, you can't see the entirety of the cloth that she's using Um, you just see that part of it was at one point white and it now seems to be stained with the tea and the other end does appear to be uh black um If there's anything embroidered on it embroidered on it you can't know because the cloth is scrunched up in her hands Um mentally well internally I'm uh annoyed at the fact that I can't see anything but from what I can see it looks like it's too um Different than what I originally intended And I basically accidentally spilled tea on the table and myself for nothing Are you saying this out of character are you saying this all aloud? No, i'm thinking this, okay Oh, did I not make that clear before i'm sorry, I mean I I heard you said mentally sorry I must have missed that Uh, well, I don't even know what you mentally just said I'll say that But perhaps I can get you dairies out of here, uh, take a snack for the road It'll be a long ride back to the village, of course That's kind of the thing we walked here Yes, yes, uh, i'm surprised you got here it's very cold um It certainly is and I don't it's gonna get dark by the time we walk all the way back Are you I have a cart you you can borrow that there's a horse But I mean I do have to make it back to the city myself, but it's okay. You guys can take it. I'll be for now Um, I wish we're over to wait who's next to me um I wish we're over to this room And I say does it seem like she's trying to get us out of here in a hurry? Um, I whisper back no, she seems to actually be quite hospitable Cool Um Yeah Well, let me put these dirty things away and then i'll show you where my And you guys can take my carriage down or the cart It might be cold on the cart So you might want to make sure you're bundled enough Um, do you have some blankets Uh, well, I don't have very many blankets I don't have any to spare unfortunately Okay, well you've been kind enough So, um Wait, I look over to uh uh to marcus and I say um did uh Have we find anything other than other didn't have we find anything suspicious? I just shake my head What about the scarecrows I whispered to him I said What about them I don't know I I thought we came here because of the scarecrows, right? That's what the letter said that you sent to me Hey, well, we really need to look at those books a little more But the opportunity has not yet revealed itself Are you doing okay? Oh I was just uh telling marcus that he should uh, try one of these, uh biscuits if he hasn't already Oh, well flattered old lady Um, would you mind if I look around your bookshelf Please do not look at my bookshelf. Oh Um, may I ask why not So those are my private books Hey, I have a book, um, perhaps you could trade Um, i'm not looking to trade at the moment Do you happen to have any books that you need translated No, not at the moment if I need a translation I am in water deep, uh, I believe they have the Blackstaff power there. I really need something Well, it's such a far this is such a long way, but I'm able to do it right here and now Just in return for your hospitality, of course It's okay It's okay, I don't need any help right now My books are fine But perhaps I can get you people back to the village uh I'm sure you must have a room there and and you know Would like to to get some sleep. It is getting late Yes, it is getting late Um, you did mention you were going to go to the city. Uh, how how soon should we return your cart? Uh, it's okay. I I can reach out to the postmaster when i'm ready for it to be returned. She knows what to do How will you reach out to the postmaster exactly without the cart Using a using one of my pets, of course your your pets I don't I don't see any around Uh You hear a little calling at the window and uh, if you turn around there is a crow sitting there. Oh Well, hello there Yeah I'm not helpless here. Uh, please allow me to show you where the cart is to make your way back Okay, all right, I guess you're doing Um I stand up Okay, um, good luck at courtesy Bow to the lady once again. Thank you for your general hospitality I'm, sorry once again for spilling your tea But we'll make sure that we make it back to the village safely and that we put your horse in a very very nice barn Oh, well, that's very kind of you dear. Thank you Don't eat cats. Ah, I started I started holding my head. Oh Oh, no, my affliction Uh, are you okay? No, i'm not i'm i'm in great pain You see I have this magical malady and if I don't have access to stimulating material It just causes me great pain I'll look at marcus bewildered eyes like What and I say between my teeth? What the hell is going on? I am just like Dead pan staring at him like don't mind me I just I'll get through it Um, I go over to marcus and uh, touch his head and like wow, he's getting getting really warm um He he's uh He's getting flu-like symptoms. I think we need some assistance Lady darkwood is uh looking at all of this And and she doesn't look very amused. Uh, go ahead and roll for deception marcus and cesarean Oh wrong one Oh That's not me. No, you didn't roll yet. Nope I'm not connected to wi-fi. That's why give me one second Why everything I have in is nasty Because you're sick Oh, that makes a lot of sense Like this this chicken noodle soup is nasty this tuna sandwich is nasty whose teeth is nasty That's it two on accident, please take the first one Of course that's the first one that went through. Uh, so so lady darkwood, uh Her eyes kind of narrow in suspicion, but as she sees, uh, your great acting cesarean she uh, she starts believing you and uh She looks worried as she rushes over Get him on the bed. Oh, yeah Maybe not my bed. Uh Throw him on the the bear loin cloth uh Oh I I really don't have anything that can help him Maybe you should get me back to the village. Nothing was simulating, please books anything poetry, uh As you continue to do this, uh, two more crows arrive in the window for a total of three and they're just uh watching it I really think that we should make our way to the village as quickly as possible You can't travel with marcus like this Is He'll be fine I put my rope I will put my uh robe on top of him No, that's even worse. There's no stimulation. Now. There's no visual stimulation at all. Oh, we're going backwards. Shut up salissa In my mind i'm like oh my god This isn't working. This isn't working I'll get a cloth. Maybe the cool cool water will help with his fever. No only only stimulation can help We've dealt with this before Well, then surely you have something on you that will stimulate him if you've dealt with it before I've already used it up They gave me this book the man who mistook his wife for a goblin and other magical tales and it is a riveting story But I have already read it I have nothing else on me. I've been caught unprepared Oh, that's truly tragic I I really have nothing to offer you And if you continue to insist Well, i'm not one to be heartless, but you will have to leave That's so mean we will go I need stimulation All right, let's go look for stimulation As I weep a little bit frustrated But ready to leave I look at over in the window with the three crows. I'm just looking at them Is there um, and I I look over to Salissa i'm like These crows there weren't that many before were there There were three I was from I replied that They aren't happy that we're uh And then I whispered to her. They aren't happy that we're here Um, I whispered her can you talk to them All right, i'm getting D hold on, uh dm I still have my animal speaking skill right because I I uh Kind of don't last five to six before we got to the lady's house Yeah, it lasts all day until you take a rest Okay All right at this um point i'm guessing we're Walking up the Walking up the hut, right sure I'm getting up i'm in the doorway I'm gonna look to the club crows and try to hear what they're saying What are the crows saying Uh, the crows aren't making any noise. They're just watching So, yeah, I hold my hand up and i'm like we're leaving Um As lucas just saying ask them about any books in the library Do ask them if they know Any books in the library? Connected to this care It's not just a spirit, I mean I found two kids names i'm like and how am I supposed to ask them that Uh, never mind, I turned to the uh crow This is why you don't ask half out to do anything Excuse me But also she may be able to talk to her to her Familiar What are you all doing? I'm i'm headed towards the door and just clutching my head as you know, just Thank you so much On my way out I grabbed a bunch of biscuits off the tray and I put it in a napkin and I bumble it up are you Were you trying to talk to my crows? I wasn't and I walk out the door Ma'am i'll i'll i'll try to just be just fascinated by your clothes. The clothes are just beautiful. We're sorry I I'll be going. Thank you for these biscuits. I say breathlessly as I cough in the wind I have no reason to distract you. Why can't I move my character? Thank you Thank you so much for your hospitality have a good day Have a good one, ma'am With us. Oh, never mind Hello my sweetness Going on a opera performance marcus Is An opera performance What are you talking about What are you talking about I'm eating a bit I eat a biscuit So I will start singing I need simulation Thank you for the horse. We'll get uh going now. Thank you for the horse in the carriage. We'll get going now As soon as we get this guy Back to the cavern and find I mean back to the end and find some something from the better Everybody will feel I mean, could you just let us like read a book? I'm pretty sure She said no Okay, thank you, please have a safe journey back Thank you, all right now that everybody's on their carriage and stuff, uh I want to be the one to get on the horse and ride the horse Okay Are you driving away yet? This horse is awfully small No, it only fits one person so you're gonna be traveling slowly I'm gonna try to talk to the horse. Like i'm sorry about my friends Is everything okay, let me know if you're uncomfortable i'll stop for a bit Yo, what was that? Oh, sorry, I actually got up and walked away out of character Um, what was that we're uh somewhere far first We're still eating biscuits that almost implies that we're going we're moving now, but It's like come on clearly she can talk to her in No, what was that when you guys tried to get the book she clearly said no before Yeah, it's called it's called trying I mean, I tried everything else. I mean we could have just distracted her and someone stole the book, but you know I remember I I don't steal from kind people She just lies to them Yeah, I