more tries for you to try :)
more tries for you to try :)
Water is essential for life and exists in various forms, both pure and contaminated. It is a constant presence in our lives, from the moment we are conceived. Water is our mother, lover, and enemy, and it shapes our legends, myths, and traditions. Just as the Earth birthed water, water has birthed us. It is a precious gift from the universe. It is in you. I am living in you. Life begins and flourishes in me. There is darkness deep inside, and poured forth from outside. Those things which poison I cannot dilute to save you, or which unknowingly you drain into my clarity as I seek solution. I am a drop of water in the ocean. I am the ocean. I have been, I will be, clear and cloudy, clean and dirty, elixir and toxin, full and empty, flood and drought. You need me more than life. I am your constant, your continuance. You know me, have known me since amniosis I bathe you in undefined feelings like a sun shower on bare skin, warmth soaking in, or coolness to calm burning desire. Where I am not, I am wanted, needed, invoked. Where I am overflowing, I am in need of attention. Do I have your attention? I am your mother, your lover, your daughter, your enemy, your nemesis, your bane. You are all these things as well. As well, be well, a wishing well, think, wish you well. I am your legends, myths, history, stories, traditions. As earth has birthed me, I have birthed you. A gift, a blessing, an extraordinary surprise, gift from the universe, I am water. I am your legends, myths, history, stories, traditions. As earth has birthed me, I have birthed you. A gift, a blessing, an extraordinary surprise, gift from the universe, I am water.