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Jim LinthicumJim Linthicum



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In 1955, Our Blessed Mother appeared in Africa as Mary Tabernacle of the Most High. She revealed this new Eucharistic title to a 13-year-old Benedictine nun named Rinalda May. Mary urged her to spread this title to the world and to be a living monstrance, bringing Christ to the world by proclaiming His glory. Apparitions like this remind us of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, which many Catholics unfortunately do not believe in. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared a national Eucharistic revival to help people understand the truth of the Eucharist. We are called to honor and adore the Eucharist, and Eucharistic processions are a traditional way to do so. We should also live according to the liturgical calendar and celebrate feast days like Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We can spread the message of Mary Tabernacle of the Most High by sharing it on social media Welcome everyone, so good to be with you again on a beautiful Wednesday morning. You know we are cutting right into summer big time and that's a good thing because summer is a time where we can kind of kick back and life is a little more easy, the pace of life is not so hectic, or at least it shouldn't be, so if you're already feeling burnt out and you've just started summer, then that's a sign that it's time to relax a little, enjoy your life, enjoy all the great things, the blessings, the beautiful surroundings, the people, your friends, your family, all the people that you will meet this summer, and thank the Lord for these great blessings. We're always so busy and we blink and the next thing we know it seems like, well, that our kids are grown and they've left and they've gotten married, in fact my son is getting married this weekend, and time just flies by and we try so hard to help slow things down and keep them little for a while, but time moves on and before you know it, time is past and that is one of the biggest things that most people regret, and I myself am one of them, is all the times I didn't take to slow down, I was so busy with everything moving from one to the next to the next, and with five kids that can be pretty hectic, but there are ways to savor and cherish the moments that God has given us and not to waste time, and one of the reasons I'm talking about this is because we're going to talk today about an apparition, a little known apparition, and our Blessed Mother comes as Mary Tabernacle of the Most High, and this is in 1955 in Africa, and so when we don't slow down we miss all the great miracles, we miss all the things that God is doing in the world, and we don't take time to discover the great mysteries and the great blessings that he's giving us personally as well as through the church and through his mother Mary, and so we have coming up with us Corpus Christi Sunday, which has a new emphasis all its own again because there's the Eucharistic Revival, and that Eucharistic Revival my friends is something that we need to take time for, we need to make the time for it, because it is so important, and so many people are doing different things to help people become aware of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist. Studies show that unfortunately many Catholics do not believe in the real presence, meaning they don't believe that the Eucharist is, they think it's a sign and a symbol, but they don't believe it's truly his body, blood, soul, and divinity, that even though we can't see it, it has turned into his very flesh and blood, and how can we know that for certain? Well, we know it by faith, but there are so many Eucharistic miracles, and I think as the disbelief grows, there is a proportionate amount of new Eucharistic miracles happening all the time, where Jesus is saying, look, I am here, I have not abandoned you, I am real, and come to me, all those who thirst, all those who are hungry, and so the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared a three-year national Eucharistic revival to help people to understand that Jesus truly is there, and my friends, that changes everything. No other church, no other religion claims to have God in the presence of that host. We do, because it's true, and it's a gift that God has given the world, and so many people just throw it aside, ignore it, aren't even interested, and so this Eucharistic revival that the bishops are calling for just started in 2022 and will end in 2025, and so with the solemnity of the most holy body and blood of Christ, the porpoise Christi, coming up this coming Sunday, there are all kinds of renewed, old traditions of the Catholic faith, and one of them is Eucharistic processions, and so here at St. Luke we are so excited, we're going to have our first Eucharistic procession, and so we've been very busy trying to get it all together, and why do we want to do this? Because we want to honor our Lord, we want to recognize, we want to thank Him for all the great blessings, especially Himself in the Eucharist. Remember, in John, the chapter 6, Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. That short verse, my friends, we should commit to memory, and we should say it over and over again. Thank you, Jesus, for being the bread of my life, for coming to me when I am hungry, for coming to me when I am thirsting, because our Lord revealed to St. Faustina and to Mother Teresa, to so many great saints, that He thirsts for our souls. We are that important to Him, and so He has an unending thirst for all the souls that have been created throughout time and throughout eternity, and He is always, always there for us, leading us, helping us to understand that our true self, our true worth, is the fact that we are made in the image and likeness of God. And so, here we have Jesus telling us that, you know, are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Come to me, because if you believe in me, then you will never thirst, you will never hunger. And sometimes that is taken very literally, and it can be, but there is a spiritual hunger in this world, and most especially, we see it in our own country, in our own families, in our churches, a hunger for