can lie to her but i'm not stealing from her Okay Stealing is not exactly my forte, but I could have threw a dart as an extra distraction But those biscuits were too good Also, you guys didn't forget that I talked to the pros earlier They were actually confused as to why we were here Oh, all right titanay looks at you and recalls information I do I do remember that but we don't know if they can talk to her or not Oh, you meant you meant because kusume was asking you about asking the crows what they knew about the scarecrows for sure Exactly. They would have told me about it before They would have they would have Oh, all right. Yeah, that must have been while I was training Um, you know what? No, you're with them. We're here. Oh, I was there. Okay. Yes All right. So you guys are um in this carriage and and it's uh slowly moving. Um away From the the cabin following this path that is almost snow covered again um It is uh getting very late and uh, very dark Um As you guys uh move to make this journey back to the uh undercliff village we should stay alert Or we could hop off and try to sneak into her home no She's hiding something for sure But she is an herbalist of some sort the book that hedwig managed to read the first page of it's an alchemy book Uh, well, I know how to make health potions now That ought to come in handy definitely Well I don't know if I have the penchant for sneaking around It doesn't quite jive with me but neither do I but we do have someone who can Because she doesn't like steel. So I don't think it's just Well, I shouldn't need the steel. She just needs to read And I assume she can read Who doesn't like the steel? What are we talking about? Then you just say you don't like to steal that's not what I said at all Oh, okay, I like to steal from time from kind people Well, it's the same difference. We can't get the information at all I'm being exact about what I do and I don't feel from people who have been kind to me So we can't get the information Well, you're going to steal the books. You only need to read the books No harm, no foul Except you keep pushing her And now she's getting more and more suspicious about you guys reading her book Instead of waiting for an opportunity in which you would have been gladly Happy to show us I Don't believe that Yeah, I straight up asked her if she could if I could look at her bookshelf and she said no Well They were personal look she's going to show what's the bookshelf herself Just wrote Everybody everybody Are we actually looking at something or is it if it's pat like there's passive perception if you're doing that You can do passive perception unless if you're keeping watch as you uh, make your way through it in which case Okay Okay Oh, we'll also roll for a quick With Well, I guess I'll roll perceptions that everybody's rolling it Um All right, uh so cesarean Marcus and Marcus, uh, you guys notice that there's something behind you guys um It doesn't seem to be moving super fast, but there looks to be something, uh following you It's just masked by the darkness, but you can see bushes moving And uh Just bearing and you can hear what sounds like a little twig breaking over the sound of the cart Um hadwig, uh, it's flying overhead, um and marcus, is she circling around Yes Uh, so hadwigs moving around in a circle above you guys keeping watch and uh Keeping watch and uh hadwig is able to spot what looks like A scarecrow moving towards you I uh relay the information. Well, um, so I had we see something there's some scarecrows behind us It seems that uh, we were not meant to survive this journey back Oh We might as well hold it in sight Fight Scarecrows How fast is this horse going Pretty normal speed i'm not gonna rush it I think normal speed How do you know how fast the horse is Oh you on top of it, okay, I thought this thing was going by itself Oh, yeah, can can uh, can hadwig determine how fast these scarecrows are moving Um Hadwig can see them. Uh, I don't think she can see us just when they're behind you All right keep an eye on them and uh They See if they're going to be able to catch up with us You Tell me if you want to make your owl sound Oh All right, let's do the horse how fast can you run Oh Oh I think you talked to the horse. Yeah I might be able to move a little faster, but it's dark All right, um, I'm just curious i'm gonna look back to a Party and i'm like nope We're not getting a little run. It's really dark you Um, you can't see No the horse i'm not losing the horse dude, um anything outside this comfort zone you're not guiding the horse So you want us to get our ass whooped because it's dark why don't we just play the torch Torch You got the I light a torch There we go I I like my torch too. So we got two torches Nice Um, can I see anything Being More clear with more light. I mean we had dark vision Yes, just ask the question Oh Uh, even though you have more light, uh, it doesn't change anything. I except uh now it's very bright around you Uh and a little warm from the torches Marcus Marcus, can you tell how many scarecrows there are or is it just like one or two? How do I got many were there I transmit telepathically One um only spotted one but who knows how many it could be out there. No Um, i'm going to cast a divine, uh Okay Oh Um, how did you guys get rid of the scarecrow now with We smashed it to pieces Oh That was the only way it worked I mean, yeah, we also had to like use magic. So yeah, we burned it and then smashed it into pieces There we go We burned it with magic and smashed the pieces yes I look at you all like wow, you guys had an adventure while I was gone We have something and then we gotta remove the uh cloth from it Uh, so turn around you can sense, uh one presence behind you and then there appears to be one ahead of you as well Okay Well, it seems like we might be surrounded So we have that one behind us and it seems like someone's in front of us. Oh shit an ambush Uh, yeah still So they're just gonna come for us like we're not gonna get we're not gonna get anywhere So are we splitting up and Uh one like one group take out the one that's in front of us and the other one is behind us Wait, hold on. Perhaps we can lay an ambush for them We top off the cart but leave the cart forward and then we hide They'll see an empty cart and go investigate and that's when we have our advantage If you just pop out and we smash them to pieces I'm here for this. I think we should stay together and definitely create an advantage like this Um Can we guarantee the safety of the horse? girl I mean, it's her horse. I I doubt that she assuming that she set these scarecrows upon us and Her horse will be fine I doubt that she'll kill her own horse And if it makes you feel better, I'll stay with my shield around the horse I suppose if the horse dies and that narrows down the possible suspects I mean, I think we would be stuck with More scarecrows, I think a horse die I'll be going to get home. Yeah, we we're gonna do the best to protect the horse So lisa, what's your passive perception 13 Uh, you notice what looks like a scarecrow straight ahead of you guys just not moving Oh, uh, hold the I uh Made the horse stop, uh moving i'm like, yeah that we might We might be a little too late for an ambush so much for that plan We'll let it come to us Maybe it won't move if we keep staring at it Can you do that for the other one that's probably coming up behind us? Yeah, i'm looking behind us All right, uh I uh hop down the horse Um, I get my ray of frost tingling in my hands, um Waiting for um a scarecrow to attack Um I um I charge up. Uh one I charge up my key And uh use one key point to get ready to Attack I ready a firebolt if I see that scarecrow move i'm gonna blast it All right, uh, so the scarecrow in front of you it seems to have a sackcloth, uh for a hood um, and it's just Standing there not moving Just standing there Me Um So farion with your dark vision You're able to see that there's something it's moving and it seems to be getting a lot closer now that you guys Uh, you guys have stopped. I'm in front of this other scarecrow, right? Yeah This thing is getting closer and and then right when you think you can see what it is it stops moving Okay, okay, so it's not moving. Um So do we think guys want to attack us or what because this is weird Or are they just gonna force us to stay here? So weird has a mind game Can we move the horse around the scarecrow and just keep an eye on it the one in front of us That's what I think about trying to do let's try it All right, i'm not getting back on the horse yet only because I like only because I still want to protect it, but I grabbed the horse's uh, uh Handle right. Thank you I grabbed the horse's right. Thank you very much um and Start trying to guide the horse and everybody around the scarecrow While still watching it But trying to just walking around the scarecrow or not. Okay. All right The horse, um, it unfortunately is uh frightened by the scarecrow All right paladin. Just go and smash it to pieces. I got your back Uh, thank you so much for that, um I guess I will just try to walk past with my shield drawn Just remember if I die i'm haunting all you motherfuckers I will not let you perish paladin. We will all perish together or we will shall not perish at all. What the I giggle a little bit Yeah, so With my true drawn I try to uh walk past the scarecrow to see if it will attack me And nothing happens try ripping off his head like his it's sack like the hood How about you do that like it's not for me Um, i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna pull out um some daggers Well, didn't you detect that it was some kind of fiend or something? Yeah They're they're strong evil presence. Yeah, I I it's we have two scarecrows But it's not attacking. I launched I launched two daggers at it ain't that a bitch? Uh The the attacks hit but uh, the scarecrow remains unmoving and takes no damage Uh, well I think I think it's uh Immobile guys Um, you attacked it with daggers. We need magic Let's go around me and see what happens I'll move Um, can I can I use my whip to like pull it away from the the path of the um the horse So listen, can you try to talk to the horse and comment? Um, you're welcome to try whatever you like I try to guide the uh, the scarecrow away from the path so the horse can like walk Uh So if you're trying to grab it with your your whip the scarecrow is actually going to come alive and dodge it Oh Keep moving. What's up? Yeah, I don't think I can calm the horse down this time Oh, hold on just just do that again until it's all out of the