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Nothing to say, yet
The three Billy Goats had to cross a river with a bridge, but there was a mean troll living beneath it. The smallest goat, Gruff, crossed the bridge and the troll threatened to eat him. Gruff convinced the troll to wait for the bigger goat, so the troll let him pass. On their way to the mountain, the three Billy Goats had to cross a rushing river, but there was only one bridge across it made of wooden planks. And underneath the bridge there lived a terrible, ugly, one-eyed troll. The smallest Billy Goat, Gruff, was the first to reach the bridge. Trippity-trop, trippity-trop, went his little hooves as he trotted over the wooden planks. Ting, ting, ting, went the little bell around his neck. There was a menacing rumble from beneath the planks as the troll growled, Who's that trotting over my bridge? Billy Goat, Gruff, squeaked to the smallest goat in his little voice. I'm only going up to the mountain to see the pretty spring grass. Oh, no you're not, said the troll. I'm going to eat you for breakfast. Oh, no, please, Mr. Troll, pleaded the goat. I'm only the smallest Billy Goat, Gruff. I'm much too tiny for you to eat, and I wouldn't taste very good. Why don't you wait for my brother, the second Billy Goat, Gruff? He's much bigger than me and would be much more tasty. The troll did not want to waste his time on a little goat, if there was a bigger and better one to eat. All right, all right, you can cross my bridge. He grunted. Don't you dare run up, or I'll eat you on your way back.