The deepest state of self hypnosis using the full script to heighten that induced state.
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The deepest state of self hypnosis using the full script to heighten that induced state.
The deepest state of self hypnosis using the full script to heighten that induced state.
This is a hypnobirthing self-hypnosis session. Close your eyes and get comfortable. Focus on your breathing and relax different parts of your body. Imagine yourself in a relaxing place and let positive feelings flow through your body. Repeat a calming affirmation. Imagine a calm and comfortable pregnancy and birth. Practice self-hypnosis to stay relaxed during labor. Imagine meeting your baby and feeling proud and happy. Use dials to deepen your relaxation. When you're ready, return to full alertness. Hypnobirthing, self-hypnosis, week three. Find yourself a comfortable position, for you and for baby. Close down your eyes and cross your arms and your legs. Start to focus on your breathing slowing down and go within. Breathe in, two, three, four, five, forehead relaxed and out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, two, three, four, five, eyes relaxed and out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, two, three, four, five, cheeks relaxed and out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, two, three, four, five, jaw relaxed and out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, two, three, four, five, mouth and tongue relaxed and out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, one, two, three, four, five, then out, five, relaxing the head, four, relaxing the shoulders, arms and hands, three, relaxing the chest, stomach and back, two, relaxing the hips and the buttocks and one, relaxing the thighs, upper legs, knees, lower legs and feet. Now bring your mind to your favourite relaxing place, looking around you and taking in everything you can see, everything you can hear, everything you can touch, smell and taste. Enjoy everything here in your relaxing place and allow wonderful feelings to flow around your whole body. Press together your thumb and first finger on both hands and anchor in this amazing place for a couple of moments now. Just concentrate on your breathing and immersing yourself in this beautiful space you have created. Taking in everything you can see, everything you can hear, everything you can touch, smell and taste. Enjoy everything here in your relaxing place and allow wonderful feelings to flow around your whole body. Just concentrate on your breathing and immersing yourself in this beautiful space you have created with your subconscious mind. Calm and relaxed, calm and relaxed. Enjoy everything here in your relaxing place and allow wonderful feelings to flow around your whole body. Just concentrate on your breathing and immersing yourself in this beautiful space you have created with your subconscious mind. Just concentrate on your breathing and immersing yourself in this beautiful space you have created with your subconscious mind. Calm and relaxed, calm and relaxed. And now in your mind say this to yourself five times. I focus my mind into my body and I'm relaxed, calm and confident. I focus my mind into my body and I'm relaxed, calm and confident. I focus my mind into my body and I'm relaxed, calm and confident. I focus my mind into my body and I'm relaxed, calm and confident. I focus my mind into my body and I'm relaxed, calm and confident. Now when you're ready, relax your fingers and your thumbs apart. And now you will find it so very easy to imagine a calm, relaxed and comfortable rest of your pregnancy and arrival day. This is a time of joy and love, so imagine it now, the time when your baby's arrival has begun and you are resting comfortably, smiling, feeling very confident and relaxed. You have practised self-hypnosis many times and you know that you are able to enter hypnosis instantly whenever you choose to. You feel very calm and relaxed and think of seeing your baby for the first time, holding your baby, breathing in your baby's lovely aroma and feeling incredibly proud and happy. When you feel your birth muscles moving, you are able to take yourself into exactly the right depth of hypnosis and you work with your body and your baby. You feel so relaxed, so calm and each surge passes quickly and comfortably. See yourself continuing through each stage of arrival, calm and relaxed, relaxing into exactly the right level of hypnosis as and when you feel each surge, as and when you choose and know that you are doing really well. Now it's time to locate the dials for hearing, awareness and relaxation. They are your dials and can look like anything you choose. They are numbered from one to ten and may be a round dial or even a lever and one by one, turn and control them for your relaxation to go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Turn down that dial for hearing, turn down that dial for awareness and turn up that dial for relaxation, one by one, control your relaxation going deeper and deeper into hypnosis. That's right, that's right. And when you are ready to return to full alertness, one, feeling more aware, two, aware of the surroundings, three, all senses back to normal, four, refreshed and ready to open your eyes and five, eyes open, completely aware and feeling absolutely wonderful.