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Hello, you are listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina's student-run radio station. I'm your host, Peter Deverin, with the Patriots Podcast. Here tonight I have Sean Snody and Sam Rao joining me. Welcome to the show. What's up, guys? Glad to be here. Hell yeah. Hey, guys. Guys, a topic that I wanted to talk about, does everyone know the boxer Ryan Garcia, King Garcia? Yes. Oh, my gosh. King Garcia came out recently, I think this was like in the last few days. He came out and he said, he made a giant claim against Prime and their corporate, claiming that in their recipe for their drinks, they put cyanide in Prime. Really? Dude, anything that takes the Hall brothers down, I'm for. That's why I'm rooting for Tyson. Dude, oh, my God. Can we talk about that for a second, dude? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Back, back, back, back. I want him to knock him out first punch. Okay, well, let's be real. Mike Tyson, 57 years old. Yeah, but he also is 40 pounds. I'm going to knock you out so fast. Yeah. I'm going to hit you so hard. I'm ferocious. I'm ferocious. Me and my English class just had this whole conversation. Mike Tyson is 240 pounds. Jake Paul is 192. Oh, my God. And Mike Tyson hasn't boxed for 15 years. Yeah, but have you seen the videos? Yes, I've seen the videos. He's 57 years old. He's pushing 60. Dude, have you seen the clip of him on the airplane? Yeah, the guy. The guy is hopping over the seat and poking it and it's just him beating the crap out of him on the airplane. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. I thought he got knocked out. Did you watch Peter Sean's fight this weekend? I did not. With Pierre? Or was that somebody else? That was someone else. No, I didn't see that. Yeah, dude. That was a good fight. That Prime thing, that's crazy. I don't know. I used to be... I used to drink Prime, like I said, every once in a while. I was a big energy drink guy. You were? I stopped, yeah. Because it was like battery acid. Yeah, what would you drink? Monster Energy? Yeah. Oh, and Bang, dude. Oh my gosh. When Bang was big? Oh my gosh. We were playing basketball one time. Me and my buddy Vince were playing basketball. He was like, I'm going to go over to the shop and I'm going to buy some stuff. Do you want something? I'm like, yeah, sure. He buys me a Black Cherry Vanilla Bang. I'm like, okay. We drink the whole thing in a span of like three minutes. Then we go to play more basketball. Dude, my heart felt like it was going to explode. Heart's racing. Awful, man. Awful, awful. Yeah, I was really big on Celsius in the first semester. I was so out of shape. So out of shape. Oh my gosh, but they're so good. I had to stop. I was quickly getting addicted. I haven't taken pre-workout in the longest time. I'm pretty proud of myself. Yeah, that's just gross. I almost took one pre-workout before this. That would ruin your life. It's so addicting. You know the worst pre-workout you ever have? Bucked Up. Bucked Up? Oh yeah. Bucked Up, they have Woke AF. Dude, the amount of beta-alien that's in there. Your skin is crawling. My one friend, she bought stacks of it and she's like, hey, I don't want this anymore. You can have it. I'm like, this is some nice pre-workout. Why don't you want it? You're like, oh, you'll know. And there's an incredible amount of carcinogens in every pre-workout too, which is cancer-causing cells. Okay. It's awful. Dude, it is absolutely wild. Anything for the bump. Anything. Anything for the bump. Anything for the bump. Anything for the bump. What was that? I won the Olympian and I went to Hollywood and I became governor and I put the cookie down. I was governor of California. I was governor. I was governor. I didn't have a tumor. Dude, my... Imagine if Arnold Schwarzenegger went bankrupt. What do you mean? You have to be my house. Don't you know who I am? You'll know I didn't pay the IRS. Dude, that guy... What is your favorite Arnold movie? Favorite Arnold movie? Oh, that's a good question. Batman and Robin. No. What? I was going to say. It's time to cool down. It's time to cool down. Batman is coming. Let's kill the dinosaurs. The IC. We need to chill out. Oh, my God. What's your favorite Arnold movie? Let me think. That's a good question. You know, a lot of people shit on his movies. I think they're pretty good. I think they're great. Yeah. I think Jingle All The Way is my favorite. I was going to say that, but then there's Predator. Predator is probably my favorite. You are one ugly motherfucker. Dude, I love Jingle All The Way. He pours the bourbon for the