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SOC-325 4-2

SOC-325 4-2

Jimilynn Anderson



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The film "Poison the Hood" challenges preconceived notions and biases surrounding low-income neighborhoods and African Americans. It explores themes of crime, gangs, and drug use, but also showcases that not everyone from these neighborhoods ends up in prison or dead. The functionalist theory, which suggests that crime is necessary for society to stay balanced, is seen in the film's portrayal of gang and gun violence. Sociological theories can be applied in everyday life, such as in the field of social work, to understand social relationships, conflicts, and how to bring about positive change. Overall, the film highlights the importance of sociological perspectives in understanding and addressing societal issues. Poison the Hood is a film that many preconceived notions and biases surround. Poison the Hood is a film based on life as an American living in a low-income neighborhood. This film also allows for viewers to create their own preconceived notions and biases that all African Americans living in low-income neighborhoods are involved in. Crime, gangs, or the use and selling of illegal drugs. These preconceived notions and biases create racial discrimination of those who are of the same race. The use of sociological theories help break down the film using different perspectives or point of views which is important when changing assumptions or biases. When I started watching Poison the Hood, I assumed it was going to be full of violence and murder. Which it was, but not in the way I assumed. Trey was able to stay out of trouble and attend college. Which proves that not everyone who comes from low-income neighborhoods end up in prison or dead. Which is another common assumption of the film. I personally think the functionalist theory relates most with Poison the Hood. The functionalist theory focuses on society as a whole and how it functions with the social issues. And in this film, it is gang violence, gun violence, and poverty. Many functionalists believe crime is necessary for society to stay balanced. Meaning that without crime, society would collapse. Crime is a guideline for what is acceptable and what will result in punishment. Gang and gun violence has always been a part of society. So it tends to be ignored because it does not directly impact most of society. We can use sociological theories in our everyday lives, not just in research. With that being said, as someone who plans on becoming a social worker with Child Protective Services, sociological theories will be used. When breaking down a case, sociological theories will allow me to look at their social relationships, how the individual functions, the conflict in the case, and how we can change the issue for their benefit. Applying sociological theories to Poison the Hood did help me see the value of sociological perspectives. Sociological perspectives allow me to break down my own current career goals into reality. Meaning things I can accomplish now versus things I can accomplish later. As well as things that might interfere with reaching these goals and how to overcome these obstacles.

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