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Kaylin Test Aduio

Kaylin Test Aduio

KaylinAmber Davids



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The chairperson of the meeting gives instructions on how to use video cameras and microphones during the meeting. They emphasize the importance of muting mics and turning off cameras to avoid distractions. They also explain the process for raising a point of order and speaking during the meeting. The chairperson welcomes the members and acknowledges the presence of civil society organizations and viewers watching the meeting. They express condolences for a member who has passed away. The chairperson mentions two important events - South Africa's case before the International Court of Justice on behalf of the Palestinian people and a soccer match featuring the South African team. The chairperson then discusses the agenda for the meeting, including adopting a program, discussing legislation, and engaging with social media platforms. They mention the need for thorough engagement and the opportunity for members to provide input and amendments. The chairperson ensures that all members have was unmute your mic and switch on your video camera. If you are experiencing network challenges you'll indicate to the chairperson of permission to switch off the video camera so as to maximize your bandwidth and therefore proceed to speak. As you know from time to time there may be those that lose connectivity and have to reconnect to the meeting. Please ensure at all times as you do that that your video camera is off and your mic is muted. As mics are sensitive and therefore pick up background sounds that may distract the speaker or disrupt the meeting itself. In that score I think there's clarity in terms of the rules. I must advise that you would use your gadget to raise your hand as an indication that you do want to speak raising the point of order with your mic muted and video camera off. At that time you'll be recognized by the chair and only at that time that you proceed to speak. In a situation where the chairperson is unable to see your hand the committee support will also assist the chair in identifying the member concerned and the member will be given an opportunity to raise the point of order on which the chairperson would rule upon in terms of the rules. Members are fairly advised and guided not to raise unnecessary point of orders to a point of collapsing the meeting on this platform. Having raised that honorable members ticket that we would be able to keep to all other rules doubling the meetings of committees in the National Assembly. Of course taking into account that that I've emphasized as basics to help us have a quality engagement. Without a waste of time let me then officially get a meeting open and welcome honorable members that are on the platform. Let me also welcome I've seen that civil society structures are also on the platform who keep us on our toes in terms of monitoring what we do on behalf of the people. We also welcome and recognize the different people who are on the platform representing different sectors. Of course the fellow South Africans who are following our deliberations utilizing the platforms that parliament has made possible for them to really exercise their right to participate in the affairs of parliament. And with that we also thank the parliament TV services and the streaming part which shows that access to our meetings is indeed valuable. With that having been said because it is also our first meeting after the break in constituent work we should also really welcome back our committee support staff that have been quite supportive throughout. We also hope for the same to get into 2024 for the remainder of the period for this committee of the administration. So we also happy that you are all back to support the committee. Of course I do know honorable members that as we convene today in the course of the end of the year almost to the beginning of 2024 we also lost a member of the committee. Therefore we have made it this committee to have lost a member that has also contributed throughout the term of the committee. Of course our condolences of main relevance given at this time as we recognize the contribution to the committee of course awaiting other processes that parliament usually would engage in in remembering those that have fallen. So our committee is the committee but short of Honourable Alison Thiem. Of course Honourable members I do know that on the positive though is that we are also meeting when there are also two important events. One has happened with the South African government practicing what it is about justice in terms of its role in the international arena and of course as led by the president of the country his excellency and the team South Africans would have put a case before the international court of justice to really raise the plight of the Palestinian people. And of course that has now been hit by course and that South Africa once again registers its presence that it stands with those that may be oppressed anywhere in the world. But more importantly that at all times it seeks for solutions through engagement by different parties that may be involved in a conflict at different times. So we have that which has happened and surely South Africans are quite proud that we have not shifted instantly to those that are oppressed. But of course we are meeting first with time later on that other patriots in the country would be again flashing to look at their televisions. Bafana Bafana will also be contesting space in the African playing against Morocco. Of course that is a team once you play in the last 15 going forward and our prayers and support message that Bafana Bafana should be able to win and get to the next round in the Afcon because South Africa still remains a winning nation and when South Africans are together they give that moral support to those that may be in the field or in a ring so it's a box or anything that gets into a ring and South Africans usually come out victorious because of the moral support they get from the masses of our people on the ground. So let's do that also as Bafana Bafana contests on behalf of this country to bring it to bring it home to remind us of the two years just after democracy when they lifted