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TUES TNN Diamond 1.30




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The Teal Nation News with Diamond Edmonds on WCC Radio at Coastal Carolina University provides updates on campus events and initiatives. First-gen initiatives workshops are being held for students who are the first in their family to attend college. Safe Zone training and Alternative Spring Break sign-ups are now open. The Office of Community and Civic Engagement is organizing activities such as making plastic bag mats for the homeless and the Ronald D. Lackey Service Award nominations. The Student Involvement and Leadership Awards (Sealers) will take place in April. Pathway 1954 offers opportunities for student engagement and completion leads to a medal and induction into the 1954 Society. A screening of "What Do You Believe?" and a self-awareness workshop are also scheduled. All right, everybody, good afternoon. And you are listening to Teal Nation News with your girl, Diamond Edmonds, on WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. And I already said my name, and I'm going to go ahead and say it again. This is your girl, Diamond Edmonds. And we're just here to get into the Teal Nation News, everything going on around campus, within campus, throughout campus. And, you know, we're almost to the end of another month, so let's clap it up for that. January came and got us out of here, okay, y'all? January was not playing with none of us. January didn't waste no time. But we're going to go ahead and hit the ball, hit the ground running. What am I saying? I just want to say, for those of y'all that have used South Carolina weather, I guess this is nothing, you know, new or different for y'all. But y'all, it literally, and I'm saying y'all, like I'm not from South Carolina, but it's like 50-something degrees outside, but the sun got us feeling like 70. Like, it's crazy. Just another day in Conway, if you ask me. Trying to see y'all on Prince Lawn, parading in his little suit. Like, it's just another day on campus, if you ask me. It's not college, it's Coastal. But, hey, I guess you got to know that to know. Today, there are first-gen initiatives workshops going on. That will be from 6 to 7 p.m. in Tradition Hall Multipurpose Room. This is for first-gen students. And for those of y'all that don't know what a first-gen student is, it's basically somebody who is the first one in their family to go to college. So their parents never graduated from a college or university. And if you're a first-gen student, you're invited and encouraged to join the initiatives workshop today. The first workshop will discuss the challenges that first-gen students face as college students. And if you need some assistance or guidance on how to get there tonight or what the first-gen program is and how they support first-gen students, they are always open to help. But just go ahead and show your face tonight from 6 to 7 p.m., like I said, in the Tradition Hall Multipurpose Room. So that is in Tradition Hall on Ellington Loop. And as soon as you walk in, the main door is the room that's right there on the side. And they'll be standing outside to greet you and welcome you in. We got that along with so much more going on this week, next week, and the weeks to follow. But we're going to jump into the music real quick, and then I'll be right back to spill the tea. This is Diamond Edmonds with WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student radio station. And this is TNN, TN Nation News. We'll be right back, y'all. And we are back. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student radio station. And this is your girl, Diamond Edmonds, with the TN Nation News. Like I said, we're just going to keep, you know, deep diving into everything that is going on. So all faculty, staff, and students that are interested in attending the Spring 2024 Safe Zone training, registration is now open. You can register through the Coastal website, and it's under the dropdown that says professional development. And it'll say, you know, registration up under that. You can register through that. That is now open. Student participation will be eligible for Pathway 1954 credit. If you don't know what Pathway 1954 is, it's basically like a checkpoint system, I guess is the best way I can describe it. And it's like you can check off little stuff that you do on campus, and you can have a medal at graduation. And it's like a cute little thing if you're looking for stuff to do around campus and you need, like, a guide or whatever. That's basically what Pathway 1954 is, and 1954 is when Coastal was founded. So that's where the name comes from. But, like I said, for Spring 2024 Safe Zone training, that registration is now open. If you have any questions, you can contact Joshua Moore at jmoore, so that's j-m-o-o-r-e-11-1-1, at coastal.edu. If you're interested in Alternative Spring Break, that sign-up is now open as well. That will be through Community and Civic Engagement. And this is an Alternative