way Hey You're supposed to keep that okay, so I I take out my initiative I was trying to run off on him. Anyway about the just head over this one Listen, i'm watching the scarecrow behind us. I'm never taking my eyes off of it. Oh jesus Oh My god That's rude. All right, put me at the end It's rude. It did that's all dirty Yeah They always do me dirty with it. What the fuck is in this? Oh, there we go Damn Can you change your uh character name I don't know. Oh you rolled for the owl. Oh, no, okay. Never mind. No, you did All right, what is to do that tj? What do you like when you're in the Chat speak at the very bottom. It should have your name I got you. I got you. All right I don't have my name. It has um keeps the name both for the drop down Um I'm over here just eating packets of honey All right, uh, so the scarecrow, uh came to life when you tried to drag it off the path um It does look a little menacing now that it's moving and uh, salissa it is your turn Yeah, um This is going nowhere, so um There we go, I want to oh, can I take my reaction because it moved Oh, yeah, you have fireball Um barian, are you is your reaction for the one behind you behind y'all it is All right Uh All right, uh roll for damage 18 will hit All right, uh, so marcus seeing the scarecrow suddenly jumped to life dodging, uh Penaroth's whip He launched the firebolt that he had in his hand and it hits the scarecrow, uh dead center chest and it Does take two damage? Um All right, um salissa, um Okay, hold on where's my character and how far is this thing Well while you're doing that, uh, so sparian the scarecrow behind you has come to life as well Great so you can go ahead and launch I need to fix that Sorry, what's happening y'all yelling at me? No, what is yelling at you? I couldn't tell Um, did I do it? Yeah, um, I need to fix that damn spell. Sorry I'll do it another time but uh So sparian seeing this crow scarecrow come to life behind you guys As the other one comes to life in front of you you launch your ray of frost. Um And it hits the scarecrow uh, it's One of the arms seem to be a little iced over. Um, and it will take five damage Oh Speed reduced by 10 feet. Nice Uh, which one did she hit again this one the one behind y'all, okay All right, so the one in front of us, um Um I All like to chaos Okay Okay And uh, let's see Be able to do this, right? Yeah, it's fine. There's no grid for this For this area. All right, so I like to tangle him And when you stay there Um Uh, so, uh, so let's see you try to um cast entangle, um however, uh The vines and the weeds that start pouring through the snow are unable to grasp, uh the scarecrow Huh? I guess it must be quite as strong to resist that Um Outstanding, I hope you have some other trick up your sleeve I have several but I don't think I think I have to use them as a last resort Well, hopefully we don't get there Uh, did you have any other actions or not actions bonus actions or anything you wanted to take before here um Nope Um That ends my time unfortunately Can't do anything else marcus Um, i'm going to cast another fireball or fireball at the same scarecrow Uh marcus saying salissa's spell, uh failed to uh, capture the scarecrow he decides, you know He's going to launch another firebolt Um, and it will strike a row for damage Oh It's because we're in the snow that's why yes, my hands are a little cold Don't worry just warm it up just warm it up Okay, uh any bonus actions, nope, that's it for my turn, uh hadwick's turn Hedwig will fly by and uh strike with her talent Uh So hadwick's gonna to try and fly by and attack but uh, unfortunately for hadwick the uh Her attack does no damage And then she's just gonna fly around in the air I don't know All right, uh, so the scarecrow in front of you is uh It's gonna make a tooth claw attack, uh aiming at you Um I pushed the horse out of the way Um does my protection she right beside me right so that should be a disadvantage, right Uh, if you're right beside her then uh, yes, it would be uh How much how much space is between us, uh It so it has to be so for what you're trying to use. She has to literally be the square next to you And like you guys didn't move your pieces So i'm willing to let it be that you're near her and the horse because that's what you said You were going to do before the battle starts Okay. Thank you See I am a merciful god Sorry i'm trying to i'm trying to erase what I uh, what I try to draw Uh, oh, okay. Well anyway, so The scarecrow, um the one that's in front he's gonna move towards you So let's say he's gonna make two attempts to claw you the first will miss but the second will hit um And you will do uh, take seven damage. What the Ow Jesus and then make a wisdom saving throw All right, uh, so despite being attacked by the scarecrow you are not frightened by it I basically like collapse on the uh, like no not collapse. I basically have a hard time trying to Um, my legs are shaking but i'm still standing The smell beneath me started to Are you okay? You like turn into a bear or something Hello i'm not sure that form is quite appropriate for this situation Uh So much pain right now shut the fuck up The scarecrow behind all of you, uh also decides to make a multi, uh attack and it's aiming for um the sparian Damn Oh, you will attack her with two claws attack Let's hear a This will All right, uh, so the first attack will uh hit and you will take nine damage The second attack will miss Wow, oh no scary Um, and I need a wisdom saving throw Okay All right All right, uh wisdom saving throw you pass the check, uh, you are not frightened by the scarecrow despite its attack landing on you Um Okay, wait, i'm sorry i'm debating if I should do something in character out of character Um So that it's next to salissa, okay Um Wait, what's this orange was that when she tried to do the yeah, she tried to do her spell Oh, okay. All right. Um, yeah, I still can't figure out how to erase that So, uh, the spell is still in a uh, it should still be in effect right for up to one minute Oh, yeah still in effect, it's just the scarecrow isn't captured by it. Oh, okay. Oh Um Oh, so if I step in there, is it gonna hit me? You will have to make a straight saving throw if you step into there Oh my god Um So I Oh What do I do What's that Uh, um, can I and are my attacks considered If I don't use a key point are my attacks considered normal Or are they only considered magical if I use a key? None of them are magical even if you use key Yeah So even if I hit him, he ain't gonna get hurt, right? Right because if you're using your fist it's bludgeoning if you're using a weapon it's like slashing or piercing depending on the weapon right And he can only get hit by magical attacks. You could try You could try burning it. You have a torch. Do you? In that place surrounded by lines here I I just can't you cannot do that. Oh, right, right. Take out the torch. I'm sure you have one Yes, I This seems like a good time It's okay cj they already know what's the action I don't know why they acted crazy It is an action to pull out a torch it's another action to light a torch so it's not happening Um, this is bullshit I uh I look at it. Is it an action for her to come and take it from me? He has already lit the torch Look at him, he's like slightly overlapping though. Um Yeah Uh, you know i'm trying so hard not to just run off in the woods So I I i'm not gonna do that, um, although I thought about it, um So I'm uh, i'm gonna pull out I'm gonna pull out this torch And I just pull out the torch And oh wait, oh but I can't move right it's either that or nothing that's it you can move Yeah, you can still move oh, okay Um Wait, is this character actually out of character? Sorry. Is this character actually vulnerable to a certain type of damage like fire? Why are you asking these questions right now? Well, it comes down to straw right sir I can't give you that answer play the game. I did I hit it with fire Okay, I guess it's not vulnerable because it didn't take double damage so I guess it's not She looks at the daggers that are still in the scarecrow boom from before i'm like wow I um I really don't know what to do here guys. Um So i'm gonna uh To um Use one key point and to ready a dodge in case the scarecrow tries to hit me That's it That's the second action Wait, what? How's the second? Holding an action is an action. Yes Oh, okay, so I would so Okay, well, yeah if I hold an action Yeah Oh Don't pull out the torch Pull the torch out. Yeah Oh my god, it's out. Okay, that's my turn next Okay, I want to use burning hands my um Um, uh one of the spells I had All right, but I don't know how to use it just click on it. It's not a spell of mine. It's a One uh that I was gifted of like spells. Oh, you mean the scroll? Oh Do you need the spell I can um For you. Yeah burning hands. Yeah, I have burning hands. Yeah, I can just use the description for mine. Okay Oh, wait, what level is the scroll It's a it's a basic level All right Um All right, uh, so So sparrow you're gonna pull out this scroll and and rip it. Um To activate the magic inside of it and uh as you do, um a thin sheet of flames It just kind of springs forth from where the scroll used to be and it creates like this cone in front of you The 15 foot cone and the scarecrow actually happens to be in it Um Throw save Um And he will take uh six damage From this uh from these flames and you notice that parts of the hay are uh turning black So Um, uh in my turn Turn around I am going to ask uh less on our magic users. Uh I think I still actually One sec Wait, they you said it double Double the damage. Yeah. Oh, so they are vulnerable to fire cool because they look like straw people Hello Fire Straw people matter too All right, so who we uh marking with bless i'm going to marcus Um, so You're you're you're salissa, right? Yeah salissa And jam is suspirian Yeah I will cast a bless on those three All right Oh And um Feeling is um, like my um Is that a uh action or is that a Um I'm, sorry. What is it's my it's my lay on it's my lay hands. Is that a um secondary action or just a regular action? um That is not a bonus action Okay so Yeah Uh Um, I I continue to stand on guard By salissa and my son All right, um, I thank you for Like I feel the Hold on, let me read this properly the blessing Yeah, but I try to make the attack roll the saving roll before the spell ends Oh When does this fall in there's only one action god dang it I thought it was up to him. I thought like each action is like six How does how does the minutes work the duration in uh combat? Oh combat is six seconds, okay, my