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The speaker is addressing a group of people and asking them who they think is the main character in their story. They discuss the concept of NPC (non-player character) and how they feel like the main character in their own lives. The speaker then reads from the book of Daniel in the Bible, discussing how the people of Israel went from being slaves in Egypt to becoming a nation with judges and later kings. The people of Israel often disobeyed God and worshipped other gods, resulting in their captivity by the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel and three other young men are chosen to be trained for service in the Babylonian government, but Daniel refuses to eat the food and wine provided by the king, as it goes against his beliefs. Asumiré que estaban diciendo que no por cualquier otra cosa, y que si me consideran el líder favorito de cada uno de ustedes. Iba a ser un chiste de muy mal gusto, pero el señor me dijo que no. Salúdense entre ustedes mientras me conecto en esta cosa. Ya casi estoy ahí con ustedes, denme 30 segundos más. ¿Estamos? Bien. Se llenaron muy rápido, ¿saben? ¿Carlitos? Vía Moisés, ¿qué se me hizo Moisés? Bienvenido, bienvenido. ¿Hay alguien más? ¿Tenemos alguien más nuevo hoy? ¿Tú eres primera vez que vienes? ¿Cómo te llamas, perdóname? ¿Yaneli? Démosle un aplauso a Yaneli. Me pareció haber visto a alguien más, pero bueno. Vamos a comenzar con la prédica. El tema es NPC, break out of character. ¿Quién de aquí se siente the main character of this story? Bájamelo un poquito. Bien. Por ejemplo, Keila, de todo este grupo, ¿quién crees que es el main character? Aparte de vos, obviamente. Por ejemplo, ayer, el main character fue tu hermano, Emanuel. ¿A quién le pregunto? Jorge, vos vas a ser honesto conmigo. ¿Quién crees que del grupo es the main character? Carlitos. Bien, bien. Y en mis, ¿quién crees vos del grupo que es the main character? Sí, me salió espiritual la hermana. Sí, pero de los humanos, perdóname, fue mi culpa, por no... De todos los seres humanos, aparte de mi persona, obviamente. Y de vos, por supuesto. ¿Quién crees que es the main character? Ninguno. Brian, ¿a quién pones the main character? Por ejemplo, si les dijera, ¿quién es el main character de los accidentes? ¿A quién dirían? A Jason. No sé si se dieron cuenta, pero nosotros como líderes tenemos un nuevo challenge. Y se llama, ¿quién puede arruinar su carro más rápido? Por el momento van, en primer lugar, Jason y hermana Katie. Bien, ¿por qué no nos vamos a la Biblia, al libro de Daniel, capítulo 1, versículo 1 en adelante? Daniel, capítulo 1, versículo 1 en adelante. Yo lo tengo en la nueva traducción viviente, pero voy a dejar que lo busquen para que lo lean conmigo. Daniel 1, versículo 1 en adelante. ¿Lo tienen? Lo leo, síganme ustedes ahí, como les digo, yo tengo otra versión, pero me siguen con la lectura. Dice, versículo 1. Durante el tercer año del reinado de Joasim, rey de Judá, llegó a Jerusalén el rey Nabucodonosor de Babilonia y la sitió. El Señor le dio la victoria sobre el rey Joasim de Judá y le permitió llevarse alguno de los objetos sagrados del templo de Dios. Así que Nabucodonosor se lo llevó a Babilonia y los puso en la casa del tesoro del templo de su Dios. Versículo 3. Luego el rey ordenó a Aspenas, jefe del estado mayor, que trajera al palacio algunos de los jóvenes de la familia real de Judá y de otras familias nobles que habían sido llevadas a Babilonia como cautivos. Seleccionó solo, escuchen bien a quiénes seleccionó. A los sanos, Jason ya no pasa. A los fuertes, ya no pasas, hijo. Y aquí se quedan todos. Solo yo pasaría. ¿Y a quién? Y a los bien parecidos, a los guapos. O sea que de aquí al único que llevarían sería a mí. Fuerte, guapo y sano. Solo a mí me llevaran. Le dijo, asegúrate de que sean instruidos en todas las ramas del saber, que estén dotados de conocimiento y de buen juicio, que no sean locos, y que sean aptos para servir en el palacio real. Enseña a estos jóvenes el idioma y la literatura de Babilonia. ¿Por qué no oramos? Padre, gracias por la oportunidad que tenemos de aprender una vez más de tu palabra. Gracias, Señor, porque día tras día podemos entrar a tu palabra y aprender de ella y aprender de Ti. Gracias por los mensajes que nos has dejado, Señor. Te ruego que esta tarde seas Tú mostrándonos el camino a seguir, mostrándonos a ser diferentes, Señor, y a poder darle al mundo lo que Tú quieres que les demos, Señor. Mira esa juventud y desde ya empieza a trabajar en sus corazones, y desde ya empieza a trabajar