Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are: - The Ottoman Empire has ended and a new country called Turkey is being formed. - Joseph Stalin has a plan for political reform in Russia. - There was a bomb explosion in the J.P. Morgan Banking Building in New York. - Prohibition has been implemented, banning alcohol in the United States. - Al Capone is a guest on the radio show and talks about prohibition and his charity work. - Mayor Benjamin Bossie died in office and Bossie High School was built in his honor. Good evening, Big Cheese. You're about to hear The Bee's Knees, the Rex Radio Show that knows their onions. My name is Ryland. I'm Elijah. I'm Kayden. And I'm Sam. And today, we're bringing you back to the 20s with headlines from around the world, nation, and from right here in our community, and maybe with a surprise guest. First off is World News with Sam. Take it away. Thank you. Well, we may have all heard of the Ottoman Empire, right? Well, it's ended, and a new country is being put in place called Turkey. What is this Turkey you're talking about? Thanksgiving's already passed. For crying out loud, I'm not talking about that Turkey. But now, I am hungry. No. What I am talking about is forming a new, old country. Because Mah... Mah... Mah... What? Muhammad. Muhammad. I cannot pronounce that last name. What? No, that's a different thing. Yeah, that person. The sultan, who is the sultan of Hungary, has been exiled from his own country. And by... And he exiled himself because he was worried about his own life and stuff like that. Well, what does this mean now that the name of the country is changing? The people wanted change, so with him leaving, the people of the country, they decided to take the opportunity to change it. What are your thoughts on this? Well, what was so bad about it that they had to change it? I would very much like to know. It looks like they wanted to be more of a democratic government instead of a monarchy. So, out with the old and in with the new, I guess. Didn't they play a part in World War I? Ah, yes. They were a part of the central... Yeah, the central power. The power. The central powers. Even though they weren't all that central of Europe. But they were on the losing side, so that impacted the country very, very negatively. Hence the changing of the government and people wanting, calling for change. Yeah, I bet. But luckily, we live in the greatest land of them all. America! You're right. We might as well be the cat's pajamas of the world. I'm glad we live in our free world. But I heard some rumors about Joseph Stalin and he has a plan to take total free will over the Soviets. Do you have any information on it, Sam? In fact, I do. It's basically a political reform of Russia and the government. Since we all know, after the Great War, things changed a lot for Russia when they went through their revolution. And the new government, his plan, Joseph Stalin's plan, is for economic growth over five years. Yes, it will bring more money into the USSR, which is what they're calling it now. But it is also going to put more and more power into the hands of Joseph Stalin. I mean, we've seen it for the past three years now with this. He's just taking more power as this goes on. Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that. But focusing on how it is going to help economic growth is by developing heavy industry and collectivizing agriculture. That's pretty good. I think he has it all under control. Well, I think that about wraps it up for what we have for world news. So, Cadence, why don't you take it away with what's happening in our wonderful country. Thank you, Ryland. Things are often unfortunate starts with a bomb explosion in J.P. Morgan Banking Building in New York on September 13, 1920. This tragedy killed 30 people and injured over 200 more. Oh my, that's very tragic. Do we know any of the causes or motives behind the attacks? Yes, we do, actually. It was a planned attack by the opponents of capitalism, such as communists and anarchists. It was also a terrorist attack by the Reds. They want to shatter a major symbol of American society. Well, whatever they do, they can never kill our American pride that we take in our capitalism. Our American pride will never die, especially with the first burial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arling National Cemetery on November 11. What's that? It's where an unknown soldier from World War I was buried. It's to honor all the soldiers that were never recognized or they were forgotten or never found. I think that's a great idea. I'd be like that. My throat's getting parched. After work, we