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Ben Carson Interview

Ben Carson Interview

Landon Bragg



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Hi there, Dr. Ben Carson. It's awesome that I get to interview you today in this environment. So I want to start this interview off by asking you about your early childhood experience and challenges. How do you think the presence of artificial intelligence would have affected your education and your academic journey throughout your early years and your personal development? Reflecting on my own childhood experiences, the presence of artificial intelligence in education could have been quite transformative. Imagine having access to advanced AI-driven educational tools and resources that cater to individual learning styles and paces. This could provide a more personalized and efficient learning experience. In my early academic journey, such technology might have helped me navigate challenges and strengthen my understanding of various subjects. AI could offer tailored learning modules, adaptive assessments, and interactive simulations, making education more engaging and effective. It has the potential to identify areas where a student may need additional support and provide targeted assistance. Moreover, AI could have expanded access to educational opportunities, especially for those in underserved communities. It's essential to ensure that technological advancements in education are accessible to all, helping to bridge gaps and promote equal learning opportunities. Of course, while AI has great potential, it's crucial to strike a balance and maintain the human touch in education. The guidance and mentorship of teachers, parents, and role models play a fundamental role in shaping a person's character and values, aspects that go beyond what AI can provide. Wow, that's awesome to hear. I definitely see artificial intelligence having a big impact in my educational journey, that's for sure. It's great to hear about how you had a kind of rough upbringing with not a lot of resources and that artificial intelligence definitely could have helped you out in your upbringing and education to kind of balance the playing field for you. So, during your childhood, how do you think exposure to these AI technologies would have shaped your perspectives, maybe your ambition, and how you would overcome obstacles? Growing up in a challenging environment, exposure to AI technologies during my childhood could have had a significant impact on my perspectives. The introduction of AI in education might have instilled a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, offering new and engaging ways to explore traditionally challenging subjects. AI tools could have provided me with additional resources and support, helping me overcome obstacles more efficiently. The personalized nature of AI-driven education might have allowed me to focus on areas where I needed improvement, fostering a sense of accomplishment and ambition. Moreover, witnessing the capabilities of AI in problem-solving and critical thinking could have influenced my approach to overcoming challenges. It might have encouraged a mindset of adaptability and resilience, essential qualities for navigating difficult circumstances. However, it's important to note that the human aspect of mentorship and guidance cannot be replaced by technology. While AI can enhance the learning experience, the encouragement and support from teachers, mentors, and family members remain invaluable in shaping one's character and fostering a strong work ethic. In essence, exposure to AI technologies in education during my childhood could have been a powerful complement to traditional learning methods, offering additional tools and perspectives to help me navigate and overcome the challenges I faced. Well, it's very interesting to hear. I think I'm definitely lucky to have artificial intelligence while I'm going throughout my younger years and my education. I think it's really helped me learn a lot faster and more effectively. So hearing how you think it might have impacted you is pretty interesting to know about. So continuing on with the questions about your early life, how do you think your artificial intelligence would have impacted your decisions in your career choice of medicine, like how you research medicine and your just day-to-day interactions and maybe why you chose medicine? How do you think artificial intelligence would have affected that? If artificial intelligence, especially large language models like GPT-3, had been present during my early years in education, it could have influenced my early career choices in medicine in several ways. Firstly, the access to vast amounts of medical information through AI could have expedited my learning process. Large language models could provide comprehensive and up-to-date resources, aiding in a deeper understanding of medical concepts and advancements. This might have allowed me to explore various medical specialties with more ease and make informed decisions about my career path. Additionally, the use of AI in medical research and diagnosis might have sparked my interest in the intersection of technology and healthcare. Witnessing the potential of AI in analyzing complex medical data could have inspired a curiosity about how these technologies could be applied to improve patient care, diagnostics, and treatment strategies. On the other hand, the human-centric nature of medicine, particularly the doctor-patient relationship, remains irreplaceable. While AI can offer valuable insights and support, the empathy, communication skills, and personal connection that doctors bring to their practice are fundamental aspects of healthcare that cannot be replaced by technology. In summary, the emergence of AI during