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The conversation is between two hosts of a radio show. They discuss their experiences at FTX and the bridge collapse in Baltimore. They also talk about children's cartoons and their opinions on them. The conversation veers off to discussions about spicy food challenges. Back to my place right now. Good afternoon, you are listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student-run radio station. Currently you're listening to A Patriot's Podcast. I'm your host, Peter Deverin, and I'm here tonight with my co-host and valued team member, Sean Snody. Love the experience. Dude, how was your week? How was my week? Yeah, man. We got back from FTX. It was a blast. I spent the first two days sleeping, next two days munching, and yeah, man, it was great. It was great. Dude, that FTX, I'm telling you, surviving off MREs for a weekend, you lose eight pounds when you come back, all you wanna do is just munch, munch, munch, munch. Yeah. Dude, like, and it's so crazy, because that was one of the most cluster F FTXs I've ever been on, because I've been to Osa, and yeah, you get bad weather, but it only lasts for a day. It was cold rain. It was pouring in the afternoon. I thought it would get like that much later. It was pouring up to your ankles in rain, and then the following night, it was cold, and on so many damn cough medicines. Yeah, I got the sniffles still. Dude, did you see the thing about the Baltimore Bridge? I did, yeah. I was very saddened by that, because I'm from Maryland, and yeah. Yeah, dude, that's crazy. We were talking to Ryan about it on the pro show, and he lives in Maryland. I don't know how far he is from Baltimore. Yeah. It's only an hour, but he was talking about how the tolls are gonna go up, because they needed money to build a new bridge, and he travels that way all the time. Yeah. I've never been in that area of Baltimore, so. I mean, that area, I mean, it connects to a lot of things, like, man, that's one of the biggest bridges, biggest bridges, not even just on the East Coast, but just in the nation. Like, that's a big bridge, and I've been on that bridge many times. It's scary, I'll tell you that, like, man. I mean, like, it was so crazy, because, like, you trust, like, ingenuity and stuff, and you just see it, like, collapse like butter almost. Right. It literally, like, it hit, and it all just, like, got torn down. Yeah. That footage was absolutely nuts. Yeah, prayers go out to those families that absolutely. Oh, absolutely, and like, our total support goes out to all those who are dealing with the catastrophe over there in Maryland, and, you know, the show is always open to anyone who needs it. Yep. Yeah, dude, it was crazy. I don't know. We, like, at first, I was like, it almost seemed like it was staged. Like, it was so. It looked so on purpose. Like, how do you mess up that bad? No, yeah, absolutely, dude. And, like, the ship, I don't get it. And it's crazy, because, like, you can see, like, people have, like, videos and footage of it beforehand. The ship had problems with power before leaving the harbor, and then it got on the water, and it had the exact same problems. Like, apparently, apparently, like. Oh, amazing. Yes. Yes. Will it both be on the same stream? I think so, yeah. Why is it not doing anything? I'm so technically challenged. I don't know, I guess they're real. Come on. We're telling your followers that you started a live video. Okay. Yeah, dude. Did you, like, we were talking a lot about Noah Kahn. Did you see that he got put on Sesame Street the other day? No way. No way, I did not see that. My one friend, my one friend from back home, she got to go see him live recently, because we have something called the Pencil Swap, where people will trade, you know, it's literally a giant garage sale online. You can sell basically anything. That is awesome. Someone gave away Noah Kahn tickets, and now she's, like, the massive Noah Kahn fan, like I am, and he posted on his thing, he was on Sesame Street, and I think that's so crazy. Like, especially just, like, looking back at, like, children's cartoons, you know, and, like, what they're like now, dude. Dude, oh my gosh. Children's cartoons now. Like, what's your opinion on that, man? Like, um. Oh, I better not get into it. But, oh my gosh. I see, because I have a little nephew who's turning about, he's about three years old, and, you know, he watches all these, he watches a lot of cartoons, and a lot of them I sit down with him and watch them, and some of the things they say are, like, kind of things that you should not bring around a child who's developing. Yeah, I know exactly the topic we're getting into. Yeah, I know exactly what we're getting into. Like, I'm not gonna say it, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. You don't even need me to say it, because I already, like, I totally agree that they're taking, like, children's media, like, as a kid, me growing up, I always loved cartoons. Like, Cartoon Network, Boomerang. Oh, Boomerang, absolutely. Boomerang, Boomerang was huge. Like, all those were so big to me, and, like, that, like, there's, like, political concepts, and pushing that onto, like, pushing that onto, like, children just, like, doesn't grasp my mind. No, it doesn't, and, like, to me, like, I grew up with shows like, did you ever watch Word World? Word World? Word World, Lego Ninjago. Ninjago I watched, Ninjago I watched. Yes. Dude, that show fell off hard. It really did. After the little robotic saga, I was like, what is this? Because, because what happened was they tried too hard to make money. Yeah. And they lost the audience, and they got too complicated. They revamped it too many times. Oh, man. They resold too much, too much crap, and it became overdone, because I thought it was a really cool concept. Absolutely. I, like, because I picked it up, was it Masters of Spinjitsu with the snakes? That was when I picked it up. Yes, yes. And, like, as a kid, that was, like, the coolest thing ever. I'm like, dude, he's got, like, a fire sword, and he can turn into, like, a frickin' car, and, like, he's a dragon. It's super cool. I was really big. I was always so big on, like, Pokemon. Yeah. I would always watch Dragon Ball Z before church. Dragon