en sus corazones. En el poderoso nombre de Cristo Jesús, amén y amén. Los pongo en contexto. ¿Se acuerdan cuando les conté la historia del pueblo de Israel en Egipto? Ellos estuvieron esclavizados por 400 años más o menos. Pasan las plagas, salen de Egipto, pasan 40 años en el desierto y después de esos 40 años llegan a la Tierra Prometida. ¿Cómo se llamaba la Tierra Prometida? ¿Alguien sabe? ¿Alguien lo dijo aquí? ¿Quién lo dijo? Canaán. Llegan ahí y conquistan esa tierra. Es decir, que el pueblo de Israel pasa de ser esclavo ahora a ser una nación. Eran una nación libre, eran independientes, ya no tenían a nadie por encima de ellos que les dijera qué hacer. Y entonces el pueblo empezó a crecer, empezó a cimentarse en ese lugar y empezaron a tener jueces. En ese momento no habían ni presidentes ni reyes, habían jueces. ¿Alguien sabe aquí mil dólares? No mentiras, alguien va a saber. Un abrazo al que sepa cómo se llamaba el primer juez de Israel. ¿20 dólares? ¿40? ¿50? Ya me emocioné. Se llamaba Otoniel. Ese era el primer juez de Israel. ¿Cierto? Entonces salen del pueblo de Egipto, llegan a Canaán, se establecen y empiezan a tener su primer juez. El juez era el que tomaba decisiones en los problemas que tenían y también en las cosas que sucedían diarias para el pueblo. Luego, el pueblo de Israel empieza y le dice a Dios, mira, todos los otros pueblos tienen reyes. Nosotros queremos tener reyes también. El Señor viene y les concede su petición y les da a su primer rey. ¿Quién sabe cómo se llamaba el primer rey? Estos sí lo tienen que saber. Saúl. Ese fue el primer rey de Israel. Y entonces se ponen ahora como un reinado, ¿cierto? Hoy el pueblo de Israel viene y está cimentado bajo un rey. Pasan los años y siguen teniendo más reyes, pero el pueblo de Israel tenía una peculiaridad y era de que les gustaba hacer completamente lo contrario que Dios les decía. Así como ustedes conmigo. Pórtense bien, se portan mal. Dios les decía al pueblo de Israel, mirá, no vayan a ese lado. Se iban para ahí. Le decía al Señor, escojan el color verde y no el rojo. Y escogían el rojo. Después Dios les decía, escojan el rojo y no el verde. Y escogían el rojo. Y pasaron así. Y pasaron, y pasaron, y los años siguen y el pueblo de Israel se sigue pervirtiendo a tal punto que empezaron a adorar otros dioses. Y se les va a empezar a parecer un poquito similar a lo que estamos viviendo ahora. El pueblo de Israel se pervierte tanto que tenían el templo, cierto, donde iban a adorar a Dios. Entraban ahí, adoraban a Dios y saliendo del templo afuera tenían sacrificios para dioses paganos. Eran los que iban a la iglesia, levantaban las manos, les daban la chiripiorca, salían y volvían a hacer todo lo demás allá afuera. Tanto era la perversión que empezaron incluso a sacrificar a sus hijos a dioses paganos. Pasan todo lo que Dios les había hecho, los ha sacado, les ha dado una tierra nueva y ahora están aquí adorando a Dios y adorando a otros dioses al punto de sacrificar a sus propios hijos por dioses paganos. Y viene el Señor y se enoja y levanta a un profeta llamado Jeremías. Y le dice, Jeremías, vas a ir a Israel y les vas a decir que si no se arrepienten van a ser cautivados, van a ser atrapados por una nación. Jeremías se para, empieza a decirles, arrepiéntanse de lo que está sucediendo, no hacen caso y adivinen qué pasó. Lo que el Señor dijo que iba a suceder, sucede. Y es ahí donde vemos Daniel 1, donde el rey Nabucodonosor, el rey de Babilonia, viene y ataca a Israel, el pueblo de Judá, y viene y lo atrapa y lo conquista con una diferencia. En Egipto, el pueblo de Israel era, ¿qué? Un esclavo. Estaban esclavizados. En Egipto los utilizaban para hacer, construir, para todo lo que los egipcios no querían hacer, ponían al pueblo de Israel. En Babilonia no eran esclavos, eran cautivos. La palabra cautivo quiere decir que llegó Babilonia, los tomó a todos y se los llegó a vivir con ellos. Les ayudaron a comprar casa, a poner negocio, a uno puse salón de belleza, todo, pastelería habían puesto. Y hacían todo en Babilonia, pero ahora lo hacían bajo el control de Babilonia y eran cautivos. Y el rey Nabucodonosor fue muy inteligente porque en vez de tenerlos como esclavos, les dijo, miren, ustedes son libres de hacer lo que quieran, simplemente se van a tener que regir por lo que nosotros hacemos y de ahí van a ser una nación próspera. Y entonces empezó a suceder y es aquí donde el rey Nabucodonosor una vez, han atrapado al pueblo de Israel, le dice, quiero que me consigas a los mejores, a los que no estén enfermos, a los que sean fuertes y a