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Secular and religious healing and self improvement techniques using breath and visualization


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The speaker discusses the concept of directed energy and its application in religious and secular practices. They explain that directed energy can be used for healing, changing behavior, and promoting positivity. The speaker suggests a method of directing energy through breathing, visualizing a particular quality, and sending it to different parts of oneself or to others. They also mention the possibility of transforming negative energies and extending the practice to past and future selves and people who have upset them. The speaker emphasizes the effectiveness of this practice and encourages finding a system that resonates with an individual's beliefs and preferences. Hi everyone, I thought I'd talk today a little about directed energy. This is through the concentration, the focus. There's various ways of doing this in religious terms. You might send out Metta or energy from Chod visualisation. You might have a particular deity that you call on and direct the energy associated with that particular deity to a particular place or situation or wherever. So it's a form you could say of puja or prayer, but it's a bit more than that because it can start very much with yourself and your healing. And this is known to work. So even in secular systems, for example, if you were doing healing, you might send, for example, let's say you had an illness which had been located in a particular part of the body. You could send healing to that part of the body in different ways. You might visualise your blood cells going there and chomping up the illness. Let's say it was a cancer or what have you. You could see some positive aspects of the body going there and working on it. Or you might visualise it as light and healing of some description. And this works. This is a known effect in secular types of meditation, the healing visualisation. So I'm going to talk about a system that works really in a similar sort of way to that and that is breathing in a particular type of energy. So on the in-breath, you visualise it and you can visualise it as light, as a particular association or as a particular word. You breathe in that word and then you breathe that particular focus into the part of the body. So you're sending the energy to different parts of yourself that you want to change in some way. So that change may be to do with your physical being. That may be to do with the type of behaviour you notice in yourself. So you say, well, I want to change this particular quality. So you imagine that energy of change going there and changing the behaviour. So you're sending it to yourself. It may be just a bit of positivity, a bit of healing, a bit of positivity. Just however you visualise positivity, however you think of it. So it's very much what are my associations with that and how do I send it there. So for example in the Buddhist tradition, it's called compassion and you visualise that self-compassion going to yourself and healing yourself and making yourself better. So it's a positive visualisation. And that's usually the easiest way. Eventually what you can do is you can take negative energies within yourself and utilise those and transform them. You can actually see them transformed. You may have a problem. I have a problem with it. Anger, for example. You may see that anger going to that particular part of your experience. Oh, I'm angry about that. But the anger becomes peace. So you change anger to visualisation or a situation that you visualise dissipating. You see it smoothing. You see it changing the situation there. So that's the first thing. Breathing in a particular quality and then as you breathe out, you see it changing that particular attribute that you want it to change. And then once you've done that, you may do the same thing. Visualise or see that energy or that situation or that particular focus, however you like to call it, actually going out to friends and family, people you maybe are friendly towards or would like to be friendly towards. So that's the second aspect of the outbreath, the breathing out. Then you may decide if you're in a work situation and you may send it out to colleagues, just people at work, maybe then to people you see on the bus or what have you, and maybe just acquaintances. Just see that energy going there. That's on the outside. So you breathe in the positive aspect and you're breathing out to those acquaintances or those people that are around you. And then you can do the same thing with your past self, giving your past self some sort of positive, it might be forgiveness, for example. You might decide you're going to forgive yourself for the past and maybe the future as well. So you can work on yourself, past and future, and you can also do that with other people who are around you and maybe people who have upset you in some way. So this is a way of focusing on the breath, using the breath as a way of transforming the self. It's very effective. There's various ways of doing it. You can look up different ways, whether it's secular or religious, Buddhist or Islamic systems or Hindu systems, whatever. They all work in a very similar way and it depends what you're used to and it depends what you feel comfortable with and what you think, oh yeah, that makes sense to me. That makes sense to me. I'll use that. If it makes sense to you and you find that you can do it on a regular basis, maybe because you have to, I've got to change this, I've got to get myself together in some way, then you can put in the work. So if you like, it's a form of self-progression and self-development. So it works very well. It's a question of finding the system, the thing that works for you. Okay, that's all from me for now and I'll see you again sometime. Bye now.

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