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Mike Tyson 1

Mike Tyson 1

Larry Parks



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The podcast hosts discuss various topics, including Cardi B's plastic surgery, the pronunciation of words in songs, Yo Gotti's persistence with Angela Simmons, and the upcoming fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul. They question Mike Tyson's ability to compete at his age and discuss the societal expectation that older individuals can still perform at a high level. The hosts also mention Mike Tyson's past convictions and the lack of scrutiny he faces for them. You are now too. This is the most ignorant podcast in America. This is the unemployment lie. I'm the DOK and I'm sitting here with my main man Larry T. What you got to say my man? Well, I did have something to say. Um, and I kind of forgot it, but you know. Uh, you know I really got a boost. First job. Really? That's what you do when you get money though. News to me. I just confirmed. I know I said a couple of shows ago that a Cardi B did not have a BBO. She does have a BBO. Yeah. Well, while you're there, can we talk about Go-Go? Okay. Um, I feel like this song's been out for a few months now and I think everybody has heard it at this point. Yeah. And you know, I really have agreement with the fact, and it's been pointed out on TikTok, so I know this is not an original idea, but why did they put a word in the hook that she cannot say? Cuban, no Cuban. There's no way that anybody heard that. Yeah, that's it. That's it. Cuban, no Cuban. What if the producer would stop it and be like, hey, yeah, yeah, Cuban. But you know, that's a Memphis thing. She's from Memphis, right? That's why they said Cuban. You ain't never listened to Moneybagg? I never heard Moneybagg say Cuban. I think Moneybagg say words like that though. What other words would fall into that category? I don't know, but if you just listen to Moneybagg, you'd be like, that ain't how you say it. Cuban. Cuban? You know. Cuban? I don't know. It'd be stuff like that, man. Like Moneybagg don't be saying like the pronunciation of the word. I think Yo Gotti might be the most properly spoken Memphis person ever, Memphis rapper. Yo Gotti's line of questioning and downing the DM is always one of my favorites. Don't you hate when you get screenshots? That DM wasn't for everybody. I was like, this is a great point. This is a great point. I love the gram. I love the gram. I'm addicted to it. I know I am. You know, shout out to Yo Gotti and his persistence with Angela Simmons. Goals. Exactly. And man, you gotta have goals in life, man. I think that speaks a little bit to what we're about to talk about some more in this show. I know the central theme of this week's show, this week we're talking about, and I usually set you up for this. This week we're talking about Mike Tyson. Because Mike Tyson, for some reason, is still out here boxing and stuff. Mike Tyson feels like he can box the, you know, this reminds me of Rocky Balboa. That, you know, the movie Rocky Balboa. Not Rocky 1, not Rocky 2, not Rocky 3. Which would technically be like Rocky 6. Something like that. But where he just comes out of retirement, old, and goes to fight this young Thundercat. And he loses. But see, this is the thing. This actually reminds me more of Rocky 4. And if you remember Rocky 4, this is when Apollo Creed fought the Russians in an exhibition match. Because this Logan Paul and Mike Tyson match is supposed to be an exhibition match. And if you're unfamiliar with Rocky 4, when Apollo Creed fought Drago in the exhibition match, he got murdered in the ring with the man's hands. And when I say, every time I, you know, a lot of people look at me wrong, but I tell people Apollo Creed deserves to die. Because he was just so obnoxious. He was just dancing around. Not only was he dancing, like everybody was like, He played the song, Living in America, to a Russian. Fireworks, sparkles, everything. I was like, Apollo Creed deserves to die. Just showboating in front of this Russian. Like, yeah, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, this is going to be an easy win. Yeah, he deserves to die. If you couldn't beat Rocky, what made you think you was going to go ahead and beat Drago? And not only you was going to beat Drago, you was going to come out of retirement and beat Drago after not fighting for so long. Drago looked at him, if he dies, he dies. That was it. That was wild. While standing over, while doing an interview while the dead body was laying there. Drago was a wild boy. Yeah, Drago was definitely wild. But yeah, Mike Tyson. But back to how I got to this point, which was about goals. Logan Paul had a goal. He wanted to be entertaining. Jake Paul. Is it Jake? Oh, yeah. Logan's the United States champion in wrestling. Yeah. Jake is out here trying to be a boxer. For those who are not