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This is a podcast called Lit and Lit with George Truly and Zari Junaid. They discuss following Christ in a lively and fun way. They encourage listeners to subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their social media for upcoming episodes. The podcast aims to establish that being a Christian doesn't mean being dull or judgmental. They emphasize the importance of prioritizing one's own voice and surrounding oneself with like-minded people. They also discuss the importance of not allowing others to drain one's energy and the need to be treated with love and respect. The hosts provide biblical references to support their points. The episode focuses on platonic and romantic relationships and the pick-me mentality, exploring why people may not choose or mistreat someone. They encourage listeners to take notes and reach out for advice if needed. It's not about where you're going, it's where God is taking you. What's up, everybody? Welcome to Lit and Lit is a podcast with George Truly, Zari Junaid. We will be following Christ in a litter swag. I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for supporting the podcast, for actually listening to the first episode of the podcast. I also want to say if you have not already, go and subscribe to our YouTube channel and also follow all of our socials so that you do not miss an episode. I'm telling you, it's going to be so lit. There's going to be things in these episodes that are going to change your life. It's not always going to be me on here. It's going to be me and somebody else. So don't miss out. Don't miss out on God's word. Don't miss out on any blessings. Don't miss out. So that's me telling you that if I don't see you watching the pod, it's going to be me and you. And usually when people meet a Christian, they always think, Oh, it's all going to be like holier than thou. It ain't about none of that. I will lay hands on you in Jesus name. Amen. So let's get into it. Let's get lit and wasted. Before we start the episode, I do want to go ahead and lead us in prayer. If somebody has not prayed for you today, I'm going to pray for you. I got you. So let's do this. Bow your head. Close your eyes. And if you know, if you're watching on YouTube, hey YouTube, cause I know you can see me. And if you're just listening on Buzzsprout or whatever you're listening from, go ahead and jump on YouTube so you can see how cute I look. And then you can go back to Buzzsprout. Love you. All right, let's get it. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for letting me be able to walk, talk, speak and breathe. Lord, we just thank you that you have given us the ability to speak. You have given us the ability to hear and see. And so God, we just thank you that you are preparing a table for us. God, that you are opening doors that everybody said would be closed. And so God, we just thank you that you are almighty God, that you do big things, that you will do exceedingly abundantly more than we can act or imagine. And so Lord, we just thank you. I pray that you decrease in me so I can increase in you. And so Lord, I just thank you so much for what you're doing in my life and the things you will do in their lives as they listen. And so Lord, I just lift this podcast up to you. Lord, I give it to you. I give you my heart. I hear the things that nobody hears, see the things that nobody sees in my life and in theirs. God, we thank you. And we cover every single person under the sound of my voice, Lord. Protect them, keep them, and allow their hearts to be open to the messages that I'm about to be giving out. Lord, I pray that it is your word. It is everything you want me to say and not of what I want myself to say. And so Lord, I give it all to you. I call it done in Jesus' name. Amen, amen, and amen. So y'all, hold on. Maybe that prayer almost sent me in. Hold on now. This podcast really, you know, if you want a good description, this podcast is for those who are maybe Christians, who have been Christians for a long time. Even just a Christian that's trying to walk in their path and they don't know how to do it. But this is for you. I promise you this is for you. A lot of people tell you like being Christian, you can't really have any individuality. God didn't create you to be mundane or boring. He created you to be an individual. So you can be lit. You can go out and have fun. You can do certain things and still be Christian. But there is a line. And so this podcast is really to establish what that line is and to allow people to know that God loves you for who you are, who you've become, and who you're going to be. And so it's not all the time about where you are now because God doesn't see, you know, your current situation. He sees where he's going to take you. He's not judging you for what you did last week. He was there in your beginning, your middle, your end, and in between pieces of that. So never forget that. Keep that close to your heart. Today's episode is called I'm the one and not the 99. So we're going to be talking about platonic relationships, romantic relationships, and the pick-me mentality of it all. So trying to figure out why people don't choose you or trying to figure out why people walked away or people, you know, mishandled you. So this is that type of episode. We're going to break that down. There will be scripture in here, baby. We will read that word. Amen. So I want you to be prepared. If you are taking notes, take them. Take them. If you're a note taker, take them. You never know what you come back to and you really want to understand and break down on your own time. So if you want to take notes, take them. If you happen to hear something within the podcast and it touches your heart and you want to, you know, tell me about it, or if you want some advice about the