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Astrology is seen as the underlying structure that connects people to events. There is a theory about time dimensions and precognition based on particles called citrons that travel backwards through time. Events gain meaning through these particles, experienced as synchronicity. Nietzsche's idea of eternal return suggests that everything repeats itself. Birth charts represent a specific destination for the soul in this lifetime. Events and experiences are opportunities to move towards this destination. Psytrons, particles from the future, bring meaning to present events. Time is experienced due to the human need for logic and understanding. Slowing down allows us to better understand the message from Psytrons and make choices in alignment with our destination, improving quality of life. This is the English translation of the article. Who came first, people or events? Astrology is the algebra of life, a qualitative form of mathematics. And people happened to events, not the other way around. These are two statements by Dane Rudyard that inspired me to write this article and to investigate this topic The way he describes it, it seems, as if astrology is the underlying structure that binds people to events and or vis-a-versa, like a coiled spider web that begins to unfold around the moment of birth. This reminded me of a theory of Adrian Dobbs that I've been looking into lately. It was about the two dimensions of time and the precognition is based on hypothetical particles called citrons, which travel backwards through time, faster than the speed of light. So events and possibilities only gain meaning through these particles, which is experienced as synchronicity. To make events real, they must be filled with meaning. This also ties in with Nietzsche's idea of eternal return. There are no infinite possibilities, everything repeats itself over and over. If everything is already recorded as a spiral at the moment of birth, and people draw the events to themselves through potential possibilities in the future, then it seems like everything is relived again and again. The potential possibilities and events are a dot on the horizon where a birth chart wants to go. Through positrons, these results come back to the now, to a path full of synchronicities and events with meaning. Maybe I can explain it a little better this way. Suppose you are in Eindhoven and you want to go to Amsterdam. The route you take and the turns you make are meaningful because they lead to your final destination, Amsterdam. Suppose you want to go to Groningen, another place in the Netherlands. You will receive a different route description and every turn and direction has significance for this specific final destination. In fact, a route is created from the final destination. It is like it is calculated back to your starting point. This is the same thing Psytrons do. They come back to the present moment from the future and thus give meaning to the events in the present. This principle can also work in astrology. You are born with a birth chart, a specific blueprint. In fact, everything is already determined at the moment of your birth. The planets, nodal axis, black lights represent life themes, family car, mixed themes, qualities, obstacles and talents. You could see this as a certain final destination that your soul would like to go to in this lifetime. It is the growth in consciousness and the acquired quality of experience that the soul strives for. In this sense, the final destination is not a physical place but an ethereal transpersonal quality. Through transits and progressions, events come our way that open up the opportunity to take a step towards the final destination. These events have meaning because they carry a higher purpose. This higher purpose and the qualitative content are carried by Psytrons who come back in time from the final destination towards the now. Since there is no time in reality and these particles travel faster than light, it all happens in the now. Because we are human and our physical bodies need integration time, our brains need logic and understanding, we experience time and causality. So perhaps you are now experiencing the viscosity of life, the doubt in which direction you will go now, the pain of conflicts, etc. In essence, your soul is already at the final destination and the road to it only wants to be lived and experienced. And whether you first travel via Vlissingen to Amsterdam or Groningen, the final destination is always present as an inner navigation. Perhaps it matters a lot to you personally how long it takes for you to do something or how many detours you have made. For the soul it is only a matter of observing and the final destination has already been reached in advance. Sometimes it is precisely the art of slowing down in a society where everything wants to move so quickly. By slowing down we can more easily read the unwritten message from the Psytrons about the final destination and the underlying meaning of the situation at hand. This allows us to make choices and provide direction with more peace and connection with ourselves, which in my opinion improves the quality of life. So if you are soon in a situation or in a conflict where you don't know what to do, ask yourself the following question to which final destination is this a possibility?