Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker talks about the practice of Dorje Sempa, which is a preparatory practice aimed at purification. They mention visualizations and the use of imagination to aid in purification. The speaker also discusses the importance of staying aware and not slipping into unconsciousness during meditation. They emphasize the need to concentrate and stay focused on the practice. The speaker mentions different aspects of the practice and encourages changing between them to keep the mind engaged. They also mention the importance of having something to concentrate on and not just going into a blissful oblivion. Basically go back to the Dorje Sember, it is, you see this Dorje Sember, it is really like the, it's the first big, you know, really big bulldozer that's going by, right, it's the first one, it's the one that really cracks the heavy stuff, it's the one that really gets rid of the things that would otherwise produce neuroses in middle age or depressions in old age and problems at death and bad rebirth and a whole lot of it, right, I mean it's just to get rid of, really, I mean, it is the first time you do it, you're not even planting then, you're not even thinking in front, you're just bulldozing, that's what you're doing. And afterwards there are all kinds of fine things, you're sharing the new found land with others and putting some flowers in and letting things grow and feeling good about whatever is there and so on, but that's after, if you think of Sember, just think wonderful, may they be purified and just go on, it's not like Shinraishi where on the top of the head of you and all beings and so on, here it's all the time coming back to yourself because, you know, it's a preparatory practice really aiming at you, so I wouldn't make too much out of it, it's too easy for the mind also to move into a fairyland and, you know, think of all kinds of things instead of really getting the deep purification that it should get. Paul, you've talked at other times about what to do if you have a specific issue that's happening in your life or a negative emotion and, you know, other ways of using your neck or your shoulders and things like that, do you think that would be helpful? Yeah, I mean, if there is something you feel is too heavy, I mean, there is something you don't think the fine white nectar is getting it fast enough, then you can imagine sulphuric acid, you know, you can imagine, you know, I mean, they didn't have a chemical industry at the Buddha's time, you know, so he couldn't tell people about it, but today we have, we have all kinds of things, I don't know what they're called, in Germany they're called Ajax and Atta, I don't know what you call them here, but, you know, you have all kinds of cleaning detergents and stuff like that all over the place and which... Ajax! Ajax, yeah! I was going to say that! Well, you have that, right? Ajax, the foaming cleanser. Well, you have it there. Oh, do you want some? Well, as long as you have the feeling that you're being relieved, that's the basic thing, but, I mean, there is, in the whole world, from north, south, east and west, there is a feeling that, that, you know, negative things are rather dark and positive things are rather light, I mean, everybody has it, you can even see in parts of the world where everybody is dark, they still have distinctions depending on how dark they are and so on, there is some kind of, you know, very deep fundamental thing in people. I can't imagine blood running out of a soul, I mean, I'm not so sure if it's blood, I mean, it's just in your body. I mean, blood? I thought you said black, I thought blood, okay, blood, you don't want that out of your soul, if you had a bad liver, you know, you want something coming out of there, you know, to relieve the area, if you had a bad back, you know, some little pieces of vertebrae will be falling out there and everything will be alright, you know, and if you have a cancer somewhere, that will be slipping out, right, or left, you know, I mean, you really, oh, yeah, I mean, the diseases, it's really to remove, I mean, the whole thing we're doing is to convince the mind that it is from beginningless time pure, and whatever will make you, what will convince you, what will help you to understand that is good, whatever will help you is good, you know, I mean, really good, so that's all you have to do, I mean, as long as something will give you the feeling that relief and give your mind confidence in its own Buddha nature, then that's all you need, but I'd say, you know, I had a, you know, you can have a very, you can get a lot of benefit out of that, if you had a bad liver, right, concentrate on a lot of pus going out that way, if you have, like, a bad throat that's coming out that way, it's good, I mean, it's good to get rid of it, but, I mean, if it doesn't agree with any of the visualizations, don't agree with you, I mean, there are suggestions, right, there's... One of the things I noticed in your mind, it's much easier for you to have this beautiful nature flowing in than it is for you to really get a good visualization of bad shit coming I realize that it's so bad shit coming out that you can probably see it, I mean, it's a good way. No, that isn't so sure, I mean, if you use it there, you can be more or less imaginative. I got an automatic mental hygiene mind myself, I couldn't see stuff like that, I mean, it's something that's passed on, I don't see it like that either myself, I really don't. I have feelings, you know, like of knots opening and things loosening and coming easy, I mean, the other thing is also very cultural, it's very Tibetan, and it's to give your mind a certain direction that it's carried on. It doesn't mean that you actually have to see it, it's just that the direction is in your mind when something is happening. Of course not, I mean, also, you know, if you come from a culture here where you take a shower at least once a day, right, and