Spring Break that they do every year. It's a trip to Myrtle Beach State Park. It'll be from March 2nd to the 4th, and volunteers will camp at the beach and collaborate with the ranger station to beautify the park, all while enjoying the natural beauty that our community has to offer. If you would like to register, it is free. So if you're interested, you can contact Leah LaVert at l-n-l-e-v-e-r-t at coastal.edu. Once again, that's for Alternative Spring Break, and that will be going on March 2nd through the 4th at Myrtle Beach State Park. Then they have Make a Plastic Bag Mat, and that will be happening in the Lib Jackson City Union Room A103. This is also through the Office of Community and Civic Engagement, and they need your help making plastic bag mats to give to the homeless community members that we have around campus. You can drop off your spare plastic grocery bags in, like I said, Lib Jackson City Union Room A103, where the Office of Community and Civic Engagement is located. If you're familiar with the IZ Office, that's the room that's directly across from the IZ Office. Or if you're more familiar with, like, the old CINO Card Office before the CINO Card Office was moved to the mail room, the Office of Community and Civic Engagement is in the old CINO Card Office, so that makes more sense. That's, you know, got that. You can visit the office between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 10 a.m. through 12.30 p.m. on Fridays, all throughout the month of February. And they're going to be calling these bags PLARN, so that's Plastic Bag Yarn. So if you hear that being mentioned, then that's what this is for. But if you are interested in making a plastic bag mat or weaving a mat, definitely stop by the Office of Community and Civic Engagement. And once again, that is Lib Jackson City Union Room A103. Also, Ronald D. Lackey Service Award nominations are now open. The Ronald D. Lackey Service Award was established in 1991 in honor of the late Ron Lackey for his dedication to campus and community service. The award is presented annually to a Coastal Carolina senior who serves the university community with the service that Ron had and just the heart for campus that Ron had through involvement and leadership in campus and community activities. If you want to learn more about what will qualify somebody to get this award or how you can nominate someone, you can find all of that through the Coastal website. So that's coastal.edu. And you will go under Campus Life, then Student Affairs, and you will see the Lackey Service Award. Or you can just go to the Coastal website and just type in Lackey Service Award. So it's L-A-C-K-E-Y, and then Service Award. If you're interested in nominating a student, you can do so on Coastal Connections. So that's coastal.campuslabs.com. And, of course, you will go to Engage so that it can take you directly to Coastal Connections. And then you can just search up the Ronald Lackey Service Award there. So those nominations are open. Also, it is almost sealers' time, well, time to get ready for the sealers. For those of you all that don't know, the sealers is the Student Involvement and Leadership Awards. There will be a tabling this Thursday, February 1st, 10 a.m. to noon, in the Live Jackson City Union Rotunda. And this is through the Office of Student Organization and Leadership. And this is going to help students navigate the sealer application and nomination process and answer any questions that anybody has. This is an annual award ceremony that happens every year, annually, duh. Duh, duh, man, I don't know why I'm repeating myself. Y'all get it. We hear it. We hear it. Y'all get me. But basically, these awards, they highlight the achievements of different organizations and students on campus. And each organization or student would win other awards. There's over two dozen awards in partnership with the Student Government Association, Live Well Office, University Housing, and many other campus partners. And this year's sealers will take place on April 23rd, 2023, in the Allen Ballroom. So they have a full list of awards and descriptions that are now available for you to look if you are interested. And circling back to Pathway 1954, there will be a table tomorrow if you need more information. This will be from noon to 2 p.m. in the Lib Jackson Student Union Rotunda. You can check out the table and learn more about how to complete Pathway 1954. And they are eagerly awaiting to induct more students. So if you can't make the tabling, just stop by the source. The source is upstairs in the Student Union. So if you know where the piano is, it's up those stairs right there. And then you make a left, and you keep going, and the doors are normally open. But it's across from Career Services. It's room A202. And if you can't find the source or you don't have time to make it to the source, just e-mail Kaitlyn Harrington at charringt.cosa.edu. Like I said, Pathway 1954 is a leadership and engagement initiative. And it's self-paced and reported through Coastal