my early career exploration might have broadened my understanding of medicine, accelerated my learning, and potentially led to an increased interest in the integration of technology in healthcare. Nevertheless, the core values of empathy and human connection in medicine would continue to be of paramount importance. Artificial intelligence mixed with medicine is something that needs to be carefully evaluated and considered because, as you mentioned, artificial intelligence cannot mimic that of human care. So it's great to hear such an informed person's perspective about the topic. So as someone that had such a huge amount of success in the medical field, how do you think that the role of artificial intelligence will shape the future of healthcare, and how might it influence your approach to neurosurgery if you were starting your career now? The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of healthcare is immense, and its impact on neurosurgery, a field I dedicated much of my career to, is particularly noteworthy. If I were starting my career now, I would likely view AI as a powerful ally in advancing medical practices and improving patient outcomes. AI could revolutionize neurosurgery by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and surgical procedures. For instance, AI algorithms could analyze complex medical imaging data, aiding in the early detection of neurological conditions and providing precise insights for treatment strategies. This could potentially lead to more effective and less invasive interventions. In the realm of surgical planning, AI could assist in developing personalized treatment plans based on individual patient data. Machine learning algorithms might help predict surgical outcomes, allowing for better informed decision making and potentially reducing risks. During actual surgical procedures, AI-driven technologies like robotics could offer more precise control and assistance, making surgeries less invasive and improving overall patient recovery times. While embracing these technological advancements, it's crucial to maintain a balance. The human touch in medicine, especially in neurosurgery where empathy and understanding are vital, remains irreplaceable. AI should be seen as a tool to enhance the capabilities of healthcare professionals rather than a substitute for the human aspect of care. In summary, the integration of AI in neurosurgery would likely have influenced my approach by providing advanced tools for diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgery. The key would be to leverage these technologies responsibly while ensuring that patient well-being and personalized care remain at the forefront of medical practice. Yeah, that's great to hear. And I think you're definitely right that artificial intelligence and these technological advancements can be a lot more precise than humans can, but they still lack the empathy and understanding that humans can ever have. So I think you make a great point crossing those two ideas. Hopefully these AI advancements will end up helping the human race as a whole instead of just taking jobs away. And hopefully humans can learn to work side-by-side with these technological advancements and ideas. So, you know, obviously you have some remarkable achievements in your neurosurgery, but maybe these AI advancements could also make some great achievements and maybe even come up with some new practices and ways of approaching neurosurgery. So, looking back at your educational journey, can you share your thoughts on how advancements in technology such as AI might have influenced your academic pursuits and research interests during your formative years? Certainly. Reflecting on my educational journey, advancements in technology like AI could have had a profound impact on my academic pursuits and research interests during my formative years. In terms of academic pursuits, access to AI-driven educational tools could have provided a more dynamic and personalized learning experience. These tools might have adapted to my learning style, offering tailored lessons and resources that cater to my strengths and weaknesses. This could potentially have accelerated my understanding of complex subjects and allowed for a more efficient acquisition of knowledge. Regarding research interests, the availability of AI could have opened up new avenues for exploration. The ability of AI to analyze large data sets and identify patterns might have influenced my research choices, leading to more data-driven and innovative projects. The integration of AI and research methodologies could have provided tools to delve deeper into complex scientific inquiries, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of neurosurgery and related fields. Furthermore, collaboration with AI systems could have streamlined certain aspects of research, enabling more efficient data processing and analysis. This efficiency might have facilitated a faster pace of discovery and innovation in the field of medicine. However, it's important to acknowledge the ethical considerations and responsible use of AI in research. Balancing the benefits of technology with ethical considerations is crucial to ensure that advancements contribute positively to scientific progress and the betterment of society. In summary, the integration of AI in education and research during my formative years could have enhanced the quality and efficiency of my academic pursuits, potentially shaping my research interests and methodologies in innovative ways. Yeah, that's great. I'm hoping that AI can also help with my education, help with my research, because my major is data science, and I hope that I can work side-by-side with artificial intelligence to do a good job learning and doing my research. So, in your opinion, how