los guapos. Y dice, quiero que los traigas y los vas a preparar, los vas a levantar para que sean los siguientes de esta nación. Y es ahí en donde empieza la historia de Daniel. Y en el versículo número seis, perdón, número cinco de primera de Daniel, o Daniel 1, continúa la historia diciendo, el rey, o sea el rey Nabucodonosor, les asignó una ración diaria de la comida y del vino a los muchachos que habían sacado de ahí y ahora los tienen cautivos, les va a dar de comer. Y les dice, del vino que provenía de su propia cocina, debían recibir entrenamiento por tres años y después entrarían al servicio real. Daniel, Ananías, Misael y Azarías fueron cuatro de los jóvenes seleccionados, todos de la tribu de Judá. Sin embargo, Daniel estaba decidido a no qué, contaminarse con la comida y el vino dados por el rey. Le pidió permiso al jefe del estado mayor para no comer esos alimentos inaceptables. Entonces, ahora el pueblo de Israel está siendo cautivo, ahora ya están en Babilonia y empiezan a seleccionar a los más inteligentes, empiezan a seleccionar a los jóvenes preparados para que sean parte del gobierno de Babilonia. Y ahí tenemos a estos cuatro jóvenes, en el que nos vamos a enfocar hoy es en Daniel. Se los llevan y les dicen, miren, los vamos a preparar, les vamos a dar estudio, les vamos a dar comida, les vamos a dar donde vivir y los vamos a tener bien. Pero Daniel viene y dice, todo lo que nos está dando parece bien, pero todo lo que nos está ofreciendo va en contra de lo que nosotros hemos aprendido y de lo que nosotros tenemos que hacer con Dios. Se los pongo en contexto. Se los llevaron a la universidad. Pero yo no voy a ser como los demás. Cuando todos los demás estaban partiendo, Daniel dijo, yo no. Cuando todos los demás estaban bebiendo, Daniel dijo, yo no voy a beber. Cuando todos los demás estaban teniendo sexo, Daniel dijo, yo no voy a tener sexo. Cuando todos los demás estaban perdiendo tiempo, Daniel dijo, yo voy a enfocar en lo que Dios me ha dado. Y por eso la oración se llama MPC, porque ahora mismo el mundo quiere que seas parte de este corriente. Quiere que seas parte de todo lo que está sucediendo. Te dicen, busca tu placer, busca tu valor. Hace lo que vos querás y que te llenes de la vida para que seas feliz. En ese proceso, empezas a descuidar todo lo demás que vale la pena. Y Daniel hizo lo que se suponía que debía hacer. Y dijo, ¿sabes qué? No me das lo que le das a todos los demás. Yo haré un sacrificio. Cuando todos los demás están bebiendo, cuando todos los demás están comiendo lo que quieran, cuando todos los demás están partiendo, yo me afirmo de participar de todas esas cosas. Simplemente dame legumbres, ¡frijoles! Entonces Daniel dice, me voy a quedar así. El jefe le dice, vato, no puedo, porque lo que va a pasar es que todos los demás se van a poner fuertes, van a ver que vos estás todo flaco, así como yo, y me van a matar. ¿Por qué haces esa cara? Y me van a matar. Daniel le dice, mira, probémoslo por 10 días. Si después de esos 10 días ves que me estoy muriendo y me falta el hierro, entonces vuelvo a la dieta. Y el versículo 14 dice, el asistente aceptó la sugerencia de Daniel y los puso a prueba, ¿por cuántos días? Por 10 días. Al cumplirse los 10 días, Daniel y sus tres amigos se veían, ¿qué? Más saludables y mejor nutridos que los jóvenes alimentados con la comida asignada por el rey. Así que, desde entonces, el asistente les dio de comer solo vegetales en lugar de los alimentos y el vino que servían a los demás. Daniel dijo, no voy a participar en lo demás. Y ante los ojos del mundo, Daniel se estaba dañando. Y el mundo te va a decir lo mismo. Si no disfrutás tu juventud, si no probás de todo lo que tengas que probar en tu juventud, ¿cuándo vas a hacerlo, verdad? Y después vienen y dicen, es peor que todo lo escuchado en iglesia, que dicen, ah, no, esta muchachita se volvió así porque cuando era joven no hizo nada. Y ahora lo empezó a hacer todo y se enloqueó. ¿Verdad? Y vas a tener que empezar a pelear con esas cosas internas. ¿De verdad quieres disfrutar tu juventud? ¿De verdad quieres divertirte y ir a la locura y hacer lo que deberías hacer de acuerdo con el mundo? ¿O te refieres a ti mismo de hacer esas cosas? Te voy a mostrar lo que sucede cuando te refieres a ti mismo de hacer esas cosas. Cuando dices, no voy a ser otro personaje más. No voy a ser uno más de lo actual. Voy a ser diferente. Te prometo, desde el corazón de Dios, que si te refieres de todo este mundo y te quedas cerca de Él, algo diferente sucederá en tu vida. Y verás lo que sucede en la vida de Daniel. La