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Grounding Cord Meditation

Grounding Cord Meditation

Julie NguyenJulie Nguyen



The Grounding Cord Meditation and Practice is part of the Energy Protection Tools and Guided Meditation Series over at Radiate Light/Spiritual Shitshow.

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In this meditation, you sit comfortably and focus on deepening your connection with the earth. You imagine roots growing from below your belly button, connecting you to the core of the earth. These roots act as a line to release any unwanted energy and receive nourishing energy from the earth. After clearing and receiving, you replace the grounding cord and continue to carry it with you throughout the day. A grounding cord meditation. Find yourself in a comfortable seated position, with the soles of your feet on the floor, the spine straight. And then taking a couple breaths into the heart space, with every breath allowing yourself to deepen into the now, into self, just a moment to feel into the body, and then bringing awareness to the space right below your belly button. And in our imagination, we're going to allow ourselves to grow roots, starting at this place, about two inches below the belly button, you can imagine roots beginning to grow like a tree, down the legs, knees, the shins, through the feet, taking a moment to feel this energy, also about two to three inches away from the physical body. Once you can sense that, then allow the roots to connect into Mother Earth, and as they make their connection into Mother Earth, they begin to grow deep and wide, dancing in the direction of meeting, connecting with the core of the earth. Take a moment to notice the texture of the roots, the speed at which they want to travel, the direction, the feeling, and once the roots have met and connected to the core of the earth, in your mind's eye, just reach up and give it a little tug, to keep it all in place. And then begin to sense how your body is feeling, as it's now energetically connected to the core of the earth. As you sense this root system, know that this energetic line is now going to act as a line that will pull and draw down any energy that needs to be released. As you connect the physical body into the breath, with every exhale, just know that any energy that is not yours can now be released, just see it making its way down the root system. Mother Earth is going to collect all of this energy and spin it, and then begin to send back up the roots, vital, life-worth energy. So in our mind's eye, we've practiced allowing the roots to draw down anything that can be released at this time, and then allowing ourselves to receive, to receive back up the roots, vital, loving, nourishing, life-worth energy. Notice all that feels in the body to receive. Maybe there's a color attached to it. And then we're going to sever that grounding cord, and we're going to place a new one on. So again, just sense how the body feels now, after we've cleared some energy and allowed ourselves to receive clean, clear, vital, loving energy back. And then we're going to very quickly place a new one on, about the bellybutton, or two inches below the bellybutton, just imagine these roots beginning to grow down the legs, the knees, the shins, the feet, entering into the earth, growing as fast, as deep, and as wide as they want to travel, until they meet at the core of the earth. And then just gently give the roots a little tug to keep them in place. And then know that this grounding cord will be with you for the rest of the day.

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