Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Kim's friends have three free tickets to a children's film festival. They tell Kim about the three films: one about gorillas and chimpanzees in Africa, another about Olympic gymnastics, and the last one about the history of English cricket. They urge Kim to hurry because the gorilla film is starting soon. Three interesting films. Good evening Mrs. Lee. Is Kim in? Is he coming to the cinema Mrs. Lee? It's the children's film festival. Kim's ill. Here she is. Hi Kim. Hi Sheena. Hi Bill. Kim. We've got these three free tickets to see three prize winning films for children. Listen Kim. Is it interesting? We think it is. First, there's a short film about gorillas and chimpanzees in Africa. And then, the next film is about the sixth best Olympic gymnastics competition. And then, then it's the big film. The history of the English cricket. Cricket. It's a terrific film. If you're real, Kim, it would be a pity to miss it. Now listen you kids. And it begins in 50 minutes. Kim. Quick. Or we will miss the beginning of the gorilla film.