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The speaker is launching a coaching business for real estate agents. They will offer a program to guide agents in building and growing their businesses, a mentorship group for collaboration and discussion, and one-on-one coaching tailored to each individual. The speaker believes that with proper support, anyone can achieve success in the real estate business. They encourage those interested in starting or struggling in real estate to reach out for a consultation. So I know a lot of people have been wondering what I'm doing and what the new big news is, and I'm pretty excited to share that I am going to be launching my own coaching business for real estate agents. I have always felt really strongly that I can help mentor and show people how I've built my business, and that I believe everybody can do what I've done. So over the next couple of months, you'll probably see lots of videos, and I'll be sharing my story and how I've built what I have built. I'm also offering the opportunity for people to join me. You can purchase a program that I've built and put together. It will explain to you and guide you through building your own real estate business, how to fine-tune your real estate business, and how to grow a real estate business that is successful. I also am providing a mentorship group. That mentorship group will meet once a week. We will hop on a Zoom call, and we can collaborate and discuss together different situations that arise in real estate. I find that that is the best way for us to learn as real estate agents, is to talk to other people, collaborate, and really kind of coach and guide each other through different situations. I certainly wish that I had had something like that to kind of help me through the first couple of years of real estate. And then finally, I'll be offering one-on-one coaching, very similar to what I've done over the past couple of years. This is going to be dedicated one-on-one and tailored to each individual person. I've found that I've had great success in the past with other agents in being able to help and guide them in their real estate business, and to help them to build flourishing real estate businesses. So I am very, very excited to be able to take on. I have right now the room to take three more people on to provide one-on-one mentoring. The mentoring will include a one-hour a week, one-on-one meeting where we will sit down and discuss. We go through a program together. We either can do a three or a six-month program. The three-month program, you'll be guided through how to build everything from how I've built a successful networking group, how I have built my sphere, and how to really build an efficient sphere to be able to help refer you business and create relationships that I find is really the livelihood of my business. In the one-on-one coaching, I also will be providing the ability to have contact with me. I'm not so much going to be there guiding you through the contractual work because I do believe that that should be with you and your managing broker or whomever it is that your managing broker has really deemed it necessary for you to work with. But it's more if you've tried three different options and those three different options, you still don't have the answer, then I've told my clients, please feel free to reach out to me because the probability is that I might know the answer or I can find the answer. I find that I'm very responsive, not only to my clients, but also to the people that I'm coaching. So those are the three different options. I'm super excited to be launching this. We will be moving our mastermind group, that's the group that we'll be meeting once a month or once a week via Zoom, that'll be launching the first week of June. We are taking one-on-one mentorship applications for the next couple of weeks. We'll do a meeting just via Zoom, it's a 15-minute kind of exploration call and I really want to encourage all the people that have been interested or have wanted to explore getting their real estate license. This is a fantastic way for me to also help guide you on how to become a real estate agent, everything from the different options in schooling, the different options in brokerages, and then the different options that are available out there for you as a real estate agent and how to build that business. I certainly wish that I had taken the opportunity to find mentorship and coaching back when I very first got in the business. I feel like I could have been far more successful right out the door. Having somebody to help guide me and answer questions on how do I find clients, how do I build a sphere, how do I build a networking group, or even things such as how to host an event, how do I build a business built on relationships, those are all different things that I really like to help coach my clients because I really do feel like that is the livelihood of my own business and it is the reason that I've been successful in my business. I've kind of run out of things to talk about. So, hit on benefits of working with DNA, we talked a little bit about that, but let's do a more high-level talking about what it was like for you when you were struggling with your business, a little bit of kind of your first one to two years and how you wish you had had somebody alongside you to kind of just guide you through and say these are the steps instead of having to figure that out on your own because you did inevitably figure it out, but the fact that it took you three years to figure that out whereas having me say something like, yeah, my first one to two years were really, my first three years were really difficult in business, I only got some of the transactions we got, and there was a lot of steps that if I had someone alongside me, however you want to say it, to guide me through those steps, it would have saved me so much time. Money. One of the things that I really wish that I had had when I very first got into the business was someone that I could ask all the questions to. My first year in business, I sold one house, I was terrified to tell anyone that I sold real estate for fear of not knowing the answer, which I think is pretty common, and I was afraid people would ask me questions and I wouldn't know the answers. My second year in business, I sold a couple more homes, but I was still very apprehensive, very timid, very scared to make a mistake. My third year in business, I did very, very well. I sold 11 homes, I felt like I was kind of getting my feet under me, and I was really learning a lot, but I also made a lot of financial mistakes that year. I invested in things that really were just a waste of money, and I really wish that I had had somebody there to be able to help guide me and coach me in, hey, this is somebody who came to me, or here is something that somebody approached me about, and being able to really help coach and guide the questions that I had instead of making poor financial choices in trying to figure out the business. And I really, looking back, wish that I had had somebody who was in the business and active and producing who could really help coach and guide my steps in the business. As one of the agents that I've coached in the past who now is getting ready to do some pretty big things out in Pennsylvania has said, he has said that he mirrored everything I did in my business and duplicated my steps, and I really look at how he became successful so quickly as a testament to the ability that I have of seeing where people are and being able to coach and help guide them through the different pitfalls that are in this business, or minefields, if you will. And he shared with me, he said, you know, I saw your success, and I wanted to be successful. And he said, and how better to be successful than to follow in the footsteps of somebody that's already successfully navigated a minefield. And I look at that, and I look at his success, and I am very excited for him. I'm also very thankful that he followed the things that I advised him on and coached him on. And I'm just very thankful that he's doing so well now. So looking back in hindsight, I really wish that I had had somebody to help me and could provide a higher level of experience and knowledge and be able to help guide me in the process of building a real estate business versus a photo thing. What's the dryer? Oh, the air filter. I feel like that's good. What I would tell you now is I think we're good in depth. Just kind of hit more high level. Like we're still going to be rolling this out in the next couple weeks. Feel free to reach out to me if this is something you're interested in. I would say that. And then I'll say something like we have a limited number of spots available, so if this is something that you can be remotely interested in, it should be a text or get in contact with me because this is mostly going to be about your friends. And then once you say that, we can close it out. Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be putting together the rest of this program and launching a website. I just want to encourage you that if you or somebody you know has been thinking about either starting a real estate business or is in the real estate business and maybe struggling, have them reach out to me. I would love the opportunity to even just set up a 15-minute consultation and see if there are some ways or ideas that I might have in being able to help guide them to success. I also believe that if you are interested in becoming a real estate agent, there is so much opportunity, and at some time in the future, I'll share my story. And I believe that everybody can have a very similar story. It's just a matter of working really, really hard and putting your time, effort, and energy into it. And I really do believe that everybody can do what I have done with the proper support and with the proper guidance and coaching. I have a dog scratching upstairs. I can't because I know they're not going to stop scratching. I think it's our bedroom. Either somebody's in there or somebody's trying to get out. Yes. All right. So you come all the way downstairs. So I can be kind of how you close off to say I do believe with proper guidance and support, anybody can do this. I look forward to hearing from you and look forward to where this project is headed. Okay. I believe with the proper guidance and support, anybody can do what I have done. And I know that you can do it too. It can change your life. Real estate certainly has changed my life. It's changed my family's life and the trajectory of our life and our experiences. I look forward to hearing from you. Please reach out via text or e-mail. You can even message me on Messenger if you don't have my phone number or you can just look me up because, you know, my phone number is kind of everywhere. But, yeah, reach out if you have any questions. I'd love to hear from you. Have a great day. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

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