Ball. That's another one. Amazing World of Gumball. That one is so funny. So funny. That one is so funny. I still watch that. I'm not gonna lie. It's, I think, like, dude, we were talking about relationships. If you wanna, if you wanna wifey somebody up, they gotta be okay with the sitting down and watching Amazing World of Gumball. Absolutely. Absolutely. That show is awesome. One of my favorite moments in the show is when he's, like, I forget, oh my God, I forgot what the instance is. He's going over to Fitzgerald's house, and he's a cake, and he hops the fence, and his clothes get shredded. Oh, I know, I know exactly what you're talking about. He goes, uh-oh, wrong house, and they turn the lights on, and he goes, ooh! And he hops the fence, and everything gets shredded. Yes. It was just random humor that got me, like, oh, man. The writing team on Amazing World of Gumball did a really good job. Yeah. I think, like, the- They might have issues, but I don't know. Dude, dude, regular show, though? Like, let's talk about that. Dude, like- I had never, I'm not gonna lie, I was never that big into regular show. You're a failure, Sean. You're a failure. I'm just being honest, like- You failed the audience. Like, because it seemed like, it seemed like after every ending of every regular show episode, it felt like I was on a trip. Or I was on crack, or something like that. Yes. As a kid, yeah, there were some episodes that kinda, like, made me uncomfortable, because it was, like, very, like, hallucinogenic in a way. Yes. And I was like, what is going on? Dude, there's no way that those guys wrote that show, and they, like, not all of them were on acid. There is no way. That's what I'm saying, like, what, my favorite episode of regular show, though, was probably the egg-cellent episode. Yeah, that one's good. That was so funny. I am egg-cellent, I like that one. That one specifically just reminds me of Buffalo Wild Wings. Every time I, like, see that, I'm like, dude, what if this was, like, the Blazing Challenge? What if you completed that, and you're, like, so- I've done the Blazing Challenge before. Have you? I have, too. It was my sophomore year of high school. It was amazing. Dude, I've attempted it, I think, like, three times in my life. Really? And I've never passed it. Oh, my gosh, it's literally the egg-cellent challenge. It is the egg-cellent challenge, until you, like, you feel like, you feel like you're inhaling fireballs, and you're like, dude, the first time I ever did it, I remember I was, like, 14, and we went to Buffalo Wild Wings, and my buddies were all sitting at the table, and I ordered it, and the waitress was like, are you sure? I'm like, yes. She's like, are you positive? And I'm like, yes, I'm sure. That's exactly, like, how the episode went. Yeah, dude, she brought it out, and I think I had, like, man, I had, like, five wings, and I tapped out. I was done. And then all my buddies were laughing at me, because I was, like, high-key crying, and they're like, it's not that bad. The one started eating it, and he's like, I gotta go to the bathroom, and then, like, they all, like, started picking at it, and, like, before you know it, the entire table was in the bathroom, dude. That's no joke. I was literally doing a challenge like that in Broadway at the Beach, like, literally. They have a challenge like that at Broadway? Yeah, but it's, you get, like, a sticker, and it's called shot for shot, or, like, spoon for spoon, or something. They have, in Broadway at the Beach, they have, like, that hot sauce shot, and you can challenge people to go, like, shot for shot, and you just go up with the hot sauce, as my family came down when this happened, and the guy next to me, I think he was with his girlfriend, or whatever, and for those who don't know, I have an extremely high tolerance to anything on the Scoville scale. Like, I have been eating spicy food my entire life. You will not beat me unless you are, like, some type of mutant, and me and this guy are going, and going, and going, and we get to the last one, and, like, I'm sitting there, and I'm sweating. Like, I'll sweat, but I was like, it's good, it's smoked, and this kid is dying. He is, bro, it was fried chicken Wednesday at UP, and I just had, like, I had just had two pieces of fried chicken, and I was sweating, because they put, like, pepper in that, dude, but I can't handle spicy. You're Cuban! I know I'm Cuban! You're a failure! I hear it from my mom, I hear it from my sister, my grandma, I can't handle, I can't handle it. You know why, it's the more you eat it, the more you're comfortable with it. That's true, okay, yeah, that's fair. That's why, like, I've built my tolerance just by constantly eating it, because, like, yo, one of my buddies, oh my gosh, one of my buddies just got back from Air Force basic training. No way. Yeah, he's on my live right now. Carter, the Carter nut. Yeah, that's awesome, man. Shout out to Carter. Do you know what his job is for Air Force? I didn't ask, I didn't, Carter, what's your MOS, big dog? Hopefully he can reply, yeah. Yeah, man, he's on the powerlifting team here, and, or was, before he went off to basic, and I think now he's at AIC right now, so. Is he active, or is he air guard? Yeah, he's guard. Okay, yeah, yeah, nothing wrong with that. He's a funny-ass dude, man. I mean, I'm assuming he's. Aero-sprays propulsion, holy jeez, bro, that sounds way too hard for me, bro. That's too many words for us to pronounce. That's too high of an ASVAB score for me, bro. So, that sounds like, that sounds like, that sounds like money right there. Yeah, that's crazy money. Dude, aero-space propulsion? That's crazy. So he's building, like, Iron Man suits and stuff. I guess, dude, that's gotta be new. Like, a new job, I don't know. I don't know anything about the Air Force. The whole new vamp system is crazy, like, do you hear what they're calling Space Force, like, soldiers? What? Guardians. Guardians, yeah. I'm not gonna lie, I still don't know what they do. I don't either, man. I think they just get paid to look funny, like, I think that's their whole job. Right, yeah, dude, they copied, like, like, no, I think they copied Star Trek. Who is a guardian, they copied Star Trek. They copied Star Trek. Like, their dress uniforms, their