The word of God is the GPS to our destination!
The word of God is the GPS to our destination!
The transcription discusses the concept of apostles in Christianity. It explains that an apostle is someone who is sent with a mission to proclaim good news. Jesus Christ is considered the ultimate apostle, sent by God to bring everlasting life. Jesus then sent his twelve apostles to spread the good news and perform miracles. The apostolic age lasted from the resurrection of Christ until the death of the last apostle, around 100 A.D. The apostles held a high position in the church, responsible for teaching the truth and making important decisions. However, after their death, false teachings and practices infiltrated the church, leading to apostasy. The Holy Spirit was closely connected to the apostles, and their teachings should be trusted over false prophets. Yes brothers, the other word that we are going to consider a word A word that a lot of people claim to be Some of them say they are apostles The term, the word that we are going to consider this afternoon Saturday 29th, 2023 The word that we are going to see is Apostle I was talking about this word a long time ago in the book of Revelation Where Jesus speaks to the Ephesus church He says to the church that you cannot support those who claim to be apostles And that you consider them as liars Now we are going to talk about Apostle What is an Apostle? The word Apostle comes from the Greek Apostolos Which designates an envoy charged with a mission A messenger Someone sent by someone to announce or to proclaim a good news or a news In this primary sense The term Apostle therefore applies to Jesus Christ himself Who was sent to earth by his father to allow us to obtain everlasting life John 17 verse 3 Now eternal life is that they know you the one true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent Hebrews 3 verse 1 it says Take your thoughts to the Apostle in the high place of the faith that we profess Jesus Christ Jesus was sent to first announce the good news of the kingdom within the community of Israel He was sent to his people to announce a good news He is an Apostle Matthew 15 verse 24 said He answered I was very early sent to the lost sheep of the community of Israel Luke 4 verse 43 But he said to them I must also preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other cities For that is why I was sent Since Jesus was sent by his father he is subordinate to him John 13 verse 16 A slave is not greater than his master nor is a messenger Apostolos greater than he who sent him Jesus in turn sent his Apostles into the world to do what? To preach the good news John 17 verse 18 As you sent me into the world so have I sent them into the world You can see John 20 verse 21 The Gospels specify that Jesus' 12 Apostles literally sent responsible for announcing with him and after him the good news of the kingdom and the resurrection Matthew 10 verse 5 These are the 12 whom Jesus sent shortly after his death In the year 33 Matthias who accompanied Jesus in his ministry and witnessed his resurrection will be chosen to replace George Judas Cariot the traitor Acts 1 verse 21 through 26 Jesus will also choose the Apostle Paul in an extraordinary way and make him the Apostle of the nations in charge of the divine mission to preach the gospel to the non-Jews to the Gentiles 1 Corinthians 1 verse 1 Paul called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God Ephesians 1 verse 1 Colossians 1 verse 1 1 Timothy 1 verse 1 Titus 1 verse 1 Galatians 1 verse 1 Paul an Apostle not from men nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead The Apostles of Jesus were all chosen directly by Christ and all lived in the first century and last the last Apostle, the Apostle John died around 100 A.D. Therefore, the apostolic age in the history of Christianity is the period from the resurrection of Christ in the year 33 until the death of the last Apostle around the year 100 A.D. We can therefore say that only 13 Christians were really Apostles, 11 were chosen by Jesus at the beginning of his ministry, 2 were chosen after the resurrection of Christ. The Bible only represses the death as a matter of the Apostle John. Borders of John. However, everything indicates that the 12 Apostles have replaced Judas Iscariot as well as the Apostle Paul remained faithful until their death. Most of the time as mature as well. They therefore did not need to be repressed by anyone else. Acts 1 verse 21 through 26 The Apostle walked with Jesus. The main activity of the Apostle is to preach the good news of the kingdom. The 12 Apostles accompanied Jesus from city to city and from village to village to preach the good news of the kingdom while inviting the listeners to change their attitude. It is important. This is what they preach. Invite all the listeners to change their attitude. It is important. Brothers, it is more than important to preach this gospel. What you need now? You need to stay in the way of the Apostle. They walk, they mourn, they suffer for the name of Jesus Christ. As the Apostles continued to be taught by Jesus, they were still referred to as disciples. Referred as disciples. Matthew 11 verse 1 When Jesus had finished instructing his 12 disciples, he went from there to teach and preach in the city. Jesus gave them miraculous power to heal the sick and cast out demons. Mark 6 verse 13 They cast out many demons and applied oil to many sick people and healed them. Matthew 10 verse 1 to 8 Then Jesus called his 12 disciples. Give them power to cast out unclean spirits and to heal every disease and every disease. On the way preach saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the litterers, cast out demons. You receive for free, give for free. Luke 9 verse 10, Luke 9 verse 6 They set out and went from village to village. They announced the good news and performed healing everywhere. The Apostles are responsible for leading the Christian walk after the death of Christ. The Apostles occupy the highest position in the Church. They are responsible for transmitting the truth, teaching our Christ and making important decisions. Only the Apostles of Jesus have the power to transmit the miraculous gifts. 