do your personal values align with your career choices? Because I know that you are a strong Christian, and you ran for president, but you're also a neuroscientist. So, in your career, how have you seen your values align with your career choices? And how do you think the integration of AI into professions could either enhance or challenge these values that you already have so strongly? Personal values are like the compass that guides you through life, and career choices are the paths you choose to walk. Now, throwing AI into the mix is like having a newfangled GPS dash. It can help you find your way faster, but you still need to decide where you want to go. If your values are about hard work and getting things done, AI can be like a trusty sidekick, helping you handle tasks more efficiently. On the flip side, if you're all about ethics and doing right by people, you might need to keep an eye on how AI is doing its thing to make sure it's not causing any mischief. And let's not forget the human touch. If you value connection and understanding, you'll want to make sure AI doesn't overshadow the importance of personal relationships. It's like having a fancy new tool in your toolbox. You use it when it makes sense, but you don't let it replace the tried and true methods that have been working for ages. In the end, it's about finding that sweet spot where technology complements your values and doesn't step on any toes. Life's a journey, and AI can be a cool travel companion if you know how to keep it in check. Wow, that's some great comparisons and analogies you made there. I think you make a lot of really good points, especially with that toolbox analogy. Additionally, having strong morals and personal values are so important for healthcare and really anywhere in the medical field, understanding patients and knowing how to treat them in a humane and ethical and effective way. So reflecting on your time as the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, can you discuss how you might have approached leadership and decision-making differently if AI tools were available to assist in medical diagnoses and treatment plans? Sure thing. Leading a team at Johns Hopkins was a rewarding experience. And if AI tools were part of the picture during my time as Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, it would have influenced how I approached leadership and decision-making. First off, in terms of medical diagnoses, having AI tools could have meant quicker and more accurate assessments. I'd likely encourage my team to embrace these tools for their diagnostic capabilities, making sure we stay on the cutting edge of technology to provide the best care for our young patients. When it comes to treatment plans, AI could have offered additional insights based on a vast amount of data. I'd see it as a collaborative effort where the expertise of my team and the capabilities of AI work hand in hand. It's like having a brainy colleague who can process tons of information in the blink of an eye, something worth tapping into. Now, decision-making is where the rubber meets the road. I'd approach it by combining the wisdom of seasoned professionals with the analytical power of AI. It's about finding that balance, using AI as a tool to support our decisions rather than replace the human touch and experience that my team brought to the table. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that AI is a tool, not the captain of the ship. The ethical considerations and the unique aspects of each patient's situation require a human touch. So, my leadership style would involve ensuring that my team maintains a keen eye on the ethical use of AI and that we never lose sight of the personal and compassionate aspects of patient care. In essence, AI in medicine is like having a high-tech assistant. You want to leverage its strengths while making sure it doesn't overshadow the importance of the human elements, empathy, understanding, and the art of medicine. Yeah, that's great to hear. AI is definitely going to have a huge impact on the medical field someday soon, and it's even happening right now. So, it's great to hear that you definitely agree with the fact that AI is moving in the right direction for healthcare in general. So, during your career, how did you balance your values with the demands of a successful medical career? Because, obviously, that takes a lot of time and effort. So, keeping to your values, you have a really hard test in medical school coming up. You might want to take the short way out. How did you stick to your medical values, or just your own values, really? And how do you see AI playing a role in complicating this balance of values in their career in the future for medical professionals? You know, in medicine, you've got to stick to your principles. For me, that meant always striving for excellence, showing compassion, and keeping things real. Now, if we throw AI into the mix, it's like getting a fancy new tool in the toolbox. It can help, no doubt, but you've got to make sure it doesn't mess with the core values of care and connection. Sure, AI can speed up things, make diagnoses sharper, and all that jazz. But you can't let it take over the show. It's like having a really smart intern. You guide them, make sure they're doing things right, but you don't let them run the whole hospital. In ethics, that's a big one. We can't let the tech wizards forget about doing what's right for the patient. Privacy, biases, all that stuff, you've got to keep a close eye on it. In the end, it's about balance. Use AI where it makes sense, but don't let it overshadow the good old values of medicine, caring for people, doing what's right, and making a real connection. Yeah, that's great to hear that you really stick to your principles. You