should all grab a drink. What do you mean? We can't anymore because of the recent laws passed by women. What on earth are you talking about? What do women have to do with banning alcohol? It's probably to stop their husbands from beating them, or more on a serious note, it's about having a Catholic church and satanic thoughts about alcohol. And how has the public taken this? Well, me and I assume mostly everyone is outraged about its change, but most people have gotten away around this. You didn't hear it from me, but there have been people called bootleggers who have sneaked in from countries, most likely working with the Mafia. Speaking of Mafia, stick around folks, there's a special guest coming soon by the name of Al Capone. We're very excited to have him here. So does anyone fight to keep the flow of alcohol down or against the Mafia? Well, yes, the Catholic church didn't think the police were doing enough and actually got the help of a group, and surprisingly, it's the KKK. They're using this massive outrage against alcohol to gain a lot of supporters for their cause and try to help gain support for their racist motives. That's very unfortunate. Next up are advertisements, and after, this will be the moments you've all been waiting for, a visit from Al Capone. I'm going to start now. Sure. Do you want to practice your Al Capone voice? I don't know. Where's our advertisements here? You stay out. Oh yeah, we need to make them. We don't run any ads, do we? We need to make them anyways. Okay. We won't. Hmm. That's completely fine with me. Ryan, go ahead. Alright. I'll try my best. Hello, Mr. Al Capone. Welcome. We are very grateful to have you here. If you don't mind, let's ask you some questions. What are your thoughts on prohibition? I think it's a great thing. That helps get our country on the right path. Of course, we do still have to worry about if someone snuck someone in for some people. Who do you think should be in charge of stopping these smugglers? I think the police are doing a great job, but the KKK? Someone needs to stop them behind all the good-as-a-bunch-of-no-good racists. Speaking of police, isn't it true that you're paying them off? It's true the police are pretty sketchy, but who says it's me? No one is, no. So tell me, you're a rich man. What's the key to success? Look for what has low supply but high demand. So, exactly what type of things do you sell? Like I said, things that are in low supply but high demand. So, big man, give me an example. What kind of business do you run? I'm sure that's not necessary. We know Mr. Capone is a very wealthy man and a man of generosity. Okay, okay. I'll allow it. So tell me, what is a rich man like you like to listen to? One of the things I love is jazz. Even though it may get a lot of hate, I support it and support the people that make it. I can agree. I do like to dabble in jazz as well. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your iconic scar? I got it in the Great War. I fought with the Lost Battalion in France. I got sliced in the face with a bayonet. So that's why they call you Scarface. Such a brutal sounding name for a hero of the city. What do you think of it? You might want to keep your mouth shut. Or else. I don't like that name. And I'm starting to... Wait, what? You might want to keep your mouth shut or else. I don't like that name. And I'm starting to not like you. Okay, so what would you like to be called instead? By who I am. Alfonso Gabriel Capone. Don't worry. Don't worry about it. Alright, so Al it is. It is Mr. Capone. To you, and you better be careful with that, what you say next. Mr. Capone, how about we talk about your charity work? Of course. I'm quite proud of the work I've done for the less fortunate. I believe in fighting for the rights of others. I feel like I'm going a little bit more southern than anything. It's alright. You seem like a very caring man. Where did you get your big heart from? I remember how life was for me as a kid in Brooklyn. I was poor and quiet in sixth grade. I was poor and quit in sixth grade. I remember how life was for me as a kid in Brooklyn. I was poor and quit in sixth grade and had to fight for where I'm at today. I want to help others get to that point. To where they may not have much, but they can still make something of themselves. I remember taking a look at your school records. Didn't you get kicked out for beating up a teacher? You know what, fella? I'm done. You invite me out here onto your show and I give you the favor of just even showing up. And you go and disrespect me like that, I'm a good man. I don't do any of these accusations. And if I were you, I'd