Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by expressing gratitude to Allah for the opportunity to gather and remember Him. They discuss the trait of cowardice and how it is the opposite of bravery, which is accompanied by faith, wisdom, and knowledge. They highlight the importance of bravery in overcoming ignorance and promoting Islam. They emphasize that knowledge alone is not enough if it is accompanied by ego and love for the world. They discuss the importance of having a heart filled with iman and the need to overcome worries and whisperings. The speaker mentions the importance of truthfulness in intention and action and gives examples of brave individuals such as Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. They talk about the fearlessness that comes with bravery and the power of remembrance of Allah in the heart. They argue that the mind alone is not enough and that faith requires bravery and conviction in the heart. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Beloved Seekers Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah Our Gratitude to Allah for having able us to be here on this very blessed Thursday evening In a state of good iman and health In sha Allah And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increase our iman and our taqwa until our very last days Amin Ya Rabbil Alameen For we could be anywhere else doing everything else Except for in a state of remembrance of Allah And for that very fact that we are able to sit down and remember Allah We should be making sujood of shukur Plenty of it Alhamdulillah For it is truly a ni'mah And the ruinous trait that we are going to talk about today Is actually Allahumma inniya a'udhu bika minal hami wal hazan wa a'udhu bika minal ajasi wal kasal wa a'udhu bika minal jubuni wal bukhul Jubun Ya'ni Cowardice And One of the most fearful trait For a salik to have Ya'ni for one who is Trying to reach Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Is the trait of cowardice Now cowardice The opposite of it of course it means Shaja'a Ya'ni bravery But bravery here doesn't mean mindless bravery But it is bravery that is accompanied with faith Accompanied with iman Accompanied with taqwa Accompanied with hikmah Wisdom Accompanied with knowledge Accompanied with adil Just And just Must be accompanied with hilm This is what ulama has mentioned With forbearance For al-nabi s.a.w When he overcome The jahiliya Which means the ignorance He didn't just overcome it With ilm With knowledge But he overcame it with hilm The aynu changed to ha maftuh It becomes hilm Which means forbearance So there are many people who have knowledge But their knowledge has no power No strength Because it doesn't bring them to bravery So when one has knowledge Which is accompanied with iman Then it becomes strength and bravery In this day and age We see many people Who have tremendous knowledge Of number one islam Or even knowledge of dunya But they have no bravery at all And that is the reason why Their knowledge is accompanied with ego The knowledge is accompanied with nafsu The knowledge is accompanied with The whisperings of shaitan And knowledge that they have of islam Is also accompanied with the love of the world So you see today There's a lot of people Who are preaching islam But at the same time They lead a life Which does not Not lead a life Let's not talk about their personal life But they also promote the love of the world And this does not go hand in hand with iman So there's two different things It does not stop you from being rich But at the same time The preaching Should not also make you a person That works only for dunya You live only for your dunya You live only for your nafsu You live only for According to the whisperings of shaitan So one who has iman Their hearts must be filled with it To the point that there is no room For anything else Except for Allah If the heart still has worry Then there needs to be work That needs to be done If the heart is still moving Because of the whisperings Then work still needs to be done Why? Because the person has not developed bravery To overcome that whispering The person has not developed bravery To overcome example The nafsu And nafsu here example Laziness So laziness is not There's a difference between being tired And being lazy Qaslan That's why the prophet s.a.w Inna du'a Allahuma Inni a'udhu bika minal hammi wal hazan Wa a'udhu bika minal ajazi wal kasal Wa a'udhu bika minal jubni wal bukhul Wa a'udhu bika minal ghalabati daini Wal sahri rijal All of this That we have just read in this du'a That you can find in your PFEH Prayers for the anxious heart For waridul salam Are all can be found in these four categories The ego The nafsu The love of the world And your dunya And that's why it's a very powerful du'a But it must be done with understanding Like we see Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq R.A He was given the title as-Siddiq Because he had bravery Bravery to overcome What was his name Abu Jahal came to attack him with Abu Jahal came to him to attack with what Fitnah Lies upon an-Nabi s.a.w Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Even he didn't go for the Isra