Saw my Cardiologist today. Good news!
Saw my Cardiologist today. Good news!
The speaker had a doctor's appointment with a cardiologist for their hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. They are on medication called Zambios and need to have monthly echocardiograms. They have lost 20 pounds on a diet recommended by the cardiologist and will see the doctor less frequently now. They are struggling with hunger pains and need a non-food related hobby. They are also dealing with squirrels eating their tomatoes and plan to make a garden area surrounded by chicken wire. They have other tasks to do inside as well. hey people it's me again um I got to do this it's part of my therapy this is I don't know I'm not keeping track but I got tonight off from work because I had a doctor's appointment when I try to get doctor's appointments for Monday mornings so I can go to work Monday nights but cardiologist he wants me he wants to see me Monday afternoons or another afternoon and like well I can't you know just my sleep so I can go to this appointment and then possibly be late for work and then go in and you know missing some sleep I got to have like seven eight hours sleep before I go into work so yeah tonight off from work but cardiologists for those of you who who don't know I got hypertrophic cardiomyopathy yes a big big two big words for me in a row my head hurts already but look it up hypertrophic cardiomyopathy they got me on this medication called Zambios the lowest dose and since they put me on it they want to see me once a month for an echocardiogram they want my kids to get checked out to see if they can develop it because it's a genetic I believe my mother had it thanks mom she didn't know and but anyway went to the doctor I got weighed in lost 20 pounds somewhere well last two weeks I've been on this diet did the cardiologist recommend a nutritionist for me and I haven't seen the nutritionist faithfully well I've been trying to follow the diet I'm like okay just get rid of all the other food in the house I can't have and I'll just eat this cool so I've been following it especially during the week for work my problem is meal prep but I'm working on that and then the cardiologist he's like well studied your you know your echoes and it looks like don't need to see you once a month anymore next appointment September like whoa cool okay well that be cool it's going to be going to like once every three months you want to see if maybe the dose needs to be updated stuff like that and you know and he told me keep doing what the nutritionist wants me to do okay I got problems with hunger pains other than that I need a non-food related hobby during my time off during weekends stuff like that I got I got veggies to snack on I got a salad that went bad so I gotta get me another one and yeah so far things are going okay things are going good losing some weight how much do I hope to lose a lot how much do I want to weigh to 200 no just two um I don't know this is all this is a long-term thing so out with some foods that ain't good for me and in with some stuff that's good for me drink more water that means I got to go to the bathroom more often so things are going okay for me and you guys are my therapists and I'm hoping you know for some input and that's that's about it that's all I got I got to go check on my garden I got squirrels are eating my tomatoes I want to get maybe a big old make a garden area surrounded by chicken wire and have it on top to next year my peppers are still good I'm gonna need them for this Saturday because church picnic making chili spices on the side approach and try at your own risk the green stuff will be what's called pond scum jalapenos and onions in the other bowl is something I personally don't try I may have to try it anyway anywho um yeah as long as while it's still light outside I want to go do some things out there check out my garden and that's about it I gotta see if anybody can remove from some poison ivy and then I want to do stuff inside because inside there's a lot of stuff I want to do anyway that's about it just let you guys know what's going on with me what's going on with you talk to later