familiar with Jake, Jake is the one who knocked out Nate Robinson. Jake Paul's been knocking out random people. Well, not in his last fight. Jake got roughed up. I mean, that's what everybody's hoping that Mike Tyson does. But how old is Mike Tyson at this point? In his 50s? That's a research. Watching Mike Tyson. Watching Mike Tyson. And I think everybody's watching Mike Tyson sparring videos or his videos with his trainer and stuff. You know what that is equivalent to? That is equivalent to a college quarterback having a pro day. And they go, ooh, look how impressive his passes are. I would expect him to pass it if nobody's rushing at him. But, you know, your training looks a lot different when somebody else punches you in your face. It's more equivalent to, like, every once in a while they'll show, like, retired athletes doing stuff. Like, they'll be like, you can't believe it. Michael Jordan can still dunk a basketball. Or they'll show, like, Terrell Owens running routes and catching. Yeah, but he can't go play football. All right. Michael Jordan ain't about to run four quarters with these kids. Mike Tyson is 57 years old. Mike Tyson is not running. Yeah, you saw the freaking, what was it, Mike Tyson versus, was it George Foreman? No, it was Roy Jones. Yeah, Mike Tyson versus Roy Jones. It was like two uncles at the cookout. Yeah, two old uncles at the cookout tied. And I was like, y'all really think Mike Tyson, like, yeah, Mike Tyson may be in more, in better shape than your average 57-year-old man. Mike Tyson is not somebody that I would want to get in a fist of custody with. Correct. However, if you are a professional boxer at this point, 27 years old, you know what I'm saying, you might feel like you have a chance. However, what if, what if Mike were to catch him? I think everybody, I think everybody's like, everybody that is honing on the what if, everybody's honing on that what if moment of, I know who Mike Tyson used to be. I think Mike Tyson still got it in him. What if he catch Jay Paul? And here's my issue with that. I think age is relative. Like, everybody ages differently. But one of our issues that we have as a society is with the advancements in modern medicine and with the, with people doing things that are like super impressive at older ages, it has given people this false sense that, you know, you can keep doing these things after you're past the age that you should be doing these things. I blame Tom Brady. I was just about to reference Tom Brady, LeBron James. Like, these dudes should be retired well before they were retired. And yes, it's amazing that they can do that. Now, show me the other people who can't. And since we talk about Mike Tyson, though, and of course we're going to eventually get over to the real situation or the real focus of the story or the show is that's not Mike Tyson or Jay Paul or Tom Brady or LeBron. It's all about y'all. It's all about y'all. It's all about you. But even if you go from, if you go from Tom Brady and LeBron, the reason why they get to do that is because the game has changed a lot differently for them. The game of Boston has not changed. You're getting punched in the face. Like that game has not changed. They probably have made it a little bit more clean. But a punch is a punch. You're getting punched in the face. You're getting punched in the gut. You're getting punched in the spleen. That punch is a punch. And, I mean, you know, it ain't like, oh, come on now. The tough world, y'all. Don't touch Mike. He done touched it. But I also want to just, again, as an aside, just shout out Jay Paul for even getting to this point because this, I mean, if you would have told me five years ago when he was fighting Nate Robinson that this man would get the opportunity to do even a exhibition fight against somebody like Mike Tyson, like he probably would have told you, yeah, yeah, I'm with that. I'm with that. Because he's making a lot of money doing this. And that's the other problem. A lot of these people be doing this stuff at an older age because they know. They need money. Not only that they need money, but the money's there. But this is another thing. Mike Tyson has already admitted this numerous times. Mike Tyson got a documentary I watched and he was talking about his first loss that he had against. Buster Douglas. Buster Douglas. He took that L because one, he did not prepare for it. And then also he said he was burning with Donna Wren in the middle of that fight. But he was like, yeah, he mentally, like he didn't prepare for it as a younger person because he felt like he was invincible. Like I ain't got to train. I ain't got to do this. After that, you know, everything started going downhill. You know, you go to jail, come out of jail. You know, he get back on track, get a couple of wins on this belt. But then, you know, he go back to the same old iron Mike. I ain't got to train. And