elk. Put the cookie down. Put it down. And they're all like, I'm looking for Turbo Man. That's such a great thing, dude. Him and Sylvester Stallone. I've always had an unspoken rivalry. Yeah. I'm team Stallone, man. Yeah, same. Dude, I love Rambo. I've got to put Rambo first. Rambo, Rocky. Dude, he was on so many shows. Rocky and Rocky III, that's the dream physique, man. That's what I've been trying to get for such a long time. But then you've got to be on crazy PEDs and shit. Dude, I can't think of another movie that isn't basic. Dude, the first one that came to my head is Terminator 2. I forgot about Terminator. I've never even watched Terminator. You've never watched TF2? I've watched the first one. Dude. I didn't like it. It was just kind of basic to me. The whole time I was waiting for him to turn good, and I was like, whoa. TF2 is probably one of the greatest movie sequels of all time. Like, T1 just kind of seemed like a big hide-and-go-seek movie. They kind of got a little place in the newer ones. Like, I can't watch them. Like, Genesis, I'm like, what is going on? The ending of T1, though, had me shook. I was not expecting for that little plot twist. Where they had, what was it, John Connor? Yeah. And, like, the picture at the end. Like, I was like, whoa. Yeah, that's cool. It has a lot to do with time travel. You should watch TF2. I guess so. I guess so. Dude, I'm freaking... You guys want to talk about the final season of The Bad Batch dropping? Dude, I haven't even watched The Bad Batch. I haven't seen past... Huh? Is it on week three now or week four? I think it's three. Yeah, it might be three. Okay, I haven't watched past week one. Okay, and on top of that, apparently they're releasing a Ray Skywalker movie as well. What? I'm not watching that. Oh, stop. I know. I don't care. If she didn't ruin the series enough... The problem is she didn't. The director did. I could talk about that for hours. Kathleen Kennedy did. Kathleen Kennedy needs to be exiled. Daisy Ridley. Daisy Ridley had nothing... She is ruining my childhood. Daisy Ridley, I have nothing against that woman. Dude. But even... You know it's bad when the actress is coming out being like, oh yeah, they had no clue what they were doing with their character. You know what's bad when South Park... I was supposed to be a Kenobi, then I was supposed to be no one, then I ended up being a Palpatine, and now I'm a Skywalker. I'm like, the last one was wrong, you're not a Skywalker. That didn't make any sense. South Park? You know what's bad when South Park makes an episode on how bad Kathleen Kennedy is? I'm not going to lie, South Park is probably my favorite. Other than Clone Wars, probably my favorite show of all time. This is so funny. Bro, I could come home, I'd have the worst day in the world, and I'll put on South Park, and I will die laughing. Because they are the most un-PC people on the planet. This is random humor, I love it. Get away with it. Get away with it is the greatest part of it. They had Andrew Tate on there recently, they did a Logan Paul episode, they did a special on him. All they've got to do is change the name, and they can't get stumped for anything. How are you? Dude, my favorite episode is the World of Warcraft one. Oh my god! Dude, that one is silly. Oh, they get really sad? Dude, and you know what, it's crazy, because the creators were talking about the show, and they were like, they really didn't want to release that episode, and it is like the highest-grossing episode of South Park ever recorded. It's hilarious. It was that World of Warcraft one. It's one of the oldest ones I've seen. Dude, it is, oh god, it's so funny. And they do specials too, like I watched the COVID special, I thought that was so funny. And they were like crapping on the vaccines and stuff. Yeah. Dude, but back to that Star Wars thing, man. I don't know how they're going to make that a future with Star Wars. It bugs me when Daisy Ridley came out in an interview saying, oh, how she's going to be the Master of the Order is going to be different than Luke. I'm like, oh, so they're going to make her what Luke was supposed to be. Before everyone said, oh god, no, Luke can't be a good character. We have to ruin him now, because we kind of ruined Han Solo making him a loner deadbeat dad, so we have to make Luke a deadbeat as well. Dude. And then make Leia Mary Poppins in space, because that makes sense. You know what TV show I would love to see as fanfic type shit? I would love to see a post-Return of the Jedi TV show of Luke and Leia and Han. They're never going to do it. They should do it in the Clone Wars dial. Obviously