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Hello? I just told this thing to shut up. Okay. That little fight's too loud. They need to fix that. I've said that a bunch. Well, we got some funny news in store. There's been a lot of weird stuff that's happened in the news, you know. We're still fighting for Albert the Alligator. They're still trying to, you know, be a bunch of doo-doo heads about that. So it is almost fully confirmed that Pirates of the Caribbean is going to get rebooted and no Johnny Depp, maybe. Or my, I don't know. All I know is that this is absolutely stupid. They should have just kept the story going. Everyone loves Jack Sparrow. Everyone loves the whole Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, all of them. What were their names? Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann? Yeah. We got some stuff about that. You know, despite Disney already cutting him off when the Amber Turd allegations happened, and he was completely innocent. I heard that some McDonald's are going to start selling Krispy Kreme donuts in case you wanted to get fatter on a more efficient scale. That's a thing happening. Panera Bread is something like, I think they're like running out of bread, which is like their whole spiel. And Chick-fil-A is going to start using the chicken that got some antibiotics in it because apparently there's still chicken shortages, which is kind of funny considering how last week I talked about how all of these crazy happenstances about, you know, giant food processing plants or cattle farming land would suddenly burst into fire or explode where numerous food processing plants, as well as manufactories, hatcheries, and cattle lands all of a sudden had all these super incidents and they had to cull a ton of them. And then they removed the sanction on someone with no health standards. We're going to look at fun stuff today. I just told this thing to shut up, shut up. How do I close it? Okay, I think I did it. Yo, Invincible is back as well. That show is going crazy. That show is awesome. They, of course, Amazon is doing, you know, certain usual Amazon or Netflix types of changes, but yo, it's doing real good. Invincible Slaps, they actually got like some great voices for it. So I really hope there's another like super meme era that comes out like when the whole Think Mark thing happened and the train moment. Those slap. Another thing that, yo, I love these new Native American memes they got where it's like me when I throw a spear into the cart guy's skull in the parking lot. It's something weird like that and it'll be like just a random picture of a native and then like back to it. I think it's hilarious because I'm Redskin, but that's not the reason why, but like the little bit of pop culture reference that Redskins had that was like actually relevant was removed and it was usually by really like effeminate guys or like whiny ladies who said it was a racist. Meanwhile, the only time any native is actually asked about the topic, it's either like an industry plant like that dude who tried to sue the kid for smiling at him. And or they'll just only show the ones that agree with the narrative. I've asked plenty of family and friends who are Native American. Yo, what do you think about it? The only time they have an issue with the whole mascot thing is when the team sucks. That's the only time they have beef with it. Otherwise, they're like, yo, a team is a team. At least we got something. And then like the funniest thing about the memes coming back is that yet again, I get to point out how it's usually like white and Jewish women and stuff who are complaining the most about it. It ain't even like all the Native Americans. It's these random chicks. Because these are the same ones that removed. They saw a little native girl on the Land of the Lakes butter packages and went, hmm, you know what, we need to get her off the land. So yet again, they kick the red skin off of their land because somehow it's racist to be on a stick of butter. How does that make sense? That's like when people say that the Florida Seminoles is a racist team name, despite the literal Seminole tribe or Seminole. I don't know. I'm bad with saying stuff, you know, that tribe being there and part of the festivities constantly openly encouraging it and taking part in it and even sponsoring it and everything. And then the argument is like, we're not a Native American. Then why would I listen to the whiny ones? Throughout the history of times when Europeans were conquering and expanding kingdoms and stuff, when their opponents put up a good fight, a solid fight, they would honor that culture and try to keep it involved in the new culture that was being established. Like how, um, like a ton of the works of pagans and stuff were written down and stuff in monasteries over and over and over because they're like, sure, they aren't Christian. Sure. We kind of knocked their teeth loose. But guess