know, that's so important in the medical field, especially, you know, during your run for presidency. I'm sure it's difficult to stick to your values when a lot of people are saying different things to you about, you know, maybe if your beliefs are wrong or they just disagree with you flat out. So it's great to hear a medical professional sticking to their principles and, you know, a politician as well, being that you're both of those things. So considering the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, especially in fields like health care, can you share your thoughts on how you believe these technologies should be integrated into medical practices, like in specific cases? You know, when it comes to AI in health care, we've got to be mindful of a few things. First off, it should be a helper, not the boss. Doctors and nurses, we've got to stay in charge, making the big decisions about patient care. AI can bring its smarts to the table, but it's the human touch that counts. And let's not forget ethics. AI needs to follow the same rules we do. Privacy, fairness, all that good stuff. We can't let technology run wild without a sense of what's right and wrong. Transparency is key, too. Patients, doctors, and everyone involved should know why AI is making certain decisions. It's like having a conversation with your colleague. You want to understand their thinking. Now, the heart of medicine is connection. We can't let AI take that away. Empathy, understanding, that's what makes health care special. So while we embrace the tech, we can't lose sight of what makes us human. In the end, it's a balancing act. We use AI to make things better, but we don't let it overshadow the values that have been at the core of health care forever. It's like adding a new tool to the toolbox. You use it when it makes sense, but you always stay in charge. Yeah, that's really great to hear from you. So, you know, after reading a little bit about you, I can see that you're pretty philanthropic. I can see that, you know, you have the Carson Scholars Fund for students trying to get through their school and, you know, go to medical school as well. You know, it's really admirable. Through that Carson Scholars Fund, how do you think the landscape of education and mentorship might change with the increasing influence of AI? And how would you navigate those changes to uphold the values of education? Because obviously you care quite a bit about education if you're willing to spend your own money to help other people's education. So I want to hear your opinion on this topic. Sure thing. Talking casually about the Carson Scholars Fund and the influence of AI on education and mentorship, you know, AI could bring some cool changes. Picture this. More personalized learning for students and tons of info at their fingertips. It's like having a really smart study buddy. But we've got to make sure it doesn't lose the personal touch. The heart of mentorship is that one-on-one connection, right? AI can't replace that human bond, the encouragement, and the real talk. So navigating this change would mean finding that sweet spot. Embracing tech for the benefits it brings, but making sure it doesn't overshadow the core values of mentorship and education. It's a bit like jazz. You need the right mix to make it sing. That's awesome. Great to hear from you. So in your role as a public figure and also political figure, how do you think AI-driven technology would have impacted your communication strategies and engagement with the public during your political career? Because obviously I understand that there's a lot going on to a political campaign to run for presidency. Do you think artificial intelligence might have helped make things run smoother in your campaign? Or do you think you would have completely ignored its existence in total as you were going for like a total human touch kind of idea there? Or do you think you would have relied on AI to take care of some of the monotonous tasks that you face throughout your political campaign? Well, in the realm of politics, the advent of AI-driven technologies has undoubtedly transformed the way public figures communicate and engage with the public. Social media platforms, for instance, provide an unprecedented avenue to connect with a vast audience and share ideas. As a public figure, I would likely utilize these platforms to reach a broader audience and share my views on various issues. AI-driven tools could also assist in data analysis, helping to better understand public sentiment and tailor messages accordingly. Additionally, automated communication tools might enhance efficiency in managing correspondence and staying connected with constituents. However, it's crucial to approach these technologies ethically and responsibly, considering issues such as privacy and the potential for misinformation. As a public figure, maintaining transparency and authenticity in communication would remain paramount, even in the age of AI. How do you think these technological advancements might have influenced political communication from your perspective? Yeah, I think from my perspective, I would love to hear more from the political candidates that are running, just so I can get an understanding on not only their politics or their ideas and beliefs, but instead I kind of want to know who they are as a person. Because, you know, I don't really want to just be hearing from someone that doesn't care about me or understand where I'm coming from in my life. I want to have a personal understanding of, you know, the person running the country that I would be voting for. So I think having that outlet of media so that we could develop a more personal connection would have been really great during a campaign run. So I find that really interesting. These