the Lord, a hunger, a restlessness that people just can't seem to understand and are trying to quench it, unfortunately, with a lot of material things, people, places, spending money, you know, almost in a quiet, desperate way. And what's the answer? The answer is the Eucharist. The answer is Jesus. And yet, here He waits, night and day, 24-7, in the tabernacles of the world, and people who are so hungry and so thirsty don't even think about them. Even if they believe, they don't think about it. It's kind of the last resort. He should be our first resort. He is our refuge. And so when we turn to Him, my friends, when we give all the honor and glory to Him, especially in the Eucharist, that most precious of all gifts, then everything changes in your life. In fact, yesterday we had, at one of our Women of Faith sessions, we're doing a speaker series, and I'm going to have this, I'll call him a young man who spoke to us yesterday about his experience in front of adoration, in front of the Eucharist, and how it transformed his life. And miracles started to happen, one thing after another after another. Now, it was always presented to him, and he knew the Lord was asking him to do things, like donate a kidney, so no small things, my friends. But then again, He did ask him many small things that turned into big things. And so I'm going to have him come and talk and relate this experience, because it did transform his life. He said, I always believed in the true presence of the Eucharist, but I was just a Catholic that went to Mass and things like that. I never had tried adoration. I didn't know exactly what to do. And he said, it just became as he started going to adoration, it was very apparent to him that he had missed out on so much throughout his life, because he never took that next step. He believed, but he didn't act on that belief. And how many times have I talked about here on this program, where our Blessed Mother gives us all these messages, leading us right through her Son. Messages from Heaven, you know, do this, do that, or these things will happen, good and bad, if you do these different things. And so she's always asking us, and she always, especially in Medjugorje, she always answers, thank you for having responded to my call. Because we have to hear it, just like the Gospel. We hear a message, we hear the Gospel, but we don't move out in faith and action. Well then, what good is it if we believe, if we keep it to ourselves, if it doesn't change or transform our life, then what good is it if we believe? We have to act on our belief. Because, I forget who said this, but I'll paraphrase it, that if you do not act on the things you believe in, then soon you will be acting with, you will be believing in the things that you're doing, that you're acting out. And that's how true it is in the world today. You know, we have people who believe in the true presence, we have people who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but then they don't act on it. And they fall into the presumption a lot of times. And sometimes we're all guilty of this, right? Well, even if I do this, God will forgive me. Because He's so merciful, He's so loving, He'll forgive anything. And that's true. But at the same time, every time we commit offense against the Lord, and that could even be ignoring Him in the Eucharist. Remember, it's not just what we do, but what we fail to do. And so that wounds the heart, the very heart of God Himself. And the heart of our Blessed Mother. And in fact, June is the traditional time to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And then we have, coming up later, there's so many wonderful feast days. We had Trinity last time, last Sunday. Now we're moving into Corpus Christi. Pretty soon we'll have the Feast, what I call, of the Two Hearts, the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Saturday. And then on Sunday, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So there's so many solemnities, so many wonderful things to celebrate. But will we? Will we even be aware that it's that? And that's why, a little while ago, I talked about how we need to start living the liturgical calendar. And at first, when somebody would tell me that, I was like, what? How can you do that? Well, it's just like you're living a calendar, right? You're living the secular calendar, and it has a few, you know, holy days that are sprinkled in. You know, but they drop the saints. So there's St. Patrick's Day, there's St. Valentine's Day, but they drop the, you know, all the saint stuff. They've turned, yes, on December 25th, it's on your calendar that it's Christmas, but it's over by that time because the commercial presence is over and done with, and they're moved on. Same with Easter. A lot of times now, kids aren't even getting out for Easter break. They're getting out for spring break, and they ignore Easter. So when you live by the secular calendar, so many times we give up and we lose the sense of the sacred, of the sacred mysteries that God has revealed to us, and that our life depends on, our eternal life. So when you start looking at the liturgical calendar, and I encourage everybody to please get one of those church calendars, or you can send away to all the different Catholic places. Many churches don't have Catholic calendars anymore, but please get one that has the saints in it, that has the feast days and the solemn days, you know, so you don't have to write them in. They're already there. It's built in, because it should be built into your life, and when that happens, then you would know that this coming Sunday is Corpus Christi Sunday, and then all of a sudden your mind would start to go to, wow, I wonder what traditions go with this great feast. Well, then you might Google that. You might see that there are, you know, different Eucharistic processions that are very traditional in all ways, shapes, and forms. There's adorations, there's 40 hours devotion, there's all kinds of Eucharistic exhibitions. In fact, there's a Vatican exhibit of Eucharistic miracles, and this, my friends, is traveling the globe, and it's an amazing display. If it comes to your area, please go and see it. It's worth the drive, and it is compiled by and designed by a new saint, and that saint is the