what? The information they had is still pretty important. For instance, that's what they did with Plato because he was pagan. Wait, um, no, Aristotle was the one who is a pagan, but believes that there was only one supreme deity. Plato and Socrates were just basic pagan type. But whenever they would actually like put up a good fight, they would keep the works going. They were like, this is still important. The Redskins were seen as noble. That's why they got the term noble savage, which is a really hardcore term. Um, like, think about it. It's been like the last 20 or 30 years that this has all become like a round wah wah thing. Like, uh, what is it the Washington Redskins, the design of the Redskin is based off of a real life chief who did all these great things and the Washington state and for Native Americans. And they're like, well, it's racist to get rid of it. So they are they're also trying to get rid of, what is it? The Cleveland Indians or whatever it is. Chief Wahoo. They're trying to scatter that. What is the point? What is the point? It makes no sense. I'm just waiting on there to be more outraged for the, uh, Chicago Blackhawks. Is it Chicago? Yeah, it is Chicago. Cause it's in Wayne's world, uh, for them dudes, considering what it is. Uh, but like, it's only within like the last 20 to 30 years that people started just absolutely wigging out over nothing considering that it's been a team name for ages and they used to have it. It was kind of like, okay, when baseball really early started, they, before the mascots and everything got popular, they had lucky midgets. This is not a joke. They would get like sideshow type people because they thought that it would bring good luck for the team. So they would get midgets. They would get, um, certain like deformity people with like some of the crab hand ones. I've seen those in the old pictures, but why bend the knee to people who aren't even fans of baseball, hockey or football or anything like that? Why bend the knee to them? They don't watch it. They don't matter. That's like me going to a tennis journey and screaming about how there should be like spinning seating because not everyone has good seats. So the whole stadium needs to rotate so that everyone can have a chance in a good seat. No, that's stupid because tennis is also kind of stupid, but that's a different day. Um, I don't know. It's, it's, I don't know. It seems like it's mainly bait used as an argument to create and cause, you know, issues among the average Joes and the working class type people. Like you just straight up trying to pin America against America because that's the tactic that, um, really ramped up during the Occupy Wall Street movement where no matter what race or creed you were, no matter what, you know, uh, background you had, no matter how much money you had, you know, unless you were like the 1% cause that's what the whole Wall Street thing was about. Everyone was out to fight back against the big money. And then all of a sudden, every media outlet suddenly has endless stories about racism, sexism, homophobia, or basically whatever clickbait buzzword that can cause infighting and a general population that is United on a common ground. All they did was start poking and prodding and shaking the jar and then said that the ants were the ones, like, it's like if you put a bunch of ants in a jar, you put a black fire ants and red fire ants, you put them in a jar that might not start fighting. You start shaking the jar, they're going to start fighting. All they were doing is shaking the jar. And you know, I don't know. It's like, it's most of it. Most of this so-called news is nothing but race bait. Like even with the one here, they do it on like a mass scale. Like if people actually cared at all about any actual issue, then it wouldn't be butter or a sports mascot. It'd be like actual straight up raw issues that are actually having an effect on a society or a population. For instance, the Navajo Nation water systems, they have practically none. There is no irrigation systems. There is nothing that like, they've been struggling for decades with it. The only way they get water is when people started water trucking companies, where they would truck out giant trucks with water in the back and fill up barrels for them to use because they're in the middle of the desert. Instead of, you know, talking about that or how numerous reservations have been trying to deal with serious pollution to the environment with hunting grounds, fishing grounds, and old like sanctuary sites for them. Instead of addressing those types of things and addressing how, you know, all these hippies throwing up these stone stacks is causing issues in the land. Oh my gosh, water girl got to go. No, it's, you're not dealing with like serious pollution or anything like that. You're not dealing with this. All you are is nagging over stupid stuff. You're not talking about, you know, like the coral reefs getting