technological advancements could be awesome for making some better campaigns in the future, just for all of America, really. So reflecting back on your run for the presidency, can you envision how AI tools might have helped influence the political landscape and campaigning strategies? And how do you think you would have adapted to this change from artificial intelligence? Certainly. In considering the impact of AI on a presidential campaign, I would emphasize the importance of harnessing technology responsibly while staying true to the values that define our democratic process. In terms of strategy, I would prioritize using AI tools to better understand the concerns and aspirations of the American people. This means leveraging data analytics to tailor messages that resonate with diverse communities. It's crucial to ensure that the benefits of technology are used to foster unity and understanding rather than division. In adapting to virtual campaigning, I would underscore the significance of maintaining genuine connections. While AI can facilitate broader outreach through virtual platforms, the human touch should never be lost. Virtual town halls and debates should be opportunities for meaningful dialogue, allowing citizens to engage directly with the candidate. Furthermore, cybersecurity would be a top priority. We must be vigilant in safeguarding our campaign from potential threats and ensuring the integrity of the democratic process. Trust is the foundation of any political campaign, and protecting information from cyber risks is essential in maintaining that trust. In summary, embracing AI in a campaign should be guided by a commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and the preservation of democratic principles. It's not just about the technology. It's about using it in a way that strengthens the connection between leaders and the people they aim to serve. How would you envision incorporating these technological advancements into a campaign while staying true to your core values? Yeah, that's great to hear that you stay so strong to your values. I think, you know, if I were to be running for president and if I wanted to use artificial intelligence in my campaign, I would definitely do it carefully because I don't want the artificial intelligence speaking something that I wouldn't personally say. So I think I could only use it for automating monotonous tasks such as, like, making advertisements or scraping some data analytics for me to help understand who I'd be getting my votes from. So that's really great to hear from someone who actually did run for president how they would approach that issue. So considering your faith and values, how do you think AI advancements align with or challenge your spiritual beliefs? And how might that impact career decisions and priorities in your life? As someone who values faith and holds strong spiritual beliefs, the integration of AI advancements would be approached with a careful consideration of ethical and moral implications. On one hand, AI has the potential to bring about positive changes, improving efficiency and addressing societal challenges. Technologies that enhance health care, education and quality of life align with principles of compassion and the betterment of humanity. As a person of faith, I would likely see these applications of AI as opportunities to fulfill a duty to serve and uplift others. However, challenges arise when AI intersects with areas that touch on ethical concerns or potentially contradict spiritual values. For instance, questions surrounding privacy, the ethical use of data and the potential for job displacement would need careful examination. It's crucial to ensure that technological advancements are in harmony with principles of justice, equality and the well-being of individuals and communities. In terms of career decisions, I would prioritize roles and opportunities that align with my values and allow for positive contributions to society. This might involve advocating for ethical AI practices, participating in discussions on the responsible development of technology and ensuring that the impact of AI aligns with principles of compassion, empathy and social justice. Ultimately, the integration of AI in one's career would be guided by a sense of responsibility and a commitment to using technology for the greater good. How do you think your faith and values might influence your approach to the integration of AI in various aspects of life? That's awesome to hear your perspective on that idea. I think with my faith, right now from what I've seen from AI, I don't think it can really do much that can challenge my faith or make me reevaluate it. However, in the future with more developments, there might be a challenge with faith there if things begin to get out of hand in some way. I think it's interesting to see where artificial intelligence develops and takes us in the world. Going back to you, in your experiences, were there ever any instances where technological advancements and personal values conflicted? If so, how did you navigate those situations? While I, Dr. Ben Carson, don't have personal experiences with specific instances, I can speak more generally about how individuals might navigate conflicts between technological advancements and personal values. In any field, conflicts can arise when technological advancements challenge or potentially compromise one's values. For example, in the medical field, where I have experience, the use of certain technologies may raise ethical questions about patient privacy, consent, or the potential for dehumanizing the healthcare experience. Navigating such situations requires a thoughtful and principled approach. It might involve 1. Ethical reflection, taking the time to reflect on the implications of the technology in question and considering how it aligns with personal values and ethical principles. 