Connections. It's going to offer a lot of opportunities for students to engage in different areas of life development, wellness, civic engagement, spirit and traditions, and personal development. And once the Pathway is fully completed, as I was telling you all, you know, one of the incentives is that you can receive a little medal to wear whenever you graduate. And you'll be inducted into the 1954 Society. So all exciting. If you're interested in these things, then definitely stop by the table or just stop by the source. On Monday, February 5th, What Do You Believe? will be screening along with a self-awareness workshop. That's from 530 to 730 in the Lib Jackson City Union Theater. It's a transformative experience. And it is based on the power of dialogue and empathy as we work on coming together to learn more about ourselves and to foster harmony among all faiths and cultures. So, once again, that is Monday, February 5th. And, of course, I'll have more information for you all the closer that we get to that date. But I did want to just, you know, drop that in there so you all could know. We're going to go to a break real quick, and then I will be right back to give you all some more tea. But until then, you're listening to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station, with your girl Diamond Edmonds giving you all the TL Nation news. We'll be right back, y'all. Don't go nowhere. And we are back. This is WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. And you are listening to TL Nation news on WCC Radio with your girl Diamond Edmonds. So we do have a little announcement from University Recreation, otherwise known as UREC. And this is for the Coastal Ice Hockey Fan Bus. So for those of y'all that don't know and those of y'all that might be a little bit confused right now, yes, we do have an ice hockey team here at Coastal. So if you would like to support them, they're also defending champions, I want to say. I want to say they got the championship last year. But we have an ice hockey team here at Coastal, and they are taking a fan bus to their game against Liberty. It's $40 to go. And this will be happening on a very, very, very, very, very, very special day, Saturday, February 10th. I'm not going to do too much. I'm not going to say too much. But, yeah, that is my birthday. This is y'all's third time hearing about my birthday. Well, third year hearing about my birthday. And I know y'all are kind of sick of it. But, I mean, hey, that means y'all grew with me. I grew with y'all. Y'all grew with me. So my 21st birthday, what a great day to have a game. Like that just means they're going to do amazing. They're going to do great. But they will be playing against Liberty. And this will be happening at the Carolina Ice Palace in Charleston, South Carolina. It's $40 to go, like I said. And this is the fan bus for the Coastal ice hockey game. The bus will depart at 10 a.m. and will return at 6 p.m. There are 45 spots available, y'all, 45 spots. And admission to the game is free. This is available to all students who are interested in going. And you can sign up on the CCU UREC app or at recreation.coastal.edu. So, once again, this is for the Coastal ice hockey fan bus against Liberty. And it will be taking place Saturday, February 10th, at the Carolina Ice Palace in Charleston, South Carolina. $40 to go, free to get in the game. You won't be leaving until 10 a.m., which, I mean, that's still a good time. And then you'll be back by 6 p.m., 45 spots available. And if you're interested, I mean, hey, what's the worst that can happen? You know, just go to the game. And then think of it as your birthday gift to me. You know, you don't have to give me nothing. Just go to the game. Go support our hockey team. Also from UREC, they are doing their first aid training again. So this is going to be first aid and CTR training. They want everybody to get certified. And this will be happening in partnership with the American Red Cross. The fee is $60 if you are from the CCU community. And if you're from the outside community, it's $80. This will be taking place Saturday, February 3rd, and Saturday, March 23rd, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Classes will be held at the HTC Student Rec Center in room 141. You can learn more about emergency situations, basic life supports, getting started with CPR, getting started with first aid, and real-life demonstrations. So if that is something that interests you, then, hey, why not? Why not? So that is what is going on with CPR and first aid training. If you can't make it to the one that will be happening this Saturday, there's always time to register for the one happening Saturday, March 23rd. This is $60 if you are from Coastal and $80 if you are from the community. And you can register at recreation.coastal.edu. UREC will also want everybody to know that bike rentals for faculty and staff are now available. This is happening near the outdoor rec center, and you can pick them up and rent them from Monday through Friday, 12 to 6 p.m. You