watch my back. Hold up. Please don't leave, Al Capone. You're not the problem. Your friend there is your better tip. Okay. You're not the problem. Your friend there is your better... What? You're not the problem. Your friend there, you better teach him to shut his mouth or one day he's gonna regret it. Oh, that's quite unfortunate. Oopsie. Alright, that concludes our interview. Well now, we're into even more news that is closer to home. Elijah, can you tell us some local things that's going on? You know I can. On April 4th, 1922, Mayor Benjamin Bossie died in office. Roughly around a year later, Bossie High School started construction and was later opened in 1924. Hmm. How'd he die? He had low bar pneumonia and passed away in his office. Okay, well, thank you, rest in peace. Now, more about the high school. What is that about? It definitely seems like it was built to honor the death of the mayor. It was actually built because they increased population to the east of downtown. But they didn't name it Bossie to honor him. So, because we are growing in population, we are making the high school. In honor of the mayor, we are naming it after him? Exactly. So, who's taking the place of Mayor Benjamin? William H. Elmendorf took office a few months after Bossie died. Well, are there any other things that may make me happier? Yes, there is. The popular company known as the YWCA moved into their new official building in 1925. Okay, I've heard of the YWCA, but I don't know what it actually... But I don't know what it is... Okay, I've heard of the YWCA, but I don't know what it stands for. Can you tell me? Sure. The YWCA is a non-profit organization that was made to eliminate racism, empower women, and strengthen communities. They have also been trying to help the economy and keep children healthy. Cool. How about we talk about some popular styles? Any kind of style in particular? Why don't you explain what a flapper is? Okay. A flapper is a woman who is known for wearing short dresses with bobbed hair. They are also known to set their life on a path that can sometimes be dangerous. Dangerous? How? Flappers would commonly join in protests, some of which are violent. They also take part in excessive drinking and smoking. Speaking of bad influences, the Catholic Church and the government are outraged by a teacher in Tennessee who was taken to court because he taught students in the school about evolution, which has been outlawed. Now you are probably thinking, why is it such a big deal? Well, the trial is changing the... I'm going to go out there and get food. When you're done, just come out and let me know. Okay. Have fun. What are you cooking? They're having their... Constitutionality. Constitutionality. Okay. Now you are probably thinking, why is it such a big deal? Well... Who are you waving at? My cousin's out there. Olivia. Wait, Merkle? Yes. Oh, I know who she's with. Merkle? Get some... I saw my cousin. Sorry, we kind of got off track here. Hi. What? I saw my cousin. I got distracted. Yeah, we kind of got distracted. Yeah, Olivia. Olivia Merkle. Olivia Merkle is your cousin? Yeah. I'm going to cry. I'm not moving. I heard you. Do you have a radio show to record? I'm sorry. How many of us are still there? You can leave, and you guys can continue recording. Alrighty, thank you. Okie dokie, see y'all! Bye, Sam! See ya! Starting to restart the whole paragraph. Now, you are probably thinking, why is this such a big deal? Well, the trial is challenging the constitutionality of the Bill of Rights. And after they made it legal to talk about religion in evolution. So this is the music part. Yeah, when we're editing, we'll just put the music in here. You hear that, Futurists? Put the music in here! No one's going to hear this. It's going to be in the real thing. It's the thing on the thing. Yeah, put the music... put... Louie? No. Yeah, Louie Armstrong, West End Blues on there. Okay, Futurists? Back to our regular programmed station. That was the West End Blues, performed by Louis Armstrong. No. Sorry. Louie Armstrong. Such a majestic symbol. Blues and jazz has started to become more and more popular recently. But many are concerned about it. About its roots. Its origins are in black culture. And many see jazz as dirty or sinful. I personally think it is beautiful. And I hope to hear more of it. I agree that it is very beautiful. What are some other movements recently? Well, like we just heard, jazz and blues are getting more known and accepted. And also flappers have widely been accepted as a new normal. How are ways the culture is spreading? Radio. Radio is a big part that has really become more popular, used around the country. It is so important so we can hear what is going on around the world. Also, movies are a very new way of entertainment. But also it is used to give us information. Like is the Great War. It told us about how life was in the war. Do you want me to do that part again? Yeah, but the grammar is really off. Yeah, sorry. But also it is used to give us information. I am asking my cousin to look in Studio 2. 