they can't do it. They can. That's kind of what Mando and Ahsoka are for. That's true. Yeah, but we want stories. I love Ahsoka. That's my favorite show they've come out with so far. I agree with you, only because there are two episodes where the GOAT is in. I saw Hayden, I saw that moment, and I immediately started smiling. When I saw him in his Clone Wars outfit, I was screaming. I was like, this is what I've wanted for ten years. It bothers me that the Clone Wars outfit is blue. I mean, I kind of like it. Me personally, I like it. It really messes you up when it's blue in every other media, and then Lego comes out and makes a new Clone Wars set in black. I'm like, hang on, that looks better, but still. Oh my god, did you guys play that Lego Star Wars game? Like the most recent one? Dude, such a disappointment. Oh my god, let's talk about it. Such a disappointment. How can you add dialogue? How can you add dialogue to a game and it's still more childish than the Complete Saga? Dude, me and my brother... I've never played it. I played the one on the Wii. The Complete Saga is good. I was only ever going to do 66% of the game. I'm not doing this to you. Dude, the Skywalker saga is so bad. I get what they were going for, and the hype train was huge, and me and my brother split money to get it. I think it was like $80 or something like that. Like something crazy. It was expensive. I'm like, I'm not paying full for this because if we return it... So we split it, and it was broken. A lot of the mechanics just don't make sense. It's too much advance for Lego. Yeah. You guys overkilled it. It's not as big of a disappointment as Gotham Knights was. Oh my god, Gotham Knights. Gotham Knights is the reason why I now wait to see reviews of the people I listen to about video games before I buy one. Because I pre-ordered that thing. It was $80. I beat the whole game in like two days. Wow. And this is while school was going on. It's not like I did nothing but play. Why are DC games doing Batman so foul these days? Yeah. Yes. I agree. Not even just Batman. Why are they just garbage? Right. Yeah. You guys have played the Arkham games. Yeah. Absolutely. Who's beating Batman? No, he's literally indestructible. Apparently. He went through his entire rogues gala in six hours. Like, one night. One night. I think apparently Harley Quinn and Deadshot beat him and killed the Justice League, which is horses. Yeah. Now there's rumors that they're going to bring them back and it's not really dead, but I'm like, Kevin Conroy's dead. How are you going to really bring back Batman? That was so disrespectful to Kevin Conroy. It's not like what Star Wars did with... Why am I forgetting his name? Hayden Christensen? No. No. Darth Vader. Oh. James Earl Jones. James Earl Jones. Yeah. Where they got the rights to use AI for his voice because he's 90. Yeah. It's not like you did that with Kevin Conroy. You put yourself in a corner here. I can't believe that, though. Like, in Gotham Knights, the opening scene is that he gets packed up by Ra's al Ghul in the back seat. In the end. How? That's not going to happen, bro. The thing that bothers me is at the end when they kill him again, he gives some political speech about capitalism. And I'm like, DC, he's a billionaire. Why are you doing this? Why? Dude, it is wild. Personally, I love the Bat family. I think Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne. Damian Wayne is so cool. I think they're all awesome. I think Jason Todd is probably my favorite, but it was so weird. That's a hard one. It's definitely either Jason Todd or Nightwing. I think Dick Grayson. Nightwing's my favorite. He's definitely my favorite. The way they did Red Hood in the Gotham Knights game was really weird. The way they did Dick Grayson was weird. Yeah. I don't know. And Damian. Dude, the way that they... You go from Arkham Knight to Gotham Knights, you see Tim Drake and you're like, who's this scrawny kid? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who's this kid who's never picked up a barbell in his life? Dude, Tim Drake in Arkham Knight looks badass. He looks like he would win a bar fight. He would win an entire bar fight alone. Oh my god. And then you go to Gotham Knights and it's this scrawny little kid. I'm like, oh, okay, you guys just went to chess club and picked some random kid out. Yeah. That's awesome, man. Hey, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back. And back to the... We'll be right back. Hello, you are listening to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina's student-run radio station. Welcome to a Patriots podcast. I am your host, Peter