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Pope Leo XIII is emphasizing the importance of aligning the principles of Christian wisdom with the life and institutions of nations. When these principles are disregarded, evil prevails and causes anxiety and fear. While material progress is made, it cannot satisfy the soul, which is meant for something greater. Man's ultimate purpose is to contemplate and seek God, as He is the highest truth and good. This can only be achieved through the understanding and will of the individual. ENCYCLICAL ON THE CHIEF DUTIES OF CHRISTIAN CITIZENS By Pope Leo XIII Part 1 Section 1 Day by day it appears more manifest that the precepts of Christian wisdom ought to be recalled, and that the life, the morals, and the institutions of nations ought to be altogether conformed to them. For when these precepts are disregarded, so great is the power of evil that is followed, that no wise man can look on its presence without anxiety, nor look on to the hereafter without fear. No little progress, indeed, has been made towards those good things which are of the body and external, but all nature which appeals to the senses of man, and all possession of wealth and power and abundance, even though it confer advantages and increase the enjoyments of life, is unable to satisfy the soul which is born for things greater and grander. To contemplate God and to tend to Him is the supreme law of the life of man, who, created to His divine image and likeness, is powerfully impelled to the enjoyment of His Creator. It is not, indeed, by any force or energy of the body, but by the understanding and affection of the will that man is inclined towards God. For God is the first and highest truth, and by truth only is the mind of man nourished. God is also perfect holiness and the highest good, to which the will alone, under the guidance of virtue, is able to attain.