1 Corinthians chapter 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 28 And God hath said in the church first, Apostles, secondly, secondarily, prophets, thirdly, teachers. Then those who have the gift of miracles. Then those who have the gift of healing and helping of well-governing to speak various languages. The Apostles ensure the transmission of the teaching of Christ. They are acting to the truth. Acts 2 verse 42 They preserve in the teaching of the Apostles. Ephesians 2 verse 20 You have been built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. In Job 1 verse 17 But you, beloved, remember the things foretold by the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 4 verse 33 The Apostles bore great witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 7 For this testimony I was appointed a preacher and an Apostle. I speak the truth, I do not lie. That is the teacher of the nation concerning faith and truth. And then we consider a pause, listen to this music. Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod Music by Kevin MacLeod In Acts 15 verse 2, Paul and Barnabas had a lively argument, an argument with them. The brethren then decide that Paul, Barnabas, and some of them would go up to Jerusalem to the Apostles and elders to deal with this matter. Elders work with the Apostles in order to take part in teaching an important decision. This is the case of James, the brother of Jesus, considered as a pillar. Acts 15 verse 13 Galatians 2 verse 9 Acts 15, 16 verse 4 and 5 Passing through the cities, they command the brethren to observe the decisions of the Apostles and the elders of Jerusalem. The churches grew stronger in the faith and increased in number day by day. The Apostles are a barrier to the Apostles, which infiltrates the church from the first century. After the death, false teaching spread and adulterated the true teaching of Christ as he himself had prophesied in his parable of the wheat and the weeds. Matthew 13 verse 24 to 30 and Matthew 13 verse 36 to 43 Matthew 34 verse 11 Many false prophets will arise and they will deceive many people. The Apostle Paul also warned us in these terms. Acts 20 verse 29 to 30 I know that when I am gone fierce wolves will creep in among you and they will show no mercy to the flock. From your own works will arise men who will use lying language to make disciples. Beware! Let no one ensnare you with philosophy, with baseless deception that are based on the tradition of men. On the elementary principles which govern the world and not on Christ. 2 Timothy 4 verse 3 and 4 For the time will come when men will no longer want to know anything about the authentic teachings according to their own desires. They will choose a quorum of masters whom they will ask only to pleasantly caress their ears. They will turn their ears away from the truth to listen to stories of true fabrication. The last surviving Apostle wrote in 1 John 4 verse 1 Beloved, believe not every expired word, but try the expired words to see if they come from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. The rapid spread of the apostasy at the death of the Apostles with the intrusion of false doctrines and eunuchs practices into the original teaching of Christ shows how attached the Holy Spirit was to the Apostles of Jesus. The alleged successors of the Apostles did not know or did not want to preserve the purity of Christianity. The Apostles performed many miracles and can pass on this gift to other Christians through the Holy Spirit. Many miraculous signs of wonders were done among the people through the intermediary of the Apostles. The sick were taken out into the street and placed on stretchers so that when people passed by his shadow, at least cover one of them. A crowd of people also came running from the neighboring town to Jerusalem. They brought the sick and people tormented by unclean spirit and all were healed. This is what the Apostles did. They healed, they cured people, and now, as you can imagine, how many false Apostles there are in the world. There are whole worlds of false Apostles. Some of them claim that God sent them. They have done wrong. The Apostles suffer for the name of Jesus Christ. And then, some of them come as a sheep, but they are ravenous wolves. They come to devour the sheep of God. We have to be careful because those who come in the name of God, not all sent by Him, they just come to devour, to do what is not good. Be careful because some of them are in the world. Music You are listening to Radio Le Guerrier Ministries. Le Guerrier Ministries is an online radio who keeps you on the spiritual direction. This radio would like to