historia continúa en el primer capítulo. En el versículo 17 dice, A estos cuatro jóvenes, Dios les dio aptitud excepcional para comprender todos los aspectos de la literatura y la sabiduría. Se hicieron inteligentes. Y a Daniel, Dios le dio la capacidad especial de interpretar el significado de visiones y sueños. Cuando se cumplió el periodo de las instrucciones ordenadas por el rey, el jefe del Estado Mayor llevó a todos los jóvenes ante el rey Nabucodonosor, tres años después. Y eso es lo que sucede. El rey habló con ellos y ninguno le causó mejor impresión que Daniel, Acanías, Misael y Azarías. De modo que entraron al servicio real. Cada vez que el rey los consultaba sobre cualquier asunto que exigiera sabiduría y juicio equilibrado, los encontraba, ¿cuántas veces? Diez veces más capaces que todos los magos y brujos de su reino. I will stay in my lane. I will be different. I will break out of the mold. What everybody else is doing, I will not do it. Y es entonces ahí cuando la bendición del Señor empezó a suceder en sus vidas. Número uno, te das cuenta que el Señor los hizo extremadamente inteligentes. Tuvieron la sabiduría para entender todo lo que sucedía. No solo les da la sabiduría, sino que nos damos cuenta que en ese momento es cuando Dios les da el talento a Daniel de poder interpretar los sueños. Es cuando Daniel dice, yo no voy a ser como los demás. Es cuando Daniel dice, no voy a caer donde los demás están, en donde Daniel empieza a descubrir su potencial verdadero. ¿Pero qué te dice el mundo? Dale. Experiment. Find out who you are. And it's fine. But if God is not with you, it will be a waste of time. If God is not with you, He's not right by you, it doesn't matter what you try. You're going to be empty. You're going to be broken. Y no solo Daniel encuentra su talento, sino que ahora el rey Nabucodonosor agarra a estos cuatro jóvenes, se los lleva junto a Deel, y ahora estos cuatro jóvenes que vienen a ser nadie en Judá, ahora están gobernando junto con Nabucodonosor. Porque cada vez que Nabucodonosor tenía una duda de qué hacer con el pueblo, ¿a quién le preguntaba? A los tres muchachos y a Daniel. So, get this picture. You're a tiny little kid who gets captured by a different nation. You start to grow in this new nation and you're like, I believe in God. I trust who He is. I will not fall and comply with everything else. And then you start to grow and you go from being a nobody to be next to the king helping him gobernar todo lo que sucedía. And that was just because they decided to stay close to God. That was because they decided to be hand to hand with God. I want to tell you here something extremely important and I say it all the time when I see every one of you. I believe in the deepest part of my heart that you have a purpose, that you have a calling, that God is going to raise doctors, that God is going to raise lawyers, soccer players, whatever it is. So you can go out in that world and speak the Gospel of Christ. So when everybody else is broken, when everybody else doesn't know what to do, they're going to see a Carlitos and they're going to say, I don't know what this kid has. But when I see him, there's something different in him and because of that, I want him in my team, I want him in my group. They're going to see a Kayla and they're going to say the same thing. I don't understand what is in this girl. But she has to be with us. And that's going to be the grace of God. But there's only one way to truly obtain that. And it's refrain from the world and get close to God. Whatever dreams come in your heart, whatever things you want to do in your mind, and you're like, I see myself doing that. Yes, you can accomplish that. But do you want to be one number, just one more? You want to be just another lawyer? You want to be just another doctor? Whatever you want to be. Pastelera? Whatever you want to be. You just want to be another one? Or you want people to see you and be like, there's something different in this person? Imagine that there comes a time... David, who is the best player in the world? Cristiano Ronaldo, thank you. Who is the best player for you? Imagine that Messi, he says that he's Christian, but imagine... Did you all see when Ronaldo was once sitting in a conference and they gave him a Coke, a Coca-Cola, and he said, no, Coca-Cola no, more water. Did you see what happened with the stocks of Coca-Cola? They lost billions, not with the M, with the big billions, just because of what this guy said. Imagine one day one of you, imagine Messi one day, who says, look, fool, and