logo, they copied Star Trek. That's how they salute. Yeah. You know, thank me to your leaner, like. Dude, like, I mean, all respect for them. God bless all those who served, but I think it's so funny. I also think that whoever came up with the concept of their dress uniform needs to be fired immediately. Oh, 100%. It is so awful. I know, that's, I mean, like, have you ever watched the Netflix show Space Force? Yes. That show is so hilarious with Steve Carell. I like those uniforms that they have in that show. That's just my, that's just my view on it, but, I mean, I don't know. I can literally look it up right now. It's hard to, I think it's hard, I think, I think Damien Webster, man. Marine, yeah, bro, he's, dude, one of my buddies, he's a ex-Marine, and I think he's reenlisting right now, but, dude, he's a badass, man. I'm telling you, my boy Damien's a badass. He went to fucking Afghanistan at like 17, bro. That's sick. Yeah. But, yeah, dude, those Marine dress blues, man. Marine, I will say. You can't beat them. Yeah. And, like, as much as I love the new pinks and greens. I know you don't like them. I hate them. I know you don't like them. I hate them. But me, personally, I love them, just because, like, you know, golden age, man. So, I mean, you'll understand when you wear them. Like, I, excuse me. Didn't you say you looked like a milkman? You looked like a milkman. Dude, I got those uniforms, and my brother says hello, he's on the left. And, dude, like, you get so excited, because, like, they look cool, and, like, they always say, like, they're, like, they're wool, and it's like, oh, you know, they'll be, excuse me, they'll be like, oh, you think, like, oh, they'll be soft, and you know, cottony, or whatever. And you get them, and it's like wearing, like, a flat jacket. Like, it is heavy, dude. Like, I have that, I have that go case, like that, to carry your dress uniform in. That is heavy. Like, that is a good, like, 16 pounds by itself. Like, the shoes, everything, like. I feel like once you get tabbed up, it'll be better. I think the pinks and greens look good if you have a beret. I think the pinks and greens look, a beret. I think if you're 82nd Airborne, I think it looks fantastic. And I like how, on the pinks and greens, you wear the tab on your shoulder. I have a, you know, I like, hold on. I like the berets with the OCPs. I love, I love that. Like, the berets with the OCPs, like the, oh my gosh, that's so tough. But berets with dress uniforms, I can't rock with it. It doesn't look cool to me. It doesn't strike fear. They don't, my brother says they look like, they look like you about to ruin a good time in the 50s. Who's the other guy? My brother's talking to you, Sean, right? My brother says hi. What's up, man? What's it called? Dude, it's like super heavy. And I graduated, and it was just becoming spring, so it was kinda getting hot. Like, that thing is toasty. The dress blues, on the other hand, are like super thin fabric, and it's like, I mean, it's still a suit, but it's very, like, a lot more breathable. I think it looks better in most aspects. I get it. You're going back, you're honoring what we had, but there's a reason we don't do it anymore, right? I'm just saying, it's like, dude, it was uncomfortable as hell. It's hot, it's all, you feel like you're in a box. There's an army uniform, well, at least the one that they retired. They copied the Civil War uniforms, I liked it, but the SOCOM, yeah. The SOCOM guys, they have the black jacket, but instead of blue pants, it's black. Like, it's black on black. That's sick. That is sick, yeah. I saw a picture of it today on the SOCOM Instagram. Dude, that was fire. Like, I was like, oh my gosh, can we please change it to that? Hey, dude. We'll take a quick intermission break. We'll allow the audience to go listen to some Morgan Wallen, and we will come back with all that and more. All right, we will see you in a bit. Enjoy the tunes. Oh yeah. How long did you say for Foggy on Instagram? Yeah, we're live. Okay, we're going. Hello, Andrew. We got Andrew and Avery on the show. I promised that I'd get them on, and I've just been so damn busy. Are they on the live right now? No, I cut mine, and then I start mine back up. Oh, okay, gotcha. Because when we go off air, maybe we want to talk about something that's not super for air. Right, right, right, right, right. Dude, my sister was at Fort Jackson this weekend, and I felt bad because she kept texting me and asking if I could visit, and I was like, no, I can't. I'm in a field training exercise. Well, she's a lieutenant. She probably could have, like. Yeah, she probably could have had some pull. Yeah, a little bit of pull. Yeah, it's whatever. Dude, you're, what is your MOS again? What's your branch? Oh, I don't know what the MOS is, but it's Adjutant General. It's AG. Oh. My boy, Tyler. AG. Bro, AG, that's what Bachman wants to do. Bachman wants to go AG? Yeah. I thought he wanted to go Military Police. No, he is Military Police. He wants to go AG. Oh. That guy's an animal. If he's listening. Dude, yeah. If you're listening, man, you are, I want you to know that you are a freaking beast. Bachman is made of marble. Bachman, I got nothing but respect for you, man. That 600 ACFT score is ridiculous. Absolute fucking animal. Animal. Yeah. I wish I had that. I can't keep myself together enough for a year to do that. No. No, and I fluctuate. I don't know, like right now, I'm super low again, and it's like all the stress that's been happening to me and freaking FTX, like I'm standing at like 150 right now, which is crazy. How much does he weigh, do you know? I don't know. He's also fast as hell, though. Yeah. He does all that rugby. That is true, yeah, rugby, yeah. Yeah, dude. Rugby's a crazy sport. I played rugby in high school. Yeah. Well, I wanted to play lacrosse in college, and like, I don't know. I got here, and like so much stuff happened. I got so busy and work, and like, I don't get the chance to do it anymore. Andrew's on the call. Hello, Andrew. Is that Safer? Safer's on. Yeah. Safer, if you're listening, man, we're planning on getting you on the show probably this upcoming week. Somehow, Sean Snody made it on the show, so yeah. We'll get Andrew and Avery on the show. Absolutely. Because they're great. They're