one who has, he died when he was very young. I think he was about 15 or 16, and he's a very young man, and he's already a saint, because why? He used his, all the modern technology. He used the computer to, as soon as he found out that there were such things as Eucharistic miracles, like a host turning the body and blood of Christ, he was so fascinated, he started to document all of them, and then what would he do? Well, he'd not only document them, he had pictures, he had all these Eucharistic miracles of the world, and it has really changed so many lives, and one of the reasons it is so popular is because when people understand that this has been going on for thousands of years, these Eucharistic miracles throughout the world, and that they're still going on today, I've heard people, when we've talked about it before, I had no idea. No one had ever talked to us. If this was real, why wouldn't we know about this? That's a good question. We don't know because we don't share these kind of things, and unfortunately, some people think that it's maybe focusing on the sensational. Well, you know, Jesus performed many, many miracles in his lifetime here on earth, in three short years. There were so many miracles, and healings, and signs, and wonders, that no book could contain all of them, so we only hear about a few of them, or the many, many, many ones, and so it is our job, when we hear about these things, you know, incorrupt saints, saints whose bodies have not decayed, all the wonderful Eucharistic miracles, you know, all the apparitions, all those kind of things. These are private revelations. Many of them have been approved, investigated, and beyond the shadow of a doubt, the Catholic Church has endorsed them, meaning that they find them worthy of belief. So you don't have to believe it, but why wouldn't you? These are messages from heaven, and in 1955, our Blessed Mother came all the way from heaven, and she had a new title that she wanted people to know her by. Now, all these titles are very important, my friends, and each, many saints, our Lord, our Lady, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, when you do the litanies, you see all of these wonderful titles, and in each title, there is a nugget of a mystery, a new, a different way of looking at our Blessed Mother, our Lord, of things like the Tabernacle, because here she comes as Mary Tabernacle of the Most High. So, up until a couple years ago, when theologians started to tell us more and more about how Mary is like a Tabernacle, and like the Ark of the Covenant, up until then, we never really thought of her as being at least a common Catholic, as a Tabernacle, but she is, and we, too, are called to be Tabernacles. So, in this apparition, Mary, Tabernacle of the Most High, she directs our eyes and hearts to Christ. That's what she does each and every time, right? And she demands honor, not for herself, but for her son. She makes him the center of attention. That's her whole purpose, is, come to me and I will bring you to my son, and you will know him in a new and very personal way. So, in Nome, South Africa, she asks us to follow her example. We are to be living monstrances, bringing Christ to the world by proclaiming His glory. So, you know, that's pretty specific, right? Have we ever thought of ourselves as being a living monstrance, of being a Tabernacle? We have so many ways of looking at ourselves, of exploring who we are, and who we're meant to be, and everything else, and here the Blessed Mother is saying, hey, have you ever considered that you are a living monstrance, bringing Christ to the world by proclaiming His glory? And you might say, well, no, I never thought of it that way. And what does that mean? Well, she doesn't just give us little snippets here, she always teaches us, right? She always comes to teach us new things, and new ways of maybe looking at things, or thinking of ourselves, or thinking of God, and the world. And so, you know, there's not too many apparitions that happened in Africa. In fact, only 20 as of the year 2000. And you can compare that to 860 apparitions taking place mostly in Europe. So, most of Africa's apparitions occurred in the 20th century, so they are pretty new. And the first modern apparition in Africa took place in 1955. So, pretty recent, within my lifetime, almost. That year, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Holy Mother appeared to Nome in the Zulu region of South Africa. There, she revealed a new Eucharistic title, Tabernacle of the Most High. Mary appeared to Rinalda May, a 13-year-old Benedictine nun from Germany. Usually, Mary appears to children. Rarely does she reveal herself to adults, especially those who have passed the half-century mark. Then again, St. Juan Diego was 56 when Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to him. So, that's with Our Blessed Mother, you just never know. One of the seers at an apparition said, why did you pick me? And she smiled and she sweetly said, I do not always choose the best. Well, that might be true, but God will give us the grace needed to accomplish the mission that the Blessed Mother gives us, whether we are somebody who actually saw her and heard her messages, or if we are someone who are reading about it and we feel compelled to help spread the news and the messages, and we need to follow up with that kind of insight, and when we feel compelled to do things, that's a sign that Heaven wants to use us to help to reach other souls. And we may not see that, but our Lord does. Our Lady does. Heaven knows what we are capable of if we respond to the grace of God. In fact, one of the biggest things she talks about is how we need to be humble. And when you are a humble servant of the Lord, then when you hear the Holy Spirit and inspire us to do things, then you know it's not us. And so, that helps us not to say, well, that's too much for me. I can't do that. Well, no, we probably can't. But with God, all things are possible. We need to believe that if God has ordained it, he will give us the grace we need to accomplish that mission. So, here's this German nun who is ministering to the people in Africa. And I've got to imagine that she was quite surprised when our Blessed Mother appeared. And while she was working at that