1. We are in Studio 1. Now you try it. Just start the whole thing over again. Radio is a big thing that has really become more popular, used around the country. It is so important so we can hear what is going on around the world. Also, movies are a very new way of entertainment. But also it is used to give us information. Like what was happening in the Great War. It told us about life in the war. How convenient. Who was the first to come up with radio shows? The first radio was made back in 1890 by an Italian called... Hold on. Stand by. Guglielmino Macaroni. Are you going to have a voice say it? The last name is Marconi. That is a pretty common last name. Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi. The first radio was made back in the 1890s by an Italian. Guglielmo Marconi. But it only has become more popular recently. How lucky we are to have these pioneers that paved the way for people like us who are out there trying to make a living on these radio shows. Oh, my turn? All right. Now with your favorite host for everyone's favorite entertainment... Sports! What major events have happened these last few years in sports, Ryland? Well, let's start off with the U.S. beating Great Britain and Ireland in the first Walker Golf Cup matches. William C. Fronters was a coach who led America to a four-point difference, with the U.S. having eight, while Great Britain and Ireland only had four. That's great. Where did they play? This exciting event happened at National Golf Links of America in Southampton, New York, on August 28th through the 29th in 1922. Who played in the game? Here were the team rosters. G.B. and I were Colin Ulmer, John Caven, Shelby Heumann, Willis McKenzie, Cyril Trolley, W.B. Torrance, Roger Weatherhead, Darin Bernard Darwin, U.S.A., Chick Evans. And for U.S.A., we have Chick Evans, Robert Gardner, Jesse Bouleford, Bobby Jones, Max Marston, Frances Omulette, Jeff Swenster, William C. Fronters, Jr., playing captain. Well, congratulations. Is there anything else? Yes, there's exciting news for baseball, with the first ever stadium being built. This is the first in the game to be dubbed a stadium. It has become baseball's most famous address and the home of many championship teams. Can you tell me a little about the first game that was ever played there? Well, it opened on April 18th, 1923, and it was in grand fashion with a 4-1 New York Yankees victory over the Boston Red Sox and with the stadium's first home run hit by none other than Babe Ruth. Who is this Babe Ruth? One of the most famous baseball players in history. He started his career in 1914. He was nicknamed the Bamblino and the Sultan of Swat. He began his NLB career as a star left-handed pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, but achieved his great fame as a slugging outfielder for the New York Yankees. Wow, this guy sounds good. Has he done anything for the team? Yes, he's led the New York Yankees to their first win in their first world championship. That sounds exciting. How about any other sports? Oh, sorry, I just love baseball. But we do have great news for hockey fans with the Boston Bruins becoming the first U.S. team to join the NHL or National Hockey League. That's great. I guess we've covered everything in sports. Now for our exciting drama. Alright, we can... So, do we want to read what we have and then you just improv? Improv? I can improv. Can we go to the classroom? No. It's only 11.52. We'll leave at 12.05. We'll try to improv. Let's leave at 12. Do we need to walk all the way down there? Yeah, let's just... Let's see how long the drama takes. Alright, fine. Okay. So. Give me a little countdown. 