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The Last House on Needles Street

The Last House on Needles Street

Keira Collins



A quick description and suggestion of The Last House on Needles Street by Catriona Ward

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The speaker, Kierke Gollins, highly recommends the book "The Last House on Needless Street" by Katrina Ward. It is a captivating mystery that follows a man named Ted Bannerman and his life, which includes hints of PTSD and a mysterious missing girl. The book is narrated by various characters, including Ted and even his cat. The main idea revolves around the disappearance of the girl and the revelation that all the narrators are different versions of Ted, who has dissociative identity disorder. The book explores this real disorder and the author provides information about it at the end. Overall, the speaker finds the book unique, well-written, and recommends it. Hello everyone, my name is Kierke Gollins, and today I'm going to be talking about one of my favorite books that I've ever read. It is called The Last House on Needless Street, and it's written by Katrina Ward. This book is absolutely amazing. It is everything I am looking for in a mystery book. It's captivating from the very first chapter, and you're kind of wondering what's going on throughout the entire book. I had such a hard time putting this book down because it was just so captivating. I wanted to find out more about what the story and what was going on. This story follows a guy named Ted Bannerman, and you get a glimpse into what his life is like. You follow him as he is working through some things. You can tell that he has a little bit of some PTSD. You can kind of tell right off the bat from the first chapter that Ted kind of has a little bit of an odd element to him. The book is actually narrated by many different characters. The main one is Ted Bannerman, and actually one narrator is his cat, Olivia. So right off in the first chapter, we can find out that this little girl had gone missing many years ago, and no one really ever knows what happened to her. So that is the main idea of the book, where you're kind of just like, okay, what happened to this girl, and where did she go? But not only that, we're also following Ted Bannerman and kind of getting a glimpse of what his life is like, and you kind of are like, what is going on with this guy? What the heck? So as you read in the story, pretty much in the last chapter, we find out the entire story idea because the story builds onto itself like most books do, but in this book, we don't find out the entire idea up until the very last chapter of the book. So in the end, we come to find out that all of the people who narrate the book, or all the characters who narrate the book, are all versions of Ted. We find out that Ted has identity dissociative disorder and that he has split personalities. So something that I've noticed is many books tend to adapt this idea. Just an example is the movie Split. It has a similar idea with more of a creepy element, but at the end, we find out that this guy has identity dissociative disorder. Stories like this are so interesting to me because this is a real disorder, and just reading kind of a glimpse of it is just so interesting to me, and also the story is just absolutely amazing. It's very unique and captivating and interesting, and it's just, it's so good. The way it's written, the language the author chooses to use, it's absolutely phenomenal. At the very end of the book, the author has a couple of, about a paragraph written of the actual disorder. She did much research and she is spreading awareness about it, and it's really interesting to read. She said that she got this book idea from reading about this disorder and that she found it very interesting and she wanted to write a book about it. At the very, very end, she cites her sources about where she got all the information from, and it's just so interesting to read, and it's just another very good element of the book that's added to it. Honestly, I could talk about this book for hours because it's so good. There's so many different pieces, and I could talk about each chapter bit by bit for hours. Overall, I would highly recommend this book, and I would love to find people who have also written it or read it to talk about it with them because I haven't met anyone who's read it, and it's, this book is so underrated, and it's very good. Thank you all for listening, and I hope you have an amazing day.

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