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cover of English :  Natural Baby VS Tech Baby
English :  Natural Baby VS Tech Baby

English : Natural Baby VS Tech Baby

Imad Mokhtari



"Here is the discussion of a couple about their future child: should they have a natural baby or a tech baby?"


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The speaker wants a natural and unique child with emotions and dreams, rather than a manufactured child that is good in only one area and might have health risks. The other person argues that with incredible technology, the children won't know the difference and will be happy to exist. They suggest that a child with exceptional talents in a certain area would require less effort to raise. The final decision is left to the other person, as they will be the one giving birth. The speaker just wants to have a child with them because they love them. Good evening, darling. I want to talk to you about some things about your future child And well, I wanted to have a totally natural child darling because I Want to have a unique child, you know, a different with emotions, dreams, goals, achievements, who can love the life truthfully and gently. You can be interested in everything compared to a child already manufactured That will look like a robot and will be good on only one Will be good only in a given area and especially We don't know if this new technology on children is without risk to their health And I don't want to suffer Children who don't deserve Honey, I understand how you're concerned, my dear, but imagine our children with the incredible technology They won't know the difference and and as a result they won't be believed of the difference I even believe that despite what you said deep down They will be happy to exist because they will love what has been given to them as birth This means we won't have to worry about the future. So it's a completely normal child just exceptionally Talented in a certain area Think about all the effort saved in raising a child Like this and your love will be stronger and honey the final decision will be to you because It's your job. You are the one who will give birth to her child. So it's not me. I'm going to suffer for child So I let you the choice, okay So if you want a natural baby, I let you take it if you want a special baby We're gonna take it. Okay. It's your choice. Okay, I can do this choice because me I'm gonna to love him. Okay. I just want to have a child with you because I love you. Thank you Honey to listen me now. Goodbye See you later

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