2. Open dialogue, engaging in open and honest dialogue with colleagues, experts, and stakeholders to discuss concerns, share perspectives, and work towards solutions that address ethical considerations. 3. Advocacy for ethical practices, taking a proactive role in advocating for the development and implementation of technologies that adhere to ethical standards. This may involve participating in industry discussions, supporting regulations, or promoting ethical guidelines. 4. Decision-making framework, establishing a decision-making framework that incorporates personal values and ethical principles. This framework can serve as a guide when faced with challenging choices related to technological advancements. 5. Continuous learning, staying informed about technological developments and their potential ethical implications. This ongoing education allows individuals to make informed decisions and adapt their approach as technologies evolve. Remembering that ethical considerations are dynamic and may evolve with technological advancements, it's essential to stay engaged and contribute to discussions that shape the responsible use of technology. Okay, that's awesome to hear. So, going to a new topic, if you're, you know, thinking about your retirement from neurosurgery and you being pretty far detached from that career now, do you believe AI would have played a role, or how do you think AI can shape your retirement endeavors? Do you think, you know, it'll give you some ideas for where to go on vacation? Or do you think it could, like, influence your whole decision-making on, like, if you run for president again, or where you live, or, you know, how do you think AI could make some impacts in your retirement life now that you're just kind of on your own, just doing your own thing now? Sure thing. If I were kicking back and thinking about life after the hustle of neurosurgery, I reckon AI could have spiced things up a bit. First off, diving into medical research with AI could have been a game-changer. Imagine teaming up with tech wizards to make neurosurgery even more precise and personalized. That's some next-level stuff right there. And education. Oh, man, AI could have made learning about brains and stuff way more fun. Interactive lessons and virtual simulations, giving students a taste of what it's like to be in the neural world. Then there's the public health scene. AI crunching data to spot trends and predict health issues could have helped shape some killer strategies for keeping communities healthy. Philanthropy-wise, using AI to figure out where help is needed most, that's like having a superhero sidekick, pointing out exactly where you can make the most impact. And of course, policy talks. AI could have brought some serious brainpower to the table, helping craft policies that make sense in our tech-savvy world while keeping things ethical and fair. But you know, it's not just about the tech. The key would be making sure all this AI jazz aligns with good old-fashioned values, being fair, doing good, and making the world a bit better. After all, even in the age of AI, a bit of heart and soul goes a long way. Yeah, it's awesome to hear about your retirement plans. They seem pretty relaxed, you know. That's definitely good to hear. You know, you're still bringing out the ethics of AI even when talking about your retirement. So looking at the broader society impact of AI on employment, how do you believe individuals should balance career aspirations with personal values in a world where technology is rapidly changing the job market? You know, you're pretty far detached from the job market now. I think you've had your fair share of roles and careers. So being detached from this now, what do you have to say about the future job market and technology? Since you've been around, you've seen the ebbs and flows of the market, and I think you would understand it pretty well. I'd be interested to hear about how you think it will impact those in the future. In this fast-paced world with technology turning everything on its head, finding the right balance between career aspirations and personal values is more crucial than ever. As Ben Carson, here's my take on it. First off, staying true to your values is nonnegotiable. No job or career move is worth sacrificing the principles that define who you are. It's like building a house on a solid foundation. It's like building a house on a solid foundation. Everything else falls into place if your values are solid. Now, career aspirations, they're the fuel that keeps you going. Embracing technology and staying on top of the game is smart. AI and automation might be changing the job market, but they also create new opportunities. It's like surfing a wave. You've got to ride it, not fight it. Education plays a massive role. Keep learning, adapting, and adding new skills to your toolkit. That's how you stay relevant and open up new doors. It's an investment in yourself. Networking is another game-changer. Connecting with people in your field, mentors, and those outside your usual circles can open up unexpected paths. The job market might change, but personal connections are timeless. Above all, don't forget your passion. Find a career that lights you up. When you love what you do, adapting to changes becomes less of a chore and more of an adventure. It's a juggling act, no doubt. But keeping your eyes on the prize, a fulfilling career that aligns with your values, is the key. What's your take on balancing career goals with personal values in this tech-driven world? Yeah, I think it's very difficult to balance that idea of values and ethics in today's world, especially when there's some really high-paying jobs out