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Special Delivery Commission

Special Delivery Commission




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Hey! Can I help you? Oh, I recognize you. You're the one who just moved into the blue house down the road. Well, just is a strong word. It's been nearly two months now. Come in, come in. So, how are you liking the neighborhood so far? Have you settled in okay? That's good to hear. I'm glad everyone has made you feel welcome. I was planning on doing something to introduce myself, but, well, maybe bringing over a plate of cookies or something. But I kept worrying that it would be a little creepy to just be, like, showing up and all. And by the time I got over those worries, you'd already been here for so long that it didn't really make sense anyway. Anyway, um, it's nice to finally meet you. Oh, right. You didn't come here just to introduce yourself. Was there something that you needed? A cup of sugar? Some gossip? Wait, you have a package that was addressed to me? That's weird. I haven't ordered anything lately. Can I see it? Oh my god, I know what this is. I thought that it was lost. It's been stuck in the same place for nearly three weeks. I've given up on it. And it was just delivered today? That is so great. Thank you so much for bringing it here. I know a lot of porch pirate stories are made up or overblown, but I'm always scared of my packages getting stolen. Nah, but you could get much use out of this anyway. I don't think that it would fit. Leaving already? But I've barely thanked you. Are you sure that I can't get you anything? Maybe some coffee? Or I have really good wine that I've been meaning to break out. Although, I suppose it's a little early. Really, you won't stay for anything? That's too bad. Well, wait. Before you go, could I ask you for a favor? It feels bad to do this since you've already been so kind to me today, but it won't take long. I promise. Really? Thank you. It's nothing big. I just want a second opinion on something. Actually, it's what's in the package. You see, I ordered this online and I couldn't really try it on, and I'm kind of scared of what it'll look like. And even if I think that it looks okay, it's always a good idea to get someone else's view on it. Plus, I'm not my target audience with this particular look. Promise you'll be honest? Okay. I'll go put it on. You stay here. Oh my god, this is so much cuter than I thought! Oh, you're in for a real treat. Well, what do you think? Yeah, it's lingerie. Very nice lingerie, I might add. I thought it was only fair that the person who delivered it to me get to see it. I'm so glad that it came. Although, it could have shown up earlier. You know, I ordered it to wear for my ex-boyfriend, but he broke up with me before he could see it. Don't you think that he's missing out? Don't be shy. I know that we just met, but that doesn't matter. After all, what better way to get to know someone than to see them when they're practically naked? I still don't think that this is enough to thank you for delivering my package. No, just looking isn't enough. How about you take out your package and I can thank you that way? Right now? Yes. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but I'm already dressed for the occasion. Don't you think that I didn't notice your cock straining against your pants the second that I put this on? Come on, let me take care of your package like you did mine. Mm, yeah, that's right. How about I get on my knees and you can tell me how this laundry looks from above? Although, I don't know how well you'll be able to pay attention once I have that cock out. Mm, oh my goodness, what a lovely cock. Ah, truly an impressive package. I'm almost happier to have this one than the one that I actually ordered. Now, let me show you how much I want it. Do you like it when I play kisses on your cock? Do you like it when I play kisses on your cock? It looks so good against my face, doesn't it? Fuck. Ah. Um. Oh. Ah. Um. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. I bet that you didn't think that this would be happening when you saw that box on your doorstep, did you? That you'd get to fuck your pretty neighbor. Mm. Um. Ah. Mm. Mm. Ah. Were you annoyed when you saw the package? Or were you excited to have a chance to meet me? Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. I'm really glad that you waited for me to answer that door instead of just knocking and dropping it off. That way we got to meet and I got to suck this gorgeous cock. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. I'm sure that we would have met eventually. Maybe we'd run into each other on the sidewalk. Or at a neighbor's party. But meeting this way is so much better. Wasn't it? Mm. That way we didn't have to wait to fuck. I could just pull you inside and suck you off right here. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. I can't believe somebody so hot has been living so close to me this whole time. Mm. Ah. This is amazing. Delicious cock was only a few doors away. Mm. Mm. Mm. I forgot to ask, but how does this lingerie look when I'm kneeling in front of you? Ah. I know that it's hard to focus on anything but my hot, wet mouth right now, but give me your honest opinion. I'm going to be on my knees a lot when I'm wearing it, so it needs to look good. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. No answer? Mm. I hope that that doesn't mean that it looks bad. Although, if this lingerie isn't a good fit, maybe I could always order something else. Mm. Maybe I'll have it delivered to your house next time, so you'll have to come over again. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah. Fuck. Ah. Mm. Fuck, I want more. Ah. I need you to deliver that package somewhere else. Mm. I want that cock in my pussy, baby. Ah. Mm. Just fuck me right here. Pull my panties aside and fuck me. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah, fuck. Ah. Ah. Ah, fuck. Yeah. Ah. Nice and slow. Oh, my god. Ah. Ah. Ah. Fuck. Oh, yeah, that's right. Mm. Fuck me as hard as you want. Yeah, give me that package. Mm. Mm. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah, fuck. Mm. Yeah. Oh. Oh, fuck. You're so bad. Ah. Ah. I think that it's safe to say that you're my favorite neighbor. Mm. Ah. Ah. Not only did you do me a favor by returning that package, but... Oh. Ah. Ah. You're fucking me so well right now. Oh. Ah. Mm. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Yes. Oh, my god, I love that cock so much. Yeah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Mm. Mm. Oh, I want you to come inside of me. Give me your cum. Ah. Ah. Mm. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Yes. Yes. Please. Yes. Oh. Ah. Ah. Oh, fuck. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Mm. Ah. Are you ready to really get into it? Yeah. Mm. Oh, come on. Come on, give it to me. Come on, give it to me. Yes. Yes. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Oh, my god. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Oh, fuck. Ah. Ah. Mm. Mm. Ah, you didn't come yet. Oh, baby. Ah. Come inside of me, please. Please. Ah. Make sure not to get any of my panties, though. Ah. They're new and I'd be so sad if they got stained after the first shoot. Ah. Ah. Of course you can creep by me. Oh. It's the least that I can do after what you've done for me. And besides, unlike my laundry, my birth control is delivered without a hitch. So, god, come inside, baby. Yeah. Shoot that fucking load in me. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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