then eventually he said that he was really just fighting. Cause he still had like, you know, he, he may not be iron Mike, but he got bills to pay. So then he was like that event to fight. He was like, he really like, he knew he wasn't ready for that fight, but he had bills to pay. And I pull over and let an intrusive thought window. Why is it that we let Mike, everybody just let Mike slide on the one thing he was convicted for. I'm going to be completely honest. We let Mike slide on a lot of things. Mike slides on a lot. The one he slides the most on is the one he actually went to prison for. Mike said probably one of the suss lines I've ever heard in my life. And nobody's ever questioned him like that. I mean, Mike has a lot of wild lines that he said. Nobody's ever questioned his sexuality. Nobody's ever said, you know, Mike might be up there. You know why? Cause Mike will knock you out. Nobody's going to, this is the thing. No matter what happens in life, no matter how, how well you speak, no matter how much money you've got, no matter how much money you've got, nobody's going to question you. No matter what happens in life, no matter how, how well you speak, no matter how much money you got, no matter like what is your level of status or, or whatever that you have, there is something to be said about having hands. You can't go off the hands with somebody. You can do it. If you know that you cannot, that you have no chance in a physical altercation with the person. And it's the type of person who might get into a physical altercation with you. That person is in charge. And especially after that person has proven time and time again, that they are not all there. They're not like, would you have to, you have to not be all there to fight professionally. Like how many, how many like boxers or UFC fighters? Do you feel like a, like well adjusted human being? They really ain't many of them. There's a story about Mike Tyson at the club. And I think they said like, it was either his girlfriend at the time, or like his friend or like a sister-in-law. So anyways, the dude with the club, he had a gun. I don't know how he got a gun in the club, but some altercation happened. And then he pulled the gun out on the girl. And then they came up, like they ran and said, said Mike, Mike, so, so down there, they got a gun pulled on them. They said, Mike went downstairs, Mike walked downstairs. As the man got the gun pointed, he stepped in front of the girl, grabbed the gun and just put it down and said, come on, man. Like, that's a person that ain't got it all. Mike ain't got it all, bro. Like a walking, like a dude in the club with a gun. You just don't put that away, man. Mike is also the type of person who probably functions under the mindset that, um, I'm living on borrowed time. If it's my time, it's my time. Mike doesn't care about stuff like that. Like 57. I didn't think I'd make it to 45. I didn't think I'd make it to 30. This is bonus time for him. You know, when you're playing a video game, you get that bonus time where you'd be like, the clock be counting down and they'd be like, Oh, bonus time, bonus three minutes to finish this challenge. Well, okay, cool. I want to say Mike Tyson might've been the heavyweight champion at like 21 years old. Um, and I think that's the other thing that factors into like these old people, um, like sticking around. A lot of times it's people who have significant amounts of amounts of success very early. So then now it's like the stuff that people have to wait until like 30, 35 to accomplish, they accomplished in their early twenties. So now they're just out here doing stuff. Like I'll give you a good example. Snoop Dogg was a good example. Snoop Dogg came out rapping in the early nineties, became like one of the biggest stars in the world. Um, and then like by the late nineties, Snoop was just kind of like, man, that's not gonna do like movies and video games and Martha Stewart and cooking shows. And I'll do a reggae album. And, uh, God, Snoop do a gospel album? Snoop line. I'm gonna be Snoop line. Like, you know, God, he's just doing side missions at this point. Will Smith. Will Smith just started. I'm just like doing all, all kinds. I'm, I haven't been, uh, the biggest movie star in the world year after year after year. And I've got cheese in those. Yeah. I'm gonna start skydiving. I'm gonna start, um, I'm just, you know, I'm just do talk shows. I'm gonna write a book. You don't got nothing to do with yourself. That, that is the issue with, with old people. Um, as they matriculate through life, it's just like, you get to a point where it's like, you're bored. So now I'm gonna do stuff. Mike Tyson got a podcast. He sells weed. He got tigers, pigeons, but when we come back, I'm gonna tell y'all my, my main grievance with old people. I'm done talking about it.

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