announce you that Jesus Christ is coming soon. You must be repentant because you do not know when He will come. As a chief, you do not know when a chief comes into your house. But only one thing, you must be vigilant. It is the same. You do not know when Jesus Christ is coming. You must be ready. Today we, after we, previously we were talking about Apostles. We said a lot of things about Apostles. But now, I am going to talk about a word. A word is important. We are going to see the different meaning of the word soul. Soul. A lot of people consider that soul is immortal. Can we endorse this statement? Can somebody endorse this statement and say, yes, the soul is immortal? I do not believe it. Because the Bible taught and teaches us about a lot of things about the soul. We are going to consider now. During this time, we are going to talk about, yes, about this word. Soul for, let's say, about 30 minutes. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental belief in most religions of the world. On all continents and at all times, the brevity of life pushes us to wonder about what comes next. Does everything end when we die? Or is there an immortal part that survives the body and allows us to experience something else? And what about the resurrection hope described in the Bible? What does the Bible teach us about the soul? What does the Bible teach us about the soul? Let's see. Origin and definition of the word soul. Given the importance, the significance of this word, it is essential to precisely define the word's use. The word soul is translated from Hebrew, nefesh, and from the Greek, syke, syke, and the Greek, syke. Nefesh was found in 682 verses of the Old Testament. Nefesh presumably comes from a root meaning, to breathe. Syke was found in 94 verses in the New Testament. The word soul refers to several different things which can be a source of confusion. The word soul can designate a living being, human or animal, inhabitant. There is no living soul, a village, or a thousand souls. The principle of life, the very essence of life, to die, a soul is extinguished. The deep-seat of emotion, intentions, personality, thoughts, the eye are the mirror of the soul. One can write a lost soul, the spiritual being which exists in itself, a body in which survives death. Many religions believe in the immortality of the soul, a person considered from the ingrowth of his moral or intellectual qualities. The heroine is portrayed as a noble and generous soul. This noble should appear to sensitive souls. A person who animates will place a decisive word in the engine. He was the soul of the resistance to the occupier, the soul of the revolution. All the way of thinking or acting specific to the numbers of a social group in which characterized it. The celebric soul to have the soul of the poet. What is the meaning of Misesh, of Sike in the Bible? Only the first four sentences will be discussed here this afternoon. Several translations in the Bible will be used in order to understand the meaning of the word soul. In general, for the same reference, the first verse quote will contain the word soul, while the following verses will offer interesting substitutes, while keeping the meaning of the sentence. As you can see, soul, what is it exactly? Is it something that you can see it? Something can be replaced? Something that somebody can change? As you can see. I am going to continue with the soul, meaning the soul designates a living being, human or animal, a person, an inhabitant, a poor trait, animal or living soul. The creation of the animal would be done in the ocean. Animal or living soul or living being. Genesis 1 verse 20 and 21. And God said again, let the water shun with a shunning of living souls, and let flying creatures fly above the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens. And God proceeds to create the great sea, monsters, and every living soul that moves with water shunned after the sky. And Genesis 1 verse 20 and 21 says, then God said, let the waters bring forth living creatures in abundance, and birds fly, fly, that's the meaning, over the earth before the expanse of the heavens. And God created great fishes and all living creatures that move whose water abound after the sky, and every wing bird after its sky. And God saw that it was good. In the Bible of Stephen. Adam is a living soul. The first man is created from the element of the earth, soil. He became a living soul or a living being. It is not written that he receives a soul. Genesis 2 verse 7 says, and Yahweh God then formed man of dust out of the ground, and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul. Genesis 2 verse 7 in the other Bible, and then says, the Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. According to this verse, man was created from elements coming from the soil of a planet. What are they? Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron. Then God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. It is the breath that maintains life, which allows the production of energy through the combustion of food. Indeed, many biochemical reactions of the metabolism are due, thanks to oxygen, the synthesis of molecules rich in the energy called ATP. That means adenosine triphosphate responsible for maintaining life in a body. At his death, Adam, just like other animals or vegetable living beings, would return to the earth the different elements constituting it. The organic metal, the organic matter, then being transformed into mineral matter. Genesis 3 verse 19, By the swear of your faith, you will eat bread, and this until you return to the earth, and it is from it that you were taken. Yes, you are thus, and to thus you will return. God establishes a covenant with all living souls. After the fraud, God makes a promise that Noah and all his descendants, he will never cause a fraud again. This promise concerns all souls, all living beings, whether human or animal. The rainbow will testify to the covenant established between God and the earth. Genesis 9 verse 9 to 13, God said again to Noah and to his son with him, As for me, behold, I establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you. And with every living soul that is with you among the birds, among the beasts, and among all the living creatures of the earth with you. From all those who come out of the ark to every living creature of the earth, yea, I do establish my covenant with you. No more shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a fraud, neither shall there be any more a fraud to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the sign of the covenant which I put between me and you, and every living soul who is with you from generation to time indefinite. My rainbow, yes, I put it in the cloud, it must serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9 verse 9 to 10, I establish my covenant with you and with your offsprings after you, with all living creatures that are with you, both birds and cattle and all the animals of the earth. With all who came out of the ark, with all the animals of the earth. Genesis 10 verse 9 to 10, And with every living animal that is with you, both birds and cattle, and all the beasts of the earth that are with you, all that came out of the ark to all the beasts of the earth. Seventy souls from the family of Jacob settled in Egypt. All the Israelites are the descendants of the seventy people from the family of Jacob who settled in Egypt when Daniel was the ruler of Egypt. There the famine was rich, where Joseph. Genesis 46 verse 27, All the souls of the house of Jacob who came into Egypt were seventy. Genesis 46 verse 27, The total number of Jacob's family who came to Egypt was seventy. That means the soul is a life, a person, a living. Souls who brought the law were cut off. Any soul or person who ate blood was put to death or cut off. Leviticus 7 verse 27, Every soul that ate any blood, whatever, whatsoever, that soul shall be cut off from this people. Leviticus 7 verse 27, Whoever ate blood of any kind, that one shall be cut off from his people. In the Leviticus 7 verse 27, Anyone who eats any blood shall be cut off from his people. The soul or one who performed work on the Sabbath was to be put to death or cut off. Exodus 31 verse 14, You must keep the Sabbath because it is holy to you. Whoever profaned it will truly be put to death. If anyone does work on this day, then that soul must be cut off from among his people. Exodus 31 verse 14, In another translation, you shall keep the Sabbath for it shall be holy unto you. Whoever profaned it will be punished with death. Whoever does any work on that day will be cut off from among his people. It is the soul that sinned that should be put to death. Children should not be condemned for their parents and vice versa. Ezekiel 18 verse 4, Ezekiel 20 verse 4, Behold, all souls are mine, as the soul of the Father. So all the soul of the Son is mine. The soul that sinned that one will die. The soul that has sinned will die. The Son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father. Neither shall the Father bear the iniquity of the Son. The righteousness of the righteous will be upon him. And the wickedness of the wicked will be upon him. The divine daddy. Ezekiel 18 verse 4 and 20, Behold, all lives, all lives, all life are mine. The life of the Son as well as the lives of the Father are mine. When the person who sins must die, it is the man who sins who will die. And the son will not bear the weight of his father first. Nor the father the weight of his son first. To him who is righteous, his righteousness will be credited to him. And the wicked will be credited with his weaknesses. Weakness. So, in these verses, the word soul has two meanings. At the beginning of verse, all soul are mine. The soul of the Father and the soul of the Son. All lives are mine. The life of the Son and the life of the Father. The word soul has here the meaning of life. In the following verse 4, the soul that sins that one will die. The soul that has sinned will die. Well, it is the person who sins who will be, who will have to die. It is the man who sins who will die. The word soul here has the meaning of person. One hundred thousand souls or one hundred Haragawen prisoners in the spark of war. After the victory against the Haragawenian, the Israelites fight themselves with significant war sports. Including one hundred thousand souls or prisoners. First Chronicles 5.21. They succeed in capturing their cattle, their camels. Fifty thousand sheep. Two hundred and fifty thousand donkeys. Two thousand human souls. A hundred thousand. First Chronicles 5.21. They took the herds of their adversaries. Fifty thousand camels. Two hundred and fifty sheep. And two thousand donkeys. And made one hundred thousand prisoners. According to different translations. Samson was not to approach a dead