3 movies that i recommend and why?
3 movies that i recommend and why?
Hello teacher I am Jose Maldonado and this is my podcast where I will talk about the topic that you assigned me and it consists of three movies that I recommend and why. Number one Batman the Dark Knight this movie premiered in 2006 and has won Oscars for being one of the best superhero movies and being the favorite of many viewers who have seen it for its story that tells the second Batman movie represented by actor Christian Bale who he faces crime until his best villain arrives who is the Joker represented by Heath Ledger. In my opinion this movie is the best superhero movie I seen and I recommend it for its excellent plot. Movie number two Fury. Fury it is my favorite war movie it premiered in 2040 and like many war movies this one has been nominated for important awards for its cinematographic development and the good actors doing their job well especially especially the actor Brad Pitt who is the protagonist in the movie he and his three companions have adventures in their tank while in those last days of World War two they face the Nazi force forces having wonderful adventures. Movie number three and the last Blade Runner 2049 the best science fiction movie I've seen in my entire life for its great cinematography and its futuristic development during the wonderful plot that is the second part of an event 14 years earlier I mean before seeing this movie that premiered in 2017 you have to see the Blade Runner from the 18th years by Harrison Ford and in this movie with a new version of the little saga it has a new plot consisting of new replicants made by a new artificial intelligence surpassing the previous one and also this movie tells us teaches the protagonist who is agent Ka who is involved in the mission to find the last replicant from the old movie to solve a dramatic mystery. This movie not only teaches us how the film plot emerges but also in this life despite everything we can always find a purpose and this masterpiece goes beyond what human life means. These movies were the best movies of those genders that I see for my entire life because those films has much emotions of dramatic emotions for transmit for us there are still time for this podcast so I I said that these movies especially Blade Runner 2049 is my favorite movie because his director is Christopher Nolan is my favorite directors director who directed this movie and as the movie Blade Runner he he present other movies of science fiction as example Interstellar but this movie I don't present in this podcast because because I preferred talking about these three movies that are Batman the Dark Knight that premiere in 2028 and that the Batman fighting to the Joker and Fury that is a very movie that watch and see the realism of the war that that that simple the reality of the world war in the years 1940 in where German was a country very very hard and very cruelly and the Americans and the Soviets fighting with their forces Nazis and these actors of and those actors of this movie has much sense very well in the tank while they face to the forces of German in the world war two and finally in Blade Runner is my favorite movie in conclusion is the best movie that I ever seen because has a plot very specific and very very well an excellent excellent actuations of Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling that represent of the agent and the movie the movie the movie simple the future of the start of those times in the in the mysteries of robots as replicants of humans and this movie simple of the of the reality of the life and here I finally of talk about this topic it's it's all in this podcast ok goodbye teacher I finally this podcast I repeat this I am Jose Maldonado and this is my podcast about three movies that I recommended and why goodbye