wal Mi'raj He says If it come from him an-Nabi s.a.w I believe it There's no need for dalil There's no need for scientific proof But you Abu Jahal need your scientific proof That's to you So he was brave enough To believe Even before looking at the dalil Because he knows who he is talking about An-Nabi s.a.w So when we have that mahabba for Sayyidina Muhammad Or we claim to have that mahabba Then we must be brave Then we must be truthful So Ulema defines Siddiq Truthfulness as Truthfulness first in intention You're truthful in your intention You're truthful in caring or giving attention to your intention If you're not truthful In giving attention to your intention Then you're not brave It's not that you haven't gained enough strength But you're not brave And then you're truthful when you fall That means when you skid off the path Or you fall from the path You're truthful That means you're brave enough to what? To fall And you're truthful when you're rising up That means you're brave enough When you are recuperating Or you're recovering from your fall You're brave enough to recover This is Shija That's why bravery and being Siddiq Truthfulness cannot be separated This is the way of Futuwa Shufari That we're covering every Monday And then you have Sayyidina Omar bin Farouk Sayyidina Omar Al-Farouk The one of criterion The one who knows right and wrong And whoever the path Sayyidina Omar takes Shaitan will take the other So the bravery of Sayyidina Omar Send out this magnetic field That Shaitan cannot even come close That's bravery So when you're brave Fear does not enter within you Like the fear of overcoming your Nafsu Fear of curtailing your ego Or cutting the ego Fear of cutting the voices That Shaitan throws at you The fear of losing Dunya Doesn't come close to you Why? Because there's this electromagnetic field Of your Iman that covers around you It can't come close to you Why? Because the Zikir enters the heart I was reading this book Energy Medicine Doctor has yet to approve it But it's quite a lot of medical scientific research as well They use apparatus They do a lot of lab research Interestingly On medicine that doctors don't talk about So it's like energy This kind of thing Very interesting It's not just medicine But it talks about physics And talks about electric That was my bus ride read So he said Interestingly This is one point that I'd like to add The body produces The body has electricity And the most intense electricity Guess where? Here That's where you get the most electric feel So if you truly have You know we've been talking about the hearts The Ta'aba is the heart So if we truly bring back the Alhamdulillah Or Syukrulillah There will never be a moment Of disappointment I'm not saying this without any I'm saying this with all bravery There won't be any disappointment There shouldn't be any unhappiness There shouldn't be Oh I am not attuned Or this or that Because your heart is always Electronically charged with Alhamdulillah And Allah replies immediately If you are Syukur I will increase Rasulullah Sayyidina Umar R.A. Al-Faruq He was able to tell right and wrong Not just because of the knowledge But because of the bravery that is in his heart And Allah gave him that insight Are we brave enough to even carry Ma'rifah Then Allah will open the way for us Are we brave enough to overcome our Nafs That's why Sayyidina Umar said To overcome his ego and his Nafs Ya Rasulullah I love you but I love myself more Then Prophet S.A.W. says you know Umar not yet Until you love me more than you love yourself That's overcoming the ego How can one say I have done dhikr but I don't feel satisfied How can one say I have prayed to Allah But I don't feel satisfied Means you are not brave enough To let go of that dissatisfaction That darkness That dunya, ego has wrapped you with Are you brave enough to say Yes I am satisfied Even when your mind and your body says not Because your heart has felt it Because the bravery Is where it is most intense Electricity place is most intense is where Heart Not your mind Allah when put you in the womb of your mothers After the first thing when you go for scan What does you look for The heartbeat not the mind beat So why are we emphasizing About the strength of the mind When we are very weak in our heart Where are you going to go with your mind You cannot go far But with your heart You can go very far When the heart is strong The mind will start to function properly The mind then function with the intellect Not just with arithmetic and science There are many things here Even science can explain The example they cannot explain charge What is the charge Electronic atom charge What is the charge So many definition of charge That they go like Let's not undefine the definition It is what it is So how do you understand the charge of The zikr of Allah In your heart We cannot explain So when you enter zikr You feel your heart You feel the heat You feel all of this That you cannot get when you go to a gym Then you have to be brave enough to say This is the effect of zikr in your heart You need to go to your gym And you do a lot Then you sweat like what you get like this You get what I am trying