would just need your CCU ID, and that is for faculty and staff. So if you are faculty and staff and you're interested in renting a bike, then definitely hop on this opportunity. Oh, my gosh, no pun intended, y'all. No pun intended. I did not. It's okay, y'all. I'm sorry. No pun intended. Now, this is for all students. The campus just wants you to know that there are plenty of different campus initiatives and programs and services that are here to support everybody. If you are unaware of what academic coaching is, it's a service that can assist students with a variety of academic skills and techniques, like communication strategies, connection to campus resources and support services, note taking, organization, problem solving, and time management. So if you are interested in participating in academic coaching, you would just go to the Coastal website, and it would be under Student Success Center, and then you would click the dropdown with Academic Coaching, and that is how you can sign up for a session. I went to a session one time, and I got a lot out of it. I'm not just saying that. Nobody making me say that, y'all. I did get a lot out of it. Also, there's Accessibility and Disability Services, ADS, and that is here to offer support and assistance to current and incoming students with disabilities and medical conditions by coordinating and implementing appropriate accommodations and providing resources and services as they relate to academics, housing, dining, different campus activities, and much more. Of course, we have Career Services, and they provide a lot of career counseling, college major, y'all, I am so tongue-tied right now, internships, service learning, job search assistance, resume, curriculum, and much more. Career Services is located in the Lib Jackson Student Union, upstairs, across from 8211. I am unsure of the specific room number, but they are upstairs, and they're a great resource to have. We also have Counseling Services here on campus, and they provide individual counseling, couples counseling, group counseling, family counseling, whatever type of counseling that you could think of, it is provided here at Coastal. It's evidence-based, and it's just here to support students. It's free, and it will show up on your student account as a medical visit. So if you are looking to go in for a consultation or have an online session, you will go to the Coastal Maine website and then go to Counseling from there. We have the Dean of Students Office, and they focus on student empowerment and advocacy, along with community standards and accountability and community outreach. There are different areas of the Dean of Students Office, like student empowerment and advocacy, student conduct at CCU, and community outreach and education. So if you are interested in learning more about them, you will go to our Maine Coastal website and then go to Dean of Students from there. Then we have different math tutoring opportunities through the Math Learning Center. It's free support for various math courses, and the goal is to assist students in understanding of key concepts and explanation of material. They want all of us to pass math, y'all. Everybody, we all got to pass. So you can go to the Math Center for more help with that if need be. Then we have library services. Y'all know where Kimball Library is, and y'all know Kimball got a little sister coming up or a little brother, however y'all want to. But that is Thompson Library. It's being built right behind Kimball Library, and it will be up and running within the next year, so that's exciting. Then we have the Live Well Office. This is a resource for the campus community to promote community, relationship, and individual wellness. If you would like to learn more about them and what they stand for, that is going to be found on the Coastal website as well. And it's a Live Well dropdown, so if you are interested in learning more about that, then that is there. And we have various other initiatives and things here on campus to help look out. So just go to the Coastal website if you want to learn more or you want more specifics into what all of that is and what all it entails. The 2024 Sustainability Symposium is coming up, and they want everybody to save the date. So it's going to be happening Tuesday, April 9th. I'm not going to give y'all no more tea, but just save the date for this year's Sustainability Symposium. It went off without a hitch last year, so definitely be on the lookout for it this year. It's taking place in Wheelwright Auditorium. And more information will come the closer that the date comes. But for right now, just save the date, Tuesday, April 9th, for the 2024 Sustainability Symposium. All right, y'all, we're going to take a real quick break. But after that break, we'll be right back. Don't go nowhere. This is WCCU Radio. This is 2 Nation News with your girl Diamond Edmonds. We'll be right back, y'all. And you're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. And this is your girl Diamond Edmonds, as y'all know. And we're