Deveran, and we are back. So, we were on a discussion during our little break over which Batman live action was the greatest. Dude, personally, I like... What's his name? Michael Keaton? Michael Keaton is good. I think that's my favorite. Now, to really put this to a discussion, you have to not just only talk about Batman, but Bruce Wayne as well. Bruce Wayne, I think we might be agreeing. It's really hard. It is really hard. I'm taking Ben Affleck out of the picture because I think he did a terrible job as Bruce Wayne. Like, he had... There was no playboyishness to his attitude. There wasn't. Why are you looking at me like that? He's right. I get it. The man raised up Wonder Woman. There's no playboy. Christian Bale also raised up Catwoman in the third movie. Yeah, but was it really raised because he got her more as Batman than he did Bruce Wayne. He also... He kicked his butt as Bruce Wayne. He also showed up with two French broads to a hotel where Rachel came out of. That's like a big thing. I love the DC animated because... I forget which movie it was, but Gordon shows up to his house and he has all these super models in his living room. He's like, sorry darling. You're one. Is that it? I forget your name. And they're like, he's a pig. And he's like, he can't be a crime fighter. And it's like, yeah, that's the whole point. It misleads you a bit. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah, dude. But then like, yeah, he's not the biggest playboy out of all the actors, but he's the most who reminds me of the animated series just off of how he's built. Yep. Has the best suit. Which one is ugly? Affleck. Like... Best suit? Nah, I think that's a stretch. What do you think has the best suit? I think you're reaching on that one. You say Robert Pattinson has the best suit. I think the suit just gets kind of puffy sometimes. I think it looks a little heavy. In the first movie, it's the best one. Just to see when he was gaining weight because of his alcoholism. That's when it was getting a little... The Val Kilmer suit was cool. I like that one. I like the... The bat nips? No, no. That wasn't with the bat nips. That was George Clooney. In the beginning of that movie, he's wearing a suit that's a continuation of the Keaton suit, but with bat nips. Oh, God. Yeah, why did... Okay, well, the Christian Bale suit was fire. Which one? The second and third one. Yeah. I think the first one looked a little bit too chubby. Too rubbery. Too rubbery, yep. Too rubbery to be like... Robert Pattinson, though. It's terrible. What? I can't stand Robert Pattinson. They were trying to go for realistic there, like realism. Yeah, but they act like the man has the finest draw line in the world with how his cowl is built. Like, he's not what you think this is. Yeah. And then he has a turtleneck. I can definitely see that argument. You know what? You know what I was thinking about, literally? I was watching The Batman the other day, and you know what I totally thought about? I go, you know what? Robin Pattinson, the Batman movie was good, but I would rather see Robin Pattinson play Terry McGinnis as Batman Beyond rather than Bruce Wayne. Honestly, yeah. I don't see him as Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne. No. I just don't. He's just too, like, emo. You know what's real funny? The head of DC a few years back, like a while back, kind of pushed Affleck out of the role because he didn't want a 50-year-old Batman. He wanted a 30-something-year-old like Pattinson. So he made making the original The Batman that Affleck was making toxic. What? As toxic as you could believe, and it caused Affleck to just drop out that and divorce and other problems. Wow. I love Affleck, though. He's also one of my favorite actors of all time, so I'm going to like his... Yeah, he's a really good actor. And I think his has the best potential because it already established that Jason Todd died and that there's a potential for... I did like that. Yeah. I liked how he murdered people. I did not like that. You know what's funny? I think that was my favorite part. Batman does not murder people. Everyone complains about him murdering people. Guess what? The only Batman who has not murdered people is either Adam West or Robert Pattinson. Those are the only two. Every other Batman has killed people. Keaton's killed a bunch of people. Keaton, I think, might have the record in his movies. Oh, yeah. Because he literally puts dynamite in a dude's pants and throws them into a fountain. Yeah, there's a lot. Vale kills people. No, he does not. Yes, he does. He literally kills Ra's al Ghul. I'm not going to kill you, but I'm