then says, everything I am is for the grace and mercy of God. I understand that the Lord is not going to call everyone to be pastors, that the Lord is not going to call everyone to preach to a people, I understand that, but in what the Lord is calling you, He is calling you to be different, so that when the current is going in all disorder, there is one who shines differently, there is one who is different. I know you feel like gringos, but I'm sorry, and now picture this, your family comes from Central, South America, wherever they come from, El Caribe, I'm sorry, and they bring you to this country, where it's full of darkness, it's full of craziness, where all the youth is just losing themselves, and then you stand out from the crowd, then you stand out from what everybody else is doing, because Christ is with you. And at that point, in that moment, you're going to say, I am different, because God is with me. Because He worked hard. He truly worked hard for what He believed in His heart. So what I'm asking you to do today, So what I'm asking you to do today, is to ask yourself in the depths of your heart, you're going to be another number. If you're just a guy who's having sex with one and another one, and you think that's your manhood, you're just going to be another number. You're just going to be part of the crowd. You're just going to be the same thing that everybody else is doing. But, if you get close to Christ, and you say, no, when everyone else is losing themselves in whatever they want, I'm going to focus on Him. Even if you feel like, I'm stupid, I swear, I'm stupid. I don't like to read, I don't like to do homework. But I was like, I need to do this. And I put the Lord as the center of my life. And things began to change. Doors began to open. And the only way I was able to accomplish this was with Christ by my side. That's the only way that I can stand here and tell you, Jesus is the solution. Jesus is the solution. Having an intimate and true relationship with Jesus is the solution to find a safe path. The important thing about Daniel is that not only was he not part of the rest, but he worked hard. But he truly worked for what he wanted. And I said it, I've said it several times when I talk to some of you, but I wanted to put it in a sermon so that it's clear to you. I'm telling you, if you follow these four things, I can assure you that your life will change forever. Forever. Number one, put God as the center of your life. Number one, you have to put God as the center of your life. That's the first point. God has to be the center of your life. What does that mean, Rodrigo? It's simple. When everyone follows what happens out there, the world, you follow God. When everyone doesn't want to pray, you pray. When everyone doesn't want to read the Bible, you read the Bible. When everyone wants to be sleeping with each other, doing drugs, going crazy, you say no. And you put God as the center of your life, you're going to make mistakes, yes, but little by little. One day better than the next. Little by little, getting closer to Jesus, getting closer to His truth, and putting Him as the center of your life. If you start doing that, I can promise you that the following things will start to fall into place. Number two, work hard. You must work hard. When everybody else is playing, you're working hard. When everybody else is not reading, you're reading. When everybody else is skipping school, you don't skip school. When everybody else is wasting their time, you work hard. Maybe you tell me, I'm not in school, right? Well, when all of your co-workers are wasting their time, you do the best you can. I'll stay. As long as no te interrumpe tu relación con Dios, you're like, I'll stay. I'll work the extra hours. When everybody wants to be in kinsdom, and you're writing rites, you stay. ¿Por qué haces esa cara? It was a reunion, okay? Fue una reunión. When everybody else is wasting their time, you're reading. You're working for what you want. Dios como el centro de tu vida. Número uno tiene que ser el centro de tu vida. Número dos, tienes que trabajar duro. En el mundo hay dos tipos de personas, supongo. Están los que vienen de una familia rica. ¿Alguno de ustedes aquí viene de una familia rica? ¿Para que sea mi mejor amigo? O venís from an average family, right? Us, we have to work hard for the things that we want. I have to work hard for the things that I want. And I tell you from the bottom of my heart, when everybody else was sleeping, I was studying. When everybody else was going out, I was reading. Not