3, 2, 1. Off to you, Rylan. Have you heard about the new... Have you heard about the news of women trying to become ranchers? The people in charge are making bad choices because they are letting women on guns and land. We need to put a stop to it all. Look at this woman trying to be like us. This is a man's drink, girl. I might need to redo this a few times, but... Do you have something to say to me? Wait, wait. I don't know how to... You're like a cowgirl voice, like, Do you have something to say to me? No! Alright, so like, um... Do you have something... I gotta think southern. Um... Do you have something... Do you have something to say to me? Yeah. You women are trying to take over. You should stay in your place. Not all women have to settle down and housewives and waste away in their homes. I'm not trying to be like you. I'm trying to be like me. Well, maybe you should change. You... Well, maybe you should change you. And be like all the other women. Being housewives and keeping your mouth shut. I'm not made for the kitchen. If you mind your own business, I don't have to put you in your place. You put me in my place? You need to be put in your place. Your mother should have taught you better and obeyed to men. Try telling her to die in her grave. She got there by men who think they know better. Maybe she meant to be there all alone because she would not have made you. You men disgust me. You women think you're better than men? Well, let's settle this here and now. I think we should. Can we just add fighting sound effects? Ah! Ah! Fighting noises, we'll just edit this in. Futura, are you listening to us, Futura? Yeah, yeah, put it in. Ladies and gentlemen, we are civilized. Let's take this outside to the courtyard at noon. Dale. My pleasure. They waited until five minutes before noon. Each had a piece of... Something funny, Sam? I'm doing my best. It's good, it's good. All of our accents just sound weird to me, but go ahead. Go ahead. They waited until five minutes before noon. Each had a piece of iron on their hip and six bullets ready to be set off. Old houndsfolk stood watching. Some even passed money on who would win. The clock was now just a minute until showtime. While you showed up, I ready to leave here with one more hole than you came. I gotta do this or I'll eat chicken. They stared into each other's eyes. Each with their fingers itching on their trigger. Guns are shown, ready to strike as soon as the clock hit. All they were waiting for now was the bell. Ding! Ding! Ding! Pew! Pew! Pew! Alright, I'm gonna have a little bit to think. Or should the woman say something? The mischievous woman. No, they gotta let the... Alright, hold on. As the smoke filled the air, the townsfolk anticipated to see one drop. And one did drop. Hold on, hold on. As the smoke filled the air, the townsfolk anticipated, waiting for one to drop. And as one did, they dropped. Now, is that the way you planned on it being? Hold on, no, I have to think. Okay, go ahead. More narration, I have to think. Get out. There we go. I have to think. It's improv. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I have to think. It's funny. Point over whenever you're time for me to talk. Because you're dead, so. Alright. The woman walked over to his body, inspecting where the bullet landed. And indeed, she gave him a third eye. Yeah. Bing, bing, bing. I'm thinking, I'm thinking. No, speak while the plane is going through the night. That's not good. That's not good. So after the plane leaves, you can go. She displayed her true show of marksman accuracy, proving that once and for all, there was no difference between man or woman. No, I don't think any of you guys suspected this, but I'll go ahead and take my money and get out of here. You can have this phone. And she rode off, making bank. Hold on, hold on, hold up. And she rode off with her sack of cash, riding through the sunset as the wind blows, waiting for another town. Okay. What, the Lego movie? You know that? The weapon? That's not effective either. Okay. Um, and then, this tariff, we kind of. Okay, that's off to the side. We can add it somewhere in there. Yeah, just speak it, and then we'll plug it in somewhere. Tariffs were changed to help economic cooperation, and trade ended up doing the opposite. The effect of these tariffs caused many nations to stop trading, but they also gave higher funding to the government. And Sam, you say something like, well, what are these tariffs? Why not you? You're the main big guy. This is not my part, this is not my part. I didn't see my, I didn't see me there. Well, it's going to be you, when you and him are conversing, because this doesn't fit into sports. Okay. Just say something along the lines of, well, I heard these things about tariffs, but what are they? I've heard these things about tariffs, but what are they, and what are they supposed to be doing? Boom. Yeah, we did it, y'all. Do you guys have a closer? Like, this was Rex's radio show. Yeah. Come on, do it. And this was Rex's radio show, with Ryland. Elijah. Tayden. And Sam, and we'll see you next time. Have a good one. Good-bye, y'all. And then, like, all the, like, dumb shots, and like. Yeah. Like, oh, crap. Yep, we're done. Alrighty.