bad. All right, so Um Each round is six seconds. So everyone going through their turn once is six seconds So if it's lasting a minute it lasts 10 rounds Yep Oh, perfect. All right, um, that's why I get I guess not going to be as Nah, I got that and that's why i'm trying to because I feel salissa I feel the uh The enchantment you're trying to do And I don't want to Use it in vain, but at the same time, I don't want it to be in vain. But at the same time I am wounded so I would like to Uh hit my chest And hit uh capture room or myself You can just roll it Oh, how do I do that? Let's see one eight Eight one d eight Uh, you should have it. Yeah You should be able to click the spell yeah Oh, oh, never mind. I forgot the capture level level one Okay, um Uh, great gravely, uh injured there by the scarecrow. Uh, salissa decides to heal herself Oh I'm guessing it. I did not mean to do that All right What are these orange marks on you? I'm I still have it on this thing Oh god, she's been infected by plague What That is You sure want somebody else too I did Yep No, no No, just only on me. Oh this grip this scarecrow That's the entanglement area. He's growing pumpkins for brass solo gods Marcus shut the fuck up But because that was an action that ends my time Um Marcus Um inspired by um turner off's blessing. I will launch another firebolt and i'll add a b4 to my roll So it would be 20 Okay, uh go ahead and roll for damage Damage All right, uh so Filling the the blessing, uh that turner off has provided him. Uh, marcus, uh goes ahead and um He has another fireball. Um, and it will strike true to our scarecrow here. Um And parts of it starts to uh catch fire Uh the bottom of the hood, uh of its head is uh now looking a little singed a little black there Let it burn Right, uh, that is it for me, okay Um hadwig Um, heather was just gonna look around to see if there's any other any more scarecrows. Um coming our way Uh Uh, so head was just flying overhead, um, there's nothing to be seen right now, um The forest is pretty dark and quiet except for the uh flames that continue to appear from uh marcus and sparing All right, that's it for headwig All right um this time the scarecrow Is going to aim for turner off, um with a double claw Uh you're a c 18 both attacks will miss. Um All right And And the scarecrow behind you is going to aim for marcus this time With a double claw attack Oh no Um i'm gonna use a reaction You got one Yep. Um, so i'm gonna cast shield as a reaction Uh, okay All right, and what's your ac with your uh plus five there it will be 17 All right, uh, so you're gonna cash shield, um as you notice the scarecrow jumping towards you Uh Despite that shield you will still take some damage As the scarecrow, uh seems to go around your defenses, um And you'll take uh five damage Marcus You All right, and that is the end of the scarecrows Katsune Um I only pulled out this torch, right? I didn't light it. Correct. Great. Um So then I like the torch All right, uh, are you gonna move are you gonna do any bonus actions? Um I'm gonna stay put All right, maybe you should swing at this thing Yeah You just let marcus die I don't have any healing for him I wouldn't I look I did look I would have healed them, but I don't have any healing All right, cesarean Okay, i'm gonna go ahead and Swing pull some rare Uh All right Uh, you're gonna cast ray of frost again and it's gonna strike the scarecrow. I'm Going to take a little damage Anything else um I can't no All right It has to be a bonus action. Anyways, yeah, nope All right, turn around Um question, uh, i'm sorry, um, so I have divine smite, right? I think that's because i'm a paladin with that like what I have like I just felt that because Divine smite or would that just be my final spell slot because I have I originally have regular two Um, am I asking for I don't know if i'm asking right I think divine smite is It uses a spell slot, yeah, I was gonna say it uses You can choose to activate it after you roll your attack roll So if you actually hit you can say okay, yeah divine smite, yeah, it's a bonus action So you okay? All right. So, all right, so bet I am going to uh, swing at uh scarecrow and that just tried to hit me Okay I can I want to I want to take out as low as half so I can't move All right Hit dice demons are no whip, all right All right, uh the whip will hit uh Did you want to use divine smite? I would like to use divine smite roll for damage and uh do divine smite as well Okay Roll for damage does that So Damn Oh And it's undead right or no Are they are they considered undead? Oh Or I think they will classify as a theme though, right if they're not undead Yeah, i'm having them classify as a kind of a theme right now, which is how you were able to uh Detect them Yeah Right Cool Oh, sorry roll one d All right Oh wait y'all can see these yeah. Yes Oh damn make these shits private You got a whisper roll to yourself Oh, that sounds It's just slash wgm. Uh, wait, uh, yeah, you got a whisper roll to yourself, I think I I don't remember the command Okay, well i'm seeing it though that that's okay you don't need to see it So Dang I gotta do that for everything That sounds crazy, but okay well The only thing we can see is if you're in the chat if you type in the Whatever you're doing regularly, we can't see but if you're doing a roll in the chat, we'll see it Oh, okay. That's fine All right. So, uh turn her off you're gonna strike the scarecrow that tried to attack you and you're gonna infuse it. Um If use the whip with divine energy, um, and you're gonna strike the lower half of the scarecrow, um And it will hit um And you're gonna do nine damage to the scarecrow, uh, and it's gonna be ripped kind of in half Hey Fuck you motherfucker Uh the bottom half of the scarecrow As well as the top half both fall into the snow. Um, it starts trying to claw itself up. Um, using its arms, uh Which are these sticks that because of marcus's, uh flames are uh looking a little burnt there a little ashy So that means it's prone Yeah I'll take it Uh in my turn Okay, I think so, uh, huh most likely all right I'm pretty sure this is the last. Uh I think i've been counting times and this should be the final turn. No, no, no, not even This is your second turn No, she said 10 times that's when the thing no 10 of your turns. Yeah Oh Okay, each round is six six seconds and each round is when every player goes Oh Okay, i'm thinking each turn is like six seconds Yeah, that's supposed to be trash if it works that way yeah i'm like i'm like please stop trying to nuke myself please Just just play Oh no, i'm not trying to nuke it but you know what just go it's fine. No, I am Uh, i'm gonna I see that the uh, the the scarecrow is like Prone I see them down. I want to conjure up a thorn whip a vine whip and strike at his head Uh, you pull out your thorn weapon and you strike at the the head of the scarecrow and it will it will hit Oops Oops, that's me. I'm, sorry. You okay? I just wanted to see what it does, but it's broke Oh That's awful. What am I? No, no Um You can roll for damage, um So It will take just uh damage there that's already including the The Yeah, everything is that no, hold on whenever the target makes several All right, I think the The plus six is including the if it's if you critted So if you had advantage you would crit actually it was prone. So is that advantage because it's prone? I don't know It's up to the gm Um I can give it advantage because it's prone. Um It's only gonna take not gonna take uh the full damage though because it has a resistance Oh, yeah, that's right Can I still roll the uh The d4 Rolling a d you don't need to the d4 is for the attack roll not damage roll Like bless is uh attack roll Oh, you got a 20 on your advantage roll. So Okay, gotcha. Yeah, and you have to do it beforehand. You can't do it after. All right, cool. Thank you But yeah with that, uh, you know attacked it Uh, didn't crack the head open You uh you hit the um The bag that's on its head. Um, but it's not cracked open. It's it's a bag That now has new rips in it, but that's it Damn I need my time Marcus um, how close are these scarecrows to each other? They're not that close You got a rough distance Um one is like probably about 10 feet from you Uh, which is the one that's behind you all and then the one that is in front of you is another uh 10 feet that way So the one that's the one that came from behind hit me right yeah, so it's like on top of me Because it's melee right I mean unless it yeah Okay, so like there were so both scarecrows are like Within 10 feet of each other, right? Uh Wouldn't it be more like there's 20 feet apart Yeah Because your party is not all together So does that mean the farthest the scarecrow Farthest for the the scarecrow that's farthest from me is 20 feet away The one What are you trying to do I'm trying to reposition myself right so that I can burning hands both the scarecrows But On top of me right I can rotate myself so that both of both the scarecrows are in my line of sight um, and And you know frying you guys I I don't have to do that because I can sculpt myself as a evocation mage so like You're safe. I can actually make it go around you guys Oh If the one that attacked me is already on top of me as long as I don't try to leave its area of influence I can So wrote like rotate around it right No There the other one's a little too far from you All right That's pretty cool though, so you can be shooting fire I can be shooting anything and no one's gonna no one's gonna get hurt. Don't worry All right, i'll just burn hands the one in front of me or the one that hit me then All right, that's on top of me, I hope they die and i'll roll that d4 for bless I'm gonna roll burning hands. Yep So the dc save is going to be 17 because it gets added So, uh Um All right So Uh marcus you decide to To kind of imitate, you know susperian's previous move of the the burning hands Uh, clearly you would like to show her how it's done as you don't need a spell scroll and and you place your hands in the shape of a triangle and flames start to erupt, uh, Forming this cone shape in front of you. Um Uh, and the flames they Scarecrow tickling it right? Um and parts of it does get singed. Um And it will take uh half the damage as it passed the uh save check So it'd be like 15 then right because it takes double the damage, but it's half so it just basically takes normal damage Yes, all right That's a fast-ass scarecrow Oh my god, it's moving so fast Wait a minute did that one die it is gone. It nearly got me as it collapsed to the ground And I need to do it