because I wanted to, but because I knew that if I worked hard, things were going to change. And for many years I did that. I studied, I worked hard, and I was doing that, but God was not the center of my life. And guess what happened? I said it before, I lost absolutely everything. Three years, I gave my life to Christ again, I kept working hard, I made Him the center of my life, and my life changed forever. Completely, a hundred percent. One day, I'll probably explain to you how God began to open doors, but sometimes I fear that if I do it, voy a sonar muy prepotente, mas de lo que soy. Just because I'm telling you, the way the blocks of my life began to align how they did, it's clear to me that God did it. It's a hundred percent clear. I told this story once en una escuela. I'm working, I decide to go get a cup of coffee, and I go out, I go to Starbucks, we have it right next to the federal building that I work in, and I'm getting my cup of coffee, I sat down, I'm waiting for it, and then somebody sits next to me, and she seemed familiar, I wasn't sure who she was. And then she knew my name. And I'm like, do I owe her money? And then she's like, I've seen you working around at the office. I was like, oh yeah, yeah, and I told her who I was, I talked to her, and then I come to find out that she's a judge, one of the top judges of the division that I'm in. And that was it, I had a conversation with her, five, seven minutes max. What did I talk to her? I have no idea. I probably said, it's a beautiful day, it's not raining, whatever, nonsense. An hour, two hours, hours go by, she sends an email talking about me, saying things that I already knew. That I'm amazing, that I'm great. I did absolutely nothing. All I said was hi. And it's clear to me that whatever she saw, it was not me. She just saw the light of Jesus in me. There's nothing in me that she could see and be like, He's great. Of course not, there's nothing. She just saw the light of Christ. And whatever she saw, maybe God blinded her. I don't know what God did. God definitely did something. And because of her, they moved me to a different division. And today I was in the car with Diego and I received a phone call. All the paperwork for the new position that I'm in, that I cannot tell you because then I'll have to kill you. It went through. Just because God has been with me. Just because God has been walking by my side. I made Him the center of my life and I worked hard. And then it comes number three. Help your family. You need to help your family. Are they fighting outside? Are we having a party? We'll let them come in. Just stay quiet. Just stay extremely quiet. Are you actually listening? Awesome. Hi. Hola. So number three. You need to help your family. Okay? If you're working, you probably don't make millions, right? You make God the center of your life. You're working hard. And now, help your family. Maybe one day you come from a place Now, help your family. Maybe one day you come from work, you have 20 bucks, get your mom some flowers. I don't know. Imagine... that I come and I say... But then I don't have time to speak with my brother. It would be nonsense, right? It would be dumb for us to try to change the world. We're not able to help our families. It's weird because we want other people to see us do great, but when we do something in our family, there's a reason we undermine that. And we don't see the value on that. But if you don't start in your house with the little things, you're not going to change anything outside. You're not. So this is what you do. God the center of your life. You work hard. And in that little success that you get, you start to help your family. And maybe you tell me, Rodrigo, I have no money. That's fine. You don't need no money. You go to your mom, you go to your dad, you go to your brother, you go to your sister, whoever you live with. You open the eye and you're like, thank you. Because you've been there with me. And you're just grateful. You're just grateful with the people around you. And you try to do something different. When nobody else wants to do the dishes, you do the dishes. When nobody else wants to clean, you're like, I'll clean. Because we want to change the world, right? Change your house. Or pick up your clothes at least. Right? Any testimony you want to give us, Brother Michel? Meaning, do something in your house. Right? So now God is the center of your life. You're working hard. You're helping your family in whatever way you can. I don't know, like make a tres leches cheesecake and give it to your