to say This sweat that you get You just do la ilaha illallah Doesn't make any sense Here It makes full sense here The heart accepts But the mind has not So why do you agree with the mind When it comes to faith You have studied sifat duplo You have studied your farduin You have studied all of this Now Allah says Allahu wujud How do you understand that They have given dalil Naqli and aqli You have to go with the dalil of You know Certainty of iman in the heart This is for those who are brave For those who are brave They walk on the path of yaqin Not just iman And then you have Sayyidina Uthman Laffan Zulnurain The one with the two Lights Why? Because He was brave enough To be modest Having his haya That even angels Were ashamed of him In this day and age If you are modest You are not brave But this Modesty of Sayyidina Uthman He was brave So only those who are brave Would be modest Because they understand The presence And they feel The presence And they witness They mushahadah The presence of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala How are you going to get this In the class? You can't get it in the class You can only get it When you do your zikr And you ignite your heart With this And you take away the rust In the heart With the electromagnetic power Of zikr That comes from the arraj Straight into your heart Then you become Stronger That's the way of Awliya Allah S.W.T Which Prophet Ran away from problems? You tell me Sayyidina Yahya Joined the Baptist What happened to him? He was cut into half My friend When he hid in the tree I went to his maqam In Masjid Umayyad He's there Sayyidina Yusuf A.S Also the same Sayyidina Zakaria Sayyidina Yahya Sayyidina Ishaq Sayyidina Yaakub Sayyidina Yunus Sayyidina Yunus Thrown into the belly Of the whale Or big fish Whatever you want to call it Had no fear Sayyidina Sulaiman A.S Had no fear with power He was given the power To control all of the elements The power to Have the jinns As his soldiers and all No fear at all Why? Because their heart Is charged with what? The iman of Allah La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah And they say Ta'uz A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim We seek refuge From our ego We seek refuge From our nafs Who whispers Of shaitan in dunya When you seek refuge From all of this You will realize Allah has already Given you this strength Energy doesn't decrease In this dunya Am I right? Physics It is and it is Transferred Which means All of the risky That you need From the time of Sayyidina Adam Until the last person Is already in this dunya It doesn't wait for it To come down anymore Which means All of the things That you need Is already here If it is not here Then it is your time to go back There is no need to be You need to be brave enough To tell your nafs I am not going to look At that person with greed I am not going to look At that person with Envy With arrogance With greed With fear No Because everything has been settled Everything has been written I didn't know physics Am I right? Science class I am not teaching religion I am teaching science Everything The power doesn't decrease It is still there The energy doesn't decrease It is just the transference of it It moves from one to another One to another The kutrah of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala And then we come to Sayyidina Ali Wajahu He is known as what He is the door To the knowledge Of this kutrah Of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W From whom That we take All of this knowledge from And this is the strength Of Sayyidina Ali His knowledge Gave him strength His knowledge Gave him strength To fight the khawarij To go through All of the fitna That he had to go through Subhanallah And that is the reason why Bravery If we look at it Fear Has no room For people who have iman Verily The friends of Allah The Awliya Allah S.A.W Has no cowardice No fear No huzun No anxiety Because they have Allah So when you say All these four enemies Will come and whisper to you The ego Number one The ego So the ego You know It will always tell you Why do another sunnah You don't have to do it You know Or you can say You know My teacher didn't do this Or that Or this Another sunnah You know You learn of a sunnah Practice it Why don't you practice it Why? Because the ego doesn't want it Not because you are tired Why don't you do your zikr today Why don't you feel like it That don't feel like it Is actually what? Have you heard yourself Say that if you have And you cannot identify Then you have been Cloaked with it But if you have heard Yourself saying that And you can identify Then the power of Farrukh The bravery of Farrukh The criterion Is giving Is coming Is allowing you to see this This is my ego I shouldn't follow this Then you need that bravery To push that away To overcome the cowardice Of not performing your zikr Actually Those who follow their ego Who follow their passions And desires And the whisperings of dunya And shaitan They are not brave at all Because it is easy to do evil As the ulema has mentioned To do good Is good Alhamdulillah But you will be more rewarded To avoid the haram It is easy to do good In sha