marcus All right, all right, um marcus any other bonus actions or anything I'm gonna just do the finger guns with my hands and blow them out Oh He's taunting um, how do we just gonna keep an eye out again? All right, keep an eye out, all right, uh, so this scarecrow It It's gonna try to go for uh, salissa again The first one will miss but the second one will land turn around shield, oh no Yep, and uh, you will take eight damage Oh Girl, are you mad? Okay How much help do you have Not enough with some saving Uh And even though it was uh, particularly frightening you you managed to overcome that fear Uh, but you are side-eyeing these uh the scarecrow in front of you now And one So Uh, I knew that one's out so katsuna it's your turn All right, um I I um Get closer to the scarecrow And I uh I I throw the torch at him Okay, yep For it do I have to do anything for that throw Watch I miss why didn't you just hit it because there was a virus on the ground Okay, the thing that the thing that she did is that still there The shit that she did the entanglement, yeah, it's still there. All right. Yeah. I don't want it to grab me Why is it still there that's my question So All right, um, sorry I had to do some quick reading I wanted to accept Oh Uh Oh, let's see All right, so it's gonna take one, uh One damage from the throne Um, okay or two Oh because it's vulnerable to fire Uh, it's legs seem to have a caught fire making it pretty bright and toasty near you Dying It's very Okay, um You I think i'm all right. I'm gonna cast ray of frost again. I'm gonna move a little closer just a little bit behind Over here next to marcus Mm-hmm, um and cast ray of frost Okay, uh and you're gonna uh cast ray of frost and it's it's going to Hit the legs that are on fire and and kind of smother the flames a little um It will just take damage When we do All right So tj's muted Tj you're muted. Okay. Um, I am going to Uh heal uh, salissa For with my lay hand five points in my lay hands All right. So salissa you get five, uh points back And I am going to end my time there All right All right There we go Why you got dice on you Yo, you They're not dice they're pumpkin growths Oh, it looks like snake eyes Oh my god What's all that makes sense? Because oogie boogie is a scarecrow and he has snake eyes um I annoyed with them And things will once again We'll like to try and cat first. I want to cast it before he's black And then i'm gonna try fuck And i'm gonna try to attack the scarecrow again because fuck this thing this thing needs to die Do I still get that problem He was frontal It was split in half so I guess I want it to die now. I don't know how this thing keeps hitting me every time I move down I'm having flashback to another life Another wooden object that kicks your ass People All right, um So so let's have a little annoyed with her teammates banter with her and uh, she decides to take her her anger out on this the scarecrow um It it's not really prone at this point. Um as it was able to successfully attack you Um your attack, uh will miss I want to kick snow on it Don't do that Okay, okay i'm not going to do that but I am going to stop like stomp on my foot like are you kidding me? And then my turn like how the fuck? All right, I guess But first i'll make it blessed Okay, that's not great Oh, okay 21 All right So mark is uh saying how uh So let's uh miss he decides to show off a little bit and uh, he he sends a firebolt towards the scarecrow's upper half Determined to just light the head on fire in the way that uh I'm actually going to juggle this one So I cast a spell and I like twirl it around my hands and stuff Like it's as if it's like a ball rolling around my arm. And then I just like I flick it over and it's like hello trickshot And the scarecrow will burst into flames at this point Uh combat is now over I'm on fire today I thought it was so hard though. Ah, I try to dodge out of the way I stepped back because it's pretty hot right now So can we all agree that that lady probably sent this? Uh sent these things to us and go like steal her library Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think so Uh sent these things to us and go like steal her library Oh, there's one way to find out. Uh, I say as I kind of clutch my wound. Um Check to see if there's a handkerchief or some kind of uh, I guess reagent that animated these things like last time First let me uh, i'ma cast I forgot you were here. I'm a cat Uh lay my lay hands on you with my last final lay hands point Oh So you did five and five, right? I'm five. Yes, that's my this will be my final All right. Uh, so then marcus you get five, uh health back Thank you And I think I have a hope ocean for um Um Suspirian Yeah, yeah, I have a whole potion for her Thank you because i'm dying I really could not help y'all on this one Um, and I I do want to go check the body over here the scarecrow Um I want to check the one that's you know over here the one that I was trying to kill Okay, um So Role investigation start here I'm gonna go over here. We have Uh There we go Son of a bitch our roles are just really bad today All right. Uh, so suspirian you look at this scarecrow and um You notice that there's a little front pocket on on its overalls and and when you reach into it you are able to pull out Uh another handkerchief Um with the same monogram, uh letters on it the ud Uh What's the same color It it's um still a lace handkerchief, um It and it's just a white handkerchief, uh with the letters there You what was the letter the ud Did you find anything um handkerchief It looks just like the one you guys described from before I pull out the handkerchief, uh to compare Oh Um Or both of us no marcus, uh All right, so so marcus you approach a suspirian and you look at the the handkerchief in our hands and Um, it does appear to be similar to the one that you have. Um Including the fact that there are ingredients wrapped inside of it as well Oh, what? Can I am I able to determine what kind of reagent is wrapped? It's wrapped in? Roll our Knock check Uh So you can't tell what it is, but you're certain that if you had time to check some books You'd probably know where to find it Hmm um Do you mind if I Take keep take hold of this as a sample so I can investigate it further when I have the proper resources Um, I don't mind at all and I hand them the handkerchief All right, and uh, so listen you're gonna go to the scarecrow it's it's in half the bottom half is pretty burned um And if there was a handkerchief, uh You're not sure if you actually see it as the where the pocket would be is now burned shut Well, this little thing is burnt to a crisp I don't think I could find anything if I could Um, I tried like carefully moving the body around to see if I could find an opening It was wait there the scarecrows were waiting for us after we left the lady's house Yeah, the handkerchiefs as well match her initials That and the crows crows that aren't afraid of scarecrows it's just kind of odd You know, they do say that eventually the crows, uh, well, uh, you know, eventually crows and birds Have recently learned to like, you know Not be afraid of these things And didn't they didn't they inform you that these things moved? Yeah No, they didn't I thought they said they moved sometimes I thought they said they moved sometimes you said Hold on Um, let me So i'm thinking back I do recall that they did say that they move some time of time But they said it in a way in which an animal would understand it that it does move from time to time You're right, I apologize And then I looked and then I perked up. I was like wait, wait, the horse might go too Yeah, tell convince the horse that uh, the owner didn't want one of them to die do that do that oh my goodness Look i'm just gonna ask the question first and then we'll see if we're gonna go that route. Okay Time off I mean you're the animal whisperer do your thing So I go to the horse and i'm like hey, you know, it's safe everything's uh Everything's defeated now, it's safe now Safe safe The horse looks very unsettled and seems to like be kicking its legs in the snow as it uh looks around It's safe, but um, have you you seen these, uh scarecrows before right At home At home How often do they move around a lot I don't know You don't know You don't see them move differently in the morning Like they're not where they were before No They're sometimes they sometimes look the same and they don't when they move Um So basically I relay everything the horse told me pretty much the horse doesn't really know much Um, does the horse Only see the scarecrows come from One place the cabin or the cabin where she lives What does the horse think of the lady So I turn back to the horse and I ask the question ask the question about the scarecrow first That um despairing you wanted me to ask Uh, i'm normally not I'm normally at home warm with hay Okay, so the horse is mostly in the stable then I decided to ask marcus this question And uh, what is what are your thoughts about uh your owner Um, she's nice she feeds me keeps me warm She talks to me We have to go such a long way But it's always nice to walk Um, what did it say The lady the owner's nice nice to him um Was there only ever one owner or was it always just her or was there another person before her as well? I asked, uh the horse did they have owners before her? Or do they currently have other owners as well? No, oh wait, well, I can't understand what you're saying so Or people they use I used to have a small human Um, they're gone now I haven't seen them in forever Just just her now Um, does the owner talk to the horse Um, does the owner talk to you or the crows Like i'm talking to you with the girls Sometimes she talks to me, but I think she likes the flying bird Do they have conversations like we do I I don't know normally in my barn home only at home Has she always lived alone? Can you ask the horse that if you haven't already? All right, have you always lived alone? Since we got here What's out with the horse if she talks to the horse So when she speaks to you, what does she occasionally say to you? Talks about her mate he was That's why she has no children But then she says she has I've never seen Never oh you're breaking up. Yeah, you are badly So she she talks about how her mate was bad and that he's why she has no children Um, but then she said she had children. That's very strange Humans tend to Claim other things as their children. Have you seen her express motherly? Affection and actions towards other creatures Can we get a recap? I just see I just hear you. Hi I look at uh, i'm