the cup in the country. So we have to take it again. Of course having said that we would now go through the items on the agenda which I would briefly help members go through that process. The first item as you see I take it that you've received the notice convening the meeting will focus on us adopting a program. I just want to indicate that as we usually do the program is a living judgment of course when there are matters of public interest that have may have not been in our plan we do make separate applications to ensure that those are taken care of. So even as we adopt we should keep that in mind. But secondly that the program also took into account the time that we have left to also process legislation that's for us as one of the focus areas that has been given from the side of parliament. But in doing so we try and create at least a number of days so as to yes ensure that legislation is processed but that we are thorough in our engagement so that at the end we can make an informed decision. So amongst those that will deal with the SAPC business you will see in the draft program you'll see that there's also the scheduling of that with the number of days that may be outside of our slot as the committee which will then need a separate application once the committee would have agreed upon. So I'm just emphasizing the point that those extra days which may also be outside of the committee are meant to be an opportunity to thoroughly engage and that engagement is not only amongst members but it's also to present an opportunity for those who have made submissions and indicated their interest to also orally engage the committee. But of course the other addition would be that you'll see on the 6th I think in the program that there is a split on the entities. This was also in response to a letter received from another board member who may have not been in the meeting on the 12th when we also engaged the minister on the CETA in question. And therefore the matter that she would have raised would have committed that when CETA comes before the committee we'll be having time to deal with that. So the separation of time it's really to make sure that when we deal with CETA we deal with all the matters whether governance or any matter that the committee would have faced before CETA. So all those concerns would have been taken care of. So that's what informs also the program is that we look at what areas of focus but also areas that we have taken interest on as the committee as part of our oversight. Of course there's an annual report of the committee content advisers. With that aspect the part that relates to the leaders report you'll see in the draft program that it is regarded as a second draft because the first draft came before this committee last year. So we look at the second draft in order to further give an opportunity for members who may still want to apply their minds propose some amendments or changes so that when it comes before the committee for final adoption you still have another opportunity to input. And the fourth item it's really for the committee to consider an engagement between our content advisors and social media platforms in the main. That's to be ready to assist the committee and I'm sure for committee members who have attended the workshop that we had with a number of them would have also spoken to issues of misinformation and all that as we prepare for elections. So it's also I think a follow-up on that so that if members agree with the program today after the presentation we can then get the ball rolling in terms of ensuring that members are capacitated in handling this matter especially as we get to the elections. So that's basically how the main items are otherwise the approval of units is just what the committee would be able to handle. So I'm trying to help members to at least understand where we are right now we got to where we are. We also of course do not have too much time in this period however there's too much work to be done in that same period. So those would be the concluding points in guiding the meeting and therefore we'll go to the items. I take it honorable members there's no member will probably have a problem that they have not received notice on time and documentation in that regard so that we don't engage from a written position. So if no if no no point raised I take it that we are fine we would now present the draft program for discussion proposals and adoption if there are any so we'll go on a page by page. So therefore we'll go to the items. I take it honorable members there's no member will probably have a problem that they have not received notice on time and documentation in that regard so that we don't engage from a written position. So if no if no no point raised I take it that we are fine we would now present the draft program for discussion proposals and adoption if there are any so we'll go on a page by page. Honorable Takane. Thank you. I move for the approval of the program as highlighted on our screen. Thank you. Thank you. Any objection in us approving the program? Since no objection. Program then is agreed to. You now get to the next item as I said that's what content advises you can just give an indication in a few minutes. Good evening. Yes I can't see from my side. Maximum problems and I think that's my laptop so it's really not showing the picture. It's been a while. I'm trying to get on if you allow me. Please proceed. Thank you. Good evening chair. Good evening to the honorable members and the rest of the colleagues. If you just again fly to the annual report just to quickly run through it for the members. Honorable members the annual report is basically the captures the essence the work of the committee for the year activities and what has been covered in the main and as we know legislation remained the priority you know for the committee. The first section is just an overview of the chairperson and then that's the members that's section number two and emphasis on the mandates that's section three. Section four is on the the bills referred to the committee and that's including your softball your post bank and the rest of the bills that have been processed during the year by the committee. Oversight trips there was none but section four.

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