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Lucas Hart presents on Coca-Cola brand and profits. Coca-Cola is a global leader in the caffeinated drink industry. The company focuses on planet, people, and profit for success. The environment is impacted by waste and weather conditions. People are essential to the company's success, with over 500 brands in 200 countries and a commitment to gender equality. Profit is crucial for running a successful company, and Coca-Cola's net income continues to rise. Marketing and social media play a significant role in promoting the brand. The company aims to satisfy all consumers with innovative ideas and healthier options. Lucas Hart concludes that understanding these factors is essential for success in the business world. Hello, I am Lucas Hart and this is my presentation on Coca-Cola brand and profits. For my introduction, Coca-Cola is the largest selling caffeinated drink company in the whole world. If you think, if you're going out to eat or you want something to drink or you're going to a gas station, wherever you go, any place that is going to sell beverages is going to be more than likely branded by Coca-Cola, but they will have their drinks and products in stock. There are multiple factors that go into running a successful business, but the main three are planet, people, and profit. Coca-Cola has done a good job of impacting this in a positive manner and that's why their company has been so successful and on an incline in the past couple of years. First off is planet. Planet is just essentially how the environment affects work and business. For instance, a lot of big companies are located as big plants or factories with a lot of workers inside the factory, working inside the factory, and there's a lot of waste that gets disposed inside the factories that doesn't really benefit the environment, especially not the earth across the globe. When I say waste that can be disposed of, I'm talking about various plastic and cardboard. When we talk about plastic and cardboard, a lot of times that just gets thrown away or thrown in a dump or it just gets left out and then it ends up in the ocean which causes pollution and it's just not a good thing. So that's one thing in the environment that is a negative. And also, going into planet, we can talk about weather. That's a huge factor for the environment too, depending on what job you work. For instance, if you work an outdoors job, you know, weather, you're going to have storms, you're going to have thunder, you're going to have snow and blizzards, it can be really hot or really cold, and rainfall. There are lots of jobs outside that make it a lot more difficult with weather circumstances, especially with rain, there are a lot of jobs like landscaping jobs that you can't really perform if there's a bunch of rain or there's storms. And also, if you're working inside, if you have really bad weather, that can affect, you know, how you work inside. You can have flooding, you can have rain getting in buildings, affecting items, maybe packages that aren't yours that you're sending out or mailing out. Also, if there's no power in buildings. I know I work in a big factory and our power has gone out a number of times and the building and machines will just shut off and you can't really do anything about it. You kind of just have to wait until the power comes back on. So that electricity is also a big factor in the environment and planet. Next up is people. Coca-Cola is a major corporation that has a huge brand with millions of jobs to offer to people that just need to find work. And every person, every employee, plays a key factor in the success that Coca-Cola has had. And not even just Coca-Cola, any big business that employs a big extended portion of people. That's going to be a key factor in the success of the business. Coca-Cola has over 500 brands in 200 different countries. That's a lot of countries where a lot of people need to work. The Coca-Cola company is committed to prioritizing career development, increasing transparency and providing flexibility and choice on how career growth is achieved. The brand has over 700,000 employees yearly and with that many people have a lot of options for the type of employees that they want to have an impact for the company in a positive way. And Coca-Cola also achieved the 2022 Bloomberg Index for Gender Equality. Now Coca-Cola employs a lot of people every year and not everyone wants to go into the same career. Not everyone has the same interests. Everyone's different. And Coca-Cola does a good job of having a variety of career options that you can explore and exploit. Everyone wants something different and every path is different so the amount of careers that they have gives opportunities for people to try new things out and really figure out what they really want to do. Continuing with people, part of Coca-Cola's mission is that women in the workplace have the same equal opportunities as men. This is part of equality that we've been pushing for as a society in the past several years. The Global Women's Leadership Council plays a key role in developing recommendations on strategy, objectives, and initiatives to accelerate the development and progression of female talent into positions of responsibility and influence. The Coca-Cola Company. And it's also anticipated that in the next ten years that these type of jobs will be owned by 50% of women. Next up is profit. Profit is one of the most important factors of the three and just out of all the factors that go into running a successful company because running a successful company, it runs on money. And if you don't have profit, you're not going to do well. And without profit, you're going to have the risk and the scare of maybe losing your business or losing your job or the company just going under. Now as Coca-Cola, it's growing and it's already a large company that has a good net income which continuously rises every year. And the profit is kind of weird because it can change seasonally because when a company brings out new items, they come out in various parts of the year. And so it will be up and down but it's always impactful and going in a positive direction. And profit is just statistics, marketing, and sales, you know. If you do a good job of promoting your product, then you're going to get good profit. And as of June 2023, all stats and numbers have arisen from the previous year. 3BL refers to marketing and using social media to promote environmental and social issues for possible investors and stakeholders. This really kicked off previously in the past two decades just because of how the world has advanced in the manner of technology and social media. Everything is virtual now and that can be looked in a positive way. Asa Griggs Chandler spent a considerable amount of money on advertising. His original budget for advertising was $11,000 which would be over $300,000 in today's money. By 1900, the budget increased tenfold to $100,000 and again to $1,000,000 by 1910. This will continue to grow the brand every year as long as there are new innovative ideas like bringing in newer, healthier options so that all consumers are satisfied with the product. Here are the interview questions that I had. Would the shortage of employees worldwide cause detrimental changes in the long run to the Coca-Cola business? What are the global sales comparatively speaking compared to rival corporations? How many trucks get shipped out per week, month, and year with statistics provided? How many missed orders get called back and how does the company adapt to that change? Is there more of a need in warehouses or drivers for the road considering long hours? The Summary In summation, the Coca-Cola brand was a good organization to help me better understand how planet, people, and profit work. These three factors can make or break a company and without them, there is no purpose. Coca-Cola is not the only business that uses this effectively. Many major businesses are going to use these three things and without them, they will not be successful. That being said, researching into this topic has given me more experience heading into the business world while trying to make a name for myself in helping improve the business to come.

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