Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a podcast where two friends discuss navigating early adulthood. They talk about careers, relationships, and their experiences in New York City. They emphasize the awkwardness of this stage of life where you're expected to have your life together but still want to have fun. They also discuss the pressure to compare yourself to others and the importance of being kind and understanding. They share personal stories about realizing that life isn't perfect and the importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone to grow. okay welcome to our first podcast did we just say that out loud I'm Jaya I'm Natalia and yeah we're just figuring life out at the same time as the rest of the fucking world so yeah this is this is fucking weird um yeah this is kind of crazy but let's say what we're here for so did we say that did we just say that out loud did we just say that out loud is about navigating the chaos of early adulthood together we're kind of at that awkward age where you need to get your shit together and you're expected to get your shit together but we're still young and trying to have fun and trying to do reckless shit and that's a total fucking rollercoaster so we're really just going to talk about careers relationships like our night out in New York City and just like overall traveling and this weird age we're in yeah so whether you're looking for someone to relate to a good laugh or just advice from two girls who are living it this is definitely the podcast for you we both you know I think we both enjoy self-improvement stuff like yeah we're just sitting down okay with what's going on we're always trying to find like new shit to do new experiences to have like we're like junkies for like new experiences I agree and I think that it's like the new year yeah we're inspired to do new things we want to learn from you guys we want to grow with you guys so yeah let's dive into this beautiful mess of life together period so let's talk about this like awkward stage of our lives where we need to get our shit together but we still kind of feel like we're kids yeah 100% yeah like I just graduated from college and I have a job but I live at home yeah so it's like am I really an adult yeah or it's a weird middle place to be in it's weird because we have all the responsibilities of adult we gotta make our own doctor's appointments and yeah you know take care of ourselves and it's kind of at that point realizing like no one's gonna save you but yourself yeah and I feel like everyone at this age it's like they compare each other so it's like some of us are moving out living with boyfriends and then others are like I think it's really easy to compare yeah I mean even with Instagram comparing your bodies comparing your lifestyle comparing how much money you have exactly but it's like there's no written down rule of where you're supposed to be at in the stage of your life at all you know like everyone's doing the best that they can do and and I think that goes like with any age yeah like we're all living for the first time like we're not 40 twice like we're 41 our parents this is their first time living too yeah I saw this quote on Instagram that said be kind to your parents it's their first time at life too and I think this stuck with me so much because in your youth you see your parents it's like these all-knowing beings with more money than you but at some point you realize that like they're as much of an idiot as you are yeah and they don't know what the fuck they're doing like no one knows nobody we're all just navigating what's happening all of our first times at live so you know be be kind to people I think it's yeah be kind and just kind of put yourself in other people's shoes yeah so easy to just be in your own head in your own life but if you're able to really put yourself in someone else's shoes and being like you know they're doing the best they can even though maybe what they're doing isn't quote-unquote right or whatever there's like such a psychological background between everybody's decisions and everything yeah I think we just need to realize that we're on earth and this is not a movie where we can replay our lives just like you're living it once we'll live it to the fucking fullest but you have to do whatever your heart desires everyone's gonna judge you anyway yeah and nobody is doing this yeah like a second time around I don't know we're freezing each other and like coming back to life at some point I mean I hope so because that could be really fun I hope we get to that point there you go so yeah what do you think like this moment for for you was when you realized life isn't all unicorns and rainbows and we're all just a bunch of idiots doing the best that we can I mean I feel like I've had so many moments like that in my life like different stages but one moment that I really realized because I feel like I've always been very genuine I forgive people like I just I don't hold grudges however when I was in high school I was in a relationship with this guy and it was the most picture-perfect relationship you can imagine like it was a yes man like no arguments like even when we broke up it wasn't an argument it was like okay goodbye and then I thought we ended on good terms but I got blocked and everything like phone numbers Snapchat Instagram everything like there was no contact ever again and for the longest I was like what even happened yeah like I just thought we were both getting busy with our lives like I was a junior in high school yeah and then I want to say like months later like five months later one of the girls I was best friends with at the time she kind of admitted to me that they took so five months later this girl I was best friends with like admits to me that her and this other girl I was friends with told that guy that I cheated on him like and he believes it there was like no questions asked he was just like we're busy like that's it and I was like okay like bye like that was it but he never I was a junior yeah it was so sad because then those were like my only friends and then I had no friends so like I would sit at lunch by myself for a time period but like that lasted like a week but it really like I didn't go to school like I actually told my mom I cannot go to school like I would get on the train and go and then I'm like on 125 I'm like okay now like I would get off the train I'd call my mom and be like I'm coming home and she's like come home and I feel like it's the only time well that was the first time in my life where I was like oh my god like I'm hurt like I've never felt like that exactly and I feel like before that everything was just so good and like nothing really