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Katie interviews Hannah about media literacy. Hannah considers herself proficient. They discuss nonverbal communication and how it can lead to misunderstandings in the workplace. Hannah believes advertising is the most important media industry. She also wants to learn more about different communication styles. Hi. My name is Katie Jennings. I'm here today in Paducah, Kentucky with Ms. Hannah to find out what she thinks about a number of important issues within media and society. Please state your name, your major, and how media literate you consider yourself. Hello. My name is Hannah Harris. I'm a senior here, and I would say I'm proficient. Okay. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions about important areas that are related to media literacy. How knowledgeable do you consider yourself on media content in general? Somewhat. What's the most important media content you view available today in society? Nonverbal communication. What do you mean by nonverbal communication? I feel like now since most people are traveling a lot for work or they work in the communication industry, if you send somebody an email, people take it the wrong way just because they don't know what your language is, and that's how I would say a lot of, not a lot of conflict, but a lot of, I would say a rise in the workplace just because you didn't know somebody's intent on behind sending them an email or text message. And so it's kind of hard to identify if this person is being genuine or if they're being rude about it just because you didn't know how they were when they were pretty much texting you back or emailing you back. That's a really great example. I'm going to move on. What is the most important media regulation or industry today? What was the last part? It keeps going in and out. What is the most important media regulation or industry? I'm not sure. Okay. Such as like public relations, media legislation, advertising. I'll say advertising. Okay. Last question. How knowledgeable do you consider yourself on media effects in general? I would say proficient is still room to learn more and get more knowledge about it. Okay. And last question. Thank you for answering all my questions today. What is one thing you hope to learn from taking this course? Just some of the different communication styles, and there's the ones that people use daily just because I feel like we communicate a lot with one another without actually speaking to one another, so learning more about that. Awesome. Thank you for answering my question.