Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Alright, let's go back to our old home, our old place where we used to stay. And look for now, tell her what happened. Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, yep, huh, huh, no, get back on here, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, no, I didn't mean jump in the water, I wanted to do zip line, oh well. Okay, now we got some shit to tell you, yep, hup, hup, hup, hup, ooh that can be good. Yep, here we are, hup, finally back home after all this time, yep, yep, don't mind me y'all, just an assassin walking around. Okay, see she's here, she is here, not really, some shit happened, shit ain't the same, our whole world was turned upside down. Damn, oh, what, we're gonna go together, are we gonna go against the Brotherhood? What the hell? Cause that's where the Brotherhood is, I wonder. Damn, so we're questioning our loyalty now, that's crazy. Alright, so we're gonna go back to the Hubware Assassin's Train and look for whatever hidden stuff is beneath there, that supposedly Basim has a right to see. Alright then, let's do this. Oh, this is the ending, okay, are you saying you wish to leave, you need to complete Basim's story eval before returning to Baghdad. Alright yeah, let's do it, let's do this y'all. Oh. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Damn, okay. Whoa, we got a new outfit. And we got a horse. Hey, thank you. Another journey across the desert. Damn. The horse died, holy shit. They had to make it on foot. That's crazy. Damn, there it is, it's actually a pretty shot. It's very pretty. Damn, they barely made it exhausted. Blood? Oh, it's a hallucination. No, it's not a hallucination. Oh, we're too late. They already came. What? Oh. Oh, Rashaan saved us. Oh no, it's not Rashaan. No, it's not. Whoa. Whoa, is it reaching out its hand to him? Oh, it's him. Where's Nahal though? Damn, we're too late. Ooh. Hmm. Damn, he's wounded. Oh, it's the Assassin's Creed melody. Oh, he's starting a question to the Brotherhood. Oh, is this where he betrays it? Where he becomes Loki? Hmm. Whoa, we got a new outfit. That's kind of cool. Hurry back to camp. Okay. Whoa. Okay. Hey, we got a horse. It's a girl. Hmm. Oh, it was his horse. Damn. Hey, it's playing the classic melody of the Assassin's Creed melody. That's cool. Damn, that theme is dead set. Damn. Okay, we gotta go on foot from here. Thanks, Horsey. Yep. Parkour. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Damn, the whole place is freaking destroyed. Oh no, they're holding them hostage. Damn, the wrath of the assassins. I think we gotta do something. Oh, we gotta save him. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Come on. We gotta help him. Oof. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Come on. Can we not get him? Fuck me, I didn't mean to do that. Ugh, son of a bitch. Alright, come here, fuckers. Gotcha. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Alright, let's haul these guys down. Alright, let's go. Huh. Oh, they're fucking everywhere. Huh. Yeah. Get away. Smoke bomb. There's one. There's two. Fuck. Three. Ow. Hell yeah, I got a lot of them. Another smoke bomb. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Alright, last guy. Show me what you got, fucker. Huh. Oh, I don't know how that didn't hit me. Show me what you got, fucker. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. We're here. We're here to save you. We came back to see some secrets. Hmm. Hmm. What? Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Maybe we should listen to him. Hmm. Well, he has good intentions, but it might not have ended up working out that way. Damn. Okay. Huh. Huh. Let's keep going. Oh shit. Huh. Oh fuck, there's a guy coming. Are there still enemies around? Oh, there are still enemies. Huh. Huh. He found his friend. Huh. Huh. Come here, asshole. Huh. Oh, we got each other. Huh. There's a bow guy up here. Gotcha. Nice. Huh. Okay. Huh. Oh, we'll save you. Huh. Okay. Damn, he's really hellbound seeing what's in there. Maybe that's not the best idea, dude. Oh, this is where we were originally becoming assassin. Ooh. Oh, they're already in here. Surprise. Huh. Huh. Huh. Yeah. Take this. Huh. Whoa, this is really cool. We can explore this area now. Another one. Huh. Aw, they fucking seen me? You gotta be shitting me. So long. Fuck me, he's calling his reinforcements. Alright, they almost lost me. I could use the chain of assassination to be able to take out all of them. Ooh. Come here. Okay. Alright, they're going back. Alright, I could use this to take them all out. Okay. Damn, I can't reach that one, but I can get these guys. Huh. Huh. Huh. Yeah. Huh. Ooh. You're done. And you're done. There's just one more. Hey buddy, don't turn around or all your friends are dead. Huh. Hmm. Was it the same symbol that Nehal and him seen in that temple all that time ago? Hmm. Alright, let's check this out. Whoa, it's one of those really old hidden doors. Huh. No, it's Rashaan. Oh no, is Basim gonna fight her? No, our master. Basim, stop, it's not worth it. Oh my goodness. She's gonna defend to her death. What? We gotta fight our master? Huh. Damn. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. She's parrying all my attacks. Huh. She's just blocking all my shit. Oh, with the throwing knife. The, the what? Oh, her arm. I'm trying to get her arm. What the? There we go. Damn. Damn. Rashaan, why are you making us do this? Ow. Ooh, that's a lot of damage. Oh. Oh. Parry. Huh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Ow. Uh. Uh. Damn. I wonder if that's why she tried to recruit him. Don't kill her. No. Why did you finish her off? What the fuck, Basim? Bro, you're the villain now. She's already dying. Guess he's trying to give her one last chance. Hmm, you should listen to him, Basim. Damn. Come on, just turn around. Hmm. No, it's not the same, dude. Damn. Hmm. She needs his blood. Hmm. Hmm. And he's what's gonna open it. Holy shit, that worked. Whoa, it's lighting up. That looks really cool. Whoa, it's an old ones temple. Damn, the ancient ones. What the hell is that? Whoa, it's so cool. Finally we get to explore the old civilization place. Damn. What's this? There's a bunch of them. Maybe they're like, uh, they store information, store data or something. Hmm. Whoa, look at how huge this area is. Whoa. Well, what was it meant for? All right, we can get across maybe through here. With the parkour. Yep. Yep. Whoa. This is it, Basim. It's all after this. Let's find out what these secrets they've been hiding were. What the fuck is that thing? Oh, there's like metal and shit. That's full-on technology. He knows this. What? Were you like born here or some shit? Oh, it's hallucination time. Is there a person in there? You might not want to open that if you don't know what's in there. That's a bad idea. Who or what is inside of there? Nehal? All right. Was she never there? Nehal never existed? Whoa. Basim was half fucking crazy the whole time. Damn. Whoa. Nehal was what fucking was used to manipulate him to do this. Wow. That's crazy. It's actually an interesting twist. I wasn't expecting that. Damn. What? What the hell? Ooh, it's another vision. Whoa. Who were those two people? I would kill the other one, but why? Was Basim in a djinn? Or what he thinks is a djinn? Whoa. Whoa! We're inside of his mind. We're in the hallucination. What the fuck is this? This looks creepy. I'm assuming it's that red glowing thing over there. Looks kind of cool. Look at all those, like... They look like people. Well, were people. Like a collection of dead people. Ghosts. Looks creepy, but kind of cool. Damn. Hmm. Damn. Alright, well we're getting closer. What the hell is this? Oh, he's tormenting him with the people he got killed again. The people he got killed in the very beginning by accident. Who's that? Hmm. They're strong... They're memories that he has felt strong emotion. Or fear he has strong emotion. Memories that he felt strong emotion. Ooh. Wow, why the fuck do they feel the need to lock us up? All the people we assassinated and all the leaders. Hmm. Whoa. Is that where that thing's hiding? That creepy crawly thing? What? We're going to his cell? Oh crap. Alright, let's see what's in here. It's him training to be an assassin. Oh, does it want us to take a leap of faith? Whoa, that's kind of cool. Whoa, that's kind of cool. Leap of faith. Whoa. Hmm. Oh, he's trying to suppress it. Oh, he's able to push it back. Hmm. Hmm? Hmm, what? I'm so confused. Is she even real? Was she ever a person? Is she even real? What the hell? Hmm. Are they fusing together back to one or some shit? Hmm. What are you talking about? Let's figure it out. Wait, is that young Roshan? There's no way. No. Okay, no. That was just another assassin. Hmm. Holy shit, she's all bled up. I don't know how the hell she's alive. Is she leaving the Brotherhood? She threw away her hidden blade. She's just ignoring him. Damn. She's leaving the Brotherhood. Hmm. Is that going to be the guy he follows then? I feel like that guy is probably going to end up being corrupted or something. Ooh. Assassin's base. Hey, it's Basim. Whoa. What the fuck, Enkidu? Why are you happy about that, Basim? What's wrong with you? Oh, hell nah. He's going psychotic. What the fuck? Hmm. Oh, well. Hey, we did it. I don't know what that means, but... I don't know what that means. Hey, that was Assassin's Creed Mirage, y'all. Hell yeah. Alright. That was a cool shot. Hey, new game plus. Cool. Hey. Nice. Perched up over the city. Master Assassin. Alright, y'all, that was Assassin's Creed Mirage. So it was a pretty cool game. I enjoyed it. I hope y'all enjoyed watching. Definitely really cool. Definitely a step in the right direction, I would say, for the Assassin's Creed franchise, at least compared to the RPG games or what they were going to before. I really wasn't a fan of those games at all, to be honest. But this is something a lot more in line with what I would want from an Assassin's Creed franchise. Although the game wasn't necessarily perfect. It was good, but it wasn't perfect. I do have some complaints and, I'd say, critiques about it. For one, I think the combat was decent, but I feel like nowadays, in today's day and age, you could have a more polished combat than what we had in this game. But I feel like that's partly issue from this game, running on the same engine that ran AC Valhalla. Because originally this game was actually supposed to just be DLC for it, but eventually they let it to be a full-fledged game. So I feel like that just comes from that. I feel like maybe they should make a new engine or new combat system that doesn't stem from the Valhalla combat, because the Valhalla combat or the Origins combat and stuff like that doesn't really feel as good to me for Assassin's Creed. I feel like they should just revamp it and do another one, in my opinion. But I don't know. Let me know if you disagree. And then another big part about the game was the combat, which I just talked about. And another big part about the game was the parkour. And the parkour, I liked it. It was definitely a lot better than, like I said, what they had in the other games, like Valhalla and stuff like that, which pretty much basically had no parkour. And when they did have it, it was super simplified, even more than it already was in this game. So I'm glad that they brought the parkour back and made it feel more like you could run across the