soul. Samson had been dedicated to Yahweh as a Nazirite. He should not cut his hair or shave. He was not to touch any dead soul or dead person or corpse. Numbers 6.5 and 6. or the days of Nazareth. For the razor shall not pass over his head until the days of his separation of Yahweh are complete. He will show himself to the holy by letting the strength of hair grow from his head. All the days that stand apart of Yahweh, he will not be able to come to any dead soul. In this verse, verse 6. To us of a dead soul. Soul here clearly denote a person who is dead. Or according to other translations, dead, deceased, corpse, dead body. So the soul can die. Soul is not immortal. Soul can die. If it can die, it cannot do nothing. Let's see. The soul can be hungry or full. The soul has physical needs. It can be hungry and therefore suffer. It can be satisfied or therefore rejoice. She appreciates and disdain the dishes according to her taste and her need. Proverbs 27, verse 27. The dead soul tread on honeycomb, but to the hungry soul every bitter is sweet. Proverbs 28, another translation. He who is full despised honey, but to the hungry even bitter seemed sweet. Every soul must submit to the authority as long as what is asked of him is not in opposition to the laws of God. Every soul must submit to the authorities. The soul respects the laws and customs of the country. Romans 13, verse 1. Let every soul submit to the authorities which are above him, for there is no authority except from God. And those that exist are ordained of God according to the Darby and the Lusigon. Let everyone submit to the authorities that govern us, for all authority comes from God and those that exist were established by God. The word soul designates here each citizen, each inhabitant subject to a ruler. And therefore, as the Numbers, verse 2, have shown the soul can designate any living being, human or animals. The soul has physical needs. It can be hungry or full. She can submit to the authorities or he imprisoned. Finally, she can die and be put to death. In fact, the soul designates the person himself or the animal himself with all his needs, his emotions, his way of life, his birth, his life and his death. According to the source and the spirit of you, the soul is mortal. There is no immortal soul. And we will continue with this point. But for now, as you can see, when somebody appears before you and tells you that, talking about the immortality of soul, you must stand and present this person with the Bible. All soul is mortal. The animal or the living or a person, the soul is the person himself, is the animal, who is alive, who can feel hungry, he can feel needs, he can feel happy, he can feel etc. But as soon as this breath comes out of this body, the body, there is no soul. And the soul is dying. Brothers and sisters, enjoy the emission. Stay connected with God. For more information And then, the second meaning of soul, meaning two, life, the principle of life, the very essence of life. You shall not eat flesh with his soul. This is, blood represents life. It is forbidden to eat it. Genesis 9 verse 4. Only you shall not eat flesh with his soul. That is to say, his blood. Another translation. However, you shall not eat meat which still contains its life. This is its blood. Rachel passed away. Rachel, Jacob's father's wife, died giving birth to her son. Second son, Benjamin. This verse indicates that she was about to give up her ghost. Genesis 35 verse 18. When she was about to give up her ghost, for she was dying, she named him Ben-Oni. But his father called him Benjamin. Luisego. Genesis 35 verse 18. The same verse in Luisego. We read it first in Derby, and now we read it in Luisego. But she was dying. In her dying birth, she named him Ben-Oni. Son of my Saul. But his father called him Benjamin. Son of my auspiciousness. Rachel was dying when she named her son Benjamin. Son of my pain. And she was dying. Her vital force was leaving. She took her last breath. She was about to give up her ghost. And Syrians were fleeing for their souls. Fearing for their souls, their lives. The Syrians fled at dusk and abandoned their camp. Second Kings 7 verse 7. As soon as they arose and fled at dusk, they left their tents and their horses and their donkeys. They kept as it was and fled for their souls. Second Kings 7 verse 7. So to save their lives, they arose and fled at nightfall. Abandoning their tents, their horses, their donkeys, and leaving their camp as it was. Queen Esther asked to be granted her soul and that her people. While the order to exterminate all the Jews of the kingdom of Pesach has been promulgated. Queen Esther implores King Hauserus of Persia to grant her life or her soul and save her people. Esther 7 verse 3. Then Esther, the queen, answered and said, If I have fallen favor in your eyes, O King, and if it truly seems good to the king, let my soul be granted to me at my request and my people at my request. Another translation, Louis Sego. Queen Esther answered, If I have fallen favor in your eyes, O King, and if it truly seems good to me, grant me my life at my request and my people at my request. This is my desire. David implores God to keep his soul. Faced with the large number of enemies, King David implores God to keep his soul to protect his life. Psalm 25 verse 19, 21. See how many my enemies are, and with what violent hatred they pursue me. Save my soul and save me. May I not be put to