just going to wrap up these last little 10, 15 minutes of 2 Nation News, and we're going to vibe. We're going to vibe the whole time. And, yeah, so for the Summer Research Fellows Program, the deadline to apply for that is February 23rd. If you're unsure of what this program is, it's designed to target high-performing undergraduate students who want to work with faculty on research projects throughout the summer. If you are a student applicant, you must have completed at least 30 credit hours of coursework here at Coastal and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. Applicants must identify a faculty research mentor who will commit to mentor them on a specific research project during the summer. In consultation with their mentor, applicants must select one of three time frames during the summer, so 6, 8, or 12 weeks, during which they are expected to work an average of 20 hours per week. Student wages for the program are based on a competitive base rate plus a summer housing allowance and range from 20 – well, I'm not going to give y'all numbers, but it just depends on – it's real touchy, like it depends on if you decide to do 6, 8, or 12 weeks, but it ranges from $2,600 to $5,200. If you want to know more about how you could qualify for this program or what you need to be eligible for this program, that is all on the Coastal website. So it's coastal.edu slash research, and then from there you would see student research opportunities, and this is where you would see the Summer Research Fellows Program, and it's called SRF. So if you or your mentor have any questions about what could go into this or what more you could do to make sure that you are qualifying for it, then definitely head over to the Coastal website. But like I said, the applications for this program are due February 23rd, so those applications from both you and your recommendation form from your faculty mentor. So, yeah, that is that for that. The 2024 Year of the Dragon celebration is among us. This is happening on Friday, February 9th from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. in the Anthony M. Hall Room 105, which is the Alfred Ballroom. This is put on by the Edwards Cultural Arts and CGE and the ILRC. It's the Lunar New Year celebration for the Year of the Dragon, and there will be snacks from Spicy Restaurant and a lot of other influential traditional Chinese festival activities and different things going on. There will even be a student skit performance that will be done in Chinese and much more. So if you're interested, you can RSVP by Friday, February 2nd, so that's this Friday. There is a form sent in your e-mail, and the e-mail is titled 2024 Year of the Dragon. But if you cannot find the e-mail, there is a flyer around, and it has the same information on the flyer. It says, Happy Chinese New Year 2024. And there is a QR code on that flyer, so you can also register that way. But you need to be registered by this Friday in order to attend. There will be a lot of paper cutting, lantern painting, mahjong, and a lot of authentic Chinese traditions will be involved, as well as food and snacks. But you need to RSVP by Friday, February 2nd, this Friday. And this event will be taking place Friday, February 9th from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. in the Anthony Hall Room 105, which is the Alfred Ballroom. So you've got until Friday to register and get everything together with that. Student Health Services would like all students and faculty to know that we are doing free HIV testing and screening here on campus. So this is happening the third Thursday each month, and it will be happening at Student Health Services from 1 to 4 p.m. The address for Student Health Services is 251 University Boulevard, Conway, South Carolina. It's free and rapid home testing kits for HIV, and they will be available there. If you have any more questions, you can feel free to visit Student Health Services or call them at 843-234-0005. There's a QR code around campus on a flyer that has more things. It says know your status and join the Care Team Plus. So if you would like to scan that QR code, set up an appointment, or just ask questions that you may have, feel free to do so. But like I said, this is happening the third Thursday of each month at Student Health Services, and it's completely free. You'll get a rapid test and a home testing kit if you would like to do your test at home. But, yeah, y'all, that is what is going on here on campus. And we have much, much more. So y'all know it's baseball season, and that's a statement in itself. But along with that being that it is baseball season, of course, y'all, those season tickets are now on sale. And just for reassurance, if you are a coastal student, you do not have to pay for a ticket to any sporting event or any game that is here on campus. It is free to you. But if you are outside of this campus, you have to pay. Sorry, y'all, but y'all know y'all coming to see a good game. Who don't want to watch the Sharks play in action, okay? So season