bleached out. You're not talking about helping that. You're not bringing attention to that. You're not pointing out invasive species and how that's devastating to populations. For instance, the, uh, Python. No. Yeah. Pythons and Boas that are now in Florida and everything devastating that or government overreach where they're trying to control every aspect of your life. Let's run it in a second. Have some music. All right. I figured out how to make the music shut up. It came back. I'm about to say a bad word. I'm going to say a very bad word. All right. That should work. Um, no one truly cares about the issues with it. Cause then they'd be talking about like the numerous, uh, invasive species like lionfish that are now in the Atlantic ocean and stuff and how a bunch of people got them as exotic pets and then just dumped them. The same thing they did with the, uh, Pythons and stuff. And even some Cobras, um, oh, and geckos. There's a couple types of gecko that are now running rampant in a lot of different parts of the Everglades. Uh, I forgot what the other ones I remember were, but no, this, this leads me to my next point before we get to the fun is, you know, I must go further into the infested state of journalism, which sadly includes our very own paper. The paper we have here, I've written for like over a year now, and I've seen it when it had some truly excellent talent involved. It was up to date. It came out weekly, had a variety of content. And this year it's been about as much fun as laying on muddy sticks and a wet blanket being drugged by your ankles. That's not fun. Um, it's, it's really become something that I no longer have a lot of fun doing. Like I used to look forward to getting to like, do a new type of, uh, album or something like that, or try and find something that had just come out and do it. Like I got to do when, uh, Joji who was earlier played, I got to do it when his new album dropped. Uh, I got to cover some of his stuff. I got to look back and like do some discography stuff, but you know, this censorship and noose like leash that allows almost no true creativity. Like I had in the past where I was able to do a wonderful range of music and focus on different groups that I love and, uh, new stuff that came out. However, now I'm kind of bound into a yellow journalism ideal of race bait and gimmicky arbitration. Let's look at this semester. I do Tyler, the creator after being told I cannot write about Ozzy Osbourne, despite him being in the news around that recently time for, what was it? His, uh, football, uh, halftime show thing he did getting cut off by certain networks and there being that outrage, uh, and how he was going to attempt to keep touring until he had a certain spinal surgery that kind of prevented him from doing it. So he was still in the news. So I was like, all right, I'll do a discography search of Tyler's entire work because he's a great artist and he has put out a ton of work. And, uh, the newspaper threw him in the back of the bus. One of the last pages was one of my most in-depth things that I had worked on so far. Then it was February and I have to go almost tooth and nail trying to do a Deftones album specifically focused on love because Chino Marino and no one else in the world, Chino Marino is Mexican and Chinese. Apparently that still didn't meet racial qualifications because I had to fight to do Deftones because he wasn't black and no one in the band is black. So because I was putting romance over race, you know, I had to kind of go, I don't know what's a good analogy for this that would make sense. So let's move on to the next thing. Now she said, I then had to do a black artist despite doing one, you know, the week prior and had many well known great songs and it was thrown in the back of the bus. I already figured there might be such racial limitations in this type of environment and wanted to do 808s and Heartbreaks by Kanye West. One of his best albums that is completely overlooked and is filled with songs on the topic of love. This was shot down over and over despite meeting all of the racial qualifications that was demanded and, you know, no true reason given. He then wore a burzum shirt and I was like, okay, I guess now he's back in a bigger controversy, you know, despite the newspaper doing numerous sets of controversy, like putting only the white guys in the bikini bottoms for that whole Chauncey thing where they were in Hawaii, despite TMZ covering it three weeks earlier. Let's keep going. So after having the choice decided by a group of my peers through the use of a race bait bracket, it's kind of similar to how March Madness uses a bracket, you know, to see who the winner is going to be, like, or to track who the winner is going to be. The winner of the first one was Biggie Smalls, one of the absolute best to do it. I go with the greatest hits album since I wanted to talk about his many songs that I loved. So I mentioned the numerous