leader, for all I care. Right? Hey, you guys are alright? Can we take a minute and just pay attention? Can we do that? Can we do that? Just because it's... Can we do that? Awesome. Right? So, you do that. God first. Work hard. Help your family. And then, you try to help others. You must. I'm going to tell you something that I try to do. I don't do it that much. I hate carrying cash with me. And I'll tell you why. Because every time I have cash, I'll see somebody on the streets, and God tells me, give me all you have. And I hate it. That's why I only have five bucks in my wallet, because otherwise I'll have to give millions. But help others. You see a need out there? Help others. You see somebody strolling with a chair? Help them. You see somebody? Help them. And then something different will happen in you. You do those four things. You get close to God. The light of Jesus will be so bright inside of you that wherever you go, people will start to see something different. I'm telling you, whatever dream you have, whatever path you want to walk on, make God the center of your life, and He will take care of you. Dream big. Dream crazy. But have God with you. And at that point, you will accomplish great things. Never, never, I thought that I was going to be working for the federal government. Never. You see that camera over there? They put it because of me. I never thought it in my life. I never thought that I would be making the money that I make today. And all I did was follow Christ. All I did was said, God, you're the center of my life. And He changed me completely. He can do that with you and bigger things. Because I was dumb. I wasted so much time. If you could do the things that I'm doing in my life now, I can assure you're going to be 26 like me, and you'll be on top of the world because God will be with you. You will be different. You will be one more of the current. But, God has to be with you. And the Bible is extremely clear in what happens in this process. And it says, in the book of Psalms 1-3, it says, What joy for those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, nor walk with sinners, nor meet with mockers, but delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted on the bank of a river, and they always bear fruit in due time. Their leaves never wither. And they prosper in what? In everything they do. What does everything mean? Everything. Everything. T-O-D-I-T-O. Everything. Everything you do will prosper. Your marriage will prosper. Your school will prosper. Your job will prosper. Your friendships will prosper. Everything you do will prosper. Everything. But you have to be close to God. Because if you are not, the psalm continues and says, the same thing does not happen with whom? With the wicked. They are like useless straw that spreads in the wind. They will be condemned when the judgment comes. They will have no place among the righteous. Do you want to be prosperous? Do you want to see something different in your life? And you say, separate yourself from the group. Separate yourself from everyone else. Separate yourself from everything else that everyone is doing. Separate yourself from that. Because sin will give you pleasure. It will give it to you, I assure you. But then you have to ask yourself, at what cost? At what cost? What are you getting in return? What are you getting in return after the sex? What are you getting in return after the drugs? What are you getting in return after the parties? Because I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that the day will come when you are going to be 25, 24, and you are going to look back and you are going to regret all the time that you wasted. All of it. You are going to regret that you decided to be different. You decided to be like everybody else. And then you are going to be like, I want to change. Imagine this. I said I wasn't going to do this example, but I'll do it. You have two options, right? Girls, you have two options. Both of them are the same. Right? They make the same amount of money, good look, semi-good looking, whatever, right? But you know that one has three kids, three broken marriages, you know that he's been fooling around with a bunch of girls, and you're like, I don't know. And then you have this other guy who's like, I'll wait. Who would you go for? Who would you go for? Honestly. Flip it around. You have two girls, the same. There's a girl with four kids, maybe the same dad, I don't care. And there's one who was like, I'll follow Christ. Who would you go for? And that is the biggest issue that we