awesome people. They're funny, they're funny. Yeah. I'm actually in love with his mustache. His mustache is the reason I live, man. I wake up in the morning, and I'm just like, damn. You have to appreciate it. You just have to appreciate a mustache when you see it. Yeah, dude. I mean, like, I don't know. I can't grow one long enough, because if I show up to my unit with a mustache, I'm gonna get my ass chewed. Yeah, and if I grow a mustache, I'll look like a cholo, so, yeah. Dude, I don't know. I like, you know, it's so crazy, because sometimes I'll be walking or something, and I see some dude with, like, total absolute lettuce, like, a flow, and I get so sad, because I'm like, dude, when I was in high school, I walked around with, like, a mullet. Like, I had long hair, and I had a beard, too. Like, I looked like a wilder man by the time high school was over. And, like, Josiah's on the show. Welcome, Josiah. Jensen. Jensen. And, dude, I had that flow going, and, like, getting here, I thought ROTC, I shit you not, I thought ROTC was gonna be so strict. So, before I came in. Dude, I was scared about it, too. I'm not gonna lie. Dude, before I came in, I shaved my head. I buzzed my head. No way. Yeah, dude, you can look at my Coastal ID. I shaved my head, because I thought they were gonna do it for me. This is a west point. So, I was like, oh my God, my nose hurts. I was like, I shaved my head, dude. Oh my gosh, you look like a thug. Yep, I thought they were gonna shave my head already, so I just flat out, like, hold on. I flat out just, I can't scroll down in the chat feed. I flat out just shaved it for them, and then when we got there, and the first day of my ROTC career, they were like, show up at this building at 0500. And I was like, oh my God, this is terrifying. And I was, where's that request at? The first? Dude, it was so scary, and I'm standing there in line, and, like, Marklin. Marklin. Yeah, Julia, Marklin was the, oh my God! Oh my God! Yes! Hold on, hold on, hold on. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. Black Martin. Yes, this is actually amazing, oh my gosh. And, hey, look, we got, we got, hey, hey, take a seat and pull up that mic. And we just got. Did Jensen just join you live? Yeah! We just got the whole squad, the whole squad just joined the live from the, from Murphy's, dude. That is crazy. Oh, there's Evans, too. That is crazy. Here, wait, let me join, let me join, let me join, too. Dude. Cadet Devrenator. Here, put me on, put me on, put me on. Dude, request it. I did, who? Where is it? I don't know, you gotta find it. Oh, they left. They liked that, I mean, we. Did it work? Was it working? Yeah, dude, hey, hey. It's not working. Hop on, hop on that mic, I'll let you know. Dude, I'm so excited you're here, man. Yes, sir. Hey, what's up, Lex? How's it going, man? Dude, let me fuckin' play with the reds. I'm a little fat boy. That's actually amazing, oh my gosh. I made them. Yeah? I want some, though. I gave them, though, I'm too special. I just gave out 32. Oh, cause it's tape on it, dude, you mean? Ooh! What? Dude, put the headset on, tell me if you can hear anything. If not, then it's just. Can you hear me talk? No. Oh, nah, it's dead then. But we can still hear you talk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude. Hail from Murphy's Law. Hate from Murphy's Law. Dude, welcome. I apologize to the show, we got a little supply drop. We're eating brownies now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Huh? We're live right now. If that's what you're asking. Yeah, dude, that was awesome. Let's do it. You did not break the entire container, so. Oh my God, they're so dead. Did I really? Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I don't know. All right. Back to the show. Let's see if I can kiss you right now. I can kiss you right now. I can, what? It's an interesting thing to say. Mm. How are you all? Dude, they're really good. That's so awesome. He was like, I'm nearby, are you home? I'm like, no, I'm doing a show. He's like, I got brownies. Oh, come, hop on the show. Dude, let's take a seat, man. Thank you, sir. Oh my gosh. Yes, please join. Take a seat, man. I'm here. Mm, my bum. My bum. Dude, hearing you eat that through the mic, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. Stop, stop. Mm. That's actually insane. I can't believe you just did that. I'm gonna do it too. Oh my gosh, yes. We're getting, we're getting bad. Dude. Dude, it's so in detail. How is, how is your day? That's so. Wow. Well, how was your day today? It's been pretty good. Busy day, busy day. Yeah. How was y'all's? It was good. My day was spent napping. I literally saw you earlier. I didn't, I did not go to class today, but. Oh, no, you were. Hey, man, that's the liberty. You were, you're not there either? Oh my God. I was there, I was there. That's the, that's the liberty of that college, man. You can just decide to not show up. Yeah, I'm paying you to teach me. Yeah, facts. I literally forgot that you weren't in class today. Ha, Jensen joined my life. What's up, Josiah? Hey, man. We have, I'm just saying, we flat out like have like the lowest graduation rate I've ever seen. Do we really? Yeah, because everybody wanted to go. 46%. It's been going up, it's been going up. I believe. My ass. I am not, I am not the prime example for that because I didn't show up to the two's class today. Even though. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't, I'm sorry. Dude. It's okay. I'm not even eating anything. This is being a mess. You can have as many as you want. Dude, I'll eat another one of those. Oh yeah, I will have as many. Trust me, I will have as many as I want. Yeah, eat a fat boy. I'm bulking. Bulking. I'm, dude, I'm trying to bulk. I mean, I'm freaking, I'm super low right now, like. Bulking's hard, man. You just have to stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff your face. That's literally what you just told me yesterday. Yeah, barge along. And it's easy because we have dining halls and you do not. Yeah, I don't have a dining hall. Yeah, in fact, how far do you live from campus again? Like seven minutes. Oh, that's not bad at all. Yeah, man. Not like Carpenter, who lives in Marlisona, 30 minutes away. It's like fucking. He just asked me to bring him an MRE for his girlfriend. What? For Shannon? Yeah. That's a great, hmm. Shannon's an awesome person, but I always joke with, I always joke with Jackson because she's really cool and I'm like, every time I see her in the gym, I'm always like, I always like try to wave to her and she's like death stares me. And then we laugh about it. It's like, he talked to me about it. He's like, yeah. One time she came up to me and he's like, I saw your friend Devin in the gym. And Jackson was like, why didn't you wave to him? I did not know that Carpenter was capable of female interaction. Yeah, he's a good one. So when he introduced me to her, I was like, who is, I was like, is this your slave? What? We just got canceled. We just got canceled so damn hard. Oh my God. We're done. No. We're done. No, we're fine. Dude. No, she's super cool. I didn't know. No, she's really cool. I met her in the library. I didn't, I didn't know he had a girlfriend either until I got to meet his family that one time. His family's awesome. Lovely family. No father figure. Yeah, dude. It's like. I love Carpenter, bro. It's so easy to make fun of him. He's so funny. I love him. All you've been doing recently. Yeah, so that's pretty much our entire relationship. Dude, like, I don't know. Like, I don't know. Like, I guess some people are like that. Like, whenever I'm dating somebody, I always like, like they always come up in the conversation or something. Ooh. Boo, it's for the weak. It's all about the money and the power. I understand that. I'm here. I'm hungry. I devour. Hey, jeez. The rage. Pure-blooded rage. Yeah, I had no idea. He didn't talk about it. I just like met her through him. And that was my interaction. Damn, bro, this brownie feel like cement going down my digestive. Like, it's so good, but I'm like, I'm like fighting a battle here right now. Yeah, that's a lot of, that's really rich. I'm gonna have another one. I'm gonna be fat. It's about to be Easter, man. Just let it loose. Bro, I'm about to go home for Easter, I think. Me too. I'm dropping home tomorrow. I'm flying home. Yeah, I live like seven minutes down the road. Well, I live seven hours down the road. God damn. Yeah, this sucks for you. Bro. What, it's longer for you? Wait, what? We have aeroplanes. Oh, God damn it. Bro. You're driving home? Mm-hmm. Just because I want to have my car over there. No, no, no. I'm telling you. What is it, like seven? You said seven? I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you. Get off the mic, get off the mic. Bro, my drive home is 10. That's ass. Mine's seven minutes. Yikes. That's when I'm at that age. Bro. Dude, you know what I am excited about? CFT, I'm very excited for CFT. I was looking at the USMA website and I was just looking, seeing what it entailed and I was like, dude, this is sick. I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was some stupid cadet training stuff, boring stuff, and I was like, oh my gosh, this is actually fire. My God, I'm fighting this brownie. But you went to CFT, too, right? Yeah. I've done everything. I have done everything. And the thing is, I'm not even a Sage Eagle, too. People always act like you got camp and Sage Eagles in the same summer. Well, I mean, I did aerosol and CFT in the same summer. I didn't have a summer either. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I have a question about that. I did not know that. So how is that possible? Because I want to do that. Timing. Yeah. How did you get two slots to two schools? You gotta be really good friends with Bliss. Actually, no, you just gotta ask him. Because what happens was, you'll have the ones that are competitive that everyone wants. You'll have the ones that are not competitive and nobody wants. So I think the number one thing people don't want. Basic camp. Yeah. Yeah. So they're like schools. Damn, I'm dying from this brownie. They're schools that people will really like. The wing schools. People want wing schools. And then there are ones like Sage Eagles. Sometimes people want a lot of it. Sometimes people want none of it. So you can, depending on the year, depending on the statistics, the roulette of it, you can get lucky, you can get screwed. Well, the brigade didn't even get aerosol. So I'm so mad about that. I was talking to the USC kids and they said they didn't get anything. No. That's true. Yeah, because we took all their slots and if they only had basic camp and CFT, then they probably just got basic camp. CFT, I'm really excited for you and Carpenter especially. And Marlowe. Yeah, and Marlowe. Actually, I'm really excited because they won't smoke you, like they don't smoke you, but it's kind of like a little basic feeling. Like you march everywhere, you do stupid shit. You will get a taste of basic that is good for respect. Stop playing with the mic, damn it. Dang, jeez. I'm kidding. Damn, that brownie had testosterone in it. Dude, I opened up your live and that was the first thing I saw was you marching into a brownie. Yeah, I probably just scared all the audience away. We'd like tearing open that brownie. Dude, CFT is so great. And when they talked to me, when Mr. Bliss introduced it to me, he was like, hey, you wanna go to West Point? I'm like, yes. And I'm like, I have no idea what I'm doing, but West Point's cool. Take me there, I wanna go there now. Yeah, and literally, I got there and I showed up a day early because my transpo was screwed up. And I tried, like everything's run by cadets. Like here we have Cadre, right? So like, imagine like triple the size. How do I explain this? We have four staff members. When I was there, we had an entire company, all cadets and like two staff members. So they have like, it's all like. Because you said your only cadre were a captain and a master sergeant. Yeah, and a lieutenant. A lieutenant. And the lieutenant wasn't even there half the time. It was crazy. Was it a second lieutenant or a first lieutenant? It was a second lieutenant. It was so crazy. And like, what am I thinking about? Like, because I got there and I went to like the office, or I called the school, I was like, hey man, you guys didn't give me a drop off point or anything, so I'm just gonna go to the office. You called West Point? Yeah, you could do that. You could call like the service desk and I'm