situation, how to handle it, the email will be in the description. It is lit.liftedthepodcast at gmail.com. I will answer every single email you send. I don't care if it's $3,000. I'm handsome. Amen. And so going forward with the episode, y'all going to see me with my IV. Y'all see other people on YouTube. Y'all see my IV. I can't even say anything cute. Check it out. If you ain't on YouTube, go on YouTube. Follow me. Come back to wherever you listen from. Whether that is Buzzsprout or not, or Spotify or Apple podcast, whatever it is, come back to it. So, yeah, let's get into it. I'm going to start off this episode with just putting this out there. I think learning to prioritize your own voice after you've poured or you can pour is so important. You have to surround yourself with people who value the same values that you do. And so I just want to break that down. You cannot entertain yourself with everybody. Everybody's not on your level. Everybody doesn't care about the things that you care about in the same way you care about them. And so sometimes you do love people and you do all you can and you do pour over. I've been there. I've been the person that's constantly just pouring, pouring, pouring, pouring. I have nothing to pour. And I want to tell you something for the person who listens to this and you're like, that's me. Baby, you got to learn when to stop. Because when you don't have enough to even pour into yourself, you don't need to be pouring to nobody else. Your cup is empty. You cannot allow people to drain you down to the bottom where you have nothing, especially when you have nothing to give to yourself. And I want you to, I really want you to take this in. If God loves me in such a way, why would I accept anything less? Yeah, silent. Because I'm not going to let you treat me like anything. And God has already told me I'm loved. I am dear to him. And that he sent his son to die for me. Why would I let you treat me like anything less than that? If you're not coming correct, don't come at all. Period. And so, there are a lot of parts in the Bible that tell us this. Y'all going to see me move around my iPad a lot. I'm sorry, guys. That's just me. I just, I don't want to miss out on God's word. I don't want to miss out on telling you guys something that could really flip your life. So I'm going to have my notes here and I'm going to be here, you know, rocking it out. So yeah, there are many parts in the Bible that tell us this. It's all about how we pay attention. I don't know about y'all. But I read a few different parts of the Bible. Like, I read NIV. I read NLT and Message. And I go back and forth. So, like my pastor, PMJ. Shout out, PMJ. If you're not in Rock City, you need to get to Rock City. That's the only way to be, I mean, believe in God. But look, I'm turning for my church, you hear me? So, I just want to say that part. But my pastor always says, Message version is the hood version. You know, you don't understand all the words. They're being like King James and stuff. Message version is going to get you together. There are a couple of verses that I will talk about that will be, you know, something you can have to reference. Because I want you to be able to lock in with your Bible and lock in with your words. So that you can really understand the things that are unfolding. And so, I just personally feel like you should not put up with anybody who doesn't love you how God loves you. Or, you know, whether that's friendship or relationship. Don't put up with nobody who really just won't go above and beyond for you. Because as for me, I'm a person who go above and beyond. I'm a person who do the extra things. Because I feel like people in my life who I so-called care about are worth my convenience. So, I'm never going to, you know, push people to the side. Or, you know, not pour into your cup. Because I got attitude. It don't matter sometimes how I feel. Because sometimes God put on my heart like, no, you need to go out your way and do that for them. And I willingly, I just pour. But sometimes you need to know when the line is cut. Like, okay, no, I'm not doing that no more. I'm not helping you no more. I'm not going out of my way for you no more. Because everybody's heart and everybody's intentions aren't pure. And so, sometimes you have to really pray and ask God like, hey, I need discernment. So, I can really understand if this person is iffy, if they doing too much, or what's T. Because I'm not going to sit around here and be surrounded by people who don't even like me for real. You know what I'm saying? And so, there is a Bible verse that I have here. Proverbs 18.24. And so, Proverbs 18.24 says, there are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. And I'm going to read that again because I feel like somebody didn't catch that. There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. And so, you're going to have people who are around you just for the sake of being around you, don't even like you, want you to fail for real, but are so comfortable being connected to the favor you have. They ain't going to leave and they ain't going to fall off until you cut it. When you decide, hey, you're no longer pushing me, or helping me, or helping me grow, and you're not choosing me in the ways I need to be chosen, or not supporting me in the ways that I need to be supported. I'm going to be gone then. I'm not going to do that. And so, I think it's a very distinct way of cutting off friendships and cutting off relationships where you don't have to be disrespectful, but where you can voice your opinion and do it in a good way. And then I also broke that down, right? So, there's that one, right, which is in NLT. And NIV version is, one who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. And so, that is me telling you, from God's word, don't have people who you can't rely on. Don't have people who, when you, you done did everything for everybody, but when you come back, can't nobody do nothing for you. Don't have people like that around you. Because it's going to come a time, because it says in the Bible that we are promised trouble. But it also says that, you know, nothing, it won't prosper. Like nothing formed against us will prosper, but we will encounter trouble. And so, you're going to come across things and times and tribulations where you catching hell. You are catching hell, and you don't know what to do. You don't know how to get out of certain situations. And I'm here to tell you that when you are in situations like that, you don't need no unreliable friends. You don't need nobody who, when you was there four months ago, and then you come back after they have been through hell and high water. They need you, or you need them, and they can't help you. What you mean? That's just like somebody saying to you right now, like, well you had me four months ago, and you know what I mean, but I can't have you right now. Just, what you mean? What you mean you can't help me? So, watch who you allow to be in your space, and watch who, you know, you call your friend. Everybody not your friend. Everybody don't want what's best for you. Everybody don't want you to win. And so you have to really discern and ask God. God, look, let me tell you something. I have an episode coming about this, but there's that one prayer that everybody does that reveal and remove. Ooh, wait, you ever did that reveal and remove, and God did it the next day? Let me tell you something. God ain't no joke, and not to be played with. And He ain't gonna play about you. So you have to show God that you ain't gonna play about you neither. Stop being around people who are unreliable. You can't count on them. Life, I just want to say that the enemy's busy, and again, he keeps trying to end my videos, and I'm not folding. So, try again. Um, so back where I was. I was just saying life is too hard for you to be around people who don't support you, and who don't have your back, and who just, you know, when you need them, they ain't ever there. It's too short for that. Like, learn who you are around. Learn who your company is. And just learn to be better, and learn when to disconnect from those people. And so, in that thought, it's important to have people who can hold you at your lowest and at your highest. Don't allow people to use the word friend before you can test their reliability. I'm not gonna call you my friend, and I don't know if I can call you at 4 a.m. if my time comes flat. I need to know that I can trust you. I need to know that I can rely on you, whether it's just, and a lot of people be so stuck of it, like, oh, girl, I can rely on her to go to the club. I can rely on her to go X, Y, Z and rely on her. You can rely on all of that, but you can't rely on that person to have your back when you done been through heartbreak. Is your friend reliable? Is the person you say that's your friend, is the person you call your friend, amen, reliable? Check with me. Check back with me when you get it. Amen. And so, then, I'm gonna be like, verses that I break down for you in regards to the, you know, situation that we're speaking of. So, I really, I'm gonna, I'm gonna start with this one. So, I'm gonna start with Matthew 7, 17. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Watch who you allow to plant roots with you. Every tree doesn't produce something beautiful. So, you may be somebody who has a big heart and, you know, you're giving and you're caring and you're pushing people to be their best self. And then, you have people who you surround yourself with who don't produce anything. And that's not necessarily to say that it's good or bad fruit, but who don't produce anything. It's important to remove yourself from situations like that as well because, like, what they say, birds together flock together, or birds alike flock together. Y'all know what I'm talking about, okay? I don't know exactly what they say, but I know it's something similar. So, watch who you allow to be connected to. Like, you have to pay attention and everybody don't have your attention. Everybody is not in the mindset of producing something. So, everybody's fruit ain't good. Everybody's fruit ain't good? You talking about that's your best friend, but her fruit is jealousy. You really gotta pay attention. Everybody don't, and I know, listen, y'all, I'm really coming from a place of transparency. Because I'm a person who loves hard. I love hard. I love hard. I love hard. And it gets so hard when you love hard because everybody not like that. A lot of people, um, they think people are disposable. I'm not one of them people. I know people aren't disposable. Just because you wasn't right for said person don't mean you gonna be right for the next person or another person that choose you. Like, people are not disposable. You can't throw people away. You can't throw relationships you had away. Yes, you can end them, but everything you go through, every relationship that you're in teaches you something else. To this person, you could be the worst person alive. To the next person, you could be the thing they pray for. And so, don't allow, don't allow that, those thoughts to make you feel like, you know, people are disposable. Like, you don't know. Y'all see my thoughts. These people getting a good look. Um, but don't, don't let those thoughts make you think that people can't be thrown away. People are not disposable. You may have been through what you've been through, seen what you've seen, heard what you heard, but they're not disposable. No matter how you feel, they're not disposable. Tell me, they, excuse me y'all, they are not disposable. And you need to understand that. They're really not. End of each episode, there are going to be some questions that I ask and that I put forth in the air. Because I really, really, really, the things that come out of my heart and the things that I say, I really want you to understand them. I really want you to keep them. Um, just like God says, he wants, um, his word written on our hearts. I want you to keep, like, some of these things that I'm saying. I don't, some heartbreak I had, I don't never, for the people, for a girl listening right now who ain't never been through something hard, I don't ever want her to go through nothing hard. So this is prevention. Um, and so these are some questions that you can ask yourself. So, what is your mentality when it comes to things not working the way you thought they should have worked out? Um, and, okay, so, so on my note, I kind of like wrote myself a joke. Um, but I'm on my recent piece of business. Um, quick story time. So, um, this is when I had pick me energy. Um, I had a friend and we would talk every day. We'd be on the phone every other day and, um, we'd tell each other everything, right? Because, you know, at this point in age, this is what best friends do. And so we'd talk all the time. Girl, what you doing, what you doing? Can I go, you gonna go with me? Like, I mean, every day. And so you would think somebody, and this was a person that I was friends with for years. And so you would think that although I was so close with this person and this person knew me, I mean, knew me down. So you would think that because I'd known this person so long that they would know my heart and they would know the things that are important to me and the things that I value, right? And so long, they didn't. They didn't appreciate me. They didn't, um, understand my values. They didn't get me the way I thought they did. And so, in my mind, I got to doing like this whole, why didn't they choose me how I always choose them? Or why didn't they show up for me how I always show up for them? Um, it even got to a point where there was an argument. There was an argument and something that I had discussed with them previously, like something about like, you know, past trauma, um, like in my life. And I had, you know, told them like, you know, this is something that I'm going through and I'm just one of them friends. I will never throw nothing in your face. I will never throw nothing in your face. I don't care how mad I get. I ain't gonna never throw nothing in your face because I'm not that type of person and those are not my intentions. And so it was some trauma that I, that I told her about my life or like something I had been going through. And I will never forget in the argument she said, and that's why, that's why you be doing XYZ because of XYZ. And I said, y'all, I wasn't always saved then, but y'all know what I called him. And I literally was like, wow. And this is when God was like really doing his good work. Okay, here's a big one on me. And I literally was like, wow, she really just said that. And for me, like I said, I'm not the type of person who throws stuff in people's face, whether it's friends, family, et cetera. So it really made me feel like why she ain't choose me how I'm, how I'm choosing to, like why she's not choosing to be the friend I'm choosing to be to her. Like I'm a loyal friend. I show up, I show out, I go out my way. I'm respectful to her. I don't disrespect her when she's telling me how she feel. I don't throw nothing in her face, but yet she's doing that to me. And I'm here to tell you, you gonna have a lot of people like that in your life. You're gonna have a lot of people who really don't like you for real, really don't like you for real, right? Really don't care about you for real, but because they feel good to say, will tell you that they do. And so I want to let you know, so you prepared right before you walk into the biggest blessing of your life. And you're going to walk into a lot of different people like that in your life. And it's not meant to crush you. It's not meant to break you down. It's God's way of shaping you. It's God's way of molding you. And so when you have people who are really, who really hate you for real, it just really show you how much God loves you. Because I used to go back in my Bible like, I don't understand why people just really dogging me out. When God love you and he got his hand on you. It's a lot of people that are turned against you. And guess what? They don't even know why. They don't know why they turned against you. They don't know whether their heart changed. They just don't know. And so you really have to tap back into what you know to be true about God. What you know that he says about you is true. And so I just also ending the episode. I want to bring up. I want to bring this up. I want to bring up two things. So you're going to have people who do that, right? Who secretly, you know, don't like you, whatever, whatever, whatever. Call your mama. So, I know that wasn't saved for real, but God know my heart. Understand. So I want to go into Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy, Jesus 31 and 8. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. If God never leaves you. Are you really going to be upset when people don't choose you? Jesus left the 99 to find the one, not the 15. It was never about quantity, but about quality. Jesus. Oh, y'all, that just hit me in my face. That just hit me in my. That just hit me in my face. Okay. Okay. I'm going to just say it again because I want, I want, I got to get me a real out of this. Okay. Deuteronomy 31 and 8. The Lord himself goes before you and will never leave you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. What? If God never leaves you, are you really going to be upset when somebody doesn't choose you? Jesus left the 99 for the one, not the 15. It's not about quantity, but quality. He knew that the relationship with you and you repenting and giving your life over to Christ would be greater than 99 people doing what they're supposed to be doing. Because there's something about us giving our life to Christ that's so beautiful. It's not all the time about always doing right. But I think God can really appreciate when you choose to do right after you've done wrong for so long. Because when you're doing wrong for so long, it's comfortable, right? You're doing whatever you want to do. You're not answering to nobody. You that girl, right? You that dude. You doing whatever, you know, you think is okay. And so whenever you turn over and say, God, here it is, I surrender it for you. It's a way much more powerful than 99 other people doing what he'd already told him to do. And they doing it in a mundane way or they just doing it and not seeing, you know, the value in it. Versus somebody who truly turns their life over to God and says, hey, I'm done with it. God, this is you. Like, this is for you. I don't have it in me no more to try to keep pushing on my own. And so I think when you really give up your life to Christ and you surrender, you ain't never got, I'm going to tell you something. You ain't never got to worry about nobody choosing you again. What they say, cut on me. I don't care if you choose me. I don't care if you like me. You ain't got to. You ain't got to because Jesus do. Now what about it? So I really want to encourage you guys to like, it's not all the time about what people say about you, how people treat you. It's about what God feel about you. What God tells you, you are you. Tell my girl, something just fits on my heart. I'm sorry. Once the Holy Spirit move, I'm going to move. This is for the girl who is listening to this. And you done had people walk out your life. You done had people talk behind your back. You done had people scheme behind your back to hurt you intentionally. This is for you. God loves you. He knows your heart. He knows your worth. He just wants you to love you how he loves you. And so y'all, I'm going to tell y'all something. God speaks to me very clearly. And I, when you tell me what to say, I'm going to say it. I don't care how nobody feels. Some people get scared by that. But when I hear it, I have to say it. It ain't no me being quiet. I'm not closing my mouth to that. Had to get that up off me because I felt that. And so, moving back on with, you know, ending out on the episode. We're going to get into lifted language. Lifted language is advice. It's something that you can hold close to your heart. It's something that you can receive. And so today's lifted language is, can't nobody do you like Jesus. Stop letting people compete for his spot. He chose you. Now choose him first. And if you need help, there's plenty of things in the Bible for you to read about him choosing you. For instance, Matthew 18 and 12. If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the 99 others on the hills and go out to search for the one who is lost? God's purpose with you is to help redeem you. He'd rather save you from yourself than to constantly go along with everybody else's plan who is already doing right. God saves. Look, so I know you guys can't see full decor yet. It is around me. But today was just like, yeah, I like the setup. It's like this feels personal. And I want to show y'all. I'm going to just reach over here. My little sign. Literally, God saves. God saves. God saves. The purpose of God leaving the 99 for the one is the following. He loves you. He don't want you to be stuck. He don't want you to be stagnant. He wants you to be everything he called you to be. And so if it meant leaving 99 people to make sure that you were on track, he was going to do it. And so when people walk out of your life and when people act like you are replaceable, I want to let you know you're not. You're not replaceable. And if they walk out on your life, let them walk open a door and roll out the red carpet. Leave. If God chose me, what make you think I should care about you leaving? I'm a child of God. Ain't nothing that can harm me. You feel what I'm saying? If God be for you, who be against you? If you haven't already, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Follow our socials. And don't forget, you the one, not the 99. Don't fall into everybody else's opinions of you and fall into their behavior that they use towards you. Don't fall into none of that. Know who you are. God ain't never did all he's doing and going to do because you were regular. Tap in. Be lit. Be lifted. And love Christ. And I just pray that everybody has a blessed week. A blessed weekend. And that you're safe and you're covered. So, dear God, we just thank you for everything you're doing. Everything you're going to do. Everything. Every promise you've made. God, we thank you. We lift your name up on high. Lord, you are an almighty God. You do things that nobody can do. And so, Lord, we just thank you. We pray that this message was good for somebody. That they receive it. God, open their hearts. Open their minds. And, Lord, we just thank you that you are doing a good work within us. Lord, we love you. We pray nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Only in your will. In Jesus' name, amen. So, everybody, that is Episode 1 of Lit and Lifted, the podcast. Where yours truly is urgent, where we will follow Christ in the littest way. So, thank you guys for watching. I look forward to you guys watching Episode 2. And I'm just excited. And I just pray that you guys stay lit and lifted because it really means something to me. And I want you guys to know that you're a blessing. You're a covenant. You're kept. And as always, love God, love people, make a difference. And that's all I have for today. We out. Lit and Lifted, the podcast, y'all.

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