songs that are iconic and showcases the incredible skill he had. However, once the paper came out, I found that my work was turned into a hack job and cut to pieces and thrown together, not even being able to match words and numbers along with them removing entire songs from my review that are featured on the album and some of his most iconic. By the next time I was able to start writing again, Vultures had dropped and was globally dominating in basically every country. It was number one and it was new. It was relevant. It beat out Beyonce and Taylor Swift for top spot on all streaming platforms. But the reason for not being able to do it wasn't even given. If they would have let me do it, I guarantee it would have been the clicks that they wanted. So I had to push and prod the lads into doing another bracket because apparently the paper needs more race bait. And of course, the king of pop, MJ, won. You can't go wrong with Michael Jackson. However, yet again, the hack had striked my great depth of writing into a sod's worth, removing numerous great songs, but keeping the ones about, you know, with eye grabbing words that are basically click bait for your eyes, like slave or sexual abuse. Those were left in. But they have literally butchered almost everything I look at to where I'm afraid to look at the ones prior to this semester. I enjoyed writing for the most part, but I fear the further destruction of my writings in the past. So let's look at this issue we have out currently. I went with a well known 2000s classic band. I think I have it in my paper. Let's let's get looking for it or in my bag. Yep, right here. Let's get looking for it, shall we? Hmm. Hmm. I did a well known 2000s classic band, Flyleaf. They ended up having very Christian influences. Surely this won't affect the article. Hmm. Ooh, let's look. Strange. The article that I was that I wrote, you know, that was required to be a female band for sexism bait isn't there? Hmm. A gigantic horoscope page, but none of my long article about the Flyleaf album. Strange. Perhaps it is because it had numerous quotations from the Bible that had inspired the songs, or how the singer Lacey Sturm had found Christ and it had a major role in changing her life. Strange. That would likely be one of my most researched and in depth articles is magic magically missing when it centers around Christianity. Kind of quirky how it time to link with one of the most important celebrations and holidays in Christianity, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This is also not the first time they've gone out of their way to remove something of my faith. And my Christmas special. I ended it with the writing I ended it with. Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone. They changed it to Happy Holidays, which might seem like no small thing, or like some small, no big thing. However, I guarantee if I ended it with Wallahi or something of a different faith, it wouldn't have been removed. Even when I tried to stick to the news like the brand new Kanye album. It still doesn't make the cut for news. But it truly isn't about news. It's about yellow journalism and flexing bias. Crack it open and it's oozing with opinion on many pages. It used to have quite a stacked roster last year, but it's since crashed into something that's quite pathetic for now. The eggshells one has to tiptoe on there are so brittle a feather could shatter the floor. So anyone who got ears, lend me them. If you wish to find true journalism on this campus, come to da radio. You know, it's great. It's something that's up to date and doesn't have cobwebs on it by the time it's out. And my work is so butchered. If you email me at my coastal email, I will gladly send you all of the original versions so you can get a realistic view of my reviews. Since what is published in the paper has cut the larynx of my writings, leaving it voiceless, cut, all dry, no meat. I've enjoyed the radio far more to an extent. All right, I think I figured out how to do that. How to get it, you know, quiet and everything so that I can actually have my voice unfiltered, uncut, undutilized by someone else. Now, you know, I don't know if it got cut off because I don't know if the intro came back or not. So I'll say something similar to what I said before I closed out because I think I was on a pretty good roll. I used the fancy word for voice box, talked about how it was basically cut from me in the newspaper, all dry, no meat on the bones, no nothing to chew on, no flavor to it. Oh, and that I wish I would have done two shows a week because then I could have had one where you actually get to hear my full unfiltered, you know, reviews of the music, you know, and then, you know, I'll tell you what name the album is a couple times so you can like look it up and listen to yourself later on or listen to it for yourself later on. But no, I'm very glad that people showed me that our radio station exists. I hope