like in a minute. All right Uh I I don't know what you Yeah, you cut off I just said, I don't know what you mean. That was it. Um, wait, do you remember how? Nice your mother was So Does she ever act like that towards other people Or other animals You said that she told other people her children so has she ever shown that I don't remember back there Um All right at this point I turned back to the party and basically recapped everything about how um A woman lives alone. Um She occasionally will talk to the crows and the Horse, but the horse can't exactly remember what they talk about And because the horse is in the barn um She can't um The horse can't recall if the crow speaks back um also reiterate the husband scenario That she wanted to have kids but the husband was bad The horse's word is not mine Yeah Why are we even at the husband? No, I think that is Like the uh lady would say that the husband was bad and occasionally but uh It's it's what occasionally said he's the reason that she can't have kids But then starts calling people or saying that she has children But the horse can't recall Who or what she's talking about? When she says this Probably talking about the scarecrows that's killer maybe Well, hold on before we we still need a little bit more information, but these this is suspicious. I agree Um, there were rumors that she murdered her husband. So can you ask the horse just what happened to the husband and why he was bad? All right, so I turned to the horse I was like do you remember what happened to uh, the lady's mate Um, no, it was it was before we got here it's Not long after did he after he hurt the children So he hurt He hurt the children so wait you say you don't know what who the What exactly does the children look like that he hurts There are little humans there there were three of them three little humans no more now It was bad that meat that's it So he hurt the children and then he Disappears I guess I mean i'm normally at at home, so I don't I don't know anything until i'm see her Can you recall the night he disappeared I was at home Nice and warm compared to here Uh, you know under my blanket With hey Just relax Look at you I smile a little bit at the uh horses antique because I found it cute But um, I turned back to the crew and tell everybody what the horse said to me So she had children Perhaps Well, why would she be burning down these farms and people's lands like what what is that about Perhaps we should have this discussion on our way back. It's quite cold Okay, we're not going back tonight to this woman's house I think we could personally but I don't think that would be a good idea Uh I mean if we take a short rest if she is who we think she is Um, or what we suspect that she may be I wouldn't underestimate her But we should take a short rest before we decide to do anything I wave my hand around i'm like a short one. It's weird. Like you want to sleep out here in the cold Well, that's what i'm saying. I mean Well, we don't know anything about her We don't know if these two scarecrows were the ones that were In front of her home or if there's more or she's ready and waiting for us We could be walking into a disadvantage situation I agree we do need a short rest But um, there's not exactly any place to rest here We would have to set up camp of some sort but it is dangerous given what has happened Um, how far are we away from the lodge Maybe some good kind citizens would take us in I I look at well, I can't really see but you Elves have dark vision perhaps. Maybe there's a farmhouse or something Um, I look around to see if there's a farmhouse I Grow perception It it's pretty late at this point and um as you look around Um, it's almost pitch black except for the fires that you guys had caused these scarecrows um You can't see too much around you like it looks like just frost-covered farmland around you right now There does not appear to be any housing Where you're standing Okay Um, I don't see anything Not nothing Oh, that's not great I mean sure there's someone out here besides her Um, I say we ride further Um closer to the lodge and see Wait, isn't water deep sort of near here? Can we see water deep from where we are Um You can't see anything Uh besides where the flames are I guess where the the dark. Yeah I mean, I can't see anything but I guess um, if someone else wants to roll perception Like is water deep on high ground or like this We could try to see water deep Just very like has gotten a net one basically again So it's still pitch black for her even though she's had like, can you see the city from here? from the air Can you see where the city is? I'd like I'm gonna sigh and take a look around uh So it's pretty dark. Um You can only see like 60 60 or was it 120 feet ahead of you? Uh, I think it's 60 hold on Yeah, well if you have dark vision though, can you yeah, yeah dark vision is limited too. You don't have like Yeah Okay, so so listen you look around um Oh, you can't see too much. Um more than farmland, but hadwick is flying around and is able to see. Um What looks like the walls for the north gate to water deep Uh Guys it seems like water deep isn't too far from here. We could just go back there to the north gate Um, that sounds like the best option I'm not opposed to that All right, well car driver Is I grabbed the horse and the horses ran and I was like, hey, how would you like to see the city? Huh? We're going over now Oh I haven't been there. I haven't been there since we got here. Sounds fun Yeah, it'll be really nice and we'll make sure that your little uh sleeping quarters is really warm Oh, that sounds Um All right Do you mind if I uh ride you again so we could grab my friends? Uh, so we could guide each other Uh back to the city Alrighty let's go it's cold I agree I say as I uh get on the horse and then look at everybody Um, all right get back on the cart. We're going to water deep Uh home Oh, this is hungry It well it is now for us All right, by the way, what is your name I uh i'm talking to the horse Did your master give you a name Izzy Oh That's a cute name is that short for isabel you can't hear it Pretty much i'm like having a the biggest smile while having this full-on conversation With this horse as we're walking towards water deep So about this woman Um I'm pretty sure she's the witch and we need to kill her. So yeah, but we can't kill her Why I think we need one more piece of evidence. We're gonna go to jail So we have to just try to kill us though, let's get okay No, it's not we have to get her arrested. We can't we can't kill her So Well, at the very least we need to confirm our last suspicions I believe that whatever's in on whatever's on our bookshelf is going to be quite It could be the smoking gun we need I stopped my conversation with the horse and looked back at Marcus and i'm like I think you're a little too gung-ho or whatever's on that bookshelf Well, she seems very protective about it and every other clue seems to be adding up I'm, not nearly as gung-ho as our paladin who's convinced that we need to slay her and chop her head off I rather we don't yeah, she yeah, you'll be with me No, no, no, no, no murder no Me That's against the law the horse are you hee-hawing awfully loud there, what is he what are you hee-hawing about? What Oh my fucking god Adventures Is the horse talking common or am I or am I losing my mind here, I think the horse was talking to him Uh, so, uh, you guys were talking, um, and it didn't take long to reach the north gate and Um, so lissa, when you finally look up from the horse, there is an annoyed looking Uh man in front of you in a city watch uniform. Oh, jesus fucking christ Nobody was talking about murder grassy talking about not murdering I'm sorry, I apologize for the brashness which is just having Lame conversation. We don't actually want to murder anyone You know, it's one of those figures of speeches Of how distasteful we find certain people and how we would oh, you know, you've never had those like oh I I've killed them, but you don't actually mean to kill some The man is looking at you suspiciously World perception He doesn't seem to believe your story at all Okay. All right. I I fess up i'm with the gray hand and we are doing an investigation on an evil witch I show him my credentials And we do work with the city watch and we're just trying to figure out what's going on on behalf of the great city of water keep Uh, so he looks at um your pen and uh, he seems to like be even more annoyed after he sees it Ah Great hands. They always think they can just do whatever they want in the city Cannot murder people if there is an issue you bring it to the city watch and we can arrest them Well Excuse me, um, excuse my friend here He is a paladin from a far off land. Very famous, by the way Um a noble warrior and you can tell his noble warrior spirit and vanquishing evil He is very enthusiastic and I but I guarantee you that we do understand the rules of water deep and the gray hands do not wish to wantonly go about Slaying people We we are doing an investigation and we will get to the bottom of this and we will forward any information We find to you the city watch that they can make an arrest and that justice will be served In the court of law and through the processes that are proper Yes What he said Got some lungs in you Um And where are you going now we're going home we're going to rest can you let us in Well, you were just talking about murder I really don't know if I should let you in Look, we already explained Just know the city watch will be keeping an eye out on you as As your duty We'll keep an eye on you don't say that what Nothing She only means I mean She only means that we keep each other accountable as we should right the city watches watches us and we watch everyone Everyone should be watchful in water deep. It is the civic duty of all citizens. Um, do you not agree? I am painting the bridge of my nose like oh my god There was a man from my village named rorschach and he used to ask who watches the watchman Um, thank you very much for that insight, can we go inside please Fine But don't cause any trouble there's no murder allowed You should watch your conversation Yes, and I agree thank you so much for reminding us we don't we don't wish for any trouble Move along for now. Thank you. I grab the reins of the hearth and continue forward All right It's the very time we're always moving up Right So I don't I don't suppose You know, the lady would mind if we just keep her horse here, right? um, yeah, I think we should uh make sure They stay safe and warm And be paying