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Every Aspect of my Life - Ken Lee

Every Aspect of my Life - Ken Lee




Never Outshine The Master The Lonely Chapter Subsets of Reality Emotion Management Every Parts of The Mindless Mind

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Every aspect of life, Luke Belmar, what if life wasn't about happiness, and what if life is about experiencing every aspect and every emotion that life has? Wouldn't you want to experience the full set of range of emotions that life has to offer you? The sadness, the heartbreaks, the joy, you can't have happiness without sorrow, you can't have pleasure without pain. And to neglect one thing is to neglect life. And in order for you to achieve freedom, you need to be able to understand that. You need to be unwaveringly decided to enjoy every aspect of the life experience. The We Are Men human who really love ramen noodle dishes, speech was captured from the article, Enjoying Every Aspect of Life by Luke Belmar. People who actually overcome their fear and they trade it for gratitude, you know. Their immune system gets stronger, their genes upregulate, everything changes. Their brain changes, they feel differently. We're measuring it now in our events. With reputable scientists through difficult experiments and critical examination of theories in universities, they were shocked by the outcome. One of our top scientists said he ran this experiment three times in a row and have the exact same result. The virus which we expose the cell to in a advanced meditation such as Shaolin monks or Buddhist practitioner, the virus does not enter the cell. The virus in novice meditators, in other hand, some of it get inside the cell, some of it stay outside the cell. The cell controls all the viruses in the cell. There's an immunity system. So when the person's less reactionary to unimportant noises in their environment, there's less of a response that weakens them. They're less of a victim to their environment in large scale and in small scale as well. The body has a greater immunity to whatever it is, how gruesome and eff up the situation is, and that's the truth. Project Truth, remember? KJ has no memories of his memory wipes till this day, by the way. Which floor are we on nowadays, K? Mayday, mayday? The science is clear. I mean, meditation increases your immunity to infections and disease. It does so through epigenetic functions. When we self-regulate our biology and emotions, er, so we signal new genes and create new chemicals. This is why meditation is so vital, and crucial to overall well-being and our mental health. Captain Deletion of Delusional Territory. People will see through Vitaly X-Files next slide. Power pointy mind. Oh, Mike. Speaker of this speech, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Heavily edited and remixed by KJ. In peace, please. Never outshine the master. Well, you'd be surprised how many people violate this unspoken law, and its premise of it is the person who above you, and there's always somebody above you. So, no matter how high you rise, it has an ego. Think about ego like an eagle flying up high toward the castle floating freely at the middle of the sky. It's important to keep it rhythm. And you're not aware that even people who are very successful have egos and insecurities. You assume that they're so strong and powerful. They reach this high position and that you can almost do anything. You have to worry about it because they're so strong. But in fact, the higher people rise, the more sensitive and prickly they actually become. They're very worried about whether you respect them enough, etc. They're worried about what people say behind their back. If you try so hard in the work world to impress the people around you and impress the boss, you might end up inadvertently triggering their insecurities. They might end up thinking that they are more popular than they are. Or they might start worrying that perhaps you're after their job. This speech was delivered by Mr. Robert Green on the podcast about Eagle Shrine. To properly sum it up, always make those above you feel comfortably superior in a good sense. In your desire to please and impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents. Or you might accomplish the opposite, inspire fear and insecurity. Therefore, make your masters appear more brilliant than they are. And you will attain the heights of power. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again. So, Nolan added, I feel that over time we started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams. In a sense, I want to make the case to you that our dreams are virtual realities. These abstractions that we enjoy and surround ourselves with, they are subsets of reality. Schopenhauer, who thought that character came from one's father and intellect came from one's mother, said that genius was the product of an exceptionally strong-willed father and an exceptionally intelligent mother. Eat that frog. You have virtually unlimited ability to learn and develop new skills, habits, and abilities. When you train yourself through repetition and practice, to overcome procrastination and get your most important tasks complete quickly, everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again. They are subsets of reality. The power of memories and expectations is such that for most human beings, the past and the future are not as real, but more real than the present. The present cannot be lived happily unless the past has been cleared up and the future is bright with promise. In play, there is no stakes. You know, no boundaries, no right or wrong. No quotas for productivity. It's an uninhibited state where your spirit can run free. The best idea arise most often and easily through this relaxed state. Putting importance on the work too soon stirs up instincts of caution. Instead, we want to break free of the shackles