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Billy's Big Book Reviews is reviewing two books: Unbroken and A Time to Dance. Unbroken is about a bombardier named Louie who joins the army during World War II. He survives a plane crash and is stuck on a boat with his buddies for 50 days. They have to persevere to survive. In A Time to Dance, a dancer named Stella loses one and a half legs in a bus accident. She faces rejection from her dance studio but perseveres and learns to dance again, eventually teaching her own class. She also falls in love with her doctor, Jim. Billy's Big Book Reviews! Billy's Big Book Reviews! Hey y'all, welcome back to Billy's Big Book Reviews! Today, we will be reviewing two books. Before I get to those, I just want to thank the sponsor of this video, Opera GX. Our two books are Unbroken and A Time to Dance! The topics we will be talking about today in this podcast are the topics of... Perseverance! So, I'll start off by talking about Unbroken. So basically, Unbroken is this book about a bombardier named Louie and his life. So it's like, Louie was a bad kid and he would break into people's houses and... Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! And then, one day, he died. No, I'm kidding! And then one day, he started running through the... Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! He then went and joined the army because of, well, World War II. So, World War II happened, and Louie was, well, a bombardier. Which is basically dropping bombs from planes. So, he dropped a big bomb! The bomb! The bomb! In the toilet! No, he dropped a big bomb in California. No, he dropped a big bomb in the ocean. He's bombing places. So, one time, the plane crashed. It went... Pow! Pow! So, the plane... It crashed. So, then Louie got stuck in this... In this, like... Um... Tiny boat. And he was there with his three buddies. Besties. Two others, sorry. There were three of them all. And they were stuck there for around 50 days. Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! They had to persevere and get over it. They, um... Yeah, and now I'm going to have Stella talk about the perseverance of this story. Because persevering is really cool, and Stella, well, she did that. Okay, guys. So, um... Later! The part of the book, they had to persevere a lot. Because, um... They were stuck on a boat, and they almost died. But they didn't, because they're like... Well, one died. They got eaten by sharks. And it was like, so cool, because there was blood EVERYWHERE! That was in Refugee. What? And then, on Broken, he just died. I know this. He fell under the water and sharks ate him. Oh. Yeah! Sharks ate him! And there was blood EVERYWHERE! Blech! Blech! Blech! Blech! Blech! Blech! Um, and so, after the blood came out, they died. And, um... And then, um... Then, like, one of them, before that, they all ate all the food. And they almost all died. And then, after, he got... RESCUED! Quotation marks around that. Quotation marks around that. By the Japanese, who took them to prisoner of war camps. And he was like, blech! Blech! Blech! Blech! I'm speaking Japanese! And then, he got into... He escaped. He found a family. He became an alcoholic. Such a pickled alcoholic. And now, we're gonna sing for you, until Max tells us about A Time to Dance. A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! A time to dance! One day, after she had won a dancing competition. She was in a tragic accident. She had been hit by a bus. What's so funny? Which left her with one and a half legs. She had become a wobbly wally. Oh my god! After that, she tried to go back to her regular dancing studio. But they wouldn't accept her. Because she only had one and a half legs. And they didn't think she could do it. At the hospital, she met a guy named Jim, her doctor. Who she fell deeply in love with. But we'll get on that later. The reason that I picked this part of the book. Was because she really loved dancing. And after she went to her regular dance studio, they said no. She persevered. And she went to a different one. She eventually learned to dance. Eventually teaching her own class. Getting better and better. She was able to do crazy things that she wasn't able to do before. Yeah, perseverance baby. Okay, now we're on that Jim guy. So Jim, Jim was an old man. He was so hot! I don't know why she fell in love with this weird American dude named Jim. Who's probably fat. Billy's Big Book Review! See you guys later. Bye!