if you come from a place where you can't get water no matter what you do, I mean, there's also a difference there in the whole body feeling and everything else. So just do what's the most natural and feels the best, that's all you have to do. That's sweating. Sweating comes out very good, yeah. So let happen what happens, yeah. And use these other things like a supporting meditation, something to support you, because it does support you, you know. It does support the purification, it is a help, I mean, everything we use, I mean, it's not the thing itself, it's all something that convinces the mind that now it's all right. That's everything, everything we do is that. Everything we do is that. So, towards you, Simba. Yes, please. When you get this into practice, particularly when you practice this with him, I experience two different things. One of them is flipping into a state where, like, fragments of situations, or conversations, or I'm seeing things, and often they aren't things that I consciously can recognize as memories, but it still feels relevant, yeah, and like it's going away, and when the other thing is happening, sometimes there's a kind of blindness, and there isn't a memory of what happened there, and it feels different. You can be happy about anything that is clear in your mind, will enhance your intelligence, and will benefit you. Anything that's felt to be clear, anything that stopped unconscious, and so on, is not so useful. But these moments, you know, is actually where the mind retracts for a moment, where it goes through its old stuff, and then it's ready for something else. So, it's, the whole thing is all right. I mean, it's just, if there is nothing there, if there's no experience there for a while, then try to get it back, you know, as soon as you can. I mean, don't disappear altogether, that's not very good. I mean, try to be aware, that's why we have, you see, then, in that moment, it becomes a false kind of shina. You know, shina is dangerous. People don't know, but it's dangerous, because what you want is to develop a radiant mind, not a dead mind, or a sleepy mind, where nothing happens, and it's very easy for people to just sit down, you know, tomorrow let's go to sleep, and this will not increase their intelligence, it will diminish it. So, that is the reason why wise people like Kalarimpachin, Karmapa, and all kinds of others, are again and again saying, do the building up and the mixing phases of the meditation. Don't just sit, but do something. Because if you do something, then your mind will always have something to concentrate on, and that means you will not slip off into unconsciousness, and it means you will not damage the clarity of the intelligence of the mind. And that is the reason, you know, that is simply the reason why we make such a big thing out of the building up and the mixing phases of meditation, because it helps us away from that. So, use whatever you have that you can concentrate on. Think of yourself as being the Buddha, or think of the, feel your body sometimes, or concentrate on the mantra, or the flow of one thing or another, but don't just go into a blissful oblivion, you know, where nothing happens. That's not meditation, that's becoming sleep. The building up means creating the visualization, and staying with that. Yeah, or the feeling in your own body. I mean, you've got everything there. You've got Dorje Sempa above your head, lovely as nothing in the world, right? I mean, really first class. Then you have your own body, the feeling of the nectar stream, you even have the place underneath where it all disappears. In Dorje Sempa, you've got all these different attributes to change between. I mean, there's so many things, it's not difficult, you know, it's not like one focused, very difficult, concentrative meditation. It's just like staying inside an energy field, staying inside an awareness field, but that's all that it is. So for that reason, you know, for that reason you have so many things to work with. Time to time it's one aspect, then it's another aspect, then it's a third aspect, but it's always, you know, it's always something you can touch and relate to. It's always something that's alive for you. So it's good, you know, if you can... No, I think it's very good if you will just change from one thing to another, also if you look out the window if you're tired, but don't lose consciousness too much. Don't forget what you're doing or lose that, that's really not a good idea. But for Christianity it has to be strong, you know, the crusades and stuff. Yes, yes. In the land of Mercedes and BMW, right, not stopping, straight through. If it's too long, it's too long, do you cut it off, yes? So it's all December, huh? And we have time for the questions tonight. Actually the hot tub sounds good, but I don't think we'll have time. I'm not sure if we'll have time. You work with the impressions which happen during the day, then there is a period where you just, you know, which is around 12, 1, if you ever go to bed before 12, if that ever happens to you, there is a period there where you couldn't be in contact with some energies, you know, some disturbing energies from outside, actually, you know, disturbing energy fields, nightmares, stuff like that. Then shortly before you would naturally wake up you can dream the immediate future, and just as you wake up you can dream the more distant future. So if you have dreams you should try to, if you feel they are important and meaningful and strong, then try first to place them during the night when they happen. Then you'll know if you would just be digesting what was there before, if you were, you know, or whatever happened. So you'd know, you'll know in that moment, you'll know what it was. It's very good, you know, good dreams are good, but don't think that bad dreams are always bad. Bad dreams can be a very good purification. I'll tell you, there was a period when, when, when what was now, when Milarepa was, was