This is a list of Tagalog vocabulary words. It includes words like appendix, oppressed, approved, beach, lime, plow, everyday, art, article, artist, hope, spouse, assembly, promotion, steel, acid, subject, and sourness. The speaker also thanks their Patreon members and invites others to join.
Tagalog vocabulary words, part 8. Appendix. Appendix. Addition. Outgrowth. At the opening of the large intestine. Api. Oppressed. Persecuted. Maltreated. Abused. Harassed. Apinahin. To tune up. Aplaya. Beach. Apog. Lime. Aprobado. Approved. Generally accepted. Apurado. In a hurry. Aral. Moral lesson. Araro. Plow. Aras. Coin given by bridegroom to bride. Araw-araw. Everyday. Daily. Areglado. Arranged. Settled. Approved. Okayed. Areglo. Arrangement. Adjustment. Aregluhin. To arrange. Settle. Put in order. Arestado. Arrested. Argolia. Metal hoop. Ari. Property. Something owned. Ariin. To own.
Arina. Flower. Arco. Arc. A section of the circumference of a circle. Arnibal. Sugary syrup. Aroma. Spices of trees. Arte. Art. Articulo. Article. Artificial. Artificial. Made by humans. Artista. Artist. Actor. Or actress. Arthritis. Inflammation of the joints. Aruro. Arrowroot. A kind of plant. Asa. Hope. Anticipation. You could sometimes hear this as Pag-asa. Asahan. To hope for. To expect. Asalto. Surprise party. Asawa. Spouse. Husband. Wife. So, unlike in English, there's no distinction between husband and wife. We just simply say asawa.
If it's husband or wife, asawa as well, for wife. So, asawa. Spouse. Husband or wife. Asemblia. Assembly. Asendero. Owner of the plantation. Asenso. Promotion. Advancement in position. Increase. Or increase in salary. Or increase in social status. Increase in social status in the community. Asenso. Asesor. Oh, sorry. Acero. Steel. Asido. Acid. Asignatura. Subject. Asim. Sourness. Asistihan. To assist. To help somebody. Asiwa. Ungraceful. So, thank you to our Patreon members. Trey, Leah, and Jack Dihug. Thank you for supporting us here on Patreon.
So, if you're interested to join, go to slash Learn Tagalog Filipino. It's on the link in the description. Thank you so much.