not going to save you either. Batman doesn't do that in anything else. He usually tries his hardest to save the person. This is Ra's al Ghul, though. Yeah. Even Batman said in the DC animated universe that he was too much of a danger to be left alive. Yeah, but the only time you see him let Ra's die is in Arkham Knight, and you get to choose, and it's justified because he's lived for so many years. Do you get to choose to kill Ra's? You do, yeah. In Arkham City? Arkham Knight. It's a DLC pack. Okay, I was going to say, I haven't... Arkham Knight. It's one of the coolest missions in the game. I didn't play Arkham Knight. The only thing that I don't like about that is that... No, no, you didn't. He tackled him off that building. He killed Two-Face. Because he was going to kill his kids. I'm just saying, we give Affleck so much crap. Affleck didn't kill any of his Rose Gallery. He did kill Two-Face, though. He did kill Two-Face. Did y'all ever play Telltale with Batman? He didn't kill Joker. I don't know how the Joker didn't have his leg torn out. Yeah, I got him. Yes, I did play Telltale. Did you play Telltale? I did not. Dude, Telltale, I wasn't expecting it to be two hours for each scene, and it's not fun to play that when you're in high school and you have dinner. Telltale is a whole can of worms within itself. Personally, I grew up with Telltale. I think it is probably in my top three favorite gaming companies of all time. They don't make stuff anymore. I think they're actually disbanded. Have you ever played Telltale for Walking Dead? No, the only one I've played is Batman. Dude, Telltale was such a good game. Wolf Among Us, they had Back to the Future, which really wasn't great. Walking Dead, that was such an innovative type of gaming. It was like a storybook that you would go along and chose different paths. The Batman was good, but if you played Walking Dead, it's so much better because every choice you have, you either get someone killed or you save somebody. My thing is also, I'm not a very big Walking Dead fan. I've never seen Walking Dead. You've never watched Walking Dead? I knew that was a good episode. I think I've tried to watch like half an episode. It's like Game of Thrones. Like Game of Thrones, I could see the attraction. Gravity Falls. Yes! Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls was amazing. Gravity Falls. Dude, they need to make a sequel. I know. That was, no. No! Honestly, I think it ended perfectly. No, because every time nowadays they bring back a childhood show and make a sequel, look at Icarus. Oh no, yeah, I forgot about that. I think Gravity Falls ended pretty perfectly. I think they need to stop with Lego Ninjago. Dude, I grew up with that. Yeah, me too, me too. I think they should have stopped after the whole robot scenario. Yeah, that kind of like, I think Lego Ninjago. It's to sell toys, man. That's why they do it. And it worked. It definitely worked. Like I had, my whole room was filled with Lego Ninjago sets. Dude, I feel like Ninjago is one of those few things that would be very interesting to see as a live action. Yeah, but like they could get it wrong so easily. I know, you could have the Night Shyamalan with the airbender. It's pretty much Avatar, the last airbender. I've heard that the Netflix one that just came out is not that good. The reboot. I don't think it is. Like it's very disappointing. Because I mean it's hard to create live action. When you hear that the original creators of a show are involved and then they leave due to creative differences, that scares me. Dude, the thing with Avatar, the last airbender, especially like the show, the animation, you can't capture what they did in the show in live action. It just looked weird. What happened with Running on Water, my favorite scene in the entire show is when Zuko and Azula are fighting and they have like these insane funnels of fire. You could do that though. You can, but it won't look as cool. Like I think it looks so much better in animation, that's just me. That's just because it's hand drawn, so it's more detailed. Have you ever watched Star Wars Visions? Star Wars Visions was bad, but there was a few where the animation was like, Dang, that could have been good. Like with the drawing style being so simplistic, you can do so much more. Like the more intense it is, I feel like you can do more or less. No! No! No! What? No! I sent a picture to the lady and it wasn't good! Dude, I don't have to worry about that. The free life. Dude. My God. You just unhooked my train of thought. I forgot what I was talking about for a minute. No, like the X-Men 97 or whatever sequel series that's coming out. They're making another X-Men series? From like the 90s, they're continuing it. Wolverine and Deadpool. That's going to be great. Amazing. That is going to be great. That movie is making a billion just because he was coming back. Absolutely. Dude, I love the X-Men. Have they ever been together in a movie? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Origins. Origins, that's right, yeah. Dude, he was so cool in that movie too. Oh my gosh. Deadpool! Yeah, Deadpool. When he did like the sword. He's talking about the beginning. I don't know. He's talking about the beginning, but not later on. The elevator. When he comes out of the elevator. Yeah. Dude, and he starts swinging the swords. Dude, oh my gosh. He does it in the other movie, and it's slower. He gets a bunch of bullet holes. Yeah. Dude, Deadpool is probably the most famous superhero of all time. Probably, yeah. He transcends time and space. He breaks the fourth wall. Have you ever played that? I did, where he takes the health bar and starts beating the enemies with it. Yeah. Dude, oh my God. I don't know. It's everything about him. It's the way his character is designed. I love the mask. I love the katanas, the pistols. The way he talks is all great. The Deadpool on the Disney HD show of Spider-Man was hilarious. I saw that, and he fought Taskmaster. Yeah. And he just like danced around. It was amazing. Yeah. Dude, that was awesome. Taskmaster was scared. So scared. Dude, that show was spectacular Spider-Man. Have you ever seen that? Yeah. That's the one with the dude from Drake and Josh playing Spider-Man, right? Yes. Yeah, I think so. Wait. Is it? No. It was before that. Sorry. Spectacular. Yeah. Spectacular is the one that got canceled after two seasons. Yeah. I don't know why. It was so popular. Because Disney got the rights to the Spider-Man TV shows. Oh. And Fox still had the rights to that show, so they couldn't continue it. It was so good. See, that's the show that they need to continue, not a show where the main audience is 40. Yeah. I agree. I totally agree. Spectacular Spider-Man was great. I had all the toys and everything. I thought it was such a good show. I don't know. Yeah, man. I don't know if you guys ever played the PlayStation games or Spider-Man. I have not. I played Spider-Man PS4, which was amazing. It's like a spin on Batman, and it's a whole other thing. I've played a couple. You mean like the new ones? Yeah. Like Miles Morales and stuff. Oh, yeah. No, I've played them. I thought you meant like the ones growing up. Oh, like the Dome of Violence? Friend or Foe. Dude! Friend or Foe was so great. Yeah. I haven't seen that. Friend or Foe. Oh, my God. Everyone hates on it, but I love it. Mostly because I get to play as New Goblin, and I love New Goblin. Oh, my God. Aw. It must be nice. It's the guy who voices Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars series. He voices Spider-Man in Friend or Foe. Friend or Foe was so great because it was all like the Tom Raimi villains, but it was in animated form. It was so good. I loved it. And like Venom was in it. Oh, it was so good. Mysterio. Green Goblin. Yeah. I love New Goblin. I think he was sick. I hate the Tom Holland movies. I'm trying to think of... You hate Tom Holland! I hate the Tom Holland movies. No, Tom Holland... He just pissed off so many people. He didn't say he hates Tom Holland. I think... He said he hates his movies. I will admit... Yeah, I like Tom Holland. I will admit they took way too long to make him a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I think... You want my opinion on the Tom Holland movies? I think they tried really hard to make him Iron Man's sidekick, and that's why it failed. Yeah, that's kind of where I was going. Yeah. And Mysterio... Like, why did you make him like a... Again, he's an Iron Man villain. You made him fake. Yeah, you made him fake and you made him an Iron Man villain. Yeah, every villain turns into an Iron Man villain because... Like, why? Even Electro gets the... He gets the arc reactor. Arc reactor. Come on! The concept art of Green Goblin's new suit just being reused Iron Man tech just painted purple. That's crazy. Like, come on, man. Like, I would love to see Tom Hardy's Venom in a Tom Holland movie. I would love to see that. Because Hardy's so much older than him. Yeah. I would like to see someone closer to Holland's age and then Hardy be Garfield. I would love to see a third Garfield movie. Yeah. We're never going to do it. I don't know what Sony's going to do, even though all their movies have done terribly since Venom 2. I think they're going to have Garfield