of reality and avoid all forms of creative restraints. Well, so I'm not just intimidating. I'm a force that commands attention. You feel uncomfortable not because of me, but because my confident presence challenges your comfort zone. I won't shrink myself to boost your ego. Instead, take your jealousy as a compliment and get ready for a show. Everything's fine except for you. Play knows no bounds. It defies stakes and rules, allowing your spirit to roam unfettered. It's in this uninhibited state that the best ideas effortlessly emerge. Rather than rushing into significance, play liberates us from the constraints of reality and unleashes boundless creativity. Let your imagination soar and embrace the freedom of unrestrained creation. I'm not intimidating. You're intimidated, and there's a difference. I'm not mean or aggressive. I'm honest and assertive, and that makes you uncomfortable. In fact, it is not even me that makes you uncomfortable. It's my presence that challenges your comfort. But I won't make myself less for you to feel better about yourself. Jealousy is a good indication you are doing something right. Take it as a compliment and give them a show. Everything is fine except for you. The Lonely Chapter by Chris Wilmeth There's a period in everybody's journey where they are so different because they start to do new things that they no longer fit in with their old set of friends. But they're not sufficiently developed that they've gained their new set of friends. And all of my friends are making fun of me. Oh, not drinking again? Too good for us, are we? Not going out again this week? Okay, well, like enjoy staying at home and reading. And that Lonely Chapter that's in the middle is something that I would say that almost nobody that I have ever met who has gone from the place where they want to be hasn't gone through. If you follow your crazy dreams, you have to go through the Lonely Chapter eventually. Speech by Chris Williamson Preparing to do the thing is not doing the thing. Scheduling time to do the thing. Making to-do lists isn't doing the thing. Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing anything. Writing a banger tweet about how you're going to do the thing is actually doing the thinking. Just kidding. What are you doing here, John? Hating on other people who have done the thing. This is just jealous, jealously, with extra steps, extra stepping stones. Please stop doing that. It's really irritating, guys. Hating on the obstacles in the way of you. While doing the thing, also not in my thinking part. Fantasizing about all of the adoration, praise, compliments after you will receive once you finish the thing is not doing anyone anything good. You know what John means, right? Reading about how to do the thing isn't not to do the thing. Reading this essay, listening to this essay, recording this article is not doing, well, the thinking. The only way of doing the thing is, guess what, just do the thing. The thing 1982. Is it your pivot point, mate? It's mine now. Let me share it to you from now on. Word. World of wisdom. Will wishing well. So. Myth of the will. The magic you're looking for is in the work. Is in the work. Is in the work. It's in the freaking work that you're avoiding. Let Edward rephrase it for Norm. The work that you are avoiding have the magic that you are looking for. So. You know. Magic looking. Stop avoiding work. Remember the maze. John Osterman, Nathan Hunt, Lana has no loan and. Credit Chris will X and the author man. Thanks for listening to my carefully edited gibberish, guys. So. Specifically. Many men have internalized the message that. Expressing emotions is unacceptable. You know, and society has often taught them to suppress their feelings. Bury it deep down. Leading to a stoic demeanor that lacks of any authenticity. In other world, they get super hyper stoic. Stone it. Hi, but not in a real, real way. That is nice. Thank you, Mike. So. The societal conditioning discourages vulnerability. And restrains genuine emotional expression. Impacting their overall well-being. It is crucial to challenge these ingrained notions. And encourage men to embrace. And express their emotions in a healthy. And fulfilling manner. It's like. It's all repressed. And it's down there. And then it just. Blowing up sound. It blows up when you're stressed out. Frustrated or drink too much. Tequila. All right. So learning how to process your emotion. And be aware of them is key. OB key. Low key. You know. It will make you a better leader. More empathetic to the people around you. Your wife and your partners. But. It is a process of becoming. Just taking that extra eight mile like. When I teach people around emotional emotion. And it's taken extra breath. Breath in deeply full four seconds. To fill in the oxygen to your lung. Before anything comes out. This breathing technique allows. Just that extra four seconds. For your prefrontal cortex to engage. To get the O2 to your brain. And go choo-choo like. What the heck. Am I experiencing right now. Pause for a short half second. To clear your mind and breath out for six seconds. Slowly. Total ten seconds for each session. Each session last two minutes. Two minutes you hear me. Do that every time you feel nervous. Before giving speech. Technique invented by Dr. Alan Watkins. Coherent breathing is also a form of mindfulness. For anxiety. And can be incorporated into a meditation. For anxiety practice. Another organizing principle is. I won't make a long term decision. If I'm in an emotional state. If I'm emotionally compromised. And if I'm super emotionally compromised. I won't have a conversation with that person. With that personality. Until I am not you know. Because I'm more likely to say something. That I won't. I will never want to say. The speech was delivered by Mr. Sebastian Ingers. In the article. Manage your emotions.

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