have. That the world tells you, go ahead and have all the fun that you want. And then after you have all the fun, you slept around, you have sex, you have drugs, you're like, I want to have a beautiful family. I want to be okay. And then at that point, who would want to be with you? I said this example the other day when we were at La Fogata. Imagine these girls from Holy Fence. When they're like, it's done. I'm done. I'm over. I want to have a family. Who would want to be with that girl? Maybe that crazy guy would be with her. Imagine being the son or the daughter of that woman. So the world tells you, do whatever you want. Enjoy it. And please do if you want. But do not expect to have that happy ending at the end. You cannot. It makes no sense. It doesn't match. You want a happy ending at the end? Work for it. You want that happy ending? Refrain from everybody else. Refrain from the craziness and then follow that happy ending. Unfortunately, the only way to say no to sin, the only way to say no to everything else, is with Christ. You're not strong enough. You're going to fail. I'll say it again. You're going to fail if God is not with you. You might do well for a year. You might do well for six months. But you're going to fail. The Bible tells you, if you stay with God, everything that you do, va a prosperar. Look at the world. Something happens, we all go this way. Something else happens, we go all the other way. And then, Paul is very clear and talks about what happens when you do this. The book of Romans, chapter 8, verse 37, says, Look at that first part. Paul tells you, It's the only way. It's the only way that you're going to be able to be victorious. It's the only way that when you're in the middle of a group, then you're different. It's the only way. It's the only way that when you're with Christ, you can stand out. I promise you, you'll refrain from following the world. You stay close to Christ. You do what you're supposed to do. You help your family. You help others. It's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. Not because I say it. The Bible says it. The Word of God says it. You stay with Him, you will see His grace and His mercy will follow you wherever you go. You follow what He says. And it's just a matter of time so that then you can see everything that the Lord wants to do through you. And Romans ends up saying, Therefore, I am certain that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor princes, nor emperors, nor the present, nor the future, nor the high, nor the deep, nor any other thing created can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. The Lord calls you today to be different. To break the mold. To break the mold of this world. To break the mold of your family. To break the mold that everyone else is following. And to be different. It's calling you. Maybe you've been messing up. Maybe you've been doing things wrong. Maybe you're like, Rodrigo, I'm that guy, I'm that girl who's been fooling around. And you're like, I don't know where to start. The Word of God says that as long as you're alive, there is hope. And because you're here, I can tell you from God's heart that there is hope for your life. There is hope for your future. Maybe you haven't started, right? Maybe you've been wasting time until today. Maybe you're doing one of the four things that we talked about, but you're not putting God as the center of your life. And you're like, Rodrigo, I want to start today. I want to be different. You can. You know how it begins? You ask for forgiveness. You come to God today and you said, God, I am sorry. For whatever. I'm sorry for wasting time. I'm sorry for having sex. I'm sorry for doing drugs. I'm sorry for playing with people's feelings. Whatever it is, I'm sorry. I want to start again. And you ask for that forgiveness. You ask Him to come into your heart and show you the way. And then tomorrow you will do it again and you will do it again until the day that you die. And until that moment, until you die and you see Him face to face, you will come to Him and you will tell Him, we will do it again and again and again. When Christ comes, He can transform your entire life in a matter of seconds. If you give your life to Christ today, si te reconcilias con hoy, con Jesus, o decidis hacer un cambio en lo más profundo de tu corazón, te puedo asegurar que algo nuevo va a suceder. Ahí es donde estás, inclina tu rostro. Y empeza a ver en todos tus ojos, tus ojos, tus ojos, tus ojos, tus ojos, tus ojos, tus ojos,

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