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The speaker used keywords to search different university library databases, such as PubMed and Medline, to find information related to their group's research question. They also set specific search limiters, such as language and publication date. Initially, they had some difficulties with their keywords but found that using Boolean operators helped narrow their searches and find relevant articles and studies. We used our group's P.O. question to create keywords to search the following university library databases, PubMed, Medline, CINAHL Complete, Academic Search Complete, and PsycINFO. Some of the keywords that we used for our searches included things like, and I would discuss some of the ways that we combined and used keywords here, and we also set specific search limiters on our searches, including only looking for information that was published in the English language, only looking for things that were published in the previous five years, and of course we limited to only peer-reviewed journals and articles as well. Some of the things that went really well in our literature search as a group were, and I would discuss those here, we also had some struggles at first because our keywords weren't working out how we wanted them to, but eventually we realized that if we used Boolean operators effectively, it really did help to narrow our searches so that we were getting articles and studies that very specifically answered our group's P.O. question.