like, hey. Oh my gosh. I'm like, you guys didn't give me a drop point or anything, so I'm just gonna come to your office. And they're like, okay. I get in there and whoever was talking to me on the phone, obviously it wasn't the same guy. They're all like, what are you here for? I'm like, yeah, CST. I'm an ROTC insert. I'm here to play OPFOR. I hand the guy my orders. He looks at me like I have horns on my head. Pass it to the next guy. He has the same reaction. And they're both talking back and forth and they're making phone calls. They have no idea what to do with me. Oh my gosh. And they call up a Humvee and the Humvee picks me up. They drive me to like this open field where it's like a big loading assembly area with like hundreds of cadets. And they have no idea where to put me. So it's me like fumbling around for like an hour and like eventually they take me to Camp Buckner, which is where you'll stay. And it's fun. It's cool. It's like, it's not hardcore, but the training is good. You know, like. Because that's how it takes you through like, you know, the missions that we do here. Yeah. Move into contact. If I can go back and talk, if I can go back and change anything about CST or CFT. CFT. I would ask for more leadership positions. Because like, they do lanes. Well, because it's all MS2s, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, like, I don't know. It was crazy. Like, you do some really, like the difference between CFT and basic and like AIT is like AIT and like OSINT and all that, they beat you up. Like they like smoke you. Oh yeah. Make you tired and all that. CFT makes you tired, but they don't like, they don't smoke you or anything. Yeah. You can't really get punished unless you're a total asshat. Makes sense. But it's a lot of fun. Like you meet new people. You'll meet characters. Oh my God, you'll meet characters. Like, I met some like wackadoodles. You're gonna meet another Wonder Bread. You are gonna meet another Wonder Bread. Oh, I am so tired of meeting the Wonder Breads, bro. The Wonder Breads. That kid was so annoying. Bro, you're gonna meet Wonder Breads. Like. I bet you some of those kids at West Point are Wonder Breads. Okay, I have a company after this podcast, I can tell you that. Okay. Dude, it was so crazy. Like, I got there and some of them are like, it's super screwed up to say. Some of them are like robotic and inhuman. Like, they can't feel emotion. Like, I don't know. Yeah, because they probably think, because they're like all cocky and nerdy because oh yeah, I go to West Point and you're just an ROTC kid. Like, I do this. Yeah. You just do this part time. Like, you know. So, it was so crazy because at the time, at the time that I went to CFT, I met like, I met a great group of guys. Oh my God. So, Boston John, Liz, Oh, Boston John, Alex. They're all great guys. And the crazy thing was, I was talking, I was like, you know, like still with things with my fiancee at the time. And like, these kids like don't have like a social life, man. It was crazy. Like, I don't know how relationships really work there. Because like, you can't like date or something. It's very hard, yeah. And they were explaining to me that like, when I saw it firsthand, I had this one friend, her name was, I'll keep it out of the air, but she was sitting on the dock and I went up to go to talk to her and I was just saying hi or whatever. And I walked away and it was like a fleet of like 15 dudes all came up. And I was like, dude, it's like watching like the sheep from back at the barnyard or like the sardines from SpongeBob. Well, I'm sure it's very like intent all the time. Yeah. Like no doubt, like anything you do. Cause I like even eating lunch, breakfast, dinner, like it's all intent. Like you do it in formation, like you go out in formation. And like, I can definitely understand why like, they really have like 20% less of a social life than how they came in. Yeah. But like CFT, I had fun. Air assaults suck. I'm not gonna lie. Air assaults. And you had that at West Point, right? Yeah. I literally, I was there at West Point for what? What is it, like four weeks? No, it's like two weeks. Two weeks for CFT? Oh no, no, no. I was talking about air assaults. Oh, air assaults two weeks. And CFT is like a month and like a little change, I think. And I was at CFT and like you graduate CFT and then I went home for like nine days and then came back for air assault. And air assaults sucks. And it's super funny cause like you guys are like. I just want my wing. I want my wing. I want the wing. Dude, like West Point's air assault is, I haven't never, like I haven't seen like Campbell's or you know, Hawaii's or anything, but I would love to go to Hawaii for that. They hate officers. They hated cadets. They smoked the piss out of us. Like I didn't even like, I didn't even know there were smokes that worked that way. They had this thing called the Iron Butterfly. And it's so stupid. You go like this. And the dude would do like, you can do like, since it's a low maintenance exercise, you can do like thousands of them. And it was crazy. What? Damn dude, this brownie is poisoned. It was, it was. Was it good though? It was delicious. It was very good. It was really good. I need another one. I can't help it. I'm just so good looking. I can't help it. I'm just so good looking. Dude, CFT is great though. I forgot what company I was in. I can't remember. But hopefully, hopefully you like, my advice is when you go, band with some of the ROTC kids. Yeah. Cause like, they're gonna like, some of the stuff that the West Point guys do is kind of cult like, and you're just not gonna like, I would not surprise, it would not surprise me. Like that happened to me. Like they were talking about like some classes or like the AY they talk a lot about. The AY is the academic year. Talking about like professors. And I'm like, what the hell? I just. Like when my sister went through advanced camp, she said she had a lot of West Point kids in her reg. And she said they had no clue what to do. Like they didn't know how to do an ambush. They didn't know how to do movement to contact. And like, they like, and she went to Penn State. Like I understand. Like Penn State is like, I think is like the second, has the second best ROTC program in the nation. Number