there and still being in college. I think money is something that is definitely enticing to me after I graduate. It's kind of the whole reason I'm going to college, you know? So I think for me personally, making decisions that don't disagree with my values is really difficult, but also something that I need to stand strong with if I want to respect myself as a human being. And obviously just listening to you talking throughout this whole interview, I've noticed that you obviously keep really strong to your values, and that's something I really admire about having talked to you throughout this interview. It's great to hear someone so strong to their values. It's really admirable and influential for me as I enter the tech world after graduation. So it's been great talking to you. This is going to be falling down to our last few questions here. So I want to ask you, looking into the future, how do you see the intersection of personal values and career choices evolving with the continued development and integration of AI? And what advice would you give for people like me who are navigating this changing landscape? And not just people like me, but all sorts of people that are going to be dealing with AI in their day-to-day life, which eventually will become everybody. As AI continues to shape our world, the intersection of personal values and career choices will become even more crucial. Here's my take on how this could evolve and some advice for navigating this changing landscape. First off, as technology evolves, it's vital to hold on to your core values. Your values define who you are and what you stand for. In a world where AI is becoming more prevalent, staying true to these values will guide your decisions, ensuring that your career choices align with what matters most to you. When it comes to career decisions, the rise of AI might mean adapting and expanding skill sets. Embrace lifelong learning. Keep adding new skills and knowledge to your toolbox. It's like future-proofing your career. Being adaptable and open to learning new things keeps you ahead of the curve. AI will also create new career paths and opportunities. It's like a whole new frontier opening up. Exploring these emerging fields might lead to fulfilling career choices that resonate with your values. Networking and connections will remain essential. In a tech-driven world, personal connections can open doors and provide insights that AI can't. Building relationships with diverse people can offer unique perspectives and opportunities. Ethical considerations will be paramount. As AI becomes more integrated into various industries, being an advocate for ethical AI practices will be crucial. Promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI use aligns with many personal values. Ultimately, balance is key. Embrace technology and the opportunities it brings, but never lose sight of your values. Your career choices should reflect not just professional aspirations, but also what truly matters to you on a personal level. My advice? Stay curious, stay adaptable, and stay true to your values. Seek opportunities that align with what you believe in while embracing the changes that come with AI's evolution. How do you envision AI shaping career choices and personal values in the future? Yeah, you made a lot of good points there. I think AI will definitely influence a lot of people's personal values just because we're going to be interacting with it so frequently in our day-to-day lives. It will definitely impact how people think, just like how telephones have made our youngest generation think differently because everyone's become so connected through them. Just like artificial intelligence will make things a lot different because learning will become so streamlined and just communication of ideas will become really streamlined. So it will definitely have a lot of different effects on the future. We are coming to the end of our time for our interview. I just have one last question for you, and that is, what do you think of AI? I just want a holistic approach and opinion from you. As a neurosurgeon and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, I recognize the tremendous strides we've made in artificial intelligence and the potential it holds for improving various aspects of our lives. In the realm of healthcare, AI presents opportunities for groundbreaking advancements and breakthroughs in medical research that could revolutionize patient care. However, it is paramount that we approach this technology with the utmost caution and ethical considerations. We must ensure that AI aligns with our core human values and does not compromise our fundamental principles. As we embrace innovation, it is crucial to implement responsible policies that address the societal impact of automation, particularly concerning employment. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and safeguarding our values remains a priority to navigate this evolving landscape. All right, well, thank you very much for taking some time to meet with me. You've had some really insightful comments, and I've really enjoyed getting to know you. This interview is definitely going to be really important for a lot of the listeners because you have such a big, honing-in idea on ethics, and I think ethics with AI will become so important in the future. So hearing you keep such a strong focus on ethics will be really good for some other generations and people that might not really know too much about AI. So far, having you talk so much about the ethical considerations that need to be made is going to help a lot of people with their stance on AI, and I really appreciate you taking the time to spread your knowledge. So thank you very much. Thank you.

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