shame, for I seek refuge with you. May integrity and righteousness protect me, for I put my hope in you. And Louis Sego, in the same verse, See how numerous my enemies are, and what violent hatred they have for me. Protect me, deliver me, keep me from shame. In you I seek a sure refuge. May my innocence and righteousness serve me since I hope in you. David's enemies made him a trap. They symbolically dug a pit for his soul or to take his life. And Psalm 35, 7. For without cause they have prepared their net for me. Secretly, without a cause, they dug a pit for my soul. David. In the same verse, and secondly, Sego. For without cause they laid a snare for me. Without cause they dug a hole to take away my life. Jonah asked God to take away his soul. After, Jonah is so angry with God because he gave up destroying the city of Nineveh. That he goes so far as to ask Him to take away his soul or take his life. Jonah 4, verse 3. And now, O Jehovah, please take away my soul. For it is better for me to die than to live. And Jonah, another translation. Now therefore, Lord, take my life. For to die is better to me than to live. Now therefore, O Lord, please take away my life. For death is better to me than life. According to translation Matthew. Jesus gave his soul as a ransom. As we can imagine, Jesus Christ comes and deserves to give his soul, soul, that means his life, as a ransom for humanity. Matthew 20, verse 28. As the soul of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his soul, a ransom in exchange for me. Thus the soul of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life, a ransom for me. But as Peter said to, he would give his soul for Jesus. When Peter affirmed that he would deliver his soul and give his life for Jesus, the Messiah answered him that. He would deny him three times before the Worcester courts. John 13, verse 37, 38. And then he said, Peter said to him, Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will give up my soul for you. Jesus answered, you will give up your soul for me? Yes, truly, I tell you, a Worcester will never call until you have denied me three times. And then they listened. Lord said, Peter, to him, why cannot I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you. Jesus answered, you will lay down your life for me? Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Worcester shall not call until you have denied me three times. We must give up a soul for our brothers, just as Jesus gave up his soul for us. He loved the love of Christ who gave his life for us is an example left to Christians. 1 John 3, verse 16. To this we have come to know love because he has given up his soul for us. And we are bound to deliver a soul for our brethren. And we say, look, this is how we are to know love. Christ laid down his life for us. We too must give our lives for the brothers and sisters. This is the word of God. God wants us to follow his steps and do the same. Apostle Paul asked the Philippians to walk in his company who risked his life by walking very hard at his side. Ephesians 3, verse 30. Because, because of the Lord, what he came very near just risking his soul to fully compensate for the fact that you were not there to render service to me same. Philippians 2, verse 30. We say go, for it was for the work of God. It is work for the work of God that we must do some things marvelous to the work of God. And then, the soul can designate life itself, the principles of life, the very essence of life. Jesus came to earth to give his soul, his life, as a ransom for humanity. A perfidious, poor companion, she risked his soul, his life, for the work of the Lord. Rachel passed away shortly after giving birth to her son Benjamin, and Esther implored a service to preserve her soul. Jonah prayed to God to take away his soul, while David implored him to protect his soul. Finally, it is forbidden for Christians to eat meat with his soul, that is to say its blood, because it represents life. We can see in this example that the word soul is synonymous with life. The soul can therefore be given, taken away, preserved, and protected. And also, therefore, the soul is mortal. The first meaning, we saw that the soul is mortal. The second meaning, we saw the soul is mortal. It can be taken, it can be given, it can be preserved, and it can be protected. So therefore, there is no immortality of life according to the word of God. Brothers and sisters, if he is the point of view in the Bible, the Bible teaches us about everything. As you can imagine and hear some people testify or claim, if life, the soul is immortal, you can say no. Present him the word of God and let them know that the soul, all soul, is mortal. All soul is mortal. When you die, you do not know nothing. You cannot do nothing. You cannot love. You cannot hate. You cannot have any desire. And then, only, all the soul is mortal. We thank you for listening to us at this moment. And then, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know, and we will be more than happy to answer your questions. May God bless you. Now, we are going to pass to another emission. Stay connected, and you will be blessed. Thank you. In the future. Bye. All right. Now, brother James, good evening. Good evening, thank you. Amen. Amen. Line muted. Line unmuted. Line muted. We are going to continue. Line unmuted. Line muted. Line unmuted. Call recording is on. Line muted. Line muted. Line muted. Line muted.