Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses various instances where individuals, such as Cat Williams and Stephen A. Smith, called out others for lying. They emphasize the importance of telling the truth and not protecting people from their lies. The speaker also mentions how holding onto grievances for too long can be comical and advises not always taking the high road. They also briefly mention the success of Steve Harvey and Ricky Smiley, which Cat Williams feels was built on lies. The speaker concludes by mentioning Tubi, a streaming platform, as an example of a platform that allows anyone to share content. And we're back, right here on the Unemployment Line, Doc and Larry P talking about Cat Williams. And what I want to talk about right now is, Cat Williams brought up something that was very, very compelling to me, and I want your thoughts on this. Now, some of the feedback to Cat Williams, of course, was they felt like, you know, he was exaggerating or stretching the truth in some of his claims about himself, whether it be how many books he's read or how fast he could run. That was a lie. But one thing he did bring up, that I feel like checks out, wasn't actually about him, but it was about Steve Harvey's hair. And my thing is, at what point is it okay to just flat out call somebody a liar on something like that? Because Cat Williams said it like it was a known fact in the industry, like everybody knew he was lying about his hair, but we didn't know. Like, Steve Harvey made money off of that hairline, and it was apparently a sell-in. So at what point is it okay to just flat out call somebody a liar? At what point do you intervene and say, listen, man, because that's one of those things that didn't involve Cat directly, like how you were talking about Teresa and the man cheating and all of that stuff, but she was involved in that situation. Steve Harvey's hair technically didn't involve Cat Williams, but he knew it was a lie. See, I think you have to call somebody a liar to corroborate pretty much, I guess, part of your story. The whole Steve Harvey lie, I think that's just like, you've got to come out there and just start throwing shots, like giving truths that nobody even knows about, you know? Like, yeah, Teresa been sleeping on my couch with her man cheating on her, but at the same time, let's talk about Pamela, too. Because I want y'all to understand, like, I ain't really just, it ain't really just me just out here trying to spread, like, some stuff about Teresa. I want y'all to understand, like, all these people out here lying, and I need y'all to understand, like, I'm telling the truth. You know, Teresa, because Teresa, her man could just be like, oh, she over there lying. But no, let's talk about Pamela now, too. Because Pamela, Pamela been over there acting like she's taking care of them kids with their child support money, and she ain't. She ain't. All them nails that she got, them bags she got, she keep showing off them Birkin bags and stuff like that, and them kids over there eating noodles. They calling my phone. They calling my phone saying, hey, Auntie Sharonda, we hungry. My mama ain't been here two days. Let me spread it out here for everybody now, because y'all need to understand, these people out here are wild. And I need y'all to know that I'm telling the truth. You got to start calling people liars just to let you know, like, listen, people are like, hey, look, Sharonda been sitting back here taking all of this. There's a problem, though, when you are that person, when you're Sharonda in this situation, and you out here, like, telling these things, like, then people scared to talk to you. Because, like, then, like, you know, Bernice comes in the situation, like, Sharonda, I sure am glad you said something, because I'm sick and tired of people lying. Well, while we're at it, Bernice, can we talk about that time when we saw you out here with Susan, and you are a married woman? Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do I got to do with any of this? It ain't about not talking to Sharonda. All Sharonda wants y'all to do is stop lying. Like, stop lying. That's all Cat Williams wants people to do, stop lying. And this is, again, why it is important to just both tell the truth and stop trying to protect people from their lies. Because what happens is people then feel more compelled to do the right thing. If people can get away with doing the wrong thing, they're going to keep doing the wrong thing. But as soon as they know that somebody is going to call them out for that nonsense, then they will be more upfront and willing to make amends for the wrongs that they have done. And so it may not help your situation, but it might prevent them from being in that situation again. If you call out somebody for stealing money from you, what's probably going to happen is the next person they try to grift, they're going to be like, wait, wait, wait, I heard about you. And so, like, that's the other situation. People may feel less compelled to do business with somebody like a Steve Harvey or a Ricky Smiley or something like that because of the things that Cat Williams said. Now they're sitting around thinking, you know what? Oh, no, I done heard about you. I ain't fooling with you. You're going around the whole city telling everybody about how much of a basketball player you are. You know, I used to play with the Greeks. I used to play with the Wayne Wade in AAU. I used to play with a Bosch AAU. I would have been just up there with them if I didn't blow my knee out. Then Sharonda come out saying, Sharonda come out saying, Chad keep lying to everybody talking about he would have been up there if he didn't blow his knee out. The reason Chad ain't in the league is because Chad couldn't go to class on time. And he got kicked out because he had a 1.5 GPA. Here's his transcript. Chad keep lying to y'all how good he was. Chad was stupid. Chad dumb. If y'all talk to Chad, y'all know Chad dumb. So that makes me think about, did you see, oh, I know you've seen it, Stephen A. Smith talking about Jason Whitlock. This is another situation where it was just like, you know what? Enough is enough. Like I'm going to say what needs to be said. And sure enough, you know, other people popped up to be like, you know, Stephen A. Smith telling the truth. But the concern is the idea of getting, quote unquote, out of character. Like Stephen A. Smith went on there and was just like, you know, before I even go on, I'm going to tell y'all I already had to call my pastor and apologize. I've had to tell my sisters that, you know, the version of me you're about to see, it's not it's not who I am. But it needs to be said. I like this. I like that. Did you tell him that? You fat piece of. I was like Stephen A. I've never seen this side of you, but I kind of like it. You need to get like this more. I want to see 10 a.m. on first day. How do you feel about the Dallas Cowboys? Yeah, I've already talked to my pastor about this. And I need to talk to Jerry Jones. Jerry Jones. Did you tell him? Did you tell him you didn't know how to pick a coach? You lying piece of. Whoa, whoa, Stephen. I need Stephen to get on there about Skip Bayless. Skip Bayless. Did you tell him? Did you tell him that, Skip? I mean, we need more. We need more wild Stephen A. What's funny about it is he's asking questions like the person's dead. Did you tell him that? He's not going to answer you. Cat Williams got everybody acting out of character. And 2024 just started. What makes Cat Williams such a wiggler is so funny is Cat Williams came there to answer the questions that he wanted to answer. He didn't care what Shannon Sharp asked him. Realized that Cat Williams sat on that couch. And Shannon didn't say anything. Shannon Sharp said, so, Cat Williams, welcome to the show. Thank you for inviting me, Shannon. First, I would like to talk about Ricky Smiley. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, Cat. Cat had his own agenda. He didn't ask me. But that juxtaposed against Stephen A., who's just sitting there by himself. I ain't never been that mad sitting by myself. Like, eventually, you calm down. He was making himself more upset as he was sitting there talking about Jason Whitlock. Like, nobody else is here. Did you tell him? Who are you asking this to, Stephen? Answer that. Yeah, no. But now, like I said, man, Cat, Cat, Cat. People like Cat, people like Stephen A., it only becomes an issue. You only have to clear the air when there is a, I guess, a perception that the other person or the other people are painting that things are a lot brighter than they look. Like, the grass is a lot greener. And you know for a fact that that grass ain't real. I think it comes off, though, like it comes off bad when you've held on to it too long. And this is another reason why I say it's like just don't, don't feel compelled to like take the high road every time. Because when you hold on to stuff for that long, like, I think that's why it looks so comical, like Stephen A. sitting there by himself. Because these are things that he's been holding on to for like 10, 15, 20 years of stuff. And it's the same thing with Cat Williams. It's like, why Cat? Why are all these people catching strays? It's because he probably wanted to say something then and now he's mad at himself for never saying anything because these people have profited from these lies. Like, Steve Harvey, Ricky Smiley, they've built whole careers off of things that Cat Williams feels are lies. Like, somebody stole some jokes. You stole the jokes. That prompted them to give you TV shows and movies and then shift you over into television and radio. And Cat Williams was looking at it like, man, that probably should be me or that should at least be somebody else but it's them because they lied their way into their job. And say something. Call these people out. Call them out for being liars. In the moment. Fat Faison liars. A fat Faison lie. That's wild. You can't, every movie you Faison, every movie your shirt is off. Those are good points. Faison loves that. It's easy to get a Netflix special. How many Netflix specials Faison got? Cedric the Entertainer's special is not available on Netflix or Tubi. Why Tubi got to catch strays? Tubi should catch strays. Tubi should catch strays because Tubi will allow anything to be. Tubi is basically the YouTube of streaming platforms. Like, anybody can start a YouTube channel. Anybody can go in there and start putting stuff on YouTube. Now, I'd rather not people choose to view it or not. It's a different story. But you don't need, like, any, like, you just need an email account. I'm going to tell you my gripe with Tubi. It's grown men and grown women in them Tubi movies. Like, 50, 60 years old. And I'd be thinking, you this big old person still pursuing an acting career, and you came in. You got to give that up. You know, we always see, like, that one friend that want to be a rapper, but, you know, they decided just to become a manager at Verizon because they realized their rapper career is over. But you don't really see too many actors and actresses out there because we don't know that many. But they out there just like them, like them want to be rappers. This is tough because I don't want to sit on this show and tell somebody, you know, like, give up their dream or whatever. But you got to have realistic dreams. You know, when I was in my late teens, early 20s, I thought, you know, I'd be a nationally syndicated radio host. When I was, like, 23, I said, I need to get a job. And, like, ever since then, that's the way I functioned. Now, I look at somebody, like, who's an actor on Tubi. What's to say that these people don't got real jobs in the daytime and that, you know, it ain't like you see people in these Tubi movies multiple times. It's like somebody came around with an iPhone and was just like, hey, man, y'all want to be in my movie? Yeah, I do want to be an actor. And they act in that one movie, it don't hit, and then, you know, they go back to working at Home Depot. You know who's a terrible actor? The Little Meech. What is he in? Be Enough. I've never seen that. Terrible actor. You know who else is a terrible actor? Tariq St. Patrick. When we come back. Nope, we got three minutes left. No, no, I just, I just. We got three minutes left. No, don't, don't, don't try to get out of this. I'm not getting out of it. I've always felt that way about Tariq St. Patrick. This is not believable. His character is not believable. We've talked about this. Like, he's terrible. But, like, let's talk about this. Power book two, whatever, Ghost? Who was a good actor in the Power series? That is, that's the real question. I think the, I think the first part, I think the first portion of Power was, had good acting. Power is a high-end version of what, Power is what Tubi aspires to be. They hope that of these millions of shows that they put on there, that one of them could become Power. Because that's what, think about this. What does anybody watch on the Starz network other than Power and what's the other show that was on there? P-Valley? I don't know about a real watch P-Valley. Well, I'm saying it was for a period of time people were watching P-Valley. P-Valley got too, you know, it was a little. P-Diddy be wanting to party. And you got to tell him no. You got to tell him no, baby. That's what happened. That's what P-Valley be on. You got to tell him no. They went too far left. They had something good going and they opened Pandora's box and I don't know what happened after that. Nobody wants to watch P-Valley anymore because their eyes are scarred. P-Valley has scarred the eyes of millions of Americans. When we come back, I want to talk about the difference between talent and opportunity. It's the unemployment line.