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In this transcription, Maddie Shuler talks about her interest in Leonardo da Vinci after watching a TikTok video. She discusses how da Vinci was more than just an artist and was classified as a painter, scientist, inventor, and engineer. She mentions that da Vinci had a strong appreciation for nature from a young age and did not receive a formal education. Maddie is amazed by da Vinci's inventions, including designs for machines like the bicycle, helicopter, submarine, and military tank that were ahead of their time. She also emphasizes da Vinci's belief in the importance of sight and his diverse interests in science and art. Although da Vinci didn't complete most of his work, he kept notebooks with his observations and discoveries. Maddie concludes by expressing her admiration for da Vinci's accomplishments. Hi, it's Maddie Shuler. I hope everyone is having a great day. First, let me tell you a little bit about my day. Today I was scrolling through TikTok and I happened to come across a video talking about a man who you might already know of named Leonardo da Vinci. In the TikTok, they were discussing how he was more than just an artist. This really intrigued me, so I decided to look into it more. The real reason I'm here with you today is to discuss with you Leonardo da Vinci. While you might already know him from the famous artworks such as the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper paintings, he has much more to him than you may think. Everybody normally just sees the artist side. At least that's how I viewed him until researching him more, because that's just what he's more famous for. But he is so much more. For example, author Walter Isaacson classified him as a painter, a scientist, an inventor, and an engineer. However, to fully understand da Vinci, you have to start back at the beginning. Da Vinci was born in 1452 near what is now known as Florence, Italy. He lives on his father's estate where he grew a strong appreciation for nature only at the age of five. The book entitled Leonardo da Vinci claims that da Vinci received no formal education beyond basic reading, writing, and math. This shocked me considering what I'm about to tell you about his inventions and critical thinking. As I was saying before, da Vinci is already well known for his paintings, but you might be wondering what else has he accomplished? He studied many different things, some of which included nature, mechanics, anatomy, physics, architecture, and weaponry. According to the Leonardo da Vinci book, he often created accurate workable designs for machines like the bicycle, helicopter, submarine, and military tank that would not come into fruition for centuries. This fact just blew my mind. How could all this be invented way back in the 14 and 1500s and nobody even knew it? Another thing that kept coming up when researching da Vinci was how much he valued the sense of sight. He believed that it was a crucial aspect of living life fully. He viewed many things such as science and art as complementary and not so much as one distinct discipline. With all the different interests da Vinci had, he did not put out or fully complete most of his work. A book about him titled Leonardo da Vinci's Master Draftsman says he spent a great deal of time immersing himself in nature, testing scientific laws, dissecting bodies, human and animal, and thinking and writing about his observations. He kept a notebook with all of his work. They are referred to today as da Vinci's Manuscripts and Codices. I seriously can't believe all the different discoveries and interests da Vinci had. I don't think I've ever heard of someone accomplishing more in his life than da Vinci has. Thank you for joining me today and learning more about the amazing man who is Leonardo da Vinci.