they do more tabling events and other stuff because I feel sorry for the poor suckers who fall for the newspapers one. But perhaps next year will be better. I just know that this year it was dog booty cheeks. All right, let's go back to funny moments. You know, I'll close out on a high note, baby. Um, okay, so a book I've been wanting to read forever is getting a film made. Now, I'm upset. Okay, because it's not me doing it. But hold on, I'll get to that. So it's called blood meridian, or the evening redness in the West. Now, you might be like, yo, you talk about wanting to make movies all the time and loving to watch them. Why are you mad about it? If it's getting a movie, I wanted to make it. It's supposed to be it was said to be absolutely unfilmable for the gruesome violence and all of the like abusive nature, just absolutely vile stuff that's in it. So I was like, dog, that's gotta be me. But someone's already trying to do it. I had to read it. I still haven't got my hands on a copy of it. Now, if it's a good adaptation, and actually like, you know, follows through with it, I'll be happy. But I do want like the paper to read version. And then I have seen that there's like a graphic novel version. So I'm wanting to check that out too. And hopefully they do it good too. But all my hands on it because it's supposed to be absolutely insane. And I've avoided learning any story about it. Besides it's hardcore violence. And apparently Ridley Scott really wants to make a faithful adaptation. But the blood and gore have been shut down by studios for a while. Now I'd kill for prime Ridley Scott to make it because he made the OG alien movie. He made the gladiator movie and the OG Blade Runner and he did Kingdom of Heaven. Those movies are absolute heaters. If I could have that type of Ridley Scott doing it, then I'd love to see it. But he also has an insane amount of flops as well. For instance, completely changing history and stuff around Napoleon. That was really weird. I didn't even bother watching it. Also Hannibal. His movie Hannibal, which is about Hannibal the cannibal. It's not the same character type. He changes too much of the characters like emotions and rationality from the books and the other films. And that's why my boy Mads Mikkelsen stepped in. I haven't gotten to see that either. But I really, really want to. Because Mads Mikkelsen is an incredible actor. Oh, a horror movie that has a really cool overall like idea. It's supposed to be like, it's called like late night with the devil. Now that sounds bad at the start. However, this dude is trying to okay, it takes place in the 70s. He's trying to save his talk show. So he's going to bring an exorcism type thing on it. And he's going to have a girl who's possessed, try to be exorcised and it's supposed to mess with it now. There's a huge controversy with this because AI was used to generate some of the like, elements or like certain shots in it. But it's like, I think three shots now. It's not even like, you know, CGI, where you let it like layer the animations and coding and stuff. No, it was like the entirety of the screen type thing. Now, that might seem like, you know, no big thing. But as we saw earlier, no big thing really snowballs out into something that becomes inexcusable. But I don't know, I really want to watch it. I haven't found where to watch it yet. But I also got tickets for Godzilla and Kong movie that comes out this Thursday, because we're in the year of the ape. Yeah, so I'm super hyped for that. I'll let you all know how great it is. Next Tuesday, when I get back on here, I'll try to watch that other one and tell you all like, it makes sense. There was a couple other new things that I was going to try and like, talk to you all about, but it just straight up like, used it. And the reason that there's a problem with that movie using AI is that, you know, it removes the human creativity aspect of it. And eventually it'll just be used for the entire movie. Oh, we might be getting a Happy Gilmore, another one. And it's like going to be a sequel, not a doodoo reboot like pirates is wanting to do. We might get a legit new Happy Gilmore movie. That'll be cool. However, a home met showed me last night that Shrek's animation might be getting doodoo aged and that it also might be a reboot. Why can't we just get Shrek six, please make him look normal. Get Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy and what Cameron Diaz and Tony Bada. You have all the people still alive. Get them. Give us a six movie. Make it slap. Problem solved. Um, Ooh, there's modern day blade runners. And yo, this is epic. So across numerous countries, speed cameras were put up that were made instead of like, uh, serve and protect. It was, you know, line your pockets and collect. They were putting them up not to help, but to hinder. So across numerous countries, people are targeting these speed cameras and how the government was using monitoring