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Glazba u kirurgiji

Glazba u kirurgiji

Jelena RömerJelena Römer



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Listening to music before, during, and after surgery has beneficial effects on patients by reducing fear and pain, and speeding up recovery. British scientists analyzed 72 studies involving 7000 people and found that patients who listened to music during surgery were less scared, experienced less pain afterwards, and took fewer painkillers compared to those who didn't. The impact on fear and pain was evident regardless of whether the music was listened to before, during, or after the surgery, although listening to music before the procedure was found to be the most effective. All types of music were found to be beneficial, with a slight advantage to music chosen by the patients themselves. The effects were even observed under general anesthesia, but were slightly stronger when patients were conscious during the operation. Music also allowed for a reduced intake of pain medication, but did not shorten the patient's hospitalization time, according to the scientists mentioned. Slušanje glazbe prije, tijekom i poslije kiruškog zahvata blagotvorno djeluje na pacijente tako što im smanjuje strah i volove, te ubrzava oporavak. Analizom 72 studije, kojima je bilo obuhvaćeno 7000 ljudi, skupina britanskih znanstvenika pokazala je da su pacijenti operirani uz glazbu bili manje prestrašeni, manje su trpjeli volove nakon operacije, te su uzimali manje analgetika od onih koji to nisu bili. Utjecaj na strah i bol bio je vidljiv bez obzira ili se glazbu slušalo prije, tijekom ili nakon operacije, premda se najboljim pokazalo slušanje glazbe prije samog zahvata. Blagotvorne su se pokazale sve vrste glazbe, premda autorističu kako je veću, ali neznatnu prednost imala glazba koju su birali sami pacijenti, ta je učinak primjećen čak i pod općom anestezijom, ali je ipak nešto veći kad su pacijenti pri svijestitje tijekom operacije. Glazba je uz to omogućila uzimanje manje količine tableta protiv volova, no nije skratila vrijeme hospitalizacije pacijenta na pominju znanstvenicija. Znanost na kapaljku uredila je Jelena Remer.

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