mission, she experienced ten apparitions. So, it wasn't just one time. They ended with a command for the Benedictine nuns, and they married Eucharistic title to the world. So, it's kind of hard. In 1955, there wasn't a lot of mass communication like there is worldwide mass communication like there is today. So, through computers, through emails, through text messages, through all kinds of social media platforms, we could get this out, this message. It was a little harder in 1955, but not impossible, right? But now that you are hearing this, and now that you know this, at the end of this program, I'm going to challenge you to go ahead and you can Google it, get the picture. You can see the Blessed Mother, and she's holding a giant host that says IHS. And so, put that on there, and put Mary Papernackle on the most high, and put it on your Facebook page. You know, put a couple of the messages out, like, I wish to be called upon by this title for the glory of my son. We never know who's watching and who God will help that to cross their feet, to cross their path, and they may share it. And then before you know it, we have maybe perhaps thousands, maybe even a million people who are learning about Mary Papernackle on the most high, and her requests become living monstrosities, bringing Christ to the world. That's what you would be doing by proclaiming His glory. That's what you would be doing. So, that might take you all of three minutes, but how many people will actually do that? I hope you will, because if everybody listening to this right now did that, send out an email, put it on a social media, Facebook, Instagram, wherever it might be, and really, you know, send it to their friends, do instant messaging, texting it, and asking them to pass it on. We never know how God will use us by doing a simple little thing that takes less than five minutes to amplify the world, to amplify the glory of God, and proclaim Christ to everyone, especially our loved ones and our friends and family. So that's a challenge, my friends. So what is a living tabernacle? Well, on that first apparition, which occurred in 1955 on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which at the time was celebrated on August 22nd, that's now the Queenship of Mary, they've moved things around a little bit, because they wanted the Immaculate Heart to be next to the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. That was St. Paul VI, and so he moved that feast day, and I think that was a wise decision, because it's the two hearts that love the world so. Those hearts will always be together, so why not have them together on the calendar to be celebrated? So here's what the nun later recalled. Shortly after Holy Communion, Mary stood before me, very close by. Everything was seen in spirit. I was drawn into another frame. Mary showed herself in a wonderful light, more beautiful than the sun. She was robed all in white, with flowing veil that ran from top to toe. Upon her breast rested a large host, surrounded by a brilliant corona, radiating life. She was living monsters. Mary stood upon a globe, hands and feet not visible. The Mother of God said to the visionary, call me Tabernacle of the Most High. After a moment, even more amazing words came from her lips. You, too, are such a tabernacle. Sister Rinalda took this to mean that when we receive the Eucharist, our hearts also become vessels for Christ's presence. We ourselves become monsters. I wish this is what Our Lady said. I wish to be called upon by this title for the glory of my Son. I wish that more such tabernacles be prepared. I mean human hearts. And then she explained, I wish that the altars be surrounded by praying people more frequently. Our Lady's first conversation with Rinalda ended with a request for the visionary to make Mary's message known. Don't be afraid, she said. Make it known. And the nun said, to whom? And Mary repeated, don't be afraid. Tell your priest. So that was the first time out of ten times that Our Blessed Mother called to this beautiful nun from Germany who's ministering to the people of Africa and called her into a mystical place where the perceptions of the world melted away. And that's what many of the visionaries talk about, how they're there, but they're not there. They're in a whole other place. When the Blessed Mother appears, everything else just fades away, and they're in an intense union with the Blessed Mother and with whoever else might be there. It might be Saint Joseph, it might be angels, it might be other saints, it might even be the Lord Himself. But that life as they know it on earth fades away, and in a way it's like a flashback. In fact, Yvonne in Medjugorje, one time when I was at one of the apparitions, she said, it's very hard for me because after she leaves, I keep my eyes closed because I don't want to leave that place. It's indescribable, the peace, the joy, the serenity that you feel. I never want that to end. And so when I keep my eyes closed, it lasts and lingers a little bit more. And then when I open my eyes, I'm back here. And he says, I'm happy to be here, he said, but it is so difficult to leave the mystical world behind because he said, I can't even explain the happiness that surrounds my soul. So our lady, she picks people from all ages, mostly children, but mostly people who have pure hearts, humble hearts. And that's what this nun from Germany had. She had a pure and humble heart of service. And so our Blessed Mother picked her to bring about a new title, a title that describes her as the Tabernacle of the Most High. And then the astounding revelation to the nun where she says, you too are such a tabernacle. We're going to take a break and have a song. And I want you to ponder that and ask the Lord, ask our Blessed Mother, what do you mean? How am I the Tabernacle of the Most High? And then open your heart and listen. This is Mary Piper with Marian Apparitions. I'll be back right after the song. I've never heard me immaculate and holy. I've never heard me humble and humble. I've never heard me humble and humble. I've never heard me humble and humble. I've never heard me humble and humble. I've never heard me humble and humble. I've never heard me humble and humble. 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