for a carriage Yep All right, so let's find this stable nearby I swear we'll put one It's not then we just put her in the basement for the for the night How are you going to get a horse into the basement? Oh my gosh Yeah, that seems kind of cruel There's like stables outside and Other horses are kept I um ponder and then I was like, all right, that is true. So let me get more. Um, Let me get uh more blankets first for her now And do you promise her warmth Yeah, just make sure to hit sure and i'm sure you know how to do that I'm sure you know how to do that All right, and then i'll look at it stay here for one second And I run to the man to see if I can find some Uh blankets and stuff Don't forget about the hay Um You you go into the manor and um Go ahead and roll insight So you go into the manor and and then you kind of recall that you guys haven't bought any new linen at all Well, there's nothing really that would be warm enough for this horse's water deep weather Um I frowned and pondered for a bit before i'm like I guess i'm gonna have to suffer tonight Surely you can find the horse's stable somewhere. No, I am i'm just overthinking All right, so I go back out and i'm like, all right, um Last stable I remember Let's take you closer to the Where maxine should be or was So it was over by here Thank you I was trying to move my hair so we didn't You saw I want to make my way over here for it Uh, I want to look around to see if there's anybody around in which I could uh talk to about trying to Get a stable for the night Uh, go ahead and roll perception Or do I just put it there I don't know how the staples work over here Or Did you roll perception, okay Uh, so you approach, um this area by um bookworms treasure and uh There's someone that happens to be coming around the corner. Um The the building that they're in um actually looks like stables. Um in fact, it looks like the place where you normally go to Catch a carriage Um To what now to catch a carriage. Oh, I didn't hear you Um, I raised my hand at the person I see coming up and i'm like hello, sir Or I tried to like be as quiet as possible because I realized it is kind of night But loud enough so they would recognize me as I walk closer Um, hello kind of late to be out Uh, yes, I know my friends and I we was just returning home from the outskirts Mm-hmm. I was wondering here if um, my friend Miss izzy would be able to Sleep peacefully in this establishment of yours Uh, you mean my stables, uh, I I do have one one spot left it's gonna cost you though Oh, I mean, that's fine. How much? Uh one silver piece two if you want me to feed them Oh That will be splendid. How much do I have to pay? I always make sure that she stays really warm Give me three silver Done I say I give her the three silver pieces All right Uh your your horse, uh, izzy will will be here and take him care of Come come back here in the morning to pick her up. I suppose if you need her Mm-hmm. Well, you have a good night now, uh, you as well sir and your name Uh, don't worry about my name you can just come by and get the horse when you're ready Uh, i'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Uh I'm, sorry, sir, but there's gotta be some something I gotta call you Uh, you seem to be doing just fine with sir I look over to izzy and then I get for a pet and I was like, all right. Well be careful. Okay Okay I'll pick you up tomorrow Okay, that's where i'm staying Yeah, it'll be nice and warm. Just like I promised you All right. I'll see you. See you later, I suppose Bye That horse gonna go missing ain't it? I feel like it's gonna happen Or so, you know Uh, so the man grabs the the reins from you and he uh takes the horse into the barn Are you all going into the house? Yeah. Nope. Yep Um, how the horse thing go You Did you get did you make sure to get a uh, a requisition slip And what now? You know requisition slip Like a little ticket to claim your horse back again I tilt my head Um, okay, how about the name of a person to reach I I've tapped at that But the guy told me to call him, sir. I don't know what kind of power dynamic is going on with the human But that was the only thing I could get from him so Oh, it sounded like we just gave the horse to a strange man who wouldn't reveal his name and you didn't get any proof That the horse is yours Oh, well, i'm sure everything will be fine in the morning Well, uh, what did he decide this time That horse is gonna dance I guess Well, there's no problem the horse is in all problems, so, you know, I mean we just Oh that I was probably getting better We're gonna be awarded I don't want to kill the witch so I don't know what y'all want me to say Look be quiet. I'd like to correct that Yes, we should be a little more quiet if we're talking about such deeds We're in there Y'all outside I thought we were inside. Yeah, I don't see y'all tokens at the stands. I'm inside. I thought I was sitting at the bar or whatever oops Y'all just politely talking about killing folk outside on the street You stop All right. Are you the heckler? I can't move my token You can't okay. Oh Where am I? As I was saying we should kind of keep these topics of conversation down And turn around I didn't say we shouldn't kill her. I said we shouldn't kill her yet I just want to be absolutely 100 sure before we do I'd rather we don't kill her at all only because you know This town is really really strict about killing Yes Okay, we can Let's just say Hug her but with warmth and that's what we mean. How about that? Cheers to that if we had ale here, I would toast to that. We will hug her warmly Yes. Yes Um, why can't we just get her arrested and may we hug warmly all of our enemies Yes air cross us because despite the fact that like Well, we can't exactly get her arrested right now because despite the proof that we have it's still not concrete enough proof yet All we got is speculation So y'all trying to murder a woman with circumstantial evidence? No leaf There seems to be a little bit of dust left and it was just like a question there So I think leaf is expressing his confusion about uh your question. We're not murdering anybody it just Pardon them warmly Yes It just sounds like she's been through a lot And I don't think we should kill her. She's really nice I Wouldn't be surprised if she's being framed especially since she says people were taking her Scarecrow leave it. I mean as well The perfect cover but unless I would like my I would like to go to sleep So Yes, we do need more information and we need to exhaust every possibility and we shouldn't accuse anyone to her absolutely 100 sure but so far pretty suspicious What about her children that were Taking her children Whatever whatever happened to her children. Do we think that the scarecrows have anything to do with it? Maybe az knows where they came from here in the city maybe We don't have any more so Okay I thought salissa was going to check on him. She not What you get I think you guys are She's right there in the house with you. Yeah, I was talking to you guys Okay, so you're not gonna do that You wanna go back and check on dizzy, all right, you guys are making me worried so guess i'm gonna go back and check on Look If you care about izzy that much but it don't sound like you're hearing him. Well, so anyway You shut up. All right, and marcus i'm taking your owl What you need my familiar the familiar that's bound to me Yes, he has to go with you. I was going to disappear No, I need i'm, pretty sure You're all could last being outside Here I take her by the arm and I drag her outside the door. I was Show me where you got where you left them. Oh my god. Okay If I close that door it's getting chilly in here You're in trouble All right, where's my character right here Cool all right fine right over here over here by the uh over here. Hold on Where's mom i'm right here. Here I come Watch me out this door and i'll take forever to come over here. I'm over here So I go over to the stable and Do I still see the guy Role perception I see a guy. Let's see perception perception perception Well Uh, you go over to the stable and um You see though some horses. Most of them are just you know Quietly laying down, but you don't see anybody Um Yep I'm not here. I'm sorry I'll walk in the stable and see if I see izzy Uh Perception Okay, so you walk in a stable and and down in in the far left corner, uh, you do see a horse that looks similar to izzy Uh, it seems to be eating with a blanket wrapped around it on top of it Extra protection Extra want to All right, looks like you didn't do too bad you half elf I I give a little pout Well, not a little I actually do give a pout Um All right, I guess we can go back All right, I do like a little pie as we walk away Hmm She said bye to the horse Yeah, the horse looks a little confused Yeah Yeah, what is he saying oh damn it yeah, it was just one of those little like Like Like those little like when you do like a little wave at somebody like bye-bye And stuff when they're far away and they're moving I think you do it without Maybe we should have made sure it was busy Okay, I like characters that's a problem for another day but any character So lisa is fine with the answers, uh with what she got so she's going to bed Because we still got to figure out how to work this tavern too hey lee how you been all day Uh You you see a smiley face appear on the on the mirror Yeah It seems to have been like a little cold breeze was on it before the face of fear All right I am also going to bed Oh, I thought I went to bed i'm sorry That sounds like a plan You're going to bed and even then I mutter under my breath that horse gonna be gone tomorrow Well, go ahead and do a long rest That horse definitely on me All right, um I'm just gonna make it so no, no, no, no, i'm not impressed when I press it. It doesn't work No You sure? Did you lose any hp or your spell slot reset, right? um Yeah, it'll bring them back. There's just no notification or anything No, his stuff didn't Like the at least the lay hands and divine sense. I just ended it. Oh, wait, my key didn't reset It's not three set though Yeah Yeah, you might have to manually do it on your core page Yo, I mean yeah, I had inspiration And I can't remember why I got that inspiration And oh my you got it shit Wait, it was from drinking the tea, right? No, no, that was Why don't we get something You had a temporary hit point Oh shit, I should have used it Well, not really No, okay. Yeah, I didn't get hit Hmm I definitely thought I wasn't gonna get hit It's very honest, I think you took away from your max hit point instead of