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cover of WhatsApp Video 2024-03-24 at 09.46.34 (online-audio-converter.com)
WhatsApp Video 2024-03-24 at 09.46.34 (online-audio-converter.com)

WhatsApp Video 2024-03-24 at 09.46.34 (online-audio-converter.com)




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The speaker is addressing brothers and sisters, people of God, and announcing the start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday. They mention that their parish has prepared a beautiful program for the week and invite everyone to come and celebrate, experiencing the mystery of their festival, the passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord. They also mention that the complete schedule can be found on their media channels and express their hope to see everyone and their families there. Amados irmãos e irmãs, queridos povos de Deus, iniciamos hoje com o Domingo de Ramos a nossa Semana do Santo. Nossa paródia preparou uma bela programação para esta semana. Venha celebrar conosco e vivenciar o mistério da nossa festa, a paixão, a morte e a ressurreição do Senhor. Nos nossos meios de comunicação você encontra a programação completa. Esperamos você e sua família.

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