SRM Project-Fall 2022
SRM Project-Fall 2022
Hi, my name is Lily and thank you for joining the podcast today. I have a serious question for you. Have you ever wondered what habits to work on with the goal or intention to be more successful in your everyday life? Well, that's exactly what we are going to be discussing today. We're taking a deep dive into the seven habits of highly effective people, which was created by Mr. Stephen Covey in 1989. Covey asked people who deem successful what positive habits they do daily that make them so successful. Before we get started, there are three key things when working with the seven habits. First, there's knowledge, which is when you learn what to do and why to do it. Then there's skills, which is when you learn how to do it. And lastly, there's desire, which is when you want to do it. These are important to keep in mind as we learn more about the seven habits of highly effective people. Let's get started. Habit number one says be proactive. This is also the habit of responsibility. Covey talks about how as humans, we are responsible for our own lives. The action of being proactive is about taking responsibility for one's reaction to one's own experiences. And it's important to take the initiative to respond positively to a situation. And this is when reactive versus proactive is introduced. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. When you are reactive, you are letting external concerns control you. 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One way to try and balance your time management is by weekly planning because it can help you put your first things first in an organized and visual manner. Next up is habit number four, think win-win. This is the habit of abundance, aka mutual benefit. Tubby explains that there are six paradigms of human interaction, but that win-win or no deal is the very best. It's not about being nice, it's more about the effective collaboration with others in order to achieve optimal results. A really important factor in creating a think win-win situation comes from maintaining an abundance mentality. This is a belief that the world is full of possibility and opportunities and there is plenty to go around for everyone. For my last little tidbit on habit number four, there are two important factors to consider when going for a win-win situation. They are consideration and courage, and you need a really high amount of both. Now let's take a look at habit number five, seek first to understand then to be understood. In order to effectively communicate with others, it's important to deeply understand them and their perspective on the issue before you apply and try to offer things like advice or solutions. Tubby says that in order to seek to understand, we must first truly listen, and more specifically, we should listen empathetically. Oftentimes people typically seek first to be understood, meaning they're just listening with the intent to reply, and they are probably already speaking or just preparing what they're going to say next. This leads to a lack of real understanding and it can cause us to respond in one of four different ways. One being evaluate where we simply agree or disagree with what was said, two being probe where we just ask questions from our own perspective and frame of reference, three being advise where we give counsel based on our own experiences, or four being interpret where we try to figure out the person's behaviors and motives based on our own. And to be honest, these responses don't lead to effective communication. That's why it's important to listen empathetically because it gives us the ability to truly understand the person's perspective and it provides us with the knowledge to create a more appropriate and helpful solution. Next up is habit number six, synergize. The essence of synergy is to value and respect the differences of another person and their perspective. Another way of thinking about synergy is it's not my way, not your way, but our way. Now it does take a lot of openness, personal security, and creativity to create synergy, but once it's unlocked, it can uncover so many new possibilities and it can expand your own perspective. So there are quite a few conditions necessary for the creation of synergy, but I'll list a few of the big ones that stand out to me personally. You must have similar goals, you have to embrace trust, you should stay open to new ideas, and finally, you must have the courage to apologize. In my opinion, I think synergy is a really cool and beautiful thing. Finally, we've made it to habit number seven, sharpen the saw. This is the habit of renewal. This habit is about taking the time to renew and refresh the four dimensions of our natures. Before we take a closer look at those dimensions, there are a few fundamental principles of sharpening the saw you should know. Activity is not always action, and sometimes it's important to work smarter, not harder. Renewal is not a luxury, it's an essential, and taking breaks is important, and it's also good to define your breaks and understand their purpose. Most importantly, you have to protect your most valuable asset, yourself. Now let's take a closer look at those dimensions. First we have the physical dimension. Some ways to renew this nature include eating healthy and drinking water, getting enough sleep and even taking naps, and exercising or stretching, or really any activity that gets you up and moving. Now we have the mental dimension. Some ways to renew this nature include exercising your creativity, finding a new hobby, daily journaling, and even skill building. Next up, we have the spiritual dimension. Some ways to renew this nature include helping your community, meditating, and any type of life-reflecting activity like journaling or writing down a life mission. Last but certainly not least, we have the social slash emotional dimension. Some ways to renew this nature include volunteering to help others, making the time to reconnect with people, and even just having a long and thoughtful conversation with someone. Overall, it's really important to put yourself first and take the time to renew and refresh each of the different dimensions because you really are your most valuable asset. So that brings us to the end of today's episode, which was basically like a crash course on steeping coveys to seven habits of highly effective people. I hope you've gained a lot of new knowledge and insight on the seven habits, and if you choose to work on them in your day-to-day life, I hope you remember one thing. You got this. Take care of yourself. Thank you for joining, and until next time.