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cover of Q1-20040306-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-studying_the_teaching_studying_ourselves_examples_from_the_anapana





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Talk: 20040306-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-studying_the_teaching_studying_ourselves_examples_from_the_anapanasati_sutta_part_4-6093 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 00:32:26 Display_question: Do you have suggestions for how to work with the mind, that wants to watch the clock, during sitting practice? Keyword_search: clock, sitting, suffering, self-knowing, wisdom, mind-state, condition Question_content: Questioner: Do you have suggestions, for how to work with the mind, that wants to watch the clock. Larry: The mind that wants to watch the clock, on a retreat, or at home? Questioner: Well, both. While I’m sitting it’s somewhat here, but at home, I really believe the clock is going to break, because I’m not sitting as long. Here…. Larry: Do you mean simply when you do sitting, how long, how to time it time the sitting? Questioner: How to respond when the mind keeps. Like I’m sitting but I want to look… Larry: Okay, I understand. Let's say when you're sitting, if the sitting is not a good sitting, bad sitting, then time becomes an eternity, and you look at the watch and it can give you some relief. Oh seven minutes to go. If you're having a great sitting. In other words, the bell ringer. Mostly we're hated, but often we're loved. No, mostly we're loved because we put an end to your suffering. Far more valuable than looking at your watch, and getting a little bit of… getting some relief from that, is looking at the mind, that wants to look at the watch. And I would say that applies at home. See, it's always going to be self-knowing, get to know yourself. And so, you get to know yourself, not in the abstract, but in the concrete situations of living, and how you live in that situation. Wisdom is alive. They're not just words from a book. For wisdom to be effective, transformative, you have to live it. You have to be the wisdom. Break_line: Okay so, let's say some of you had clocks, and I made a few comments, and sometimes I have to say, more than once. So, you're sitting, and suddenly you feel this strong urge, I've got to look at my watch. And you know, you have that tendency. The practice would be, not to look at the watch, but to look at how desperate the mind gets, see what it does to your posture, see how it feels. You're on the edge of hysteria, and watch that, and you'll see it starts to it peaks, and then it starts to disintegrate, and then it falls away, and you realize, oh, it's just a condition. A mind state comes and goes, and then you do that a few times. And the problem… you don't have to do it anymore. End_time: 00:34:58

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