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Maria EdgeworthMaria Edgeworth


Belinda, a novel written by Maria Edgeworth in 1801, garnered both controversy and popularity upon its release. The story revolves around a young girl named Belinda, who, like the protagonist in Evelina by Fanny Burney, is a gentle and compassionate 17-year-old. Accompanied by her aunt, Belinda journeys to London with the intention of finding a suitable husband. However, complications arise when she falls in love with Clarence Hervey, a man who is entangled in a secret relationship with another woman whom he believes he must marry. This inter-racial relationship in the novel sparked controversy at the time. Belinda explores the societal pressures and expectations placed upon young women in their pursuit of a good match. The novel's comedic elements, akin to Evelina, captivated readers and contributed to its popularity. Notably, Jane Austen admired Edgeworth's work, referencing Belinda and other novels in her own work, Northanger Abbey.