Allah But you will be more rewarded To avoid haram This is for awam The general people But at the level of Sufiya Their bravery is such that They don't want people To be affected By their Lack of adab So the ego is such Example Maybe This person These two friends You know Or three friends Three friends The What do you call that Bowen's theory Of anxiety I always talk about it Remember So maybe These two These three are friends Then these two Are also friends Then these two fought You get what I'm trying to say And then They Another friend come in And says let's have lunch So they went to invite These two Friends Then this friend said Can we invite this fellow And then this friend said No, cannot Misal Cannot invite Because Anyway We had Squabbles And then Now what happened This one And this one This one feels offended Why because You go see the IG photo Or this kind of thing Or you go to lunch At what Whatever restaurant You all go I don't know Whatever restaurant Some Turkish restaurant Today the Turkish vibe Very strong The maqam barakah Is coming Then they go to A Turkish restaurant Then what happened is They take pictures And they wear the Mehtiar hat And all this Show pictures Then come out Then this Muhammad Or this Mina Not happy Why never invite me I'm also a friend Actually this is all ego The one that got Offended Ego The one that didn't invite Also both ego Example If We are not Invited What must we do Alhamdulillah For some people Alhamdulillah For the IG generation Astaghfirullah For the Tiktok generation Is Walau Three different It gets shorter Astaghfirullah Alhamdulillah Astaghfirullah Tu je hilang Takde apa-apa And then this one Also Nothing wrong Not inviting and inviting But If we look at it At the heart level What must the ego say Halas So at the end of the day You know Let's say example This person Invite this person Okay This person invite Because To overcome the E The ego This person pulak Eh When being invited You know Or not being invited The ego is such that I'm still the same Jangan di ni pulak Masuk campur Bik gaduh-gaduh Then it becomes what Gaduh-gaduh Makan gaduh No more Turkish All gaduh-gaduh So it is all the ego What are we entertaining E Example Oh many occasions They never invite me And all these To take my idea Yeah Take lah Halas It is not even yours It belongs to the In the new age The universe Allahunya My grandfather once told me In class of In our hikmah class He said Sometimes there are imams That we don't like But know that Allah Placed him there because He has favoured Allah In some way Which means It is our ego That is not what It is not aligned The ego that is fighting Time and Space So next time If people invite Don't invite What must you do Alhamdulillah Maybe we have offended someone So what do we say I'm sorry If that person Invites you Then all the more We must be humble And we say Alhamdulillah We go But we don't Make a difference Whether they are Invited They are not Invited And then These things Bring us nowhere Our maqsud Is higher What is the maqsud La maqsuda ilallah Time and space The invitation Has been given Why are you not Running to that Why are we not Running to that invitation Turkish Food is You know Cucumber Cheese Olives We will go And you see We will buy Have lunch with you Correct or not You can make Apple tea You can make green tea You can make purple tea Everybody is happy We go We come Dunia is not forever So if you are going to choose Your time and space Then know that You are choosing Limitedness We come to this world Nothing you know But we are very pure Alhamdulillah We are born in a state of fitrah Our duty now Is to maintain the fitrah In that episode Both also Is like An eye for an eye One must be invited Maybe there was no ego involved It was just a situation All this kind of thing Khalas We must be brave enough To be what To go uninvited You all tak cool You know Like me Tak tahu siapa yang rumah kahwin Pergi makan balik Salam Alhamdulillah Assalamualaikum We make dua for the bride and groom Go for vlog Jiran never invite But is my neighbor Just go and wish them well Assalamualaikum Assalamualaikum Alhamdulillah Why you scared? Oh malulah This is Malu tak kena tempat Orang Melayu kata Melayu Melayu kata pula Eh ini The shame Never kena the place You never got married right? Aren't you supposed to Wish your neighbor well? Oh I cannot go unannounced Nevermind Go there Unannounced Give the salaman I'm sure he will invite you to makan If not It's okay Alhamdulillah That's why our life is Alhamdulillah wa So next time Don't invite me I'll come If you invite me I won't come Oh shit I got maulid at my house I'm just informing you Okay You're not inviting right? No Then I'll come You get what I'm trying to say There was This This Of course Things might be Different in different context Or situation Whatever it is But our hearts If it's just too Electronically charged Like hot wheels Right Too charged with the zikr of Allah You just laugh off the situation Ah ha ha Okay Alhamdulillah You're happy I'm happy Everybody's happy Okay Why do we Why are we so Encapsulated by time and space Tak ada apa Every week I invite you all for zikr Correct or not