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cover of Q2-19870718-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-reflections_on_the_buddhas_fire_sermon_part_ii-1545 Leandra Tejedor
Q2-19870718-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-reflections_on_the_buddhas_fire_sermon_part_ii-1545 Leandra Tejedor

Q2-19870718-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-reflections_on_the_buddhas_fire_sermon_part_ii-1545 Leandra Tejedor




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Talk: 19870718-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-reflections_on_the_buddhas_fire_sermon_part_ii-1545 Leandra Tejedor (1) Start_time: 50:32 Display_question: I would like to share about my experience with a mosquito and a fly. Keyword_search: mosquito, died, fly, suffering, pleasant, unpleasant Question_content: Questioner: I had an encounter with a mosquito the other day. Larry: Who won? Questioner: I did. I was swatting them…this mosquito for the past few days and trying to figure out how to deal with it. So, during this fight with the mosquito I killed it, and it was all bloody, and some of it was my blood, but I felt kind of bad. Anyway, I figured, well, he got enough, but then he died. Larry: He got enough what? Questioner: Blood. Larry: Yeah. Questioner: He was like a real mess. Larry: Are you trying to imply he died happy? Like those happy cows that you know provide us with hamburgers as they… big smiles on their face? Questioner: But today I had an encounter with a fly. The fly was flying around buzzing my head. I said nope. I am not doing it again. Let’s see what happens, because usually… I just started watching it happening, because I realize that most of the flying, is anticipating its landing, rather than its actual landing. So…. Larry: Now, is there suffering in that moment? Questioner: No, at that point, no. But I would say I was daring, daring it to land. And I left it for a very long time, and I wasn't swatting it either. And I felt great. I thought, well, we just dancing together. So finally it did land, and it wasn’t unpleasant at all. In fact, it was very pleasant, particularly on my hand. It wasn’t so bad. I didn’t swat it or anything. And all the rest of the day I haven't really had any problems with the mosquitos or…. Larry: I know. They're all on me. End_time: 52:38

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