hurt me yeah and then it's just like I felt betrayed and I was like okay like yeah this is fucking life like people literally come and go yeah and I was like really that hard at the time no I look back I'm like yeah what about you um I think for me it was transitioning from my you know I was born and raised in Washington yeah so like going I went to middle school in Washington Heights and in high school I transitioned to a private school in Soho and it was like a culture shock for me it was like oh shit like this is part of the world like yeah it was just crazy like style was different culture was different like there was such like a big emphasis on like drug and weed and everything and like it was just a crazy new world for me that I was so I just didn't know that there was more than our little bubble and I was just I was amazed and it kind of it was it was too much for me at the time because I ended up just being a wild child literally and this was in high school from middle school to high school so like my my freshman year just like being there and realizing like this whole other world of New York City and like that I am in it and like I don't it just felt like a movie to me it felt like life was not real and I started smoking weed then and then shit went downhill I ended up getting kicked out of that school and getting sent to wilderness and boarding schools but that's another that's a conversation but yeah it was just realizing that there's so much more than this little Washington Heights life I think I'm so happy though that I got this opportunity I mean I doubt I would have stayed in Washington Heights whether I went to that school or not socially but you know when you push yourself out of your comfort zone to do things or to meet people or to put yourself in positions where it's like a new experience I feel like you grow so much like just every new experience I've ever had I feel like I grow so much a new relationship like even if it was toxic as fuck like I have grown so much from every relationship that I've been in friends boyfriends like everyone I think everything I think almost anything and everything and inspires us yeah to do the different things yeah I think so too whether you know it or not you know it might feel like it's you're being inspired in the moment and I feel like fucking hell but I mean even with your your middle school thing I mean I'm sure that you came out of that was it in high school high school even in your high school thing you came out of that with a new perspective that you know there was definitely some trauma in there but I'm sure that you also learned things about yourself and you know other people you wanted to put around you moving forward for sure I think I got comfortable with being by myself yeah so like like that's really important and I think like I also went to a college where I didn't know anyone and that's one thing I wanted to do like I was like I want to go somewhere where nobody knows me and I don't know anyone like kind of start a new life start fresh and that was really good for me like I honestly enjoyed that and I've always put myself in situations where I need to meet new people I need to put myself out there yeah it's scary but if you do it it's just like it's only good things can yeah I feel like if you push yourself outside your comfort zone into a place where you're meeting new people just new experiences new thoughts and ways that people view the world differently like you're only increasing your knowledge and like ability to interact and understand the world a little bit more yeah I guess that's what everyone wants at the end of the day to like no one really understands the world like things that are good for you yesterday are bad for you today like I agree like it's like you know just you are your experiences so you know push yourself to to try new things even if it's scary at first I mean me and Natalia literally did tennis yesterday for the first time ever we really looked like two idiots but we had so much fun we went to like a bar for an hour and we the time went by in like two seconds two seconds yeah it was so fun yeah it was it was fun like you know who knew that we could do fun things that don't involve drinking even though we went out the night before yeah we need a balance yeah and that's what life is and new experiences yeah navigating yeah navigating balance you know trying to say yeah yeah not holding yourself back I think that it's weird because there's so many phases that I went through in life like my high school phase like like I don't recognize that girl like I am literally not a girl but it's like I needed that girl to fuck up the way she did yeah like be the person I am now and I love myself now there's definitely more I could do at this time like way more but compared but compared to who I was in high school it's like wow like I'm sure if I go back in time and I'm like hi everyone they're gonna be like whoa who are you yeah imposter because I was definitely a little ghetto yeah it's the Washington Heights and it's so weird because I never hung out there like ever I mean I like me no I like I did I'm like number one apart like no it's been in a park at 8 p.m. literally been apart injury I'm smoking wait it's a good snack we didn't even saw that anymore like I have not seen on in store like I am pretty sure I've tried to make that we're probably gonna get like an ad in 20 years like if you drink that 2015 like you are bound for okay that's like the same thing as the Applebee's like dollar and I used to you know I used to get so sick from alcohol like I still literally throw up every time I drink alcohol and now I'm realizing one it was because I was like a baby drinking and two it's because I was drinking the fucking sugary crap that like nobody should be drinking in the first place and now you know now we'll drink you know the good tequila that's kind of weird because I feel like when I used to drink when I was younger I wouldn't get so hungover and now when I drink like we drink the good tequila we drink the good vodka I think it's like I wake up and I can't do anything we would drink less I mean well like there are limits like I'm not gonna be crazy yeah yeah I'm like I'm 23 years old but I'm gonna go out and have a good time I'm definitely not gonna do whatever I was doing at 17 years old but um yeah no fake ID we're just in the real world right now we have to fake it till we made it we're here we are fucking here and that's what life is all about yes it is faking it till we make it thank you guys so much for tuning in to our first episode of did we just say that loud we're super excited to have you guys go on this journey with us and we hope you listen to future episodes