one is Texas A&M I think. Yeah, number one is definitely Texas. Aggies. So, but like you'd think that like West Point. And like, I guess I get it. Like West Point, you know, they have us beating like math, statistics. Oh, it's a hard school. Logistics. It's a hard school. Yeah, absolutely. But as far as tactics go, I think they have them beat with that. So my whole take on that, right, is so when I went, when my whole ideology before going is the castle walls. Like you go inside and this is gonna be like the highest speed of the highest speed. You're gonna have, you're gonna have crazy guys, like Super Ranger who are, and you do. That, excuse me, that percentage definitely exists. Cause I met some Ranger Regiment guys who were prior service. Some cadets who already had their Ranger tab, combat bubble. They do have, they have the highest speed cadets in the nation. However, that's only like 3%. Like the other like majority, the way I would describe it to people is it's an Ivy League school where you wear the Army brand and you do Army things. In terms of tactics, not so much. That's where we, I feel like, have the upper hand. Like we couldn't, well cause I completely agree with you and I'm gonna rebuttal that in a second. Like Sergeant Cesaro in the two's class, he teaches us tactics. Like he does not use the blackboard. Like he just says like, okay, I'm gonna teach you guys tactics because the ones, or like the twos didn't have this last year. They barely have it this year. And I think it helped us out a lot during out four. Absolutely. Cause Carpenter told me he got blue carded too and he got a P on four being a squad leader. I'm so upset I didn't get blue carded cause I didn't get it for my mission. Yeah, I feel bad for you. That's like an hour, they gave it to us an hour before. Yeah. But I mean when you have like, especially someone like Sergeant Cedro, who is a dog. Absolutely. 25th Infantry Division. 82nd. Been places, man. Like all American Airborne. Yeah. Total animal. Like you can't fuck up if he's your teacher. You know, like. Yeah, it's. You'll be pretty impressed with the fuck up if he's your teacher. You will see when you go, like the regimental guys. So you'll go and you'll have, you'll have the regimental commander. So these are like their top dogs. Yeah. These guys are crazy. Like I went and their regimental, like their regimental commanders. The one guy had sapper, ranger, double winged and he had his ESB. Like he was insane. This was a cadet? This was a cadet. Like it was crazy. I was like, I felt like I was looking at Captain America. And like, the other guy, the other regimental commander, like they all had like some type of school or deployment pass. Like they've been everywhere. Yeah. But yeah, you will go and you will see like, because they don't go out. They don't do missions. They don't. They go out like twice a year, I think. That's when I got there. I remember like we're doing six lanes. I'm like, do you guys ever like practice like ambush or assault? And they're like, not really. I'm like, how often do you guys like go out in the woods? You guys live up here in the mountains. How often do you like, we go for beast, which is our basic entry thing. We do it CST or CFT. And then they do it one week before their graduation. That's crazy. Yeah. I did one in the woods more than I could as a kid. Dude, I got like heartburn. Oh my God. Oh my gosh. Yeah, that brownie's killing you. That brownie is killing you. That brownie is like, ah. They're just really rich. I hope it kills me. Something's gonna kill me. I got to find my way out of here. We can go home together. With suspicious minds. Suspicious minds. And we can build our dreams. With all suspicious minds. Beautiful. That was so good. That was beautiful. Dude, I want to, now our show is officially sponsored by Arcadia Studios at Myrtle Beach. They are awesome guys. I want to get you, Sean, I'm gonna work my hardest to get you on the pro show. Yes. They have a whole music department as well. Oh wow. And I want to start, I'm gonna ask, I will pay for that recording session completely separate out of my own pocket if I can record my music. Because I started to get, the whole music thing, I started to get into it this month and it's been so therapeutic and I just want to chase it. It's awesome. Wow. I broke this pen. Yeah dude, music is so therapeutic. Like I can't, I can't, I don't know how people, like I don't know how people listen to like, rap music to like go to sleep or some shit. Yeah, fine, I agree. I can't stand, I can't, I don't understand that. To me, I listen to like 1970s country, like Glen Campbell. Dude, I was literally doing my music this morning. My music this morning? Oh yeah. Dude, that was funny. This morning was funny. Oh my God. Dude, I'm just saying, like I literally started like writing an article about it too. Emotion is so powerful and music has such a heavy influence on that. Like you have no idea. Music is a universal language. Yeah, music can change like your friggin' brain waves. Yeah. To like change, like alter everything. Like your entire day can be changed based on what you're listening to. Yep. It's mind blowing. I don't know, I've always grown up super heavily into the musical arts. My mom is like a total band head. Like she like loves the Grateful Dead, loves Rolling Stones, the Beatles. My dad doesn't listen to as much music as he used to, but when he did, he would like listen to it all the time. Like there was a, he's a pretty, he's 82 years old. He's a retired full bird, full bird in the Air Force and his job was flying around B-52s every day and around the Cold War era, he was probably about, he was probably about 30 years old. He was flying, he was probably a captain going on major at the time and he told me this story, like he was flying around Russia just kind of like threatening them, you know, cause like there was a little stepping stool or like a standoff between Russia and the United, the Soviet Union and the United States with the nuclear shit and he was just playing music as he was flying around. It was like, My Sweet Lord by so-and-so and like, so he would be flying around and be like, my sweet Lord. We ever like, you ever like look into that? Like they have that one. Oh my God. They have that one like video and it's like the guy climbing in the mountains and then like the 82nd song comes on. It's like, glory, glory, what ever I do. Yeah, like, and like to us, it's music, right? But to them, it's probably like haunting. Oh, absolutely. It's horrifying. It's terrifying. They're probably like, oh my God. Yeah. Oh, my buddy Mitch, my buddy Mitch is still alive. He's a, What's up Mitch? He's a big ROTC guy too. Where's he at? Mitch, where do you go to school? It's somewhere in Georgia, or I think. Oh God. I hate Georgia. I think it's, No offense Mitch. I think it's a primary ROTC school, but yeah man, I mean, CFT this summer's gonna be fun. I really, really, really hope that I can go with Marlo and Carpenter. Listen man, I'm gonna tell you right now, when you go, I'm not saying it's guaranteed, but I'm saying it would be stupid of you not to try. Oh, I already got the slot. No, no, no, no. I know for CFT, when you go, it is almost indefinite that you'll meet somebody in power. Like I met, I met some like star generals when I was there. If you were, University of North Georgia. Okay. Shout out. What's their mascot? I don't know. Is it the Bulldog? I don't know. I don't know. But dude, like I remember I was talking about the one star, and she like, Hannah Sowers, welcome to the show. Oh yeah. You said, didn't you say that? I don't know who that is. That one star that you were talking to was like the, Yeah, dude. Something like a really big. Yeah. And like, did she offer you admission? She offered me admission at the prep school, and I was like, holy shit. And I was like, dude, that's insane. Now, people go. It's a great offer. Yeah. If you taught, if you asked me that, two years ago from that date, 100%. I would have gone. I would have dropped everything and gone, but I don't even know who this is. Cause you had already been OSIT. You're already on through OSIT at the time, right? Yeah. I was already like infantry, MOS qualified, all that. Yeah. So like, if you asked me like, maybe like my first year in a coastal, I would have dropped everything. Yeah. But, yeah, dude, she offered me a part to go to the prep school, and I was, I was super psyched, but I was like, nah, like my whole thing is with West Point, right? You get the funding, and you get like the priority, but you don't get the control. That's what ROTC gives you, right? Like West Point, you have like the ability to do these crazy things, and the funding, but will you get to do them? Right. That's up to, that's up to them. Like ROTC, right? Like we don't have the crazy funding, but we have the power of choice. Like I was able to go into the National Guard. I was able to get MOS qualified. I was able to like, you know, compete for that CATE slot. I was able to go to Air Assault School. I was able to go to CFT, and now I'm able to go train with 3rd Special Forces Group somewhere out in the middle of, Yeah, Robin Sage, man, he is, dude. Timbuktu, Texas, which I'm super psyched about. That would be my first interaction with SF, like ever. That would probably, what I would want to shoot for, because I'm 100% of doing CATE next year. Yeah. And, and no CARP is too. Matt Dangler, what's up in the chat, man? How we doing? Dude, I mean, my other buddy did Robin Sage, and he said Sage Eagle is the better one. Yeah. I mean, I mean, that all, that all kind of depends, because, it depends on what the grade gives us, because if they gave us Jungle School, I'm going to Jungle School. See, I, Yes, oh my God. At the beginning of the year, I literally came into Bliss's office, and I said, hey, I want to go to Sage. I go, I was, I heard about it over the summer, and I heard that Special Forces training is really cool. I'm like, I don't care that I don't get any badges or anything. I just want to go, because I am SF crazy. Isn't that, isn't that just OPFOR for SF? I think, so this Robin Sage and Sage Eagle, one's OPFOR, and one is like Coalition. I don't know which one I'm doing, but I'm going with Green Beret. OPFOR against Special Forces would be insane. Terrifying. Bro, I would like, be like Wicker Man up on some tree. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to get skinned real quick. July, Matt is when I'm going to Texas. Oh my gosh. Yeah, dude. It's, like, it's super hype, because I'm like a SF nut. Like, I want to go as far as I can in my career, especially in the Special Operations and Submarine House. Like, my goal isn't necessarily to be a Green Beret, because I want to branch to Infantry. I've made up my mind. Third choice would be MP. I'm just letting you know. You're a failure, son. First choice is Infantry, all right? 11 Alpha. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I wouldn't, like, I understand, like, the HUA, like, you know, you want to go Green Beret. Like, that's just not kind of my thing. 75th Ranger Regiment, though. Yes. 100%. That is my goal. But, yeah. And that is the unit that I want to be a part of. That is the coalition that I want to be a part of. 75th Ranger Regiment, all the way. Those guys are fucking, bad asses. Absolutely, man. Unfortunately, WCCU, we have ran out of time. So, gentlemen, anything, Snowy, anything you'd like to tell the audience tonight? Pray before you go to bed, and don't let the big bugs bite. Yeah. Praise God. Lex, anything you'd like? Thank you so much for coming on the show. We were super excited to have you on. I was actually, like, the best, like, guest appearance ever. You totally, like, you totally, you totally just broke the collider, like, with that. That was awesome. Dude, we're definitely going to have you back. Anything, anything you want to say to the people listening right now? Thank you for watching these guys eat my brownies. Yay! Bro, that sounds like a bumper sticker. Thanks for watching these guys eat my brownies. All right, all right, all right. WCCU, as always, this is the Patriots Podcast. I'm your host, Peter Deverin. We are humongous supporters of the military agenda, veterans in the United States. We are the voice for those who can't be represented. We always talk about common culture, pop culture, and current news coming to you. And for one last time, this lovely evening, goodnight, South Carolina. Thank you for joining us. Woo!

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