I couldn't do everything I wanted to do, for good reasons.
I couldn't do everything I wanted to do, for good reasons.
The speaker talks about their busy weekend, which included participating in a strike at work, preparing for a wild game dinner, making chili with various ingredients, attending a party, going to church, and watching a hockey game. They also mention giving away hot sauces and feeling exhausted at the end of the weekend. Hey guys, it's time for, it's Monday, time for my weekend wrap-up. Alright people, weekend wrap-up, let's do this. Monday, I should have did, I should do this on a Sunday night. You know that? Yeah, I know. But, you know, it's alright. I'm going to get used to this. What a weekend! I had an awesome weekend. I mean, it was busy. I am rested. I am, wow. Yeah, it's like day, what, 20 of the strike over at my work. You know, if anybody doesn't know, where have you been? The big three automakers in the United States are on strike at many strategic places. And one of the first ones, the Ford Motor Company, my plant. How am I doing? I'm doing just fine. I'm surviving and everything. Everyone's doing okay. We're in good spirits. And just when you think people are down a little bit, someone else comes by and picks them right back up. But, oh my gosh, Thursday, was it Thursday? Yeah, it was Thursday. My friend Tammy came over. Hi, Tammy. She's awesome. You've got to meet her. Came over to help me make the pond scum and kryptonite for the wild game dinner on Saturday. If you didn't go, you missed it. I made a chili, three-meat chili. First, we'll talk about that in a little bit. But, you know, as always, with my chili, I've got to have spices on the side so your bowl is not spicy. However, you do it to yourself by adding stuff into it. Add some blended up. We blended some jalapenos and onions. Put in some spicy hot V8 juice and some green food coloring. And there you go. You add a spoonful of that or two to your chili. You can put some on your food. If someone's coming by my house. No, someone drove by my house. Every time you hear that, no, it's not Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. It's not Tinkerbell. It's someone driving by my house on my ring cam. Oh, that's cool. Anyway, we blended some of that, and it was kind of thick because of the onion. And it's called ponce. My pastor named it that. And then for anybody who likes something a little bit more spicier, Tammy and I started throwing reapers from my backyard and habaneros and everything in between in there. More food coloring. Turn it black. Call that kryptonite. We made way too much. Even to make for 100 people, we made way too much. Going to trim it way down. I'm going over all the leftover ingredients that I got. I'm going to make a lot less of the extra ingredients. But I got enough to make a couple more batches of chili. I think I'll make some, and I can take some to my work. Out there for the people on strike, they can go to get a warm meal. Now, and then Friday, my son Josh came over, and we're going to cut up the onions and the peppers for the chili. We usually would use green peppers. My dad used to use green peppers. But then there was red, yellow, and orange. I got the yellow and orange peppers. They're sweeter tasting, and they're a different color. I needed a lot of different colors in this chili, because if you just use the green or the reds, and then you got the reds from the diced tomatoes, it's a dark-looking chili. I want some bright colors in there, and they're sweeter tasting. But then Friday also, we got the meat. And I've already had some venison. Thank you, A.A. If you're listening. And with that, I ordered some elk and buffalo. Elk and buffalo is my favorite. Nice and tender. Sweet tasting. This is the sweetest batch of chili I've ever made. You couldn't get any sweeter than this. I should dip your finger in it. Oh, my gosh. I decided to make that on Saturday morning. Make the meat. Went over to my son's house. We made the meat. I've already got all the stuff prepped from the day before. We're making the meat. Started about 930. Got done about 1015. I had to go pick up Jane, because temple keepers are at the church. Those who clean up afterwards, fix, you know, leaky plumbing, vacuum the floors, refill the accuser collection envelopes and stuff like that. You know, you think it's a real small thing, but altogether, it's something very big to do for the people. And so there was a party for them. And, well, for Deacon Bauer and his wife, Suzumi, gave something back. The other one's in charge. And we got these awesome looking tumblers. Glitter all over the place. Got a nice Bible and a scripture on it. And, wow, that looks awesome. I will definitely use that. I've got to clean my cupboards. I've got a couple of tumblers I want to use. One I'll take to work. One I can just have in my car. Then when we got done there, took her home, and then I went home, took Jane home, and then I went to my house because I had cheese and other ingredients for cheese, sour cream, and the pond scum kryptonite. Go to the church. The crew is starting to go there. Clara and Olivia. My grandmother-granddaughter combo was helping with my son Josh and I. And then Tammy showed up. So our little kitchen crew, as Pastor called us minions, we started to put everything together. And I got left over ingredients. So I can go out and just buy some kind of beef and pepper and onions to make some more, make another batch and then take it up to work. I can share it with people. And we did the wild game dinner thing. We didn't get to do our chicken, spicy chicken contest. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, look up on YouTube. The show called is First We Feast. And the show on there is called The Hot Ones. This guy interviews celebrities while they're eating spicy wings. And it starts off mild, like season 21. They're in 22 now. Season 21, the classic chili maple, 1,600 Scoville units. Chili maple, wow. And that's so mild I think my grandson can drink it. And you work your way up from there. I brought with me to the wild game dinner all 10 of season 21's list and the spiciest thing on 22. If you don't mind swearing, go on there. If you don't like Gordon Ramsay the way you see him treat people, watch both episodes. Yes, he came back for seconds. If you just don't want to hear swearing at all, where did all the anchovies go at once? Well, I thought, you know, try to see if we can do this. No, we didn't get to do it. But I got some spices left over if anybody wants it. I got, let me see, I got what's called a curry verde. I don't know how to pronounce that one. It's 6,000 Scoville units. It's number two on the list of 10. And then anybody else wants? I got the spicy shark mako snake, 71,000 Scoville units. It says spicy shark brings masala vibes with coconut, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, and caraway. Caroline Reapers and ghost peppers contribute to the lingering heat. That's number six. But what else? I also got, let me see, I don't want to get this out of order. I think I got it out of order. Well, what else do I got? Chocolate ghost pepper. Oh, wow. Chili Laguna. Where is this on the list? I got something that wasn't on the list. Hot sauce with chipotle chocolate, ghost pepper, and smoked garlic. Wow. Oh, that's number four on the list with 36,500 Scoville units. I got a jar of that I can give away. And then, let me see, I got Arobo Loco Jalapeno Chico. The Hawaiian hot sauce legends kick up spice flavor with a super smoky jalapeno and scorpion pepper blend. I got a jar of that left over. That's what I have left over. If anybody wants it, let me know. I'll try to deliver if you're nearby. And I won't if you're not nearby. But the hottest one for season 21, it was Scoville units to be announced last dab. But then the one that I got in season 22 has, like, three million-plus Scoville units. We didn't get to do that, so I just started giving these hot sauces away. I got little tiny jars of, like, garlic hot sauce. They're really mild. I can give those away, too. Probably next month's breakfast. Who knows? Second Saturday of the month. Today is World Farm Animals Day, and also it is German Reunification Day today. Years ago, back in 1991, 1990, when East and West Germany was no more. 1989. I was in the country then. But then after that, after the wild game dinner, I had a couple hours nap, and I had to go on my picket duty, midnight to 6 a.m. Sunday. It was getting colder, and people were bringing over cases of water and some wood for the fire. And when that was over at 6 a.m., I went to breakfast. Nice little place on Wayne Road in Westland, Rocky's Family Dining. It's an awesome place. They open at 6 a.m., and they're really good to you. And then from there, got done there, went home, took a little nap, showered, went to church. When that was done, I thought, well, it was either lunch or, which, there was a barbecue going on at the church, and then there was Life Chain. Then I got invited to a hockey game, but I got down at church and I'm seeing double. I said, I've got to go home. If I'm up any longer, I'm going to collapse. And I went home and slept, had a really good nap, woke up, and I was invited to a Red Wings game. If you haven't been to the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit for hockey, wow. Just wow. I love the atmosphere of the place, how they make everybody feel welcome and the cameras out there. It's like a party atmosphere. It was. And they played against the Chicago Blackhawks, and they won six to one. That was a really good hockey game. The atmosphere, the people around was awesome. The food, well, don't ever buy water there because they got water and ice. I learned that the hard way, but I'm thinking just, you know, I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I didn't have lunch. I didn't have breakfast. Help me out here. And then I got home. We got back. I got home. I went to bed. Oh, gosh, what time did I go to bed? Oh, man. I got home at 1042 p.m., got to bed by 1130, and here it is. I woke up around noon. I was so exhausted from the weekend. Got naps. I didn't get any deep sleep, no REM sleep, just naps here and there whenever I could. And it was too cold to nap at the Little Caesars Arena. So that was my weekend. It was very, very busy. There was a lot of things, you know, to do, a lot of things I wanted to do, things I couldn't do. But now I got to take inventory of what chilly stuff I have left over so I know what to buy and not to buy next year for the wild game dinner. It's usually around the last Saturday in September. And that was how my weekend went. I got four hot sauces that I can get rid of. I got to still unpack my car from empty boxes transporting all the ingredients. I can make some more chilly. I got some chicken left over. I forgot what to do with this chicken. And that was my weekend recap. Wow. How was your weekend? Let me know. And if you're local, if you're nearby and you want some hot sauces, just let me know. I got some. I'm going to eat these. And, yeah, I'm going to go and I'll talk to you later.