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When the head is missing, what do you expect?

When the head is missing, what do you expect?




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The author criticizes the U.S.T.A. leadership, particularly the CEO, for their controversial decisions and failure to address core issues. They argue that the aging demographic of tennis fans and the CEO's involvement in a sexual abuse investigation are hindering the sport's growth and deterring new sponsors. The author calls for a complete overhaul of leadership and emphasizes the need for a new board and CEO who understand tennis and can attract a new generation of fans. They also criticize the CEO for prioritizing expensive drinks, progressive posturing, and other superficial tactics over sweat, competition, and coaching in attracting new fans. The author concludes by stating that the current leadership is incompetent and harmful to the sport, and urges for their replacement. U.S.T.A. Board, you and the C.O. are destroying the tennis brand? By Javier Polenque. I firmly believe that genuine change at U.S.T.A. necessitates a complete overhaul of leadership from the C.O. down to their legal representatives, Allard emphasized. Given the gravity of the situation, I am committed to pursuing this until it's achieved. Robert Allard, lead attorney against the U.S.T.A. Imagine the C.O. of the U.S.T.A. attempting to secure a new sponsor for the U.S. Open. He faces two significant hurdles. The aging demographic of tennis fans. His own controversial decisions over the years that now have come to haunt him and his board. These choices underscore the stagnation within the sport that he was unable to foresee or solve in 14 years. Yet he remains oblivious and continues to make sales calls that have the two implied hurdles that the C.O. himself has created that work against the sport he runs. This makes no sense anywhere in the world, but at the U.S.T.A. it's normal business. What? Consider the demographic profile the U.S.T.A. typically attracts. Age 64 plus. Income over $250,000. Predominantly male. Resides in metropolitan areas. Experience with international travel. Near retirement with grandchildren. Minimal TV ratings and decreasing viewership. Limited impactful web usage. Looking for retirement residence. Before meeting any potential sponsor, it would be fair to assume that the sponsor would have done their due diligence, uncovering the 261-page Congressional Sexual Abuse Investigation that they received in the news or by a FedEx package beautifully printed in color. The C.O. presenting the pitch is the same individual who instigated this damaging investigation and now audaciously seeks to appeal the recent jury decision in Florida. This is one sexual abuse case out of 31. Logic tells you to not appeal the jury verdict, yet he will appeal and publicly stated so. This is beyond mindless, arrogant, and the opposite of enlightened. The board members need to recognize that their own decisions are exacerbating the problem, deterring new sponsors, failing to address core issues, aging the sports audience, and essentially paying the executives to be turned down by sponsors. To whom does this make sense? And why can't they figure this out? Let me remind you the waste per year in executives is $10 million. When you refer to the link of the Congressional Investigation above and read the table of contents below, you will realize and grasp the severity of the situation. It is really bad for the USTA. The executives have no choice but to resign. They can't sell anything to anyone, and they hired a sales guy to sell, and he ruined the product to sell by his lack of intelligence and poor choices, protecting the status quo over the sport. Like the picture above, they are destroying the tennis brand themselves, where I come from this is called incompetence. We get rid of these people quickly, so they cause no more damage, but at the USTA, they are given more responsibility and bonuses. Instead of replacing the ineffective team, the board believes more sales calls will solve the issue, hoping sponsors remain unaware of the sexual abuse claims. We are in 2024. This article will be read all over the world seconds after I press end. It is not 1939. The board's approach is neither intelligent nor sustainable. It is a loser and one from which the same old team cannot recover. Accept it with dignity, and let us move on for the benefit of the sport. It's time for the USTA to appoint a new board and CEO who genuinely understands tennis and its needs and has a solution to the core problem, which is a new generation of fans. Sorry, Mr. Salesman, your mistaken belief that new fans are made with expensive drinks, progressive posturing, woke days, gay days, protecting incapable employees, hiding sexual harassment complaints, lying about participation numbers, disrespecting coaches and parents, expensive pop-up food, targeting bankers who do not play or ever will, clean bathrooms, or heavy traffic to get to see foreigners play. You are unequivocally mistaken. New fans are made with sweat, competition, and coaching in our zip codes. This is not hard to comprehend for most of us. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend, Mr. Salesman? Because no sales can be made to the grassroots, and it is unattractive for you since you never played? The CEO and the current leadership, responsible for the congressional investigation for many sexual abuse cases that they hid and the subsequent sponsor rejection challenges, given the lack of foresight of the CEO, must be replaced. Keeping them is absurd and bad for business, we all know that. This is a sad reality check on the state of intelligence and the lack of competence of the good old boys. The self-serving executives need to be replaced by people with values, morals, and who want to serve their experiences for the benefit of the game. Yet, the board hangs tight with their welfare hands extended hoping no one notices just how pathetic they are. The Congress investigation will expose them even more. I say no to ineptitude and yes to growing the game. If you want to reach me, please contact me at palinkatyahoo.com. The image below shows you the choices to make. One is the status quo. One is the future. What else do you need to see to do well by the sport? One is fertile ground and alive. The other ground is dead. Guess where the OL boys' clan falls? To the left or the right of the side of the tree.

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