teaching his students and he said they should all watch, you know, for their dreams during one night. And they came back, you know, and one of them, he was really happy, you know, and it was Retungpa, he said, oh man, I appeared in the form of the lion, you know, and I screamed out, I roared out over three valleys. And Milarepa said, it's a good dream, but it's not the best. It means you'll have three more rebirths, you know, but you will benefit beings and so on until you are free. I mean, you will have three more lives, but every time you will benefit a lot of beings. And what was, somebody else, well, Gamboba came in. He was really unhappy. He said, I've been killing people all night. And he said, very good, you know, you've been taking their egos, you know, it's, it's a very good sign like that. So, one cannot just go by the straight face of the dreams. The subconscious makes many tricks. You know, the subconscious really knows things very deeply. And this is what comes out in, I mean, in the meaningful dreams, not in just any old dream, right? But in the meaningful dreams, the subconscious is, you know, saying what's really there. And, and there, if there is a strong one, you, there are a lot of things that usually aren't considered very good. They are actually good dreams, good things in your dreams. But, you know, being Buddhist and everything, we can actually go beyond even that. Because you know what we do? We make the goat the gardener, right? I mean, we take whatever is there and we just decide to make it useful. And that means because our mind is the boss, right? Our mind is the boss. We are ultimately deciding. We are in control. Then we just decide that everything pleasant is a blessing and everything unpleasant is a purification. And then whatever happens, we say, thank you, right? And then we are the bosses and we are not being driven around by some old illusions or karmic whatsoever or anything like that. So that is what, that's really, you know, the advice I give you. That's real Mahamudra. And I'll tell you, there's a very funny history of what had happened with Milarepa when he was, he was doing, you know, he was, he was coming back to his cave one day and when he looked in, there were three demons in there with eyes as big as saucers, you know. And they were all looking at him and they said, funny company, you know, did I advise them? What's that? And he didn't feel, you know, he thought, no, no, they are sitting in my seat, they better go. So he tried with all kinds of wrathful mantras, but that wasn't the right thing. You know, all kinds of wrathful mantras and so on, but because he didn't really, it wasn't the thing he should learn from, right? Then the demons didn't go away. They just looked at him more and more and started smacking their lips and, you know, getting out their forks, forks and knives and whatever else, you know. And then he decided, OK, but actually I'm a student of Marpa and I know everything is a dream and everything is a projection of the mind. So he just said, you have a good time, demons. And he went in and sat between them and didn't care. And in that moment they all ran away because of him. All these things only function if you put energy in. If you don't believe in them and put energy in, they have to go. I mean, it's like a ring and a hook. If you aren't playing, they can't play. So actually in this way, you know, the highest view, you know, that it's all a dream and you don't have to get involved if you don't want to and so on, this is like the most essential one, the most important and essential one. That's a very high view. So remember that with your dreams. Remember when they happened. That's the first thing, you know, if you have a dream and you think it's important, then check, was it early in the evening so that I was just working through stuff from the day before? Was it around midnight? That's especially important if it was a bad dream. Or was it, you know, later? Was it when I would normally have woken up or was it just when I woke up or when did it happen there? And if you check that, you can really learn a lot about your dreams. You can get things out of them. But there are many things also that are very different. Like killing beings and being killed and so on usually means destruction of ego. This can be very good. But one thing is general. It's superseded. It goes beyond all other dreams explanations. And that is the feeling you have, the uncontrived feeling you have just when you wake up is the most important of it all. I mean, that goes beyond anything else. I mean, up-going motions is good. Down-going motions is not so good. If you have a lot of up-going motions, the energies in your body are on an upward motion and that means that a lot of good things will happen. If you fly around, it's good. If you fall into the water or fall into holes all the time, it's not so good. It means that difficulties may be coming up or stuff like that. But, you know, even then when you turn around, being the masters of your mind and the world, having all power, you just decide, if you have dreams where you fall down all the time, you just say, I have great compassion for the three lower worlds. I'm going to help them. Right? And again you turn the thing. So you just always know your mind doesn't have to put up with any baloney it doesn't want to put up with. Right? I mean, you are ultimately the boss. You decide only good signs exist and you decide everything happening is meaningful and so on. I mean, you are the boss. You are not poor natives, you know, coming down from the trees somewhere and believing everything that they see. Right? I mean, you are grown up people from the West and you know about the nature of the mind and stuff like that. So you just decide where you will play along and you decide where you won't play along. Right? You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. You are the boss. 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