be the Spider-Man for their universe. I would prefer that. In my opinion, I think Andrew Garfield is the best Spider-Man. I think he's the best Spider-Man. And I think Tobey Maguire is the best Peter Parker. Exactly. Yeah. And then Tom, because there's no fourth option, is the best combination of the two. Yeah. He's like the 50-50. What I liked a lot about Andrew Garfield was it was a different take. Because Spider-Man, he was like a skater kid. And he was a lot more punk rock-ish, which I really thought was cool. And he adopted the New York accent, too. Yeah. I think he was a lot more relatable. I liked the fact that in the second movie, his suit was kind of accurate. The eyes were gigantic. In the opening to the movie, he was on fire. Dude, the thing is, I loved the first suit. Andrew's first suit, I loved that suit. With the Ray-Bans. I did. I did not like it. I liked that suit just because I like the gold lenses for some reason. And then I like how much blue it is. You're weird, man. Yeah. No, I also like it for the web shooters. You're the first person I've heard that. You're the first person saying. There's weird reasons I like it. I liked the lenses, and then I liked how the web shooters had lights on them. Yeah, I liked that, too. I did like that. I don't know. I feel like they all add something. I will say the second suit is the best live-action suit. I agree with that. But, dude, that movie is so bad. Which one? That second one. What? You didn't like the second one? I liked the second one. Dude, first of all, they got the casting wrong. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. If you look at Harry Osborn and Peter Parker in that movie. I love Andrew's Spider-Man. I did not like that one. No offense to the actor who plays Harry. Dude, compared to James Franco, you're not Harry Osborn. Yeah, no. James Franco was an amazing Harry Osborn. Before he fell off and made Pineapple Express. Yeah. In the interview. James Franco, man. Oh, my God. Didn't he make a Wizard of Oz movie? Oz? He was in a Wizard of Oz movie. With Mila Kunis. Yeah. Dude. Oh, my God. James Franco. I remember that was the first time I ever saw him was in Spider-Man. That's why I love James Franco. Now, I love him, but I don't love him as much as I did. I can't say I love him because he's done stuff that... His movies now, I'm going to... I hate Oz because I ain't Oz. Hot take, I don't think Seth Rogen and James Franco are that funny. I think Franco's funny in those. I don't think Rogen's that funny. Rogen's a better producer than he is. I think he's an actor. There's a lot of people who hype up these days who think they're still funny, and I just disagree with that. The only movies I see Rogen in that I actually think he's good in are the Neighbors movies. Yeah. With Efron. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. It's so weird. Dude, he's going to be Castro. James Franco? What? I don't know if they ever changed it, but he was casted as Castro in a movie. Oh, my God. You know what? I would see that. I would see that. I still got to go see that damn Bob Marley movie. I love Bob Marley. Yeah, I want to see that. That looks so good. I always meant to go see Argyle, and I totally forgot. Oh, my God. Is that made by the Kingsman person? Yes. Dude, it's already out of theaters. Hold on. Dune II is an amazing movie. I would love that so much. I haven't seen Dune. Dune I is like subpar. Like, I can understand why people wouldn't watch it. I kind of almost slept through it. But Dune II, when I saw that, I watched that over break. Oh, my gosh. What a cinematic masterpiece, bro. My thing is, I can't watch Dune I because there's so many actors I love in that film that I know die. Yeah, yeah. Like, the Duke dies. It was pretty sad. I'm not going to lie. It's also a really weird movie. But if you're really into sci-fi, then you'll love it. I don't understand this obsession women have with Timothee Chalamet. He's a good-looking dude. He's an amazing actor. He did an amazing movie, though. Trust me. I understand. Yeah, no. That threw me off a little bit. But he's a good actor, and I can see he's a good looking dude. I will never understand this, like, obsession over these scrawny dudes, though. I won't either. Like, why is he doing better in Hollywood than Henry Cavill? Yeah! Henry Cavill would be a perfect, perfect Harry Osborn to Tom Holland. Who? Timothee Chalamet. Oh, yeah. Think about that. Yeah, scrawny boy against scrawny boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, yeah, no. I agree with that. Or the kid who plays Johnny Lawrence's son in Cobra Kai. Oh! Oh! Yeah. I guess. I don't