Most of the time Alhamdulillah My attendance is the highest I cannot vouch for all of you Or must be brave enough lah Many times I tell myself Today just let the boys do the zikr Or whatever No must be brave enough to say No come Come You get what I'm trying to say So when we create that Around us That electromagnetic field You become magnetically charged What happens then Shake hands But it's not you Because you have to deny yourself So there's no ego Who's doing the work So who's doing the work Your shaykh Then you say it's not me Then you go back Shaykh it's not you then who My shaykh Then goes back Then goes back Then goes who A Siddiq Then he goes to Babul A'im Sayyidina Ali And then he says Who behind all of that Who's pulling you Sayyidina Muhammad Look at the bravery of the Prophet s.a.w He is going to be there He's pulling you Until he pulls you to heaven Why are you not brave enough To reply to that call That shafa'ah Is his electromagnetic pull Right Pulling you To where To jannah tau That means when he's pulling you to jannah You know what's happening He's pulling you away From the darkness of shaytan The darkness of the ego The darkness of Dunia, love of the world And this nafsu He's pulling you Not you doing You're not doing anything my friend What makes you think You are the one doing this work He is the one pulling you Out of your misery That's why he says When you do one salawat upon me Allah himself will send 10 on you Allah himself will send 10 That invitation for you To go to jannah my friend Because you only need one Rahmah And our ego says Tak ada apa-apa pun salawat Sama je Why because you're blinded by yourself Not by Sayyidina Muhammad s.a.w Not by Allah s.w.t But we are blinded by all of this Social gathering and social Whatever And dunia and ego And this and that Khalas When there's no one that invites you Tell yourself I'm invited every Thursday I'm invited every Friday I'm invited every Sunday And once a month Every Saturday Ada tangah Ada makan Sometimes got music What music? Mahalukiam Right? Free No charge Now we got sweets from Turkey What else you want? Get to meet Firdaus Probably his birthday today InsyaAllah Is it your birthday today? Last few days ago Last year we celebrated Four times his birthday I tell you And then they said He didn't grow old Four times in one year Subhanallah Firdaus's birthday Ini satu keramat It's a keramat you have to write In his manaqib InsyaAllah So he's four times happy Correct? His pull is so strong People celebrate his birthday Four times So Firdaus Ya There is no to accept Or not to accept this His pull is so strong In his heart Unknowingly We celebrated him Four times last year Isn't that good? How many times did people Celebrate your birthday Last year I did? One So he's four Three times stronger Braver than you How many times did people Celebrate Prophet SAW? Because his bravery When we celebrate An-Nabi SAW We increase in their bravery To overcome all of our dunyas Because the power of the Prophet SAW InsyaAllah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah So that's the topic for today To overcome Cowardice In all aspects of our lives Each time I'm faced With a situation that Fears me I overcome it Which means There are times that We need to do tafakkur Sit down and think about Our situation This is the time that I face this situation With Siddiq With Farruq With Zulmurain With Alam It's four Our Sahabas have given us Great MashaAllah Great treasures To overcome the four enemies Ego Nafsu Love of the world And Shaitan And Khwaja Habibullah SAW Says something similar In his Faizul Habib as well If you have the book InsyaAllah So Alhamdulillah May Allah take away All of our fears Which are nothing more Than our illusions And make us people Who are dependent on him And be happy To be depending on him People who are clear Of what we're doing Because we say we're Depending on him Not people who say it At the lips But they are not guided In their hearts And in their limbs And in their thoughts And may we be people Who are brave enough To overcome sinning Brave enough To overcome our egos Brave enough To overcome the whispers Of Shaitan Brave enough To overcome the love Of this world And be people Who are brave enough To embrace the way Of Siddiqiyah People brave enough To embrace the way Of Faruqiyah Brave enough To embrace the way Of Muraniyah Brave enough To embrace the way Of Ilmiyah And then we get closer To the north And Sayyidina Muhammad For ourselves Our murshids Our teachers Our brothers and sisters In the khanta Those who are present And those who are absent And those who wish to be here May the pull Of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W Gather our hearts Make us strong To overcome All of our adversities In dunya And give strength To the ummah Of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W So that we are Overcoming all Of the obstacles With the mahabbat Of Rasul S.A.W With the strength Of the four sahabah In sha Allah And the strength And the blessings Of our silsila That goes into our hearts In sha Allah And it flows from us Into our families Our communities In sha Allah Our brothers and sisters Ameen