rooftops as an assassin. And I also really, really liked that this game had a much more heavier focus on being an assassin and doing assassinations and being in the Brotherhood, which is something that I like a lot. I hope they continue that for the franchise in the future. And yeah, the parkour in the game, although it was good, like it was good, it wasn't as bad as Valhalla, I still think it could have been better. Like I think it could have been improved upon. I feel like they could have... I feel like I would have hoped that they could have put more time into it and really, really polished it and made it smooth. Like make it be like so when you start going fast and... Come in. Like make it so when you start going fast, you could build up momentum and have unique moves and stuff like that. Or like, I don't know. I feel like the parkour was good, but I feel like with more time and attention given to it and not having it be rushed, with proper time for development and to expand on it, I think they could make it really good. Basically something more closer to what Unity had, because Unity's parkour, like Unity was a game that came out years ago, but it still somehow had better parkour than this game, which I don't know how that happens, but yeah. So hopefully in the next one, they can make the parkour a little bit more polished, have it more fast, smooth, fluid, feel closer to Unity and maybe even better than Unity. And another aspect of the game, I'd say like the three biggest pillars of any Assassin's Creed game is the combat, the parkour, and the stealth. And I talked about the parkour and the combat, but I didn't talk about the stealth. The stealth in this game was actually pretty good. It was good. It was fair. I'd say it was decent. It wasn't bad. I don't really have too many complaints for it. What I do like is there was a higher emphasis on stealth. You couldn't just go guns blazing all the time or just go killing, fighting everybody every single time. It actually felt like being stealthy was the smart thing to do and paid off later. Although I know it's for context since this is before they had the double blade, but I honestly kind of wish that you had the dual hidden blades. That would have been really cool. It would have just made the assassinations and being stealthy, it would have made it flow way more smoothly and it would have added for more complexity. It would have added for more dynamic stealth encounters and stuff like that. But, I mean, it's cool, I guess. It is what it is. Yeah, stealth mechanics. Stealth mechanics were decent. Finally, it was also really cool just to be able to wear assassin's robes and run across rooftops and assassinate people again. I enjoyed that part too. I was already an Assassin's Creed fan, so I think I have a little bit of... I think that leads me to more likely to like this type of game or this game. This game was good. I liked it. Didn't love it, but I liked it. It had some flaws. Like I said, I talked about the parkour, the combat, and the stealth, which were decent for the most part, but not great, to be honest. Most of those aspects were decent, but not great. And I think the game maybe just needed more time and attention to each of those things to really flesh out each of those systems. And for the story, I'd say the story was probably the weakest part of the game. The facial animations and the character models are definitely looking a little bit outdated now for 2023 or 2024 now. It's definitely looking a little bit outdated, especially when you compare it to other games that I played on the franchise like Resident Evil 4, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, and Spider-Man. When you look at those games and the facial animations and then you look at this game, it's like night and day. So hopefully they can also update the engine with the combat. Hopefully they can also update the engine with the character models and stuff like that and the facial animations to make it look more up-to-date. But yeah, that's basically my overview of my thoughts on the game and stuff like that. I enjoyed it overall. Thought it was decent, but not great, to put it to short. If I had to give it a rating out of 10, I'd say I'd give it like a 7. A 7 out of 10. Now I know that seems a little bit low, but it's actually I think the lowest rating I've given to any game that I've played on this channel so far. But I mean, I listed out my reasons like before. It did a lot of things good, but not really anything great. If it did a couple more things great, if it had the stealth system a little bit more smoother and fleshed out, if it had the combat feeling smoother and more fleshed out, and if they made the parkour more like Unity, I think if they made the parkour more like Unity, I think this game could have gotten something like an 8 or something like that, maybe something better. But because of those things where it was kind of just did decent but not great in, I think I'd give it a 7. But if you're a fan of stealth games, or if you're a fan of Assassin's Creed, mostly the old Assassin's Creed games, I'd recommend this game for you. Maybe you could wait for a sale, but if you really like these games, if you really like the Assassin's Creed games, you could buy it full price. But yeah, I'd recommend this game if you like stealth games or Assassin's Creed games, the early ones. It was definitely fun to play, to do that. So yeah, y'all, that was Assassin's Creed Mirage. Alright then. Alright then, y'all. Until next time. Peace. Alright then. So that was Assassin's Creed Mirage. Hope y'all enjoyed. Hope y'all enjoyed. Alright then. Alright then. Until next time. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace.