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Wenjie is being told to wake up or he'll be late. He wants to sleep 5 more minutes but is told he can't or he'll be late. He complains and is told to hurry up and get ready. He is asked about money in his wallet, his school schedule, and his homework. He says he's done his homework and asks to be left alone. He complains about having too much homework and suggests his friend come over to study. They discuss a math problem and Wenjie's mother interrupts, offering food and drinks. Wenjie tells his mother to leave because he's studying. His friend criticizes his attitude towards his mother and says he should respect her. Wenjie argues that his mother is always nagging him. His friend suggests he express himself more politely. Wenjie realizes his friend is right and apologizes to his mother. His mother accepts the apology and reveals that she has been working at a nearby food court to support the family because Wenjie's father 文杰,该起床了。你再不起床,就要迟到了。 再睡,再睡五分钟。 不可以,你再睡,就要迟到了。 啊,烦死了。 别磨磨蹭蹭的,快点,快去洗漱。 还有,你钱包里有钱吗?今天几点放学?昨天的作业都做了没? 我都做了啦,你怎么这么烦?别再管我啦,我先去上学了。 唉,最近考试期间,作业好多啊,我都快压得喘不过气了。 对啊对啊,真是累死人了,今天的作业也是堆积如山,不然你来我家吧。 这么突然的去你家干什么? 我的意思是你来我家和我学习啦,所以你来不来啊? 当然啦。 哎呀,这套数学题怎么这么难呀? 你拿来给我看看。 哦,这道题挺简单的,你再试试吧。 好吧。 哎,这是谁呀? 阿姨,我是文杰的朋友,浩恩。 妈,你进来干什么,我们还在学习,你可以先出是吧? 我只是想进来问下你想不想吃点东西,喝点饮料。 哎呀,我不用喝的啦,我也不饿,你快出是吧? 哎,好吧,记得注意休息,外面有水。 文杰,你平时也和妈妈这样讲话的吗? 对啊,她每次都这样烦我,老了还多管闲事。 不是,我的也是,你这样和妈妈讲话很没有礼貌。 有吗?我觉得还好吧。 你觉得还好?你都这么想的啦,妈妈是在为你好,你怎么会这样对她说话呢? 我又没有对她说什么坏话,只是叫她出去而已。 可是你性格态度也太差了吧,再怎么说,她也是你的母亲,你应该尊重她。 道理我都懂,可是她总是太唠叨了,只有这样说话她才会停下来。 但是你可以用更委婉的方式表达,不是吗? 你不能因为她烦恼你就可以随便发脾气,假如你是妈妈,你会相信儿子会这样讲话吗? 说的也对。 何况,你妈妈还为了你更好的生活环境,最近在我家附近的熟食中心担任收盘子的工作。 什么意思?她什么时候有工作了? 你不知道吗?我一个人认错人了。 我等会问一下她吧。 回归正题,你妈妈唠叨你也是为了你好,等我走了之后,你一定要和妈妈道歉。 好吧。 妈妈,我有一件事想要告诉你。 儿子,怎么了?不舒服吗? 不是啦,我想要和你道歉。 刚刚昊恩听到了我和你讲话的语气,说我非常不尊重你,我觉得他的话很有道理,所以决定向你道歉。 儿子,没事,你知错就好了,不过你也别只是嘴上说,明天起来又变得没礼貌了。 好的,我以后会注意。 儿子,还有一件事,昊恩说你在他家附近的熟食中心收盘子,我不记得你有工作啊。 你爸爸几个星期前在国外出差时出了车祸,腿部受了很严重的伤,他暂时不能工作了,所以我开始做工赚钱养家。

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