systems unjustly. And for profiteering purposes, there are groups of people that are doing this kind of like to throw mud at the system and they're cutting down the cameras and tossing the tracker parts and then selling the rest of scrap or spray painting the actual camera pieces. Now, it's, it's, you know, I'd be crazy for me to say that metal based paints on lenses as insanely, you know, powerful stuff against it. And that if you use something with any sort of scratchy element into it, it completely ruins the lenses during cleaning. It also be really crazy to tell you that with the right light bulb and some simple wiring, you can create an old school plane camera flash strong enough to burn out the sensors or how you can buy certain types of watt light bulbs from places like Home Depot, Lowe's, a little bit of wiring, some nice, uh, pipettes to keep your hands safe from electricity, a little bit of rubber to stop the current. You can create a handheld one of those instead of something that's more clunky and, you know, would destroy it and a camera sensors in every fashion. You can create something that would just obliterate it close range or, you know, just as crazy as if you buy a few class four blue lasers, uh, make a focusing lens, line up the lasers and turn it on. You can create something that basically instantaneously can burn out any camera of all kinds. And with the right lenses, even create some toasty campfires or possibly mess with radar guns. If you have sniper like precision and can hit those sensors, but you know, that's just crazy if I were to talk about that or how with some orange juice stuff, you know, or what is the orange juice and eggshells? You can create a stinky thing like a stink bomb. That's cool. I'm probably not allowed to say that a stinky kaboomy stinky, you know, like the funny things that used to be able to get it like dollar general where you pop it and shake it and then it stinks up an entire hotel. Me and my dad used to do that. It was funny. They hated me because every time I went there, he'd do it because he was like, this is funny. It'd make them laugh. I'm gonna do it. All right. We're running a little low, but you know what? Oh, Beetlejuice trailer dropped. Uh, the Beatles. Wow. That was bad wording. Um, Beetlejuice trailer dropped. I'm going to avoid learning anything at all costs, but I'm also very tired of seeing that same chick and everything. We have more people this day and age that can scream in movies. Then Mia got Jenna Ortega and I don't know her name. That other one they keep getting, getting new people and stop having Timothy Shamalot and everything. Get that doofy doo doo song out of here. Too loud. All right. Uh, all right. Let's, let's rehash what we'll, uh, we'll be gone over. Pirates is butchering themselves again. Uh, Shrek might be butchered. Happy Gilmore. Yo, please be good. Uh, Godzilla Kong movie dropped this Friday. Go see it right now. We love Zilla and Kong in this. And I almost followed that with a bad word. I was getting too into it. I was getting too into it. Need to reel it back in. Um, I don't know. There's a lot of weird stuff. Uh, a lot of stuff like, uh, meme culture, bro. Invincibles back. Big happy. They, um, yo, show's getting crazy. But of course, you know, Amazon, Netflix be changing stuff. Um, you, I don't know. I feel like I could try and say some more stuff that they do. Oh, it was, it would be totally a funny moment if you buy, you know, the insulation can stuff, those foam cans that they use, uh, for spray insulation. If you take it over to one of those boxes that houses all of their courts for those cameras and everything, it's so crazy because, you know, people over around there have figured out that if you cut all those cords and stuff and then throw the foam can in there and you like stab it and it fills up with this foam and it completely destroys all of the circuitry inside. And that this also works on huge servers, like server rooms. It's absolutely crazy. Yo, it's scary. All right. Um, that's all, you know, and remember if you want to truly have a voice and have your words remain unaltered the same way you wrote them or feel them. And it means, you know, Hey, if you're a little camera shy, you can come here too, but you want to give the news to the people. You want to have your words be heard. You want to review some stuff. You want to talk about things, do it on the radio. At least then your true voice will be heard and it'll be unaltered, unedited, uncut. You can do pretty much anything you want. Well, within the useful limitations, but um, if you want to give the news to the people, you should only let the world hear it on the CCU radio. Um, I don't know. I think that covers pretty much everything. Go to the Godzilla and Kong movie. It's the year of the ape. Now we got two ape themed movies coming out. I can't wait for planet of the apes new movie too.

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