know. Either one. I'd be fine with either one. Okay. I don't think we're ever getting Harry Osborn, though. No, I don't think so, either. Harry Osborn is such a... Harry Osborn should be introduced in the next one. I don't know why they had to bring Ned. Like, what is Ned? Who's Ned? They wanted to be different. They wanted... They wanted him to be something, right? I guess. I guess it was. Like, they wanted... The Hobgoblin. Yeah! Yeah! But they never got around to that. They're never going. No. It's because Marvel wanted to be different. Well, they're having secret wars, right? Because I don't want to see what they really want to do. They're supposed to. Yeah. Ew. Um... I know they're going to bring back Garfield. Apparently Garfield and... Tony Maguire. Tony Maguire are going to be the new... Not Garfield, sorry. Maguire and Jackman are going to be the two main characters. Because they're officially a part of the MCU now. After No Way Home. They're now officially the first MCU movie. The first Raimi Spider-Man movie. Yep. Really? That's crazy. Dude. Oh my God. Um... I don't even know. It's such like a... It's such like a huge, like, paradigm. No. Hang on, no. So, Timothy Chalamet and Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill, after Man of Steel... That's an amazing movie, by the way. No. Hang on. Right before Man of Steel, he did Immortals. And then, after Man of Steel, he did Man from UNCLE. Two really good movies. I had to see. I'm a Superman fanatic. He's my favorite superhero of all time. So, I'll always pick Henry Cavill. That's a reach. I love Superman. I used to think he was dumb. Like, this character is so dumb, he's so overpowered. And like, you watch him more. I'm like, nah, that would be kind of cool to have those powers. After Injustice, I just like... I can't rock with him. Superman? He literally... Yeah. Dude, he killed Green Arrow. He killed all these heroes. That's not Cavill's Superman. No, but it's Superman. It is Superman. Like... Well, that's like... My favorite interpretation of Batman is the crime syndicate, Owlman. Oh, yeah. He is sick. My favorite for a long time was Green Lantern for a while. Green Lantern. Green Lantern and The Flash. Green Lantern and The Flash was... The Flash has... Then you saw Ezra Miller as The Flash. Yeah. No, no, no. I'm so serious. That's what did it for me. It was Ezra Miller. Like, why would... Because they tried to make him... I don't... They tried to make him Tom Holland's Peter Parker. Yeah, like, why did you catch Ezra Miller as The Flash, of all people? I thought... Like, I don't... Like, I want Hollywood to stop trying to be something, like... They need to listen to people. Yeah. They need to listen to the damn people. Barry Allen is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white male. And, like... He, like... Respectfully. It's not even like... And I'm Hispanic. So, Ezra Miller is Hispanic. I can say these things. Can he? Huh? Yeah, he is. It's not even that. I just feel like... I feel like the actor... Like, I like Grant Gustin, because The Flash is supposed to be, like... I do like Grant Gustin. The angry... The Flash is supposed to be a confident character, right? And Ezra Miller just comes off really timid. Because he's supposed to be, like, a Justice League, like, founding member. He's supposed to be very charming and funny, and, like... He's supposed to be very confident in everything he does. I just think that Grant Gustin's too emotional. Yeah. The Flash series is kind of crazy. Yeah. Like, I started to hate Iris, like, more and more. Yeah. When she said... When she said, That's the thing, Barry. You're not The Flash. We are. I was like, Get the... Get the... Shut up! Shut up! You are not out there with me! Can you run fast? Yeah, can you run fast? Can you run that fast? No. Dude, no CW show... Can the reverse Flash kill your mom? I don't think so. Dude, I'm not going to lie. I think the reverse Flash is probably my favorite DC villain of all time. Me too. Yeah, really. Other than the CW show. He's the most... He's the most devious villain of all time. Dude, the, like... He's the biggest hater. The viper. Like, the glowing eyes. He's so sick. Amazing. And the theme, too. Yeah. Yeah. I have no clue who my favorite villain is. So far. But no, I don't think any CW show has gotten as good as Smallville. You know... I still think Smallville's the best. I think Arrow's pretty good, too. Arrow was amazing. I loved Arrow. It started it all. Yeah. You know, they made a new one. Superman and Lois. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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