your temporary point But you guys took a long rest so they're gone now Okay Um All right, you guys have done a long rest, um, it's now morning in water deep You know in a way I um, so this is going to get up Stretch do homogeneous routine I was like walking around She's not going to see the mice this time She's got a horse now Um And it's not just a crony Technically I completed well, i'm gonna go down to the bar Or at least the lobby area and say a nice little hello louise Oh How are you Hi Lisa's gonna draw a smiley face And uh Also, uh I'm like sitting on the thing after I say hello the leaf. I am gonna do a ritual cast of Speak with animals, where are you? Where is my thing? Yeah ritual cast therefore it doesn't take any of my um My um Some points, right? Yeah Are you saying this in character? Now I was reading this out loud, I mean I was saying at this point out loud just to make sure I remember it but I am gonna sit down on the Uh bar So the lean on the uh on the bar with my arms and um Do you like a little uh ritual cast to uh Speak with animals and it's gonna take a while, right? Just like do a ritual cast but casting for ritual casting. It takes twice as long as it would normally Um, and everything else still remains the same. So once you cast you still only have 10 minutes Okay, it only lasts 10 minutes Wait, it lasts 10 minutes. Yes, it's duration 10 minutes. Oh That's okay. Oh, yeah dm's discretion. Yeah I have to say I thought it was 24 hours this entire time I think boulders gate has like Feated me because in boulders gate it lasts the whole day Um, or at least I thought it did I could be wrong I think that's the animal Oh, it's it's if you ritual cast boulders gate itself to last forever as well Oh, okay. I was like, okay Yeah. All right. So I think all right. Well, it's up to you how you want this to be done afterwards really I mean i'm fine with it lasting all day. I mean it's speak with animals All right, cool, so i'm gonna try the ritual cast it because i'm like I want to speak to izzy again So i'm johnson's and uh Trying to ritual cast this and an intense concentration Sitting in this bar stool Anybody who walks fast you probably see like Uh white and blue aura around me Oh, can I go to a it's a church in this town, right so I can make some more uh, holy water or no um You're in water deep proper now um There's no church There are churches here. Um, there are cathedrals um But I don't think you know where they are Okay, i'll just stick around wait for everybody else then. Oh fellows little guy thing didn't have that That he gave us in the very beginning Let's see the city splendors description of each for the features of water d the city of splendors amenities Oh my god, there's just so much bullshit here Um Dude other characters sometimes I wonder if we're actually going to come into plan or if we're veering off like way far ahead Pretty sure we veer off all the time I'm like wasn't he supposed to be figuring out the thing with the witch? But oh well Yeah, I like to look ahead of tiffany about something And as she's like, you know, she's doing her little ritual because at the same time she's like once everybody comes down here Maybe she could explain it to them Um, I'll come down i'm already down there who has breakfast We saw Oh, yeah, we don't have anything here turner off there's actually is if you look at this this pamphlet thing that That volo gave us it actually tells you all the major temples of water deep and where the locations are well, can I All right. So can somebody put that up? You know, i'll take it i'm going i'll be back in like The hour or two, I think you might actually have it in your compendium on roll 20 Yeah, I gave it to everybody Yeah, if you if you look at a little bit And yeah water deep and check in chart that yeah go to the wards of water deep So the words of water deep has major temples of water deep and whoever the deity is and the temple name and the location That should put you on the right track All right, so I am going to The I'm going to the hall of justice cast awards. Okay, i'll go there I'll be back Somewhere I just leave out the I just leave out the building Bye Probably this your token crazy, right? Uh, I am in the um in the front of the Oh, yeah All right, so you're going to a temple in the lord Um, everyone else you guys gonna wait at home for him while he goes I guess i'll follow him. Why not? I've always wanted to see what these cathedrals look like in person Oh, wait, am I still ritual casting or Um You are Okay, then i'll just stay home Okay, then i'll just stay home this time and continue finishing my ritual Can I turn it? Well, i'm gonna go with them the last time I didn't follow you guys I had to go, uh train with the monk Don't you still have to yeah, I thought you were supposed to go there for like a while every day. I thought it was Uh Someone's been playing hooky. Yeah, good times good times uh, I looked down and I Kind of twirled my fingers a little bit Man, this next training session is gonna kill me Or we can just not go anymore. I mean, that's awful. Well, I have to become stronger I Don't know dropping out of school is not always the greatest thing to do and education is quite important That's highly Good where we are. We came back to our stand Uh right now you are in Charles school alley Hey um and if you guys would like to Oop, I am moving. Oh, I like Saw that what? Yeah, that was crazy, oh just sticking on the map layer and you're good. Oh, yeah, well it's not on the map layer on the Oh So What is troll school alley moves every day You'd be at hogwarts not water All right All right. Um, so you guys are in troll school alley and are you guys taking a courage over to the Castle ward, I believe it was Oh, no, we got to go see an izzy. Which temple are we trying to go to? Let's just bury it in second in me What was that turn around? It was on which it was it was Was a worthy Very good the hall of justice castle war. Yeah castle war. Hello justice Yeah, you know it's health Freaked out my character gonna be It's gonna be izzy and everybody's gone and it's gone Uh-huh. Hello, we've got to find out Taking carriage or walking I don't know. I won't take carriage or something but or take izzy Yeah, we should take izzy. Let's go see if izzy is there Yeah, let's go see if it's easy sure um All right Um this thing, you know the way right because you went last night with Yep, I remember the way All right, so, um with the Yeah, let's just bury and guiding you all you guys walk towards the um The stable that is in troll school alley And um as you guys approach it you um You notice that there is uh, someone standing there with a very heavy looking cloak on um And they seem to be feeding the horses this morning Uh, they do not notice you right away Uh, hello you need to get our horse Uh Person Hello, uh morning to you, uh, you said you're here to get your horse Yeah Well One one moment. I just need to finish feeding this girl here and then i'll come over and and see which horse we're talking about Hopefully this will be done. Otherwise, I don't I mean, how would he know it's ours? Right, yeah It's very important yesterday, right but me if she don't have guys Oh, she didn't see the guy Um The man finishes uh feeding the horse and and then he um, he just Cleans his hands really quickly and then he walks over to all of you uh And and he looks he looks at your group, uh a little confused as he has never seen any of you before Uh, our friend dropped um our horse off last night she um Probably paid you extra to keep, uh to keep her warm and fed Uh came in last night, uh Hmm give me one moment Uh He goes behind a a tiny little desk that's completely tucked into the corner and he pulls out a a book Um, and he starts looking through it I don't see anything checked in but I do know that we have a horse that wasn't checked in Uh, you said your friend checked it in Yes, perfect Uh Well, you know, she's like four foot Looks like a great value version of me Uh A great value version of you. I I don't know what that means. Um, I wasn't here last night. Uh Unfortunately that that was my friend and Of course, sometimes he just doesn't do a good job. It's you know, keeping track of people's paperwork uh But i'm assuming you were the your friend is the one he mentioned paid extra, uh He takes you into the stable and and shows you a horse in the far left and um Hesperian you remember seeing uh, this as being where izzy is Oh perfect that looks like izzy where izzy was last night All right, yeah, he he mentioned he mentioned that izzy Clearly it's the horse. He didn't grab the name of the owner um I just need you to to fill out some paperwork here. Just you know, and did you have your id as well? Um, yes, and sure Excellent excellent, uh, and then we can take care of this. Oh, it looks like your friend paid last night um So yeah, you just have to sign her out I'll sign her in and then sign her out because he didn't do it properly, but you know how it is You get help from friends Uh, uh sign in and sign her out We'll probably be um bringing her back to later Uh, uh, if you want a more, uh long-term solution, um Let me know and we'll draw up a contract for that Awesome. Thank you Now walk out with izzy Uh Uh Izzy is uh a little surprised to see you all without salissa And salissa your ritual cast is done Cool That's right. I'm probably running up to a thing right now. I'm like Oh, well, i'm not yelling out like everything. You know what? No Yeah, what's the little thing that happens when you yell out like a maniac Nah anyway, uh, i've run out Well, i'm fast walking out a little excited I am outside the motherfucking house I'm smiling and then I blink and I see you guys with the horse And i'm like, what are you guys doing with izzy? Hmm We about to go do stuff We hitting up some cathedrals with uh Oh bet and then I uh rush over and basically, uh pet everything I was like, how was your night? It was nice it was good it was so You you All right, it is 10 57 And I think we will end our game here uh as you guys get ready to head to the halls of He's the dawn of a new day I'm surprised as he was there honestly Uh I kept thinking that horse gonna be gone I love this music Me too. I was loving this music It was it was amazing. It was giving me like really good new day feels Also, how the fuck do you do a great value, uh joke without me being nearby It wasn't for me Would you even know what the hell that is Yeah, what is great value I think I think we've established it I forgot that we uh

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