tickets for baseball are starting at $150. There are 34 home games this season. If you are interested, you can go to goccsports.com slash baseball tickets to lock in your seat for the 2024 season. They are excited about seeing everybody back in Springbrook Stadium. And their first game will be in February. So they want to start off with a bang. It's Coach Gilley's last season. So they definitely want to pack out the stadium each game. That's their goal, y'all. They want to have packed games for all 34. And you can make that happen. So if, hey, y'all, I told y'all everything y'all need to know. I gave y'all all of the information. But that's goccsports.com slash baseball, okay? Season tickets starting at $150. So, yes, that is what's going on. And in order to foster a strong and healthy community on campus and to comply with the U.S. Department of Education's Drug-Free Schools Act, each semester the Dean of Students conducts and provides information to students with a lot of expectations and rights and responsibilities of being students here on campus. They would like everybody to know that, as we are all members of Teal Nation, if you at any time feel any harm or you see something that is concerning on campus, you have every right to let DPS know. DPS is the Department of Public Safety. The emergency line is 843-349-2911. And then they have a text tip line, and that's 843-349-8477. So the easier way to differentiate how I differentiate is that the emergency line has 9-1-1 on the end of it. So, yes, that's the way to differentiate. But Dean of Students just wants every student here on campus to feel safe because we all play a major role in Teal Nation. So they just want everybody to feel safe and feel accounted for. Also, the Theater Department has a play that is about to start back up. It is going to be held in Will Ryan Auditorium, and it is entitled Cabaret. Opening night will be Friday, February 9th at 7.30 p.m. And the final show will be Sunday, February 18th at 2 p.m. They have 10 shows, y'all, so y'all can catch the show. Basically, it is set in Bohemian Berlin at the close of the 1920s in Germany. And it deals a lot with politics, different things in nightclub settings, writing and singing and a lot of love and different things of that nature. But if you are interested in theater, we have one of the best theater departments that I've ever seen. And I'm not saying that because I'm biased. I'm for real. We got a real good theater department. So if you are interested in coming to the show, like I said, the first show will be Friday, February 9th at 7.30 p.m. And they have two more productions after Cabaret that they'll be putting on. But, of course, y'all will have more information from me in regards to Cabaret within the next week. The closer that we get to that date, I'll give y'all more information, as always. If you are interested in joining the South Carolina Army National Guard, you'll be able to qualify for CCU's Military Tuition Reduction Program, and it will make your tuition $3,750 per semester. So that would equivalent to $7,500 per year. The SE Army National Guard will pay $9,500 per year to your tuition account and tuition assistance each academic year. And you'll qualify for a 401k type retirement fund, full-time job placement assistance, health, dental and life insurance, up to $1,000 per month in your pocket while in college, and so much more. And you can get all these benefits just for serving one weekend per month and two weeks per year after completing your initial basic training. So if you are interested in that, you must be 17 to 40 years old and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to qualify. You can email Kevin Kirkpatrick saying that you're interested, or you can go to Men's Hall, Room 104. That is where ROTC is held. And express your interest there. If you would like to see more, you can go to the Instagram at searmyguard__grandstrand, and just, you know, scope the scenery out and see if that's what you're feeling. But if you are feeling it, I've heard nothing but good things. So definitely take a deep dive into it. Also, another big thing going on here on campus, there's a lot of different changes that are going on that are in the works with the campus master plan for the next 10 to 15 years. There are already two motions in support of an already planned building for the Conway Medical Center, and there is an approval for it already, and the budget for this is $1 million. They're talking about a parking garage, $400. It's a 400-space parking facility, and that budget is $53 million, along with a new building for the Conway Medical Center College of Humanities of Health and Human Performance. So a lot going on on campus, but I'm going to always keep y'all updated. Thanks for listening to this Teal Tuesday edition of Teal Nation News with your girl Diamond Edmonds on WTC radio. Don't forget to tune in on Thursday, and I will talk to y'all on Thursday. Y'all be safe, and wear your teal today. Bye.

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