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cover of agatha





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Agatha didn't burst or nurse anyone, no man or child, could not when her breasts came off. Cut, sheared, she carried them on a platter, see? Нет, она сказала, нет заглушения, нет громко, нет, нет, нет, его лосо сгает. Like slints against the jailer's stone. No to the staff, no to the guard, no to the governor, no to the vicar. Embers, no, no to the prefect, no to the marriage, no to the split ground. Her voice ricocheted, striking syllables ignite mad burning rooms, spark conflagration. Embers, embers, embers. She cuts her charred breasts in smoldering hands, her flame-swallowed face, live limbs, saplings kindling rage. Embers, embers, embers. Her voice ends masculine air, embers. I am Agatha, Agatha unsoiled, Agatha on fire, Agatha on fire. Great, let's listen to it. Agatha didn't birth or nurse anyone, no man or child. Agatha knew man didn't develop, gebracht or gestalt, kind man or a kind. Could not, when her breasts came off. Не мог, когда я грудь оторвался. Cut, sheared, she carried them on a platter, seat. Нет, она сказала, нет заглушения, нет громко, нет, нет, нет, его лосо сгает. Like flint against the jailer's stone. No to the staff, no to the guard, no to the governor, no to the vicar. Embers, no. No to the prefect, no to the marriage, no to the split ground. Her voice ricochets, ricochets, ricochets. Striking syllables ignite mad burning rooms, spark conflagration. On earth, on earth, on earth. She cuts her charred breasts and smoldering hands. Her flame-swallowed face, lies limbs, saplings kindling